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      • 이동 컴퓨터 통신에서 IP 데이타그램 전송을 위한 가상 셀 방식

        임경식(Kyungshik Lim),임영환(Young-Hwan Lim) 한국정보과학회 1996 정보과학회논문지 : 시스템 및 이론 Vol.23 No.6

        본 논문은 이동 컴퓨터 통신에서 IP (Internet Protocol) 데이타그램 전송을 위한 가상 셀 (Virtual Cell) 방식을 기술한다. 가상 셀은 이웃한 물리적 셀 (Physical Cell)들의 집합으로서 원격 브리지 (Remote Bridge)로 구현된 물리적 셀의 베이스 스테이션 (Base Station)들을 멀티캐스트 기능을 갖는 고속 데이타그램 패킷 망을 통하여 연결한다. 가상 셀은 호스트 이동성을 지원하기 위하여 데이타 링크 계층에 해당하는 가상 셀 프로토콜 (Virtual Cell Protocol)을 가지고 있으며, 이는 각 베이스 스테이션들 사이에 분산된 계층적 위치정보를 기반으로하여 동작한다. 따라서 가상 셀 방식은 호스트 이동성을 지원하기 위한 IP 계층 프로토콜들이 가지고 있는 문제점인 기존 IP 프로토콜과의 실질적인 호환성 문제를 해결한다. 또한, 일반적으로 가상 셀내에서의 통신비용이 가장 셀들간의 통신비용보다 낮으므로, 물리적 셀 들간에 임의의 호스트 이동 트래픽 패턴와 데이타 전송 트래픽 패턴이 주어진 경우에 전체 시스템의 통신비용을 최소화하도록 논리적으로 유연한 가상 셀의 전개를 가능하게 한다. 이 논문에서는 이러한 특징을 갖는 가상 셀 시스템의 네트워크 구조, 이동 호스트들의 분산 위치정보 관리와 가상 셀 프로토콜에 대하여 기술한다. In this paper, we design and develop a virtual cell approach for the transmission of IP datagrams in mobile computer communications. A virtual cell consists of a group of physical cells whose base stations are implemented by remote bridges and interconnected via high-speed datagram packet-switched networks. Host mobility is supported at the data link layer by Virtual Cell Protocol (VCP) using the distributed hierarchical location information of mobile hosts. As far as the IP layer is concerned, it appears within a virtual cell as if the communication between two mobile hosts in different physical cells were taking place directly as in the same physical cell. Between virtual cells, a one-hop forwarding pointer from a mobile host's native virtual cell to its current virtual cell is maintained at the VCP layer. This means that the combination of the existing routing protocols of the IP layer and the forwarding pointer maintained at the VCP layer between virtual cells gives the same effect that we have a fully duplicated location information among virtual cells for the global mobile network Thus, the virtual cell approach eliminates the necessity of IP-level mobile host protocols that may interfere with the conventional IP protocol in a practical sense. In addition, given mobility and communication patterns among physical cells, it achieves a logically flexible coverage area of a virtual cell so as to minimize the total communication cost for the global mobile network where inter-virtual cell communication is more expensive than intra-virtual cell communication [30, 31]. To demonstrate the correct operations of VCP and measure data which is used as parameters to a performance model for the virtual cell system, we implement VCP on a simulated environment. The performance analysis of the virtual cell system is out of scope in this paper and is referred to [32].

      • KCI등재

        실내 빌딩 환경에서 부하 균등을 고려한 대피경로 산출

        장민수 ( Minsoo Jang ),임경식 ( Kyungshik Lim ) 한국정보처리학회 2016 정보처리학회논문지. 컴퓨터 및 통신시스템 Vol.5 No.7

        This paper presents a novel algorithm for searching evacuation paths in indoor disaster environments. The proposed method significantly improves the time complexity to find the paths to the evacuation exit by introducing a light-weight Disaster Evacuation Graph (DEG) for a building in terms of the size of the graph. With the DEG, the method also considers load balancing and bottleneck capacity of the paths to the evacuation exit simultaneously. The behavior of the algorithm consists of two phases: horizontal tiering (HT) and vertical tiering (VT). The HT phase finds a possible optimal path from anywhere of a specific floor to the evacuation stairs of the floor. Thus, after finishing the HT phases of all floors in parallel the VT phase begins to integrate all results from the previous HT phases to determine a evacuation path from anywhere of a floor to the safety zone of the building that could be the entrance or the roof of the building. It should be noted that the path produced by the algorithm. And, in order to define the range of graph to process, tiering scheme is used. In order to test the performance of the method, computing times and evacuation times are compared to the existing path searching algorithms. The result shows the proposed method is better than the existing algorithms in terms of the computing time and evacuation time. It is useful in a large-scale building to find the evacuation routes for evacuees quickly

      • KCI등재

        A3C 기반의 강화학습을 사용한 DASH 시스템

        최민제,임경식,Choi, Minje,Lim, Kyungshik 대한임베디드공학회 2022 대한임베디드공학회논문지 Vol.17 No.5

        The simple procedural segment selection algorithm commonly used in Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) reveals severe weakness to provide high-quality streaming services in the integrated mobile networks of various wired and wireless links. A major issue could be how to properly cope with dynamically changing underlying network conditions. The key to meet it should be to make the segment selection algorithm much more adaptive to fluctuation of network traffics. This paper presents a system architecture that replaces the existing procedural segment selection algorithm with a deep reinforcement learning algorithm based on the Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C). The distributed A3C-based deep learning server is designed and implemented to allow multiple clients in different network conditions to stream videos simultaneously, collect learning data quickly, and learn asynchronously, resulting in greatly improved learning speed as the number of video clients increases. The performance analysis shows that the proposed algorithm outperforms both the conventional DASH algorithm and the Deep Q-Network algorithm in terms of the user's quality of experience and the speed of deep learning.

      • KCI등재

        무선 인터넷 서비스를 위한 트랜잭션 프로토콜의 구현과 성능평가

        최윤석(Yoonsuk Choi),임경식(Kyungshik Lim) 한국정보과학회 2002 정보과학회논문지 : 정보통신 Vol.29 No.4

        본 연구에서는 무선 인터넷 서비스를 위한 전송계층 프로토콜인 TCP, T/TCP와 WTP의 특징을 비교 · 분석한다. 우선 무선구간에 가장 적합한 WTP를 제한된 자원을 가진 무선 단말기상에 탑재하기 용이하도록 코루틴 모델을 기반으로 하나의 쓰레드로 구현하고 이를 Nokia, Kannel 그리고, WinWAP의 기존 구현물과 상호 동작시켜 호환성을 검사한다. 그리고, 무선환경에서의 패킷손실을 잘 표현할 수 있는 길버트(Gilbert) 모델을 기반으로 구현물의 트랜잭션 성공률(throughput) 및 수행시간(system response time)을 측정하여 기존의 TCP, T/TCP와 비교한다. 그 결과, WTP는 트랜잭션 성공률과 수행 시간에 있어서 기존의 프로토콜에 비해 높은 성능을 보였다. 특히, 연속적인 에러가 발생하며 패킷손실률이 비교적 높을 때, WTP는 T/TCP와 TCP에 비해 매우 높은 트랜잭션 성공률을 나타냈으며, 10배 이상 빠른 수행 시간을 보였다. 이는 WTP가 다른 프로토콜에 비해 적은 개수의 패킷으로 하나의 트랜잭션을 수행하고 패킷 손실로 인한 타임아웃 발생 시, 타이머 값을 exponential backoff를 적용하지 않고 일정한 값을 유지하기 때문이다. 또한, 무선환경에 최적화된 WTP의 재전송 횟수를 결정하기 위한 실험을 통해, 가장 적절한 재전송 횟수가 5~6회임을 알 수 있었다. In this paper, we design and implement Wireless Transaction Protocol(WTP) and evaluate it for wireless transaction processing in mobile computing environments. The design and implementation of WTP are based on the coroutine model that might be suitable for light-weight portable devices. We test the compatibility between our product and the other products such as Nokia, Kannel and WinWAP. For the evaluation of WTP, we use an Internet simulator that can arbitrary generate random wireless errors based on the Gilbert model. In our experiment, the performance of WTP is measured and compared to those of Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) and TCP for Transactions. The experiment shows that WTP outperforms the other two protocols for wireless transaction processing in terms of throughput and delay. Especially, WTP shows much higher performance in case of high error rate and high probability of burst errors. This comes from the fact that WTP uses a small number of packets to process a transaction compared to the other two protocols and introduces a fixed time interval for retransmission instead of the exponential backoff algorithm. The experiment also shows that the WTP performance is optimized when the retransmission counter is set to 5 or 6 in case of high burst error rate.

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