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        Li, Fengling,Lei, Fengchun Korean Mathematical Society 2011 대한수학회보 Vol.48 No.1

        Let M be a compact orientable closed 3-manifold, and F a non-separating incompressible closed surface in M. Let M' = M - ${\eta}(F)$, where ${\eta}(F)$ is an open regular neighborhood of F in M. In the paper, we give a lower bound of genus of self-amalgamation of minimal Heegaard splitting $V'\;{\cup}_{S'}\;W'$ of M' under some conditions on the distance of the Heegaard splitting.

      • KCI등재

        A lower bound for the genus of self-amalgamation of Heegaard splittings

        Fengling Li,Fengchun Lei 대한수학회 2011 대한수학회보 Vol.48 No.1

        Let M be a compact orientable closed 3-manifold, and F a non-separating incompressible closed surface in M. Let M'=M-ŋ(F), where ŋ(F) is an open regular neighborhood of F in M. In the paper, we give a lower bound of genus of self-amalgamation of minimal Heegaard splitting V'∪_S'W' of M' under some conditions on the distance of the Heegaard splitting.

      • KCI등재

        Function of VP2 Protein in the Stability of the Secondary Structure of Virus-like Particles of Genogroup II Norovirus at Different pH Levels: Function of VP2 Protein in the Stability of NoV VLPs

        Yao Lin,Li Fengling,Wang Lianzhu,Zhai Yuxiu,Jiang Yanhua 한국미생물학회 2014 The journal of microbiology Vol.52 No.11

        VP2 is the minor structural protein of noroviruses (NoV)and may function in NoV particle stability. To determinethe function of VP2 in the stability of the NoV particle, weconstructed and purified two kinds of virus-like particles(VLPs), namely, VLPs (VP1) and VLPs (VP1+VP2), fromSf9 cells infected with recombinant baculoviruses by usinga Bac-to-Bac® baculovirus expression system. The two kindsof VLPs were treated with different phosphate buffers (pH2 to pH 8); the secondary structure was then analyzed byfar UV circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Results showedthat significant disruptions of the secondary structure ofproteins were not observed at pH 2 to pH 7. At pH 8, thepercentages of α-helix, β-sheet, and β-turn in VLPs (VP1)were decreased from 11% to 8%, from 37% to 32%, andfrom 20% to 16%, respectively. The percentage of coil wasincreased from 32% to 44%. By contrast, the percentages ofα-helix, β-sheet, and β-turn in VLPs (VP1+VP2) were decreasedfrom 11% to 10%, from 37% to 35%, and from 20%to 19%, respectively. The percentage of coil was increasedfrom 32% to 36%. VLPs (VP1+VP2) was likely more stablethan VLPs (VP1), as indicated by the percentage of the secondarystructures analyzed by CD. These results suggestedthat VP2 could stabilize the secondary structure of VLPsunder alkaline pH conditions. This study provided novelinsights into the molecular mechanism of the function ofVP2 in the stability of NoV particles.

      • Aptamers against ManLAM of Mycobacterium tuberculosis inhibits virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in mice and rhesus monkeys

        Qin Pan,Qilong Wang,Fengling Luo,Min Li,Xianru Xia Dongdong Shi,Xiao-Lian Zhang 한국당과학회 2012 한국당과학회 학술대회 Vol.2012 No.1

        Tuberculosis (TB) has been a major world-wide cause of death for centuries. One-third of the world’s population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), the etiologic agent of TB. The development of potent new anti-TB drugs is urgently needed. The major M.tb surface lipoglycans, mannose-capped Lipoarabinomannan (ManLAM) had immunosuppressive effects during M.tb infection. In this study, aptamer ZXL1 which specifically bound to ManLAM from the virulent strain M.tb H37Rv was screened out by Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment (SELEX). The binding affinity of ZXL1 to ManLAM was measured as 8.907X10-8 M of quilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) value by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis. We found that aptamer ZXL1 prevented the ManLAM-induced immunosuppressive effects on DCs and inhibited M. tb entry into macrophages. More importantly, we found that single injection of aptamer ZXL1 significantly prolonged the survival rate of infected mice, and prevent the infected rhesus monkeys from weight loss. The Bacterial numbers were significantly lower in the lungs and spleens in ZXL1-treated groups. These results suggest that aptamer ZXL1 can be used as antimycobacterial agent or as TB vaccine adjuvent.

      • KCI등재

        Amygdalin inhibits HSC-T6 cell proliferation and fibrosis through the regulation of TGF-β/CTGF

        Huanhuan Luo,Liang Li,Jianbang Tang,Fengxue Zhang,Fang Zhao,Da Sun,Fengling Zheng,Xinhua Wang,Xinhua Wang 대한독성 유전단백체 학회 2016 Molecular & cellular toxicology Vol.12 No.3

        Amygdalin is one of the nitrilosides that was widely used to treat cancer, inhibit liver fibrosis. In the present study, the aim was to determine the antifibrotic potential of amygdalin and examine its mechanisms of action in vitro. Firstly, we found amygdalin significantly inhibited HSC-T6 cells proliferation. Both mRNA and protein of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) were decreased in HSC-T6 cells during amygdalin treatment. Secondly, to investigate functional role of TGF-β, both TGF-β over-expression vector and siRNA against TGF-β were transfected into HSC-T6 cells respectively. The results showed that over-expression of TGF-β promoted proliferation of HSC-T6 cells, whereas TGF-β knockdown inhibited cell viability. Moreover, our data even indicated that TGF-β could promote cell proliferation independent of amygdalin treatment. Finally, we found amygdalin could inhibit expression of the classical fibrotic factor αSMA, which suggested an antifibrotic effect of amygdalin. While the TGF-β antagonized anti-fibrotic effect of amygdalin. To assess the mechanisms, we examined expression of CTGF in cultured HSC-T6 cells. Our results showed that CTGF was down-regulated in HSCT6 cell treated by amygdalin, but was up-regulated when exogenous TGF-β introduced. As CTGF was one of the downstream factors in the TGF-β pathway. These might suggest that amygdalin inhibited HSC-T6 cells proliferation and fibrosis via TGF-β/CTGF pathway.

      • Medical and Natural Image Segmentation Algorithm using M-F based Optimization Model and Modified Fuzzy Clustering : A Novel Approach

        Bingquan Huo,Guoxin Li,Fengling Yin 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Vol.8 No.7

        In this paper, we propose and present a novel algorithm for medical image segmentation (MIS). By analyzing the current state-of-the-art related algorithms, we introduce the multi-band active contour model based limit function to make the multilayer segmentation available. With the development of image segmentation technology, the development of medical image segmentation technology also got very big, because there is no find common, accepted effect ideal is suitable for medical image segmentation method, almost existing each kind of segmentation method has application in the field of medical image segmentation. Furtherly, with the optimized aims of being robust to the noise and avoiding the bad effluence on the result, we adopt the kernel method and new initialization curve. This model suffers from low noise robustness, and model algorithm is difficult to achieve. Integrated segmentation technology refers to two or more technology is used, combined with their own advantages, so they can on the accuracy or efficiency to achieve better performance than when using a single. A new penalty term is introduced to improve numerical stability and the step length is increased to improve efficiency. As far as the robustness and effectiveness are concerned, our method is better than the existing medical image segmentation algorithms. Experimental analysis verifies the success of our method.


        Integrative Analysis of Microarray Data to Reveal Regulation Patterns in the Pathogenesis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

        ( Juan Chen ),( Zhenwen Qian ),( Fengling Li ),( Jinzhi Li ),( Yi Lu ) 대한소화기학회 2017 Gut and Liver Vol.11 No.1

        Background/Aims: The integration of multiple profiling data and the construction of a transcriptional regulatory network may provide additional insights into the molecular mechanisms of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The present study was conducted to investigate the deregulation of genes and the transcriptional regulatory network in HCC. Methods: An integrated analysis of HCC gene expression datasets was performed in Gene Expression Omnibus. Functional annotation of the differentially expression genes (DEGs) was conducted. Furthermore, transcription factors (TFs) were identified, and a global transcriptional regulatory network was constructed. Results: An integrated analysis of eight eligible gene expression profiles of HCC led to 1,835 DEGs. Consistent with the fact that the cell cycle is closely related to various tumors, the functional annotation revealed that genes involved in the cell cycle were significantly enriched. A transcriptional regulatory network was constructed using the 62 TFs, which consisted of 872 TF-target interactions between 56 TFs and 672 DEGs in the context of HCC. The top 10 TFs covering the most downstream DEGs were ZNF354C, NFATC2, ARID3A, BRCA1, ZNF263, FOXD1, GATA3, FOXO3, FOXL1, and NR4A2. This network will appeal to future investigators focusing on the development of HCC. Conclusions: The transcriptional regulatory network can provide additional information that is valuable in understanding the underlying molecular mechanism in hepatic tumorigenesis. (Gut Liver 2017;11:112-120)


        Purification, characterization and action mechanism of plantaricin JY22, a novel bacteriocin against Bacillus cereus produced by Lactobacillus plantarum JY22 from golden carp intestine

        Lv, Xinran,Miao, Luhuan,Ma, Huanhuan,Bai, Fengling,Lin, Yang,Sun, Mengtong,Li, Jianrong 한국식품과학회 2018 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.27 No.3

        A novel bacteriocin-producing strain, Lactobacillus plantarum JY22 isolated from golden carp intestine, was screened and identified by its physiobiochemical characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. This bacteriocin, named plantaricin JY22, was purified using ethyl acetate extraction and gel filtration. Its molecular weight was approximately 4.1 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis. The partial amino acid sequence of plantaricin JY22 was DFGFDIPDEV. It was highly heat-stable and remained active at pH range from 2.5 to 5.5, but was sensitive to protease. Plantaricin JY22 had a bactericidal mode. Scanning electron microscope analysis indicated that plantaricin JY22 damaged the morphology of cells and spores for Bacillus cereus. Moreover, the plantaricin JY22 destroyed cell membrane integrity as confirmed by the leakage of electrolytes, the losses of $Na^+K^+$-ATP, AKP, nucleic acids ($OD_{260nm}$) and proteins. SDS-PAGE of B. cereus proteins further demonstrated that plantaricin JY22 had a remarkable effect on bacterial proteins.

      • KCI등재

        Purification, characterization and action mechanism of plantaricin JY22, a novel bacteriocin against Bacillus cereus produced by Lactobacillus plantarum JY22 from golden carp intestine

        Xinran Lv,Luhuan Miao,Huanhuan Ma,Fengling Bai,Yang Lin,Mengtong Sun,Jianrong Li 한국식품과학회 2018 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.27 No.3

        A novel bacteriocin-producing strain, Lactobacillus plantarum JY22 isolated from golden carp intestine, was screened and identified by its physiobiochemical characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. This bacteriocin, named plantaricin JY22, was purified using ethyl acetate extraction and gel filtration. Its molecular weight was approximately 4.1 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis. The partial amino acid sequence of plantaricin JY22 was DFGFDIPDEV. It was highly heat-stable and remained active at pH range from 2.5 to 5.5, but was sensitive to protease. Plantaricin JY22 had a bactericidal mode. Scanning electron microscope analysis indicated that plantaricin JY22 damaged the morphology of cells and spores for Bacillus cereus. Moreover, the plantaricin JY22 destroyed cell membrane integrity as confirmed by the leakage of electrolytes, the losses of Na?K?-ATP, AKP, nucleic acids (OD260nm) and proteins. SDS-PAGE of B. cereus proteins further demonstrated that plantaricin JY22 had a remarkable effect on bacterial proteins.

      • KCI등재

        Discovery of genes associated with cadmium accumulation from gill of scallop Chlamys farreri based on high-throughput sequencing

        Yuxiu Zhai,Hui Zhang,Lin Yao,Yanhua Jiang,Fengling Li 한국유전학회 2016 Genes & Genomics Vol.38 No.5

        Chlamys farreri is an important economic mollusk and is able to accumulate cadmium (Cd) excessively. Two cDNA libraries from gill of C. farreri which were Cd treated or not were generated based on the Illumina sequencing platform in order to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) associated with cadmium accumulation. The analysis of comparative transcriptomics identified 82,800 unigenes and 128 differentially expressed genes. Of these, 8 of the most significant DEGs were verified by real-time PCR, showing consistent trends in expression patterns between the two techniques. KEGG pathways analysis revealed that 37 associated processes were highly enriched. A set of key DEGs were identified that may play important roles in cadmium exposure. Our work presents an overview of gene expression change during cadmium exposure to C. farreri and identifies a series of candidate genes and pathways for further research on the molecular mechanisms of cadmium accumulation.

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