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        The influence of horizontal cephalic rotation on the deviation of mandibular position

        Katayama, Naoto,Koide, Kaoru,Koide, Katsuyoshi,Mizuhashi, Fumi The Korean Academy of Prosthodonitics 2018 The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics Vol.10 No.6

        PURPOSE. When performing an occlusal procedure, it is recommended that the patient should be sitting straight with the head in a natural position. An inappropriate mandibular position caused by an incorrect occlusal record registration or occlusal adjustment can result in damaged teeth and cause functional disorders in muscles and temporomandibular joints. The purpose of this study was to clarify the influence of horizontal cephalic rotation on mandibular position by investigating the three-dimensional positions of condylar and incisal points. MATERIALS AND METHODS. A three-dimensional jaw movement measurement device with six degrees of freedom (the WinJaw System) was used to measure condylar and incisal points. The subjects were asked to sit straight with the head in a natural position. The subjects were then instructed to rotate their head horizontally $0^{\circ}$, $10^{\circ}$, $20^{\circ}$, $30^{\circ}$, $40^{\circ}$, $50^{\circ}$and $60^{\circ}$ in the right or left direction. RESULTS. The results indicated that horizontal cephalic rotation made the condyle on the rotating side shift forward, downward, and toward the inside, and the condyle on the counter rotating side shift backward, upward, and toward the outside. Significant differences in deviations were found for angles of rotation higher than $20^{\circ}$. The incisal point shifted in the forward and counterrotating directions, and significant differences were found for angles of rotation higher than $20^{\circ}$. CONCLUSION. The mandibular position was altered by horizontal cephalic rotations of more than $20^{\circ}$. It is essential to consider the possibility of deviation of the mandibular position during occlusal procedures.

      • KCI등재
      • Hydrodynamic Forces Acting on Porpoising Craft at High-Speed

        Katayama, Toru,Ikeda, Yoshiho The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 1999 Journal of ship and ocean technology Vol.3 No.2

        An experimental investigation on hydrodynamic forces acting on a porpoising craft at high advanced speeds up to Froude numbers Fn=6.0(Fn=U\ulcorner:Lo\ulcorner denote overall length of ship) in calm water is performed. Captive model tests and forced motion tests are carried out to measure the hydrodynamic forces. The results show that significant nonlinear effects for motion amplitudes appear in the restoring, the added mass and the damping coefficients. The experimental results are compared with the results of a prediction method of the hydrodynamic forces include the nonlinear effects, and show a good agreement with them. A simulation using the predicted hydrodynamic forces in a nonlinear motion equation is carried out to obtain the porpoising motion of a craft in calm water. The calculated results are in fairly good agreement with experimental ones.

      • KCI등재


        Katayama Mabi 東亞大學校附設 石堂傳統文化硏究院 2008 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.40

        일본 북부 구주 지역은 선사시대부터 한국과 밀접한 관계를 맺어왔다. 도자사적 관점으로 볼 때 11세기 중반부터 14세기 말까지 중세기에는 청자와 무유도기를 중심으로 활발한 교류가 있었던 것을 알 수 있다. 이러한 북부 구주에서 출토된 고려 도자의 흐름은 4기로 구분할 수 있다. 첫째, 11세기 후반으로 여일간의 정식 국교 회복과 더불어 고려 도자가 북부구주지역으로 처음으로 들어왔다. 둘째, 12세기 전반으로 양질 청자와 더불어 조질 청자의 양이 많아지면서 민간 교류가 더욱 활발해졌다. 셋째, 12세기 후반에서 14세기 전반으로 일본 도시부에서 고려 청자의 위상이 높아짐에 따라 하카타(博多)에서 고려 도자의 출토량이 급격히 줄어들었다. 넷째, 14세기 후반으로 왜구나 중국 명나라의 해금정책을 배경으로 고려도자의 수입량이 늘어나는 양상을 볼 수 있다. 이러한 북부 구주 지역 출토 고려 도자에서는 고대와 달리 확실한 미적 가치 기준과 공식적 무역 체제의 정립을 엿볼 수 있다. 이것은 다른 일본 내륙부 지방에서 찾아보기 어려운 것으로 북부 구주는 여일교역의 흔적을 그대로 말해주고 있다고 하겠다. The relationship between northern Kyushu (Japan) and Korea had been very kin from pre-history era. Goryeo pottery excavated from northern Kyushu area proved to be helpful for understanding trade between Goryeo and Japan in Medieval era. This kind of Goryeo pottery will be presented in four periods. Second half of the 11th century: After official trade started between Goryeo and Japan, Goryeo pottery begin to appear archeological site in North Kyushu area. First half of the 12th century: With increasing of private trade between Goryeo and Japan, not only high quality celadons but also low quality celadons begin to increased. Second half of the 12th century to first half of the 14th century: Despite of Japanese aristocracy in Kyoto, Kamakura regarded Goryeo celadon as high-quality articles, imported Goreyo pottery passed away from northern Kyushu. Second half of the 14th century: Due to Ming-period ban on private trade and invadion of Japanese pirate, imported Goreyo pottery in norhern Kyushu increased again. Imported Goryeo pottery in northern Kyushu show the standard of aesthetic values and system of official trade in medieval Japan. Such changing process can be seemed not other area in Japan only northern Kyushu.

      • KCI등재

        Immunophenotype Characterization for Swine Selected Line, Which is Resistant for the Mycoplasma Pneumonia

        Katayama, Masafumi,Fukuda, Tomokazu,Okamuara, Toshihiro,Suda, Yoshihito,Suzuki, Eisaku,Uenishi, Hirohide,Suzuki, Keiichi Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2011 Animal Bioscience Vol.24 No.7

        Mycoplasma Pneumonia of swine (MPS) decreases the daily growth of pigs, and, co-infection with a virus sometimes causes severe pneumonia. Genetic selection of pigs resistant to the pulmonary MPS lesion might solve the economic loss due to MPS in animal production. Here, we examined the immunophenotype of Landrace line (Miyagino L2), genetically selected to reduce the incidence of pulmonary MPS lesion for 5 generations in Miyagi Prefecture Animal Industry Experiment Station. Although this line is expected to be resistant to the pulmonary MPS lesion, the biological characteristics of its immune function are not clear. We investigated details of the immunorelated phenotype of Miyagino L2 at the hematological and molecular biological level, including cytokine expression, and compared the results with that of non-genetically selected Landrace. Miyagino L2 showed decreased antigen-specific IgG and IgM production and increased CD8-positive T-cell population, and high levels of cortisol concentration, suggesting that the MPS-resistant phenotype is associated these immunological differences. Additionally, T-cell CD4 expression was highly correlated with the MPS expected breeding value. Although the detailed mechanisms underlying this high correlation remain unknown, our result suggested that the genetic selection of the expression level of CD4 might be useful to improve MPS resistance in pig production.

      • Breast Cancer Clustering in Kanagawa, Japan: A Geographic Analysis

        Katayama, Kayoko,Yokoyama, Kazuhito,Yako-Suketomo, Hiroko,Okamoto, Naoyuki,Tango, Toshiro,Inaba, Yutaka Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.1

        Background: The purpose of the present study was to determine geographic clustering of breast cancer incidence in Kanagawa Prefecture, using cancer registry data. The study also aimed at examining the association between socio-economic factors and any identified cluster. Materials and Methods: Incidence data were collected for women who were first diagnosed with breast cancer during the period from January to December 2006 in Kanagawa. The data consisted of 2,326 incidence cases extracted from the total of 34,323 Kanagawa Cancer Registration data issued in 2011. To adjust for differences in age distribution, the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) and the standardized incidence ratio (SIR) of breast cancer were calculated for each of 56 municipalities (e.g., city, special ward, town, and village) in Kanagawa by an indirect method using Kanagawa female population data. Spatial scan statistics were used to detect any area of elevated risk as a cluster for breast cancer deaths and/or incidences. The Student t-test was performed to examine differences in socio-economic variables, viz, persons per household, total fertility rate, age at first marriage for women, and marriage rate, between cluster and other regions. Results: There was a statistically significant cluster of breast cancer incidence (p=0.001) composed of 11 municipalities in southeastern area of Kanagawa Prefecture, whose SIR was 35 percent higher than that of the remainder of Kanagawa Prefecture. In this cluster, average value of age at first-marriage for women was significantly higher than in the rest of Kanagawa (p=0.017). No statistically significant clusters of breast cancer deaths were detected (p=0.53). Conclusions: There was a statistically significant cluster of high breast cancer incidence in southeastern area of Kanagawa Prefecture. It was suggested that the cluster region was related to the tendency to marry later. This study methodology will be helpful in the analysis of geographical disparities in cancer deaths and incidence.


        Microbial Transglutaminase Improves the Property of Meat Protein and Sausage Texture Manufactured with Low-quality Pork Loins

        Katayama, K.,Chin, K.B.,Yoshihara, S.,Muguruma, M. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2006 Animal Bioscience Vol.19 No.1

        Microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) was investigated to determine whether it was an effective binding agent for the processing of low-quality pork loins. MTGase especially promoted the coagulation of myosin heavy chain (MHC). However, the effect of MTGase on MHC from low-quality meat was less than that from the normal meat when the reaction time was not enough. The breaking strength of the heat-induced gel made of myosin B from low-quality meat with MTGase was lower than that of normal meat. Sausage made with low-quality meat with MTGase did not exhibit improved hardness, as compared to that made with normal meat. Results of this study indicated that use of low-quality meat in the manufacture of sausage was feasible to get textural property equal to that of normal meat sausage, when a half or more of the raw material was normal meat and MTGase was used in the sausage.

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