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        韓愈와 柳宗元의 작문 경쟁

        羅聯添(Lian-Tian Luo),金智英(번역자) 중국어문논역학회 2017 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.41

        본고는 羅联添이 1992년에 발표한 <論韓愈古文幾個問題>의 제4장 “韓愈와 柳宗元이 고문으로 서로 경쟁함(韓柳爲文相角)” 부분을 번역한 것이다. 한유와 유종원의 글이 유사하다거나 경쟁적이라는 견해는 예전부터 있어왔다. 이런 주장은 송대의 羅大經, 명대의 孫礦, 청대의 林云銘, 근대의 錢基博이 제기한 바 있다. 필자는 한유와 유종원의 작문 경쟁에 대한 이전의 정황을 검토하고, 이전에 언급되지 않았던 다른 작품들을 예로 들어 한유와 유종원의 글쓰기에 확실히 경쟁심리가 있었음을 증명하였다. 즉 한유와 유종원의 작품 가운데 서로의 작품을 의식하면서 경쟁적으로 쓴 29조의 작품을 예로 들며, 창작 연대와 주요 내용을 설명하고 그 증거를 제시하였다. 경쟁했던 작품을 종합해 보니 두 사람의 작품 중 시기를 확정할 수 있는 작품 가운데 한유가 유종원 보다 앞서 지은 작품이 월등히 많았다. 이로써 유종원이 고문 창작에 있어 한유와 경쟁하려는 의도가 많았고, 한유가 유종원과 경쟁하려 한 것은 적었음을 알 수 있다. 이 점은 또한 한유가 고문 창작에서 주도적인 지위를 차지하고 있었음을 분명히 보여준다. 후인들이 한유를 당송고문운동의 으뜸으로 추앙하는 데에는 그만한 까닭이 있는 것이다. This paper is a translation of Han-Yu and Liu Zong-yuan’s writing competition in Chapter 4 of Luo Lian-tian’s <論韓愈古文的幾個問題>. The view that Han-Yu and Liu Zong-yuan’s writings are similar or competitive has been around for a long time. These claims were made by Luo Da-jing of Song Dynasty, Sun-Kuang of Ming Dynasty, Lin Yun-ming of Qing Dynasty, and Qian Ji-bo of modern times. I reviewed the previous context of Han-Yu and Liu Zong-yuan’s writing competition and proved that there was a clear competition in their writings by taking other works not mentioned before. I took examples the twenty - nine articles which compete with each other while conscious of their works among the works of Han-Yu and Liu Zong-yuan, in a chronological order Among the works that we can confirm the timing of the works of two people, Han-Yu had much more works than Liu Zong-yuan. This shows that Liu Zong-yuan intends to compete with Han-Yu for the Composition of the ancient writing, and that Han-Yu did not try to compete with Liu Zong-yuan. This also clearly shows that Han-Yu was in a leading position in the Composition of the ancient writing. There is a clear reason why the posterity pay reverence to Han-Yu as the forerunner of the Composition of the ancient writing movement.


        Few-mode fiber multi-parameter sensor with distributed temperature and strain discrimination.

        Li, An,Wang, Yifei,Fang, Jian,Li, Ming-Jun,Kim, Byoung Yoon,Shieh, William Optical Society of America 2015 Optics letters Vol.40 No.7

        <P>We propose a unique few-mode fiber (FMF)-based multi-parameter optical-fiber sensor for distributed measurement of temperature and strain. We launch a pump and a probe signal through specific linearly polarized modes into a FMF, and monitor the Brillouin frequency shift (BFS) in each mode. By analyzing the temperature and strain coefficients of the BFS of the two lowest order (LP(01), LP(11)) modes, discrimination of temperature and strain are successfully demonstrated, with an accuracy of 1.2C and 21.9??με.</P>

      • KCI등재


        LI, AN,FENG, ENMIN 한국전산응용수학회 2006 Journal of applied mathematics & informatics Vol.20 No.1

        In order to solve the optimization problem of designing the trajectory of three-dimensional horizontal well, we establish a multi-phase, nonlinear, stochastic dynamic system of the trajectory of horizontal well. We take the precision of hitting target and the total length of the trajectory as the performance index. By the integration of the state equation, this model can be transformed into a nonlinear stochastic programming. We discuss here the necessary conditions under which a local solution exists and depends in a continuous way on the parameter (perturbation). According to the properties we propose a revised Hooke-Jeeves algorithm and work out corresponding software to calculate the local solution of the nonlinear stochastic programming and the expectancy of the performance index. The numerical results illustrate the validity of the proposed model and algorithm.

      • Characterization of distributed modal birefringence in a few-mode fiber based on Brillouin dynamic grating.

        Li, An,Hu, Qian,Chen, Xi,Kim, Byoung Yoon,Shieh, William Optical Society of America 2014 Optics letters Vol.39 No.11

        <P>We propose and demonstrate generation of Brillouin dynamic grating (BDG) in a few-mode fiber (FMF) with a Gaussian pulse pump and a counterpropagating continuous wave pump in LP01 mode. Brillouin optical time-domain analysis (BOTDA) is achieved by launching a third Gaussian pulse probe in LP11 mode. With coherent detection and time-domain analysis on the backreflected probe signal, the modal birefringence of the FMF is characterized via the distributed BDG with high spatial resolution and high accuracy.</P>


        Network traffic prediction model based on linear and nonlinear model combination

        Lian Lian Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instit 2024 ETRI Journal Vol.46 No.3

        We propose a network traffic prediction model based on linear and nonlinear model combination. Network traffic is modeled by an autoregressive moving average model, and the error between the measured and predicted network traffic values is obtained. Then, an echo state network is used to fit the prediction error with nonlinear components. In addition, an improved slime mold algorithm is proposed for reservoir parameter optimization of the echo state network, further improving the regression performance. The predictions of the linear (autoregressive moving average) and nonlinear (echo state network) models are added to obtain the final prediction. Compared with other prediction models, test results on two network traffic datasets from mobile and fixed networks show that the proposed prediction model has a smaller error and difference measures. In addition, the coefficient of determination and index of agreement is close to 1, indicating a better data fitting performance. Although the proposed prediction model has a slight increase in time complexity for training and prediction compared with some models, it shows practical applicability.

      • KCI등재

        H∞ Control for Sochastic Time-delayed Markovian Switching Systems with Partly Known Transition Rates and Input Saturation

        Lian Lian,Xianwen Gao,Wenhai Qi 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2016 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.14 No.3

        The paper is concerned with the problem of H∞ control for stochastic time-delayed Markovian switchingsystems with partly known transition rates and input saturation. By employing more appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, a state feedback controller is designed to guarantee stochastic stability of the correspondingclosed-loop system with H∞ performance. A linear matrix inequality approach is employed to obtain the controllergain matrix. Two illustrative examples are provided to show the potential of the proposed techniques.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Sustainable Rural Tourism Practices From the Local Tourism Stakeholders' Perspectives

        Jennifer Kim Lian Chan(Jennifer Kim Lian Chan ) People&Global Business Association 2023 Global Business and Finance Review Vol.28 No.3

        Purpose: The paper presents empirical evidence of sustainable practices adopted by rural tourism stakeholders. It explores the concept and meaning of sustainable practices and what motivates rural tourism stakeholders to adopt sustainable tourism practices as well as recommendations to enhance sustainable rural tourism practices. Design/methodology/approach: This paper describes an exploratory qualitative research project designed to investigate sustainable tourism practices of the rural tourism stakeholders. An inductive approach was adopted to address the research objectives. Specifically, this paper focuses on individuals' subjectivity and understanding of sustainable tourism practices in terms of meaning, motivations, and areas of improvement. The respondents' opinions were collected through semi-structured interviews. A total of 29 rural tourism operators participated in the data collection from the two rural tourism associations in Sabah, Malaysia. The data collection was held at Kota Marudu and Kuala Penyu from April to May 2022. Findings: The findings revealed that sustainable tourism practices relate to conservation and preservation, economic benefits, collaboration and protection, environmental impact, future growth, awareness, knowledge, and improvement. Interestingly, the meaning of sustainable tourism practices is strongly connected to the term “fairness”, to competitive products and quality attractions, and to meeting tourists' needs. This implies the meaning of sustainable tourism practices is not limited to economic, environmental, and sociocultural impacts; it also relates to quality tourism products and the needs of tourists. Key drivers for sustainability practices include economic, social, environmental, and government support. Relevant approaches for improving sustainable rural tourism practices include greater participation and collaboration among rural tourism operators, conservation and preservation, destination uniqueness, long-term growth, and 3Rs practices (reduce, reuse, and recycle). Research limitations/implications: Findings implicate sustainable rural tourism destination management and the rural tourism stakeholders to adopt and enhance the sustainability of the rural sites and destination. It also extends the scope of existing literature on the meaning, motivation and sustainability practices of rural tourist destinations. Originality/value: This study focuses on the importance of sustainability in rural tourism in Sabah, Malaysia, an area on which limited empirical research has been done. The study provides an in-depth understanding of the meaning and drivers of sustainable practices from the rural tourism operators' perspectives. Additionally, it proposes sound strategies for sustainable rural tourism practices. Such practices and development are attributed to an individual's understanding of the concept of and motives for adopting sustainable development practices, government support, and core infrastructure. Finally, this study offers practical implications for sustainable development of rural tourism.

      • KCI등재

        Comments on the Article “Arthroscopic Treatment for Femoroacetabular Impingement with Extraspinal Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis”: To the Editor

        Lian Jiangen,Lian Junfeng,Zhong Mingjin 대한정형외과학회 2020 Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery Vol.12 No.2

        To the Editor: With the rapid growth of the use of hip arthroscopy and strong evidence on its clinical efficacy and safety in the treatment of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), we read with great interest the recent article entitled “Arthroscopic treatment for femoroacetabular impingement with extraspinal diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis” by Hwang et al.1) To the best of our knowledge, it is the first paper that studied the clinical outcomes of hip arthroscopy in patients with extraspinal diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) that involves the hip joint. This retrospective study suggests that extraspinal DISH involving the hip joint could lead to FAI and arthroscopic treatment could provide good outcomes. The study also emphasizes that FAI patients who have painful hip and limitation of range of motion should also be evaluated to determine whether they have extraspinal DISH involving the hip.1) We really appreciate the excellent work of the authors. However, there are some issues worth to be explored. Ossification with bony overgrowth in extraspinal DISH mostly involves the acetabular rim of the hip joint, which leads to pincer-type FAI. Pincer FAI occurs in two forms: focal and global.2) Focal acetabular overcoverage can exist in the anterosuperior acetabulum (as shown in Fig. 2)1) with a center-edge angle (CEA; Wiberg angle) of 25°–39°. Global FAI has more generalized and typically more extreme acetabular overcoverage, resulting in a CEA of 40° or greater with protrusio acetabuli or coxa profunda2) (as shown in Fig. 1).1) The reduction in CEA is a more important determinant of hip function than is the magnitude of the preoperative or postoperative CEA.3) Therefore, we think the preoperative and postoperative CEAs should have been carefully evaluated in the study. The authors described that the central compartment (CC) of the hip joint was addressed first during the hip arthroscopic surgery. However, because of severe acetabular overcoverage, joint space narrowing, and early stage osteoarthritis (Fig. 1),1) traction is usually very difficult to achieve, and the entry needle access into the CC is often blocked from the anterolateral or anterior portal.4) In this condition, the peripheral compartment (PC) of the hip joint would be explored first as Dienst et al.5) described: the patient is placed on a standard traction table without joint traction and with the hip and knee semiflexed. The entry needle is used for confirmation of entry to the joint by lateral and caudal displacement of the femoral head under fluoroscopy. The PC is easily explored by portal exchange and internal and external rotation of the hip. Then, acetabuloplasty and femoroplasty from PC are performed until sufficient to permit CC access. After PC manipulation, the hip and knee are extended, the CC is addressed with traction. We are convinced that hip arthroscopy for the treatment of patients with extraspinal DISH involving the hip joint will show good clinical results without any intra- or postoperative complications related to the surgical procedure. However, extraspinal DISH is a progressive disease characterized by abnormal calcification and ossification around joints, which may be one of the causes of secondary osteoarthritis. In patients with FAI, older age (>45 years), elevated BMI (>24.5 kg/m2), osteoarthritic changes, and increased CEA are predictors of negative outcomes after hip arthroscopy.6) Obviously, the 17 hips (12 patients) met one or more of those conditions. Therefore, the degree of hip arthritis and rates of revision surgery and conversion to total hip arthroplasty should be assessed in the long term. We look forward to seeing the long-term follow-up outcomes of the study in terms of patients' function, painful symptoms, and complications. We respect the great contribution of the authors and are much interested in the authors' thoughts on these issues.

      • Effects of Preemptive Analgesia with Parecoxib Sodium on Haemodynamics and Plasma Stress Hormones in Surgical Patients with Thyroid Carcinoma

        Wang, Lian-Dong,Gao, Xia,Li, Jun-Ying,Yu, Hong-Yan,Su, Hai-Wen,Liu, Lian-Zhong,Qi, Jun Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.9

        Background: To investigate the effects of preemptive analgesia with parecoxib sodium on haemodynamics and plasma stress hormones in surgical patients with thyroid carcinoma. Materials and Methods: Fifty-seven patients with thyroid carcinoma who underwent thyroidectomy selectively in Laiwu Hospital Affiliated to Taishan Medical University and Binzhou People's Hospital were selected and randomly divided into three groups, 19 cases in each group. The control group was intravenously injected 0.9% sodium chloride injection before anesthesia induction; trial group I was intravenously injected with parecoxib sodium 20 min before anesthesia induction; based on trial group I, trial group II was injected with parecoxib sodium again 12 h after surgery. The levels of plasma norepinephrine (NE), cortisol (Cor) and blood glucose before, 12 and 24 h after surgery and changes of haemodynamics before surgery, at the end of surgery and 12, 24 and 48 h after surgery were compared in the three groups. Besides, visual analogue scale (VAS) scores were recorded 4, 8, 12 and 24 h after surgery. Results: 12 and 24 h after surgery, the levels of plasma NE and Cor in three groups rose dramatically (P<0.05 or (P<0.01); The levels of plasma NE and Cor in trial groups I and II were evidently lower than in control group (P<0.05 or P<0.01), and those in trial group II slightly lower than in trial group I. 12 h after surgery, the heart rates (HR) and systolic pressures (SBP) in trial groups I and II increased obviously by comparison to surgery before (P<0.05 or P<0.01), but gradually returned to the preoperative level. HR, SBP and diastolic pressures (DBP) in trial groups I and II at the end of surgery and 12 h after surgery were all lower than in the control group, and significant differences were present (P<0.05 or (P<0.01). At 4, 8, 12 and 24 h after surgery, VAS scores in trial groups I and II were markedly lower than in the control group (P<0.05 or (P<0.01), the scores in trial group II being the lowest. Conclusions: Combined application of parecoxib sodium for preemptive analgesia before anesthesia and after surgery can effectively reduce the levels of plasma stress hormones and improve analgesic effects in surgical patients with thyroid carcinoma, and without conspicuous impact on haemodynamics.

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