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      • KCI등재

        Strategy for Insecticide Resistance Management Approach to IPM

        Motoyama, Naoki,Dauterman, W.C. Korean Society of Applied Entomology 1992 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        Insecticide resistance is a serious is a serious threat to IPM, resulting in various adverse effects not to mention the loss of yield in agriculture. One approach to counter the problem is the disruption of resistance mechanisms. This can be achieved by (1) compounds which show a negative correlation with resistance at the site of action, (2) specific metabolic inhibitors which serve as synergists, or (3) a certain combination of two insecticides producing a joint action. This approach, however, requires certain precautions for the side effects may cause an increase in toxicity to mammals. Owing to the recent advances in theoretical studies on resistance management employing computer simulation and mathematical models, a few principles to reduce the risk of development of resistance have been clarified. They are helpful in designing operational strategies with regard to, for instance, insecticide doses to be applied, mode of application, and choice and nature of the insecticide(s) to be used. For restoration of insecticide susceptibility of a resistant population, reintroduction of susceptible individuals to the resistant population is feasible when certain conditions are met. Natural enemies which developed resistance to insecticides can be an important component of IPM as has been shown in the pest management in apple orchards. After all, the implementation of a successful resistance management program depends upon cooperation between different sigments of the agricutural community. Although resistance is a preadaptive phenomenon, in some cases spontaneous loss of resistance does occur without contamination by susceptible individuals. The instability of resistance in these insects implies the possible existence of a switch machanism controlling the expression of resistance gene(s). Elucidation of such a mechanism may eventually provide us with a new technical approach with which we can combat the problem of insecticide resistance.

      • KCI등재

        포장에서 복숭아혹진딧물(Myzus persicae Sulzer)의 계절적 변동에 따른 약제 감수성

        송승석,Naoki Motoyama 한국응용곤충학회 1993 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        복숭아혹진딧물 방제용약제를 공시하여 1983년부터 4년에 걸쳐 포장에서의 약효와 실내에서 약제감수성을 조사하였다. 마라치온을 포함한 7종의 살충제의 방제가가 현저히 낮았다. 또한 포장에서 계절별로 발생한 개체군에 대한 각 약제의 감수성시험을 실시한 결과 약제에 따라 1~167배의 약제 감수성 차이를 보였다. Sensitivities of insecticides and their seasonal variation were investigated against Myzus persicae. Some aphicides such as malathion were not effective on Myzus persicae in Chinese cabbage field. Difference of seasonal sensitivity was from I time to 16 times.

      • KCI등재

        사과 과수원에서 조팝나무진딧물의 살충제 감수성

        송승석,오홍규,Naoki Motoyama 한국응용곤충학회 1993 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.32 No.3

        사과의 조팝나무진딧물의 수종 약제에 대한 야외 개체군의 감수성을 조사하였다. 1983년부터 1987년까지 사과원에서 피리미카브외 9약종에 대한 약효시험결과 연도별, 지역별에 따라 현저한 감수성 차이를 보였는데, 서울등 4개 지역에서 사과나무에 발생한 진딧물에 대한 약제감수성을 조사한 결과 지역별로 디메톤에스메칠과 포스파미돈이 차가 크게 있었고, 약제별 {TEX}$LC_{50}${/TEX}을 델타메스린과 크로르피리포스가 10ppm 이하였으며, 디메톤에스메칠, 아세페에트, 포스파미돈, 모노크로토포스, 바미도치온은 103~629ppm이었고, 가장 오래 사용하였던 이피엔과 피리미카브는 1000ppm이상이었다. 또한 약제저항성 정도를 조사하기 위하여 감수성 크론과 저항성 크론을 침지법으로 처리하여 저항성비를 조사한 결과 포스파미돈은 73배, 파리미카브는 546배의 저항성이 유발되었으며, 감수성 크론과 저항성 크론에대한 효소활성을 $\alpha$-NA를 기질로해서 한천겔 전기영동법으로 효소활성을 조사한 결과 감수성 크론에 비하여 저항성 크론은 E-2, E-5, E-6, E-7의 활성이 현저하게 높았다. 따라서 조팝나무진딧물의 살충제에 대한 감수성 저하는 에스테라제의 활성도에 기인하는 것으로 생각되나 다른 원인도 배제할 수는 없다. The experiment was carried out to investigate Insecticide susceptibility of the spiraea aphid (Aphis citricola) in apple orchards In Korea, using dipping method. Although insecticIde susceptibility vaned with local and seasonal populations, the susceptibility to demeLon S-rnethyl and phosphamidons was different from that Lo the other insecticides. The LCso values were 10 ppm for deltamethrin and chloropyrifos, 103 ~ 629 ppm for demeton S-methy1, acephate, phosphamidon, monocrotophos and vamldothion, 12,200 ppm for EPN, and 1,745 ppm for pirimicarb. 'When Insecticide susceptibility was compared between the S-clone selected from a population on the host plant spiraea and the R-clone selected from a population on the apple tree, the resistance ratio as expressed by RIS ratio of $LC_{50}$ was 78 for phosphamidon and 546 for pirimicarb. Esterase zymogram determined by the agar gel electrophoresIs revealed a significant difference between the clones. The activity of the E2, E5, E6 and E7 of the R-clone was higher than that of the S-clone, It is suggesLed that the Increased esterase activity may be involved in the mechanism of insecticide resistance in the spiraea aphid, although the involvement of other factor(s) may not be ruled out.

      • KCI등재

        Carboxyl Esterase의 활성측정에 의한 복숭아혹진딧물, Myzus persicae S.의 살충제포장저항성도의 계절적변동

        송승석,오홍규,Naoki Motoyama 한국응용곤충학회 1993 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.32 No.3

        포장의 약제저항성 변동요인을 조사하기 위하여 복수아혹진딧물의 Carboxyl esterase(CE) 활서측정에 의한 저항성도의 변동상황을 조사하였다. 비닐하우스에서 고추육묘중 발생한 복수아혹진딧물의 CE활성 측정 결과 약제저항성도는 무처리구가 40이였으나 아세페이트를 처리한구는 78로 약제처리로 인한 저항성도가 38이 증가하였다. 또한 노천망실에서 약제처리를 하지 않고 재배한 케일에 발생한 복숭아혹진딧물의 CE활성에 의한 저항성도는 7월이 24이었으나, 8, 9월의 활성이 계속 증가하여 10월이 83으로서 최고에 달하였다가 11월에는 다시 81에서 79로 약천 떨어지고 있어 약제이외에 저항성도의 자연변동요인이 있음을 확인하였다. 전국적으로 18개장소에서 채집한 진딧물의 CE활성을 측정한 결과 저항성도의 평균이 여름은 50$\pm$14였으며 늦가을인 11월은 82$\pm$10으로서 여름보다 늦가을인 11월이 32가 높았으며 그중에도 약제를 살포사지 않은 곳 보다 약제살포 회수가 많은 곳일수록 높았다. The fluctuation of insecticide resistance in the green peach aphid (GPA) in fields was investigated by caboxy1 esterase (CE) activity index analysis. Of the GP A Populations occurred on the red pepper seedlings, aphids in the untreaLed and treaLed with acephate plots showed 40 and 78 resistance percent (RP), respectively. Aphids in the untreated kale field showed the RP value 24 in July, contrast to 83 in October. Mean RPs of aphids from 18 localities were 50 + 14 in summer and B2+ 10 in late fall, indicating a seasonal fluctuation of Lhe CE activity.

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