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        불어 명사의 결합가에 대한 고찰

        임국진 중앙대학교 외국어문학연구소 2002 외국학연구 Vol.- No.6

        Cette e´tude a`pour but d'observer la notion de la valence et de´crire la valence des noms en franc¸ais. C'eft Tesnie`re qui a utilise´, pour la premie`re fois, le terme 'valence' dans son article. Et il a e´tabli la notion de la valence, on essayant de l'appliquer aux verbes dans son livre intitule´ Les Ele´ments de Syntaxe Structurale. Par exemple, le verbe 'dormir' re´git un comple´ment(Jean dort), et en revanche 'poursuivre' a deux comple´ments(Jean poursuit Marie). La valence du verbe se de´finit donc comme le nombre des actants(CV) qu'il est susceptible de re´gir dans la phrase. La the´orie de la valence a e´te´ developpe´e et applique´e aux autres mots pleing. Dans cette e´tude on a applique´ la notion valencielle aux noms franc¸ais. Le nom forme le noeud substantival en re´gissant le de´terminant et l'adjectif. Les noms(communs) ont besoin d'e^tre accompagne´s d'un de´terminant pour pouvoir fonctionner comme actants. tandis que les adjectifs sont des e´le´ments facultatifs. Les modifieurs comme l'adjectif sont le groupe adjectival, le groupe pre´positionnel et les relatives etc. Les subordonne´s qui de´pendent du nom sont cumulalbles: Le livre bleu de Jean qui est sur la table. Et le groupe nominal attribut constitute le noeud verbal avec les copules et re´git le sujet. Lorsqu'il n'est que le subordonne´ du verbe, le nom peut assumer la function d'actants.

      • 부비동내시경수술 후 후각기능의 변화

        김진국,남태욱,임채형,장현종 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2002 건국의과학학술지 Vol.12 No.-

        Background and Objectives: Rhinosinusitis is the most common cause of olfactory impairment and endoscopic sinus surgery is considered as a surgical procedure of choice for treating chronic sinusitis. CC-SIT (Cross-Cultural Smell Identification Test) consists of 12 items well known in most non-English-speaking cultures. Authors evaluated the therapeutic effects of endoscopic sinus surgery on olfactory dysfuction using CC-SIT. Materials and Methods: The subjects of this study were seventeen sinusitis patient who had undergone ESS from November 2001 through April 2002. All patients were divided into two groups according to nasal polyp and CT findings. CC-SIT was used for the evaluation of olfactory function. Results: Forty seven percents of patients had improvement in olfactory function postoperatively. No correlation was found between changes in CC-SIT score and nasal polyp and preoperative CT findings. Conclusion: It is concluded that nasal polyp and CT findings have no effect on olfaction.

      • 비·부비동 양성 종양의 임상적 고찰

        김진국,신향애,임채형,장현종,심대보 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2004 건국의과학학술지 Vol.13 No.-

        Background and Objectives: Benign tumors of the nose and paranasal sinues are rare in comparison with malignant growths. Authors aimed to investigate the incidence and characteristics of benign sino-nasal tumors. Materials and Methods: From 1994 through 2004, 25 cases of benign sino-nasal tumors (17 men and 8 women) were diagnosed and cared at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, College of Medicine, Konkuk University. We reviewed medical records of patients to find out clinical features, radiologic findings, operative findings, therapeutic options, and outcomes. Postoperative observation was given for fifteen months on the average. Results: The most common symptom was nasal obstruction, followed by nasal mass, frequent nasal bleeding, headache, and rhinorrhea, and the mass mainly placed in the lateral nasal wall. There were 12 cases (48%) of inverted papilloma, 4 (16%) cases of squamous papilloma, 4 (16%) cases of hemangioma, 1 (4%) case of pleomorphic adenoma, 1 (4%) case of leiomyoma, 1 (4%) case of lipoma. All the tumors were surgically removed. For the treatment of inverted papilloma, medial maxillectomy had been performed before 1997(2 cases); however, most cases have been managed with endonasal endoscopic technique since 1997. Recurrence was observed in two patients with inverted papilloma and one patients with squamous papilloma. Conclusion: Inverted papilloma is the most common benign tumor in the nose and paranasal sinuses, followed by squamous papilloma and hemangioma. The optimal management of benign tumors is complete excision of tumor and endonasal endoscopic surgery is an effective treatment for an inverted papilloma.

      • Phospholipase A₂활성억제와 관련한 시호 물추출액 및 시호 약침액의 항염증효능에 관한 연구

        문진영,남경수,임종국 동국대학교 경주대학 1997 東國論集 Vol.16 No.2

        농도별 시호 약침액과 시호 물 추출액을 대상으로 phospholipase A_2(PLA_2)에 대한 시호의 영향을 알아보기 위하여, 1-stearoyl-2-[1-^14C]arachidonyl-sn-glycerophosphocholine을 기질로 하여 Ⅰ형 PLA_2(porcine pancreas) 및 Ⅱ형 PLA_2(Crotalus atrox)의 활성에 대한 효과를 측정하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) PLA_2 효소의 활성발현에 최적 배양시간이 어떠한지를 알아보기위해 pH 7.0에서 37℃에서 반응시간을 0분에서 180분간의 범위까지 기질의 농도를 20n㏖로 하여 porcine pancreas 및 Crotalus atrox 유래의 PLA_2를 대상으로 활성의 변화를 관찰한 결과, 반응시간이 길어질수록 두 효소의 활성이 점차로 증가하였다. 2) Porcine pancreas 유래의 Ⅰ형 PLA_2의 활성에 미치는 시호의 영향을 관찰한 결과, 시호 약침액은 최고 92%, 시호 물 추출액에서는 최고 94%의 PLA_2 활성 저해효과를 보였으며, 희석배수가 증가할수록 활성 저해효과는 감소하였다. 3) Crotalus atrox 유래의 Ⅱ형 PLA_2의 활성에 미치는 시호의 영향을 관찰한 결과, 시호 약침액은 최고 60%, 시호 물 추출액에서는 최고 55%의 PLA_2 활성 저해효과를 보였다. 또한 시호 약침액 및 물 추출액의 원액에서 4배 희석액까지는 40% 이상의 억제효능을 보인 반면, 8배 이상의 희석액부터는 활성 억제효능이 급격히 감소하였다. 이러한 결과로 미루어 볼 때 시호 약침액 및 시호 물 추출액은 모두 PLA_2에 대한 강한 억제활성이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 PLA_2 효소의 유형별로 볼 때, 시호는 Ⅱ형 PLA_2에 대해서 보다 Ⅰ형 PLA_2에 대한 억제효능이 훨씬 강함을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 시호 약침액과 시호 물 추출액을 비교해보면 Ⅰ형 PLA_2에 대해서는 시호 물 추출액이, Ⅱ형 PLA_2에 대해서는 시호 약침액이 상대적으로 다소 강한 억제효능이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구의 결과에서 시호는 그 효능적 측면에서 항 염증제, 특히 PLA_2 저해제로 개발될 수 있는 가능성이 제시된다. Phospholipase A_2(PLA_2) is a key enzyme that catalyze the hydrolysis of the ester at the sn-2 position of cell membrane phospholipid to produce a lysophospholipid and arachidonic acid. Lysophospholipid is the precursor of platelet-activating factor(PAF). And arachidonic acid is the substrate for cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase in the arachidonic acid cascade generating various eiconanoids such as prostaglandins, leukotrienes and thromboxanes. Thus, PLA_2 plays an important role in the pathogenesis of inflammation. Recently, compounds that inhibit PLA_2 activity have been received considerable attention as potential therapeutic agents in the treatment of inflammation. Bupleury radix has been used as a natural drug for fever, inflammation and liver disease in traditional medicine. This study was performed in order to investigate the inhibitory effects of Bupleury radix aqueous extract(BRAE) and aqua-acupuncture solution(BRAA) on activities of two different types of PLA_2. BRAE showed about 94% inactivation of group Ⅰ PLA_2 from porcine pancreas, and 55% inactivation of group Ⅱ PLA_2 from Crotalus atrox ultimately. And BRAA exhibited about 92% inactivation of group Ⅰ PLA_2, and 60% inactivation of group Ⅱ PLA_2. On the basis of these results, it is suggested that Bupleury radix might play a anti-inflammatory role by a mechanism that probably involves inactivation of PLA_2.

      • 柴胡가 free radical에 의한 脂質過酸化物 生成에 미치는 效果

        문진영,최미정,남경수,임종국 동국대학교 경주대학 1996 東國論集 Vol.15 No.-

        Antioxidant effects of aqueous Siho extract on lipid peroxidation were determined by TBA value and also by lipid peroxidation value during the autoxidation of Iinoleic acid. Siho extracts exhibited markedly antioxidant aCtivity, which inhibited 99% of linoleic acid peroxidation. And Siho extracts showed 42% scavenging effect on α,α-dlphenyl-β-pjcrylhydrazyl radical, also exhibited a 60-94% inhibitory effect on superoxide generation. Siho extracts dose-dependently protected the cell death induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP) and significantly increased cell viability In the normal rat liver cell(Ac2F) . These results suggested that Siho might play a protective role in lipid peroxidation by free radicals. Key Words: lipid peroxidation ; Siho extracts; scavenging effect

      • 공진 효과 및 쿨롱 마찰이 존재하는 서보 시스템의 H_∞위치 제어기 설계

        홍국남,임동진 한양대학교 공학기술연구소 1995 공학기술논문집 Vol.4 No.1

        The most important problems which should be considered in designing servo controllers are resonance effects and nonlinear frictions. These problems exist in almost all the servo systems, especially for the robotic manipulators and numerical control systems and cause difficulties in designing controllers. In this paper, controller design procedure which employs H∞ control theory is proposed for the servo systems with these problems. In order to design a controller which is capable of compensating frictions and ensures no steady state error, the original system is augmented with an integrator and H∞ controller design method is applied. Sometimes, for these systems, there is a possibility of limit cycles due to the interaction between the nonlinear friction and integrator. To check the possibility of limit cycles, describing function method is used.

      • 비내시경을 이용한 안와 내벽 골절 정복 2예

        김진국,남태욱,임채형,김재영,김정석 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2001 건국의과학학술지 Vol.11 No.-

        Traditional surgical approaches to orbital medial wall fractures are either extraocular skin incision or indirect bicoronal flap. However these methods can leave remarkable orbital scar or scalp alopecia with possible complications. Endoscopic intranasal visualization of the medial orbital wall and lamina papyracea is a technique familar to otolaryngologists. This endoscopic view allows confirmation of fracture of medial orbital wall and herniation of orbital contents. Good visualization of the fracture can facilitate the anatomic reduction of orbital contents and the proper placement of orbital implant. Two cases of medial orbital wall fracture repaired by intranasal endoscopy using silastic sheet are reported.

      • 한국인에서 CC-SIT와 비교한 KVSS Test의 임상적 유용성 평가 : 예비연구 Pilot study

        김진국,장현종,임채형,남태욱,심대보 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2003 건국의과학학술지 Vol.13 No.-

        Background and Objectives: Sniffin' Sticks test is the test of nasal chemosensory performance based on pen-like odor dispensing devices. KVSS(Korean Version of Sniffin' Sticks) Test was developed as the "Korean olfactory test" using the odorants which are familiar to Korean. Authors evaluated the clinical validity of KVSS Test compared with CC-SIT (Cross-Cultural Smell Identification Test) in Korean. Materials and Methods: The subjects of this study were 25 normosmic volunteers who were divided into five groups according to age. Each group was 5 normosmic volunteers. And they consisted of 12 men and 13 women. KVSS Test and CC-SIT were used for the evaluation of olfactory function. Results: Our study showed the negative correlation between age and olfactory function test (CC-SIT score, KVSS Test I score and KVSS Test II score). Normosmia rate of KVSS Test was more higher than that of CC-SIT. Also KVSS Test had more familiar items for Koreans compared with that of CC-SIT. CC-SIT score and KVSS Test score showed showed the positive corrclation. And each test revealed high reliability in test-retest evaluation. Conclusion: The KVSS Test can be used as an olfactory function test for Koreans.

      • 標幽賦의 海穴에 對한 文獻的 考察

        孫榮晙,文振榮,林鍾國 동국대학교 한의학연구소 1995 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        The aim of this studies was to elucidate the meaning, theoretical propriety and use of the Sea points in PYOYOUBU. The results obtained were as follows ; We reached a conclusion that Sea points, that is to say Xuehai(SP_(10)), Xiaohai(Sl_(8)), Shaohai(HT₃), Zhaohai(KI_(6)), Qihai (CV_(6)) were gathering places of meridian energy. And the remedial function of Sea points against visera and bowel disease was closely connected with it's meridian pointological naming. Besides the remedial function of Sea points like this was closely connected with the cases in literature cited.

      • 간수, 기문혈의 당귀 약침자극이 acetaminophen으로 유발된 흰쥐의 손상간에 미치는 영향

        박경미,문진영,안준철,최미정,남경수,임종국 동국대학교 한의학연구소 1996 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        This study was done in order to investigate the protective effects of A.G.R.(Angelicae gigantis Radix) aqua-acupuncture on acetaminophen induced liver damage in rats. The liver damage was induced by acetaminophen (500mg/kg) injection into the peritoneum. The A.G.R. aqua-acupuncture solution was injected into the corresponding loci to Ganshu(BL_(18)) and Qimen(LR_(14)) of human body and a blank locus of the root of tail on four consecutive times at 0, 3, 6, and 12 hours after acetaminophen injection. And the serum GOT, GPT, LDH, ALP activities, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin levels were measured in the rats, The serum GOT, GPT, LDH ALP activities and bilirubin level were decreased comparing with that of a control group in case of A.G.R. aqua-acupuncture treated group, specially Ganshu and Qimen aqua-acupuncture treated groups showed an obvious significant decrease.

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