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      • 韓國 高等敎育 變遷 小考

        李建滿 서원대학교 교육연구소 1982 敎育發展 Vol.2 No.1

        Higher Education is indeed being buffeted by change in society on every side. During the Japanese colonial times, It was very hard to have higher learning and to establish the institution of higher education. But in spite of the severe restriction and oppression of higher education by Japanese colonial government, our people had burning desire for having higher learning. Since the restoration of our country, colleges and universities have established and these institutions have been playing an important role as the public education institutions, but their development has been in quantity but not in quality. Institutions of higher learning are in crisis because society has altered, and intensified its demands on their capacities to fulfill their fuctions. With understanding of the transition of higher education on our country, the purpose of this study is to understand the direction of reformation on higher education which have been proceeded since 1970's.

      • 교육분화체제와 사회불평등

        李建滿 서원대학교 교육연구소 1994 敎育發展 Vol.13 No.1

        1.Problems Curriculum tracking has been viewed as one of the educational mechanism for selecting and socializing students to disparate roles. The dual school system of secondary education, which is made up of the general high schools and vocational high schools, has permitted schools to differentiate their curricula as well as to sort and socialize students to different occupational roles. Given this, an evaluation of the role curriculum tracing plays in structuring conditions of distributing students into positions in the social division of labor requires discussions of whether and to what extent academic differentiation in high schools relate to the existing class structure, prospect for labor market, and social mobility. 2.Purpose The study aimed at not only exploring the actul characteristics of student served by two different types of high school, but also identifying some of the consequences of academic differentiation by eamining the relationship of curriculum tracking to educational and occupational aspirations of the students. In addition, the syudy also attempted to discover the association of curriculum tracking with students, attitudes toward social inequality by investigating the degree of acceptance of social reward system resulting from education. 3.methods The data for this study were collected from a questionnaire survey. The sample comprised 32 classes from 8 achools. A total of 1396 students responses were analysed in this syudy. The data were analysed by utilizing Crosstabulation, Two, Three, Four-Way ANOVA,Multiple Discriminant analysis, and Multiple Classification Analysis. 4.Results The major findings in this study could be summarized as follows: First, students from affluent homes were most likely to be found in the general high schools, while students with poor family backgrounds were most likely to be found in the vocational high schools, regardless of their academic performance level. Second, students who attend the same type of school shared a common set of expectations about their future career, regardless of their social class origin and present academin performance level. Third, students in the vocational high schools and those with poor academic performance in the general high schools expressed negative attitudes in accepting the legitimacy of social reward system attributable to education.

      • 대학생의 사회적ㆍ정치적 현실인식과 정치적 행동에 관한 연구

        李建滿,金琪正 서원대학교 교육연구소 1992 敎育發展 Vol.11 No.1

        In recent years there have been several studies on student movement and some of the work has been contributed to the understanding of the sources of student movement from the point of view of the socio-economic structure of Korean Society. Yet, scant progress has been made in identifying the actual characteristics of the activists, the degree of radicalism, and the extent of participation in movement activities. The objectives of this study are (1) to investigate the degree of radicalism and political attitudes of college students, (2) to examine the effects of media contact on the formation of radicalism and political attitudes, and (3) to develop an explanation of the relationship between individual background, media contact, radicalism, political attitudes, and participation in movement activities. Drawing upon a questionnaire survey administered in several classes to 1434 students at eight universities, empirical tests of the research problems are performed by utilizing Oneway Analysis of variance, Multiple Cassification Analysis, Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows: First, male students are much more likely to have frequent contacts with media than female students, in the fields of humanities, social sciences or engineering are much more interested in political knowledge and news than those in the areas of arts or education, and there are little differences in media contacts among respondents by socio-economic status. Second, most of the respondents show moderate radical views of socio-political realities, and specifically students from a lower SES background, who have lower grades, and are in the humanities or social science fields are more likely to hold radical views. Third, there emeges no differences in political attitudes among respondents by sex, grades, academic performance, and SES. But most students in this sample have negative sense of political efficacy and political trust. Students in humanities or social sciences are more likely to show this tendency compared as those in arts. Fourth, even though most of the respondents hold radical views and have negative political attitudes, they are not involved actively in the movement activities. Fifth, a significant association between media contacts and radicalism, political attitudes, political behavior is observed. Sixth, radicalism maintains the strongest effect of political behavior and the weakest is SES. Evidence indicates the importance of radicalism and negative political attitudes as major sources of predicting the likelihood of participation in movement activities.

      • 학교의 사회 문화적 배경과 교육격차

        李建滿 西原大學校 1983 西原大學 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        This study starts with an attmpt to understand what is the concept of educational inequality. The concept of educational inequality must de understood in the context of the relationship between individual potential, equality in educational opportunity and school education. It is said that Education provides necessary conditions for the maximum development of individual potential and education is a key element for the development of individual potential and in the process of social mobility, and so we have also to think what is the determinant factor to influence educational attainment and achievement. The concept of Educational opportunity has been measured by the equality of school input, but since the publication of Coloman Report, the view point of measuring by the equality of school oupput is being studied. Coleman reported that inequality of educational opportunity was due to the difference of acadimic achievement, and the most influential environmental factor of the difference was domestic environment rather than school environment, that is to say Socioeconomic status is positively correlated with both educational attainment and achievement: the higher a student's socioeconomic status, the greater his or her educational accomplishment is likely to be Many studies have documented this relationship between Socioeconomic status and education, children from more socioeconomically advantdged homes outperform their less affluent peers. So it is easy to see that students from socioeconomically advantaged families will ultimately reach higher levels of educational attainment than those Who are disadventaged. From this point of view the educational differential may be cited as evidence that educational instutions perpetuate present patterns of socioeconomic status. Whatever theoretical orientation is used, However, it is clear that a Statistical description o0f educational attainment and achievement is necessary but not sufficient for a real understanding of the functioning of our educational system. The important question of Why some groups do better in school and stay there longer than other group is really hard to answer. Attempt to explain patterns of educational attainment and achievement can be classified into two general categories: Those that focus on the characteristics of students and their families and those that focus on the characteristics of the schools and the broader Society. Coleman's study, Equality of Educational opportunity, was a comprehensive survey of American school that included information on over 645,000pupils. each student was given a series of achievement tests covering verbal ability, reading comprehension, mathematics, general information, and nonverbal ability. coleman was especially interested in ethnic and racial factors and most of his data are analysed in terms of the six groups he tested. Coleman found that the student's scores on these test were related to race and ethnicity. Coleman's survey included sereral items designed to measure interest in learning and motivation. These items asked students how much time they spent studying, how they would feel if they had to quit school. how much time they spent studying, how they would feel if they had to quit school, how often they stayed away from school because they didn't want to go, and how high in class ravk they wanted to be. In general, those groups with higher achievement test scores showed more positive attitudes toward school. coleman uncovered a similar pattern regarding educational aspirations. Educational aspirations-or how much education an individual wants to acquire-reflect a combination of attitudes, ranging from general beliefs about the value of schooling to feelings about classroom activities. Research has shown that student from socioeconomically advantaged backgrounds tent to have higher educational aspiration than students from less advantaged background. Since the publication of the Coleman Report, there have been a number of criticism of its methods and conclusions. Several Social Scientists have reanalysed various portions of the data, Nevertheless, the basic findings of the Report have, for the most part, been confimed by these other efforts. Until now, we have tired to account for group differenes in educational achievement by focusing on the characteristics of chidren and their family background. We will now turn to a different set of variables and ask how schools contributes to group differencies in educational achievement. Most of us assume that some schools are better than others. If ashed what makes a school good, we would probably answer in terms of the credentials of its teachers, the adequacy of its facilities, the size of its budget, and perhaps, even the characteristics of its student. If asked about the benefits of attending a good school, we would probably answer in terms of higher levels of academic achievement and subsequently higher levels of educational and occupational attainment. Though education may be thought of primarily in terms of formal instruction in the schoolroom., probably most of the significant education experienced by an individual take place before he or she comes to school and during out of school hours. According to the study reported by Han Jeong Shin there are noticeable gap between urban and rural school in learning achievement. The difference in learing achievement between urban and rural areas ranged from 10 to 20 in primary school. In the case of middle and high schools, the difference averaged little more than 10 points. It is said that education is the most influential determinant for the socioeconomic inequality of people. So the maximization of educational attainment for all student with an emphasis on equality of opporturity to achieve is associated with the goals of an open society. And education plays vital role in reducing socioeconomic inequalities and restoring the human dignity of all people. On the basis of this belief mentioned above. Some conclusions may be derived as follows. 1.In order to reduce the deprivation of students from socioeconcomically disadvantaged. it is required to enforce the pre-school education and to develope proper program for it. 2.Enlargement of social education and technical education for the disadvantaged is required. 3.Ceaseless endeavor in financial investment must be taken to roduc the gap between urban and rural areas school.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Activating Twenty-four: Time, Space, and Body

        KOHN, Livia DAOS(The Daesoon Academy of Sciences) 2022 Journal of Daesoon Thought and the Religions of Ea Vol.2 No.1

        Numbers structure reality and define the way people live. Both in Daoism and in Daesoon Jinrihoe they signify key concepts, notably the cardinal numbers from one through nine that classify different dimensions of the cosmos. Beyond these, the number twenty-four plays an important role. In a temporal mode, it marks the divisions or seasonal periods of the year. Consisting of fifteen days each, these periods signal (and are named after) changes in dominant weather patterns and the position of the sun. Generally activated in the body through particular seasonal activities and dietary prescriptions, in Daoism they are also the root of a series of healing exercises and certain refinement practices of internal alchemy. In Daesoon Jinrihoe, moreover, they are activated by chanting a specific incantation that invokes the twenty-four divine rulers of the divisions, originally a group of Tang Dynasty officials that in nature and function resemble the spirit generals of the early Celestial Masters. Beyond this, the number twenty-four also applies to space. Not unlike the twenty-eight lunar stations or mansions, traditional cosmology acknowledges twenty-four directions, made up of six constellations each in the four cardinal directions, complete with starry deities and divine generals. Their powers are activated with the help of written characters rather than vocal incantations, using techniques common both in Daoism and Daesoon Jinrihoe.

      • Far-field x-ray phase contrast imaging has no detailed information on the object

        Kohn, V G,Argunova, T S,Je, J H Institute of Physics [etc.] 2010 Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics Vol.43 No.44

        <P>We show that x-ray phase contrast images of some objects with a small cross-section diameter <I>d</I> satisfy a condition for a far-field approximation <I>d</I> ≪ <I>r</I><SUB>1</SUB> where <I>r</I><SUB>1</SUB> = (λ<I>z</I>)<SUP>1/2</SUP>, λ is the x-ray wavelength, <I>z</I> is the distance from the object to the detector. In this case the size of the image does not match the size of the object contrary to the edge detection technique. Moreover, the structure of the central fringes of the image is universal, i.e. it is independent of the object cross-section structure. Therefore, these images have no detailed information on the object.</P>

      • 國家主義의 本質

        KOHN, HANS 청주대학교 법학회 1956 法學論考 Vol.1 No.-

        우리가 이해하고 있는 바와 같이 국가주의는 18세기후반기보다 오래지 않다 그의 최초의 커다란 출현은 무서운 세력으로 증진한 신운동을 이르킨 불란서혁명이였다. 그러나 국가주의는 18세기말기에 널리 흐러저있는 구라파국가들에게 거의 동시에 나타나게 되였다. 이때에 인류의 발전한 시대가 도달했고 또 불란서혁명이 국가주의의 강화 보급에 있어서 가장 힘있는 요인의 하나였으나 그것은 그의 (국가주의) 탄생시기는 아니엿다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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