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        Influence of Berseem and Lucerne Silages on Feed Intake, Nutrient Digestibility and Milk Yield in Lactating Nili Buffaloes

        Sarwar, M.,Khan, M. Ajmal,Nisa, Mahr-un,Touqir, N.A. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2005 Animal Bioscience Vol.18 No.4

        This study was conducted to evaluate feeding value of berseem and lucerne silage as a replacement for conventional fodder (berseem fodder) in lactating Nili buffaloes. Fifteen early lactating multi-parous Nili buffaloes, five buffaloes in each group were allotted three experimental diets. Berseem and lucerne fodders were ensiled at 30% DM (wheat straw was used to adjust the DM of fodders) with molasses (at the rate of 2% of fodder DM) in two bunker silos for 30 days. The diets contained 75% DM from berseem fodder (BF), 75% DM from berseem silage (BS) and 75% DM from lucerne silage (LS). Each diet contained 25% concentrate DM. Diets were mixed daily and fed twice a day at ad libitum intakes. Dry matter intake (DMI) was significantly higher (13.8 kg/d) in buffaloes fed BF diet than those fed LS (12.5 kg/d) and BS (11.9 kg/day) diets. The differences in digestible DMI and DMI as percent body weight were significant between fodder and silage based diets but non-significant when BS and LS were compared. Lower DMI with silage-based diets was probably because of low silage pH. Intake of NDF (NDFI) was higher (5.68 kg/d) in buffaloes fed BF diet followed by those fed LS (5.50 kg/d) and BS (5.00 kg/d) diets. The difference was significant (p<0.05) across fodder and silage based diets but NDFI was non-significant across both silage-based diets. The apparent DM digestibility was significantly different (p<0.05) between fodder and silage-based diets but was non-significant between LS and BS diets. Four percent fat corrected milk yield was significantly different (p<0.05) between fodder and silage-based diets but was non-significant between LS and BS diets. Higher milk yield with fodder based diet was because of more digestible nutrient intake (Table 3) compared with silage based diets. Milk CP, TP and NPN and SNF did not show any treatment effects. The present results indicated that the berseem and lucerne fodder ensiled at 30% DM level with 2% molasses could safely replace (75% DM) the conventional leguminous fodder in the diets of lactating Nili buffaloes.


        In vitro Production of Bovine Embryos - A Review

        Rehman, N.U.,Sarwar, M.,Samad, H.A. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2001 Animal Bioscience Vol.14 No.9

        Over the years, the embryo transfer industry has grown from the simple collection & transfer of embryos into an advanced field of embryo biotechnology. Currently a large demand exists for bovine oocytes and early embryos in both research and commercial settings. Bovine embryos can now be produced in-vitro. Primary oocytes collected from antral follicles of abattoir - obtained ovaries can be induced to undergo the maturation process. In-vitor maturation system, however must ensure that the resulting oocyte is capable of undergoing normal fertilization and yields a zygote competent of developing to term after embryo transfer. Sperm preparation for IVF has improved with the use of heparine. The use of co-culture system has proved beneficial in circumventing the developmental block in IVM/IVF bovine embryos.


        Influence of Varying Dry Matter and Molasses Levels on Berseem and Lucerne Silage Characteristics and Their In situ Digestion Kinetics in Nili Buffalo Bulls

        Touqir, N.A.,Khan, M. Ajmal,Sarwar, M.,Nisa, M.,Lee, W.S.,Lee, H.J.,Kim, H.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2007 Animal Bioscience Vol.20 No.6

        Influences of forage DM and addition of cane molasses on silage characteristics of berseem (Trifolium alexandrium) and lucerne (Medicago sativa) and their ruminal digestion kinetics in Nili buffaloes were studied. Berseem and lucerne fodders (at one tenth bloom) were ensiled with wheat straw in laboratory silos to achieve 20, 30, 40% forage DM and without wheat straw (control); each forage DM level was supplemented with 2, 4 and 6% of cane molasses at ensiling. The pH and lactic acid contents of berseem and lucerne silages were affected by both forage DM and addition of molasses. Dry matter, CP and true protein (TP) of berseem and lucerne silages were affected by forage DM at ensiling but were not affected by the addition of cane molasses. Higher DM, CP and TP losses were observed when berseem and lucerne fodders were ensiled either without wheat straw or with wheat straw to achieve 20% and 40% forage DM at ensiling compared with 30% DM at ensiling. Fiber fractions (NDF, ADF, hemicellulose and cellulose) of berseem silage and lucerne silage were significantly increased with increasing forage DM at ensiling. Addition of cane molasses did not affect the DM, CP, TP and fiber fractions of both berseem and lucerne silages. Berseem and lucerne ensiled at 30% DM with 2% cane molasses were screened for comparative ruminal digestion kinetics with their respective fodders. Addition of wheat straw to berseem or lucerne fodder at ensiling depressed DM and NDF ruminal degradability. However, ruminal lag time, rate of degradation and extent of digestion of silages were similar to their respective fodders. In conclusion, berseem and lucerne could be ensiled with wheat straw to increase their DM to 30% along with 2% molasses for buffaloes.


        Feeding Value of Jambo Grass Silage and Mott Grass Silage for Lactating Nili Buffaloes

        Touqir, N.A.,Khan, M. Ajmal,Sarwar, M.,Mahr-un-Nisa, Mahr-un-Nisa,Ali, C.S.,Lee, W.S.,Lee, H.J.,Kim, H.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2007 Animal Bioscience Vol.20 No.4

        This study was conducted to evaluate the feeding value of jambo grass (Sorghum $bicolour{\times}Sorghum$ sudanefe) silage and mott grass (Pennisetum purpureum) silage as a replacement of conventional fodder (jambo grass) in the diet of lactating Nili buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Thirty early-lactating ($45{\pm}4$ days), multi-parous Nili buffaloes, ten in each group, were allotted to three experimental diets. Jambo grass and mott grass were ensiled with molasses (at 2% of fodder DM) in two trench silos for 30 days. The control diet (JG) contained 75% jambo grass while the other two diets contained 75% jambo grass silage (JGS) and 75% mott grass silage (MGS). The remaining 25% DM in each diet was supplied by concentrates. Diets were mixed daily and fed twice a day ad libitum for 120 days. Dry matter intake (DMI) was higher with the JG diet compared with JGS and MGS diets. However, DMI as % body weight did not differ significantly in buffaloes fed either fodder or silage based diets. Crude protein (CP), digestible CP and NDF intakes were significantly higher on JG compared with silage-based diets. Apparent total tract digestibilities of DM, CP and NDF were similar in buffaloes fed JG, JGS and MGS diets. Milk yield (4% FCM) was similar in buffaloes fed JG and silage based diets. Fat, total solids, solid not fat, CP, true protein and non-protein nitrogen content of milk were similar in buffaloes fed fodder or silage based diets. The present results indicated that jambo grass and mott grass ensiled with 2% molasses for 30 days could safely replace the conventional fresh grass fodder (75% DM) in the diet of lactating Nili buffaloes without affecting their milk yield.


        Effect of Additives and Fermentation Periods on Chemical Composition and In situ Digestion Kinetics of Mott Grass (Pennisetum purpureum) Silage

        Nisa, Mahr-un,Touqir, N.A.,Sarwar, M.,Khan, M. Ajmal,Akhtar, Mumtaz Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2005 Animal Bioscience Vol.18 No.6

        This study was conducted to see the influence of additives and fermentation periods on Mott grass silage (MGS) characteristics, its chemical composition and to compare the digestion kinetics of Mott grass (MG) and MGS in Nili buffaloes. Mott grass chopped with a locally manufactured chopper was ensiled using two additives, cane molasses and crushed corn grains each at 2, 4 and 6% of forage DM for 30 and 40 days in laboratory silos. The pH, lactic acid concentration, dry matter (DM), crude protein and fiber fractions of MGS were not affected by the type or level of additive and fermentation periods. The non-significant pH lactic acid concentration, and chemical composition of MGS indicated that the both molasses and crushed corn were utilized at similar rate for the growth of lactic acid bacteria and production of organic acids. The MG ensiled with molasses at 2% of fodder DM for 30 days was screened out for in situ digestion kinetics in Nili buffaloes. Ruminal DM and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) degradabilities of MGS were significantly (p<0.05) higher than that of MG. The DM and NDF rate of degradation, lag time and extent of degradation was nonsignificant between MGS and MG. The higher ruminal degradation of DM and NDF of MGS than MG was probably a reflection of fermentation of MG during ensilation that improved its degradability by improving the availability of easily degradable structural polysaccharides to ruminal microbial population. The results in the present study have indicated that MG ensiled with either 2% molasses or 2% crushed corn for 30 days has better nutritive value for buffalo.


        Documentation of Physiological Parameters and Blood Profile in Newly Born Kajli Lambs

        Saddiqi, H.A.,Nisa, M.,Mukhtar, N.,Shahzad, M.A.,Jabbar, A.,Sarwar, M. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2011 Animal Bioscience Vol.24 No.7

        Newly born lambs have to face challenges in a new environment totally different from that of the uterus. Adaptation to extra-uterine life involves functional changes with almost each organ and system in the body undergoing a series of metabolic and anatomical modifications. Failure to adapt the extra-uterine environment can not only lead to homeostatic disturbances but also lead to the death of the affected lambs. Hematological parameters of newly born lambs show variability that differs between breeds of lambs. The purpose of present study was to determine homeostatic responses and physiological reference values in Kajli breed lambs occurring in the neonatal period through changes in blood profile, respiratory rate, heart rate, live weight and rectal, scrotal and skin temperatures. For this purpose, sixteen clinically fit lambs (males = 10 and females = 6) with a mean body weight $6.92{\pm}0.46$ kg were selected. Physiological data of selected parameters of each Kajli lamb was recorded at three day intervals and hematological parameters at five days for a period of 30 days. In general, statistical analysis showed a significant effect of time (p<0.001) on all the studied physiological and hematological parameters except platelets counts, white blood cells and hemoglobin concentration. The results documented in the current study are an addition to existing knowledge of the physiology of Kajli sheep breed should be helpful in developing feeding, disease diagnoses and treatment protocols for newborn Kajli stock.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Field Evaluation of Mungbean Recombinant Inbred Lines against Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Disease Using New Disease Scale in Thailand

        Akhtar, Khalid P.,Kitsanachandee, R.,Srinives, P.,Abbas, G.,Asghar, M.J.,Shah, T.M.,Atta, B.M.,Chatchawankanphanich, O.,Sarwar, G.,Ahmad, M.,Sarwar, N. The Korean Society of Plant Pathology 2009 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.25 No.4

        Studies were conducted to identify the sources of resistance in mungbean recombinant inbred lines (RILs) in Thailand against mungbean yellow mosaic disease (MYMD). 146 mungbean RILs in $F_8$ series were evaluated in a field including resistant parent NM-10-12-1 and susceptible parent KPS 2 during summer 2008 under high inoculum pressure. The RILs were subsequently scored for disease symptom severity ratings (DSSR) using a new scale. Observations regarding DSSR and % disease index (%DI) showed that the tested RILs responded differently to the disease. A large number of RILs (132) were found highly susceptible, 12 were susceptible, 3 were tolerant and one was resistant. Overall screening results showed that three RILs, viz. line no. 30, 100 and 101 had minimum DSSR and % disease index thus they are good source of resistance to MYMD in spite of high disease pressure and can therefore be used directly as varieties to manage the disease in Thailand.

      • KCI등재

        Field Evaluation of Mungbean Recombinant Inbred Lines against Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Disease Using New Disease Scale in Thailand

        Khalid P. Akhtar,R. Kitsanachandee,P. Srinives,G. Abbas,M. J. Asghar,T. M. Shah,B. M. Atta,O. Chatchawankanphanich,G. Sarwar,M. Ahmad,N. Sarwar 한국식물병리학회 2009 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.25 No.4

        Studies were conducted to identify the sources of resistance in mungbean recombinant inbred lines (RILs) in Thailand against mungbean yellow mosaic disease (MYMD). 146 mungbean RILs in F8 series were evaluated in a field including resistant parent NM-10- 12-1 and susceptible parent KPS 2 during summer 2008 under high inoculum pressure. The RILs were subsequently scored for disease symptom severity ratings (DSSR) using a new scale. Observations regarding DSSR and % disease index (%DI) showed that the tested RILs responded differently to the disease. A large number of RILs (132) were found highly susceptible, 12 were susceptible, 3 were tolerant and one was resistant. Overall screening results showed that three RILs, viz. line no. 30, 100 and 101 had minimum DSSR and % disease index thus they are good source of resistance to MYMD in spite of high disease pressure and can therefore be used directly as varieties to manage the disease in Thailand.

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