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        Identification of Phosphotyrosine Binding Domain-Containing Proteins as Novel Downstream Targets of the EphA8 Signaling Function

        Shin, Jongdae,Gu, Changkyu,Park, Eunjeong,Park, Soochul American Society for Microbiology 2007 Molecular and cellular biology Vol.27 No.23

        <B>ABSTRACT</B><P>Eph receptors and ephrins have been implicated in a variety of cellular processes, including morphology and motility, because of their ability to modulate intricate signaling networks. Here we show that the phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domain-containing proteins AIDA-1b and Odin are tightly associated with the EphA8 receptor in response to ligand stimulation. Both AIDA-1b and Odin belong to the ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain-containing (Anks) protein family. The PTB domain of Anks family proteins is crucial for their association with the juxtamembrane domain of EphA8, whereas EphA8 tyrosine kinase activity is not required for this protein-protein interaction. In addition, we found that Odin is a more physiologically relevant partner of EphA8 in mammalian cells. Interestingly, overexpression of the Odin PTB domain alone attenuated EphA8-mediated inhibition of cell migration in HEK293 cells, suggesting that it acts as a dominant-negative mutant of the endogenous Odin protein. More importantly, small interfering RNA-mediated Odin silencing significantly diminished ephrinA5-induced EphA8 signaling effects, which inhibit cell migration in HEK293 cells and retract growing neurites of Neuro2a cells. Taken together, our findings support a possible function for Anks family proteins as scaffolding proteins of the EphA8 signaling pathway.</P>

      • Identification of Phosphotyrosine Binding Domain-Containing Proteins as Novel Downstream Targets of the EphA8 Signaling Function

        Shin, Jongdae,Gu, Changkyu,Park, Eunjeong,Park, Soochul Research Institute of Women's Health Sookmyung Wom 2007 WOMEN And HEALTH Vol.3 No.1

        Eph receptors and ephrins have been implicated in a variety of cellular processes, including morphology and motility, because of their ability to modulate intricate signaling networks. Here we show that the phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domain-containing proteins AIDA-lb and Odin are tightly associated with the EphA8 receptor in response to ligand stimulation. Both AIDA- lb and Odin belong to the ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain-containing (Anks) protein family. The PTB domain of Anks family proteins is crucial for their association with the juxtamembrane domain of EphA8, whereas EphA8 tyrosine kinase activity is not required far this protein-protein interaction. In addition, we found that Odin is a more physiologically relevant partner of EphA8 in mammalian cells. Interestingly, overexpression of the Odin PTB domain alone attenuated EphA8-mediated inhibition of cell migration in HEK293 cells, suggesting that it acts as a dominant-negative mutant of the endogenous Odin protein. More importantly, small interfering RNA-mediated Odin silencing significantly diminished ephrinA5-induced EphA8 signaling effects, which inhibit cell migration in HEK293 cells and retract growing neurites of Neuro2a tells. Taken together, our findings support a possible function far Anks family proteins as scaffolding proteins of the EphA8 signaling pathway.

      • The prtg Gene is Up-regulated by Meis/Pbx Homeobox Transcription Factors during Development of the Mesencephalon

        Shin, Jongdae,Park, Soochul Research Institute of Women's Health Sookmyung Wom 2007 WOMEN And HEALTH Vol.3 No.2

        Meis proteins constitute a subfamily of TALE-homeobox transcription factor superclass. Meis proteins form heterodimeric complexes with Pχ proteins to synergistically activate specific genes in the presence of the master regulators such as Hox proteins. In this study, we employed illumina microchip analysis to identify the genes regulated by meis transcription factor, revealing that the frig gene is one of the putative target genes down-regulated by Meis-En, a dominant-negative mutant of Meis transcription factor. Comparative genomic analysis of the frig gene showed that one of the evolutionary conserved regions present in the 20 kb genomic DNA upstream of its first exon contains potential binding motifs for both Meis and Pbx transcription factors. Consistent with this prediction, our ChIP analysis further indicated that Meis and Pbx proteins are bound to the evolutionary conserved region in vivo. These studies strongly suggest that the frig gene is one of those genes positively regulated by Meis and Pbx transcription factors during development of the dorsal mesencephalon.

      • KCI등재

        해양국가 일본의 무사계급과 중세형(中世型) 이에(家) 연구

        신종대(Shin Jongdae) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2020 인문사회과학연구 Vol.21 No.2

        본고는 동아시아에서 유일하게 일본에서만 볼 수 있는 이에 의 형성과 발전, 그리고 그 속에 내재하고 있는 세습의 매커니즘에 대해서 고찰하는데 목적이 있다. 이에 의 변천과정을 보면, 천황 가에서 시작하여 귀족의 이에, 중세 무사의 발생과 함께 급속하게 성장하였으며, 근세가 되면 농민과 상인의 이에가 보편적인 형태로 기능하게 된다. 그 중심에는 강력한 권력을 가진 가부장(家父長)이 있었다. 과거 일본에서는 이에 가 지금보다 훨씬 더 무게를 가지고 일상생활에서의 생산과 소비활동뿐 아니라 경영이나 지역사회의 기본 구성단위가 되어 있었다. 이에 의 초기적 형태는 대대로 전해져 내려오는 영지를 지키고, 계승하기 위해서 생겨난 부계를 중심으로 하는 중세 무사단에서 시작되었다. 그리고 소료제(惣領制)를 특징으로 하는 친족 집단이 이에 화되는 것은 남북조내란 이후인 15세기에서 에도시대에 걸쳐서이다. 일본에서 무사시대가 시작된 중세는 한국이나 중국과는 다른 이른바 일본형 가족 형태의 실질적인 시작이라고 할 수 있다. The purpose of this article is to examine the formation and development of the only ‘ie’ in East Asia, and the hereditary mechanism inherent in it that can only be seen in Japan. In feudal societies in Japan, patriarchal families centered on ‘ie’ were common. This kinship system was developed around the samurai family during the Edo period, when the society was an identity-based society, and was expanded to houses of merchants and peasants. In the Meiji era when it became a modern nation, the ie system was enacted as a law (1898). This is called the Meiji Civil Code or the Old Civil Code. The family system in the Meiji Civil Law inherited the feudal society ie and was based on the family relationship centered on ie. However, in 1948, shortly after the defeat, the new constitution, which came into effect in 1948, abolished the IE system that assumed family business and family products. Changed to a modern nuclear family. The early ie began as a family of medieval samurai kinship, centered on the patriarchal family, to protect and inherit the territory inherited from generation to generation, and served as a basic unit of management and community as well as production and consumption activities. . The relatives of the samurai family became ie from the 15th to the 19th century.

      • KCI등재

        유신체제 수립을 보는 북한과 미국의 시각과 대응

        신종대(Shin, Jongdae) 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 2012 亞細亞硏究 Vol.55 No.3

        This study is an attempt to analyze how the DPRK and U.S. perceived and reacted to the establishment of the yushin system in South Korea in 1972 using recently declassified documents from Eastern European countries and the United States. Right before the yushin proclamation, South Korean officials held secret talks with North Korea to both explain the reasoning behind the proclamation of martial law for yushin and request understanding about this from North Korea in advance. In short, South Korean officials were concerned about the possibility of North Korea announcing the halt of North-South dialogue due to the yushin proclamation. Interestingly, however, was the fact that North Korea was also concerned that criticism it made toward the yushin proclamation would provide South Korea with the opportunity to end dialogue. In summary, the goals held by each side were different, but both North and South Korea did not desire the end of dialogue. Meanwhile, while South Korean officials were sensitive to the reaction of North Korea toward the yushin proclamation and exerted enormous energy to obtain understanding from the North, far less effort was placed on obtaining understanding from the U.S. The reason South Korean officials displayed such different attitudes toward North Korea and the U.S. before the yushin proclamation was related to their judgement that while North Korea could halt dialogue in a display of unhappiness toward the yushin proclamation, discontent by the U.S. toward the proclamation would not lead to the weakening or repeal of the U.S. security commitment. North Korea and the U.S. had made virtually similar, and relatively accurate, analyses on the motives of Park Chung Hee to establish yushin. North Korea believed that Park was using a strong revamp of the South Korean system in the form of yushin to monopolize North-South dialogue and establish an equal dialogue structure with the North by blocking demands voiced by the opposition to participate in North-South dialogue and North Korean attempts to support the opposition. The U.S. also believed that at a fundamental level the motive for the yushin proclamation was based on Park’s desire to strengthen domestic control and secure a high-level of freedom of movement and leadership in North-South dialogue. Both North Korea and the U.S. held negative and critical perceptions toward the establishment of the yushin system. Despite this, North Korea decided to refrain from criticizing the yushin proclamation and maintain silence under the belief that keeping the door open for dialogue was important to both isolate the Park Chung Hee government and strengthen the “capabilities of revolution” in South Korea. The U.S. also decided to maintain silence toward the yushin proclamation due to concerns that a hardline response to the proclamation would lead to a security vacuum on the Korean peninsula.

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