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      • 대학생 멘토의 성장에 영향을 미친 요인과 프로그램 발전방안

        배진형 ( Jinhyung Bae ) 한국사회복지슈퍼비전학회 2017 슈퍼비전과 실천연구 Vol.2 No.-

        본 연구는 지역사회 저소득층 아동청소년을 대상으로 한 멘토링 프로그램에 참여한 대학생 멘토들의 성장에 영향을 미친 요인과, 보다 나은 프로그램 운영을 위한 발전방안에 대하여 탐색하고자 수행되었다. 이를 위하여 멘토링 프로그램에 참여한 6명의 대학생 멘토를 대상으로 반구조화된 질문지를 도구로 한 포커스집단인터뷰를 실시하였다. 수집된 자료는 수차례의 숙독을 통한 개념추출, 하위범주화 및 범주화과정을 거친 개방코딩으로 분석되었다. 연구 결과, 멘토의 성장에 영향을 미친 요인 영역으로, 첫째, 체계적인 프로그램 지원과정 및 구조라는 대범주 내, 지원과정을 통한 동기부여, 탄탄한 교육과 평가 시스템 참여라는 하위범주가 도출되었다. 둘째, 동반자적 상호 지원과 다각적 연계 대범주 내, 멘토-멘티 협력과정, 다양한 인적 지원체계 경험이라는 하위범주가 도출되었다. 셋째, 멘토와 멘티의 결과적 성장에 대한 인식 대범주 내, 멘티의 성장 체감과 실질적 역량 증진 확인이라는 하위범주가 도출되었다. 멘토링 프로그램에 대한 발전 방안 영역에 대해서는, 첫째, 융통성과 철두철미함이 조화된 운영 대범주 내, 현실적인 프로그램 시간 활용, 사전 계획에 대한 철저한 실행 하위범주가 도출되었다. 둘째, 적절한 준비와 책임감 있는 마무리 대범주 내, 필요 정보와 피드백의 적시 소통, 종결에 대한 준비와 명료화라는 하위범주가 도출되었다. 연구결과를 기반으로, 효과적인 교육과 훈련 시스템의 발전, 안전하고 배움이 있는 소통환경 유지, 멘티와의 동반자적 상호성장이 있는 활동과정 장려, 구성원의 생활주기를 반영한 일정계획, 종결에 대한 체계적인 준비 및 차후 프로그램에서의 이전 프로그램 효과에 대한 구체적 사례 공유 필요성 등을 제언하였다. The purpose of this study is to explore influencing factors for mentors’ growth and ideas for improving mentoring programs. A focus group interview with 6 mentors was conducted for data collection. Data were analyzed by open coding in grounded theory. As a result, for the influencing factors for mentors’ growth, systematic program application process/structure, mutual support/multi-networking through partnership, and recognition of consequential outcome in both mentees and mentors were found as categories. Ideas to improve mentoring programs included efficient administration balanced between flexibility and precise execution, and appropriate preparation/completion with a sense of responsibility as categories. Based on the results, system development for effective training, environment for consistent communication, encouragement of mutual partnership with the mentees, scheduling based on the participants’ life cycle, systematic preparation for the closing program, and sharing constructive feedback from the previous program were suggested.

      • KCI등재후보

        멘토링 활동 참여 경험에서의 멘토의 성장과 도전 : H대학교 멘토링 프로그램의 평가 사례를 중심으로

        배진형,안정선,방진희 이화여자대학교 사회복지연구소 2014 사회복지 실천과 연구 Vol.11 No.-

        본 연구는 2013년도 실시 된 보건복지부 휴먼네트워크 사업의 일환인 멘토링 프로그램에 참여한 H대학교 대학생 멘토들을 대상으로 양적, 질적 방법을 통해 프로그램 경험에 있어서의 성장과 도전에 대해 평가하고, 이를 지역 내 취약계층 아동청소년을 대상으로 하는 대학생 멘토링 활동프로그램의 질 향상을 위한 기초자료로서 활용하고자 하는 목적을 가진다. 이를 위한 연구 방법으로, 먼저 양적 평가는 20명의 멘토링 참여자 전원을 대상으로 프로그램 평가 설문을 통하여 실시되었고, 질적 평가는 6명의 멘토링 참여자를 대상으로 포커스집단 인터뷰를 통해 진행되었다. 자료의 분석은, 양적 자료에 대한 분석으로 SPSS Ver. 20.0 패키지를 활용하였고, 포커스집단 인터뷰를 통한 질적 자료는 근거이론의 초기단계인 개방 코딩을 통한 지속적 비교분석방법을 활용하여 분석하고 범주화 하였다. 양적 평가 결과, 먼저, 멘토의 성장과 관련하여, 개별목표성취도가 5점 만점에 평균 4.26으로 높게 나타났다. 프로그램평가 설문 결과, 멘토 전체 집단목표성취도에 있어서 5점 만점에 평균 4.27로 높게 나타났고, 특별히 팀워크 능력향상, 멘티에 대한 이해도 향상, 인간관계 능력향상 및 성취감과 성공을 느끼는 기회가 됨 영역이 상대적으로 높게 나타났다. 멘토링 활동에 대한 전반적 만족도는 5점 만점에 4.45점으로 높게 나타났다. 멘토 본인의 참여도는 5점 만점에 4.38로 비교적 높았고, 구체적으로 조별활동 보다는 개별멘토링 활동의 참여도가 높았다. 세부활동 만족도에 있어서는 중간평가회가 4.63으로 가장 높았고, 운영 만족도에 있어서는 활동을 위한 교육과 슈퍼비전의 만족도가 4.3점으로 가장 높았다. 멘토의 도전과 관련하여서는 활동 장소 만족도가 3.1로 가장 낮아 환경요인과 연결성이 있었다. 질적 평가 인터뷰 자료 분석결과, 먼저 멘토링 경험에서의 성장영역은 동기부여된 시작 자체에서 오는 성장, 또 다른 나 자신과의 만남과 전문적 역량의 증진, 팀활동과 멘티를 통한 역량 강화, 자신의 현재와 미래 삶의 의미를 발견함이라는 5가지 범주로 분석되었다. 또한 멘토링 경험에서의 도전영역은 지지적이지 않았던 환경요인들, 부족한 개인적 역량에 대한 부담, 시기적절한 행정적 지원의 불충분이라는 3가지 범주로 분석되었다. 차후 멘토링 프로그램 발전을 위해 멘토 및 멘티 주도형 활동 기획 강화, 멘토링 활동을 통한 소속감과 팀웍 증진 지원, 전공 연계의 실천적 적용과 관련된 슈퍼비전 체계 강화, 다양한 환경적 요인 및 행정적 지원의 체계화를 제언하였다. This study aims to evaluate mentoring program experience through both quantitative and qualitative methods and to be the base study for developing more qualified mentoring program by college student mentors. To achieve this purpose, quantitative study was implemented through survey that examines program evaluation with 20 mentors, and qualitative study was taken as focus group interview with 6 mentors. The quantitative data were analyzed by SPSS PC+ package, and the interview data was categorized by constant comparison in open coding of grounded theory. As the quantitative evaluation result, relating to mentor's growth, the individual goal achievement level showed pretty high as 4.26 in 5 as full score. Program evaluation area showed that 4.27 point was for group goal achievement level, comparatively higher in the areas of understanding/practical skill development, human relationship improvement, and feeling achievement/success. Results showed 4.5 in general satisfaction of the program, 4.38 in individual participation (highest in individual mentoring participation). Specific activity satisfaction was 4.63 for mid-term evaluation conference, and 4.3 for administration evaluation in education/supervision. Relating to challenges, location factor involving long distance factor was the lowest as 3.1. As the qualitative analysis results, the growth part was categorized with 5 different areas; growth from the motivated starting, finding unrecognized sides in themselves, professional capacities developed, strengthened abilities through team activities and their mentees, and finding the meaning in their own life both for the present and the future. In the area of challenges, not supportive factors in the environment, feeling of burden from insufficient capacities, need for timely support from the administrative agency. Based on the research findings, strengthening the mentor-mentee self-led activity/planning, development of belonging/teamwork, improving supervision system for connecting social work major, and environmental/administrative support were suggested.

      • DCPD 법을 이용한 TMCP 강의 부식피로수명 평가

        박진형(Jinhyung Park),배동호(DongHo Bae) 대한기계학회 2003 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2003 No.4

        In order to develop a method of corrosion fatigue design and estimate reliability of TMCP<br/> steel using as the material of heavy industries and plants, its corrosion susceptibilities and<br/> corrosion fatigue life considering corrosion degradation were investigated. From the results, the<br/> corrosion characteristic of TMCP steel is very susceptible in 3.5wt.% NaCl solution. Its<br/> susceptibility was linearly increased with the solution temperature increase. The potential<br/> difference due to the crack growth behavior in 25℃, 3.5wt.% NaCl solution is very susceptible.<br/> And it was found that stress amplitude has a linear relationship with the critical potential.<br/> Therefore, it is expected that the corrosion fatigue life of TMCP steel can be nondestructively<br/> predicted using the DCPD method.

      • TMCP 강의 부식열화 및 부식피로강도 평가

        박진형(Jinhyung Park),배동호(DongHo Bae) 대한기계학회 2003 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2003 No.4

        In order to develop a method of corrosion fatigue design and estimate reliability of TMCP<br/> steel using as the material of heavy industries and plants, its corrosion susceptibilities, corrosion<br/> fatigue strength, and determination of fatigue design criterion considering corrosion degradation<br/> were investigated. From the results, the corrosion characteristic of TMCP steel is very<br/> susceptible in 3.5wt.% NaCl solution. Its susceptibility was linearly increased with the solution<br/> temperature increase. The corrosion fatigue strength in 25.., 3.5wt.% NaCl solution is very<br/> lower than that of in air. And also, it was decreased with the frequency decrease in the same<br/> environment. It is expected that the developed corrosion fatigue design method for TMCP steel<br/> is useful. However, it is necessary to verify its reliability for actual application.

      • TMCP강의 부식열화 및 부식피로강도 예측기법

        배동호(DongHo Bae),백승엽(Sungyup Back),조선영(Sunyoung Cho),박진형(Jinhyung Park) 대한기계학회 2002 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2002 No.8

        In order to develop a method of corrosion fatigue design and estimate reliability of TMCP steel using as the material of heavy industries and plants, its corrosion susceptibilities, corrosion fatigue strength, and determination of fatigue design criterion considering corrosion degradation were investigated. From the results, the corrosion characteristic of TMCP steel is very susceptible in 3.5wt.% NaCI solution. Its susceptibility was linearly increased with the solution temperature increase. The corrosion fatigue strength in 25℃, 3.5wt.% NaCI solution is very lower than that of in air. And also, it was decreased with the frequency decrease in the same environment. It is expected that the-developed corrosion fatigue design method for TMCP steel is useful. However, it is necessary to verify its reliability for actual application.

      • A 6.7–11.2 Gb/s, 2.25 pJ/bit, Single-Loop Referenceless CDR With Multi-Phase, Oversampling PFD in 65-nm CMOS

        Park, Kwanseo,Bae, Woorham,Lee, Jinhyung,Hwang, Jeongho,Jeong, Deog-Kyoon IEEE 2018 IEEE journal of solid-state circuits Vol.53 No.10

        <P>A single-loop referenceless clock and data recovery (CDR) with a compact frequency acquisition scheme is presented. A bang–bang phase–frequency detector (BBPFD) is proposed that tracks the frequency difference by detecting the drift direction of the non-return to zero bit stream with respect to the multi-phase clock and generates UP/DN output signals accordingly. When frequency locked, the BBPFD is degenerated into the conventional bang–bang phase detector (BBPD). The UP/DN output signals from the BBPFD are thus connected directly to the loop filter, thereby reducing the acquisition time without any loss of cycles. The effect of sampling phase mismatch is analyzed, and the capture range is calculated. In addition, the frequency acquisition time is analytically derived and verified by simulation. The proposed CDR has been implemented in a 65-nm CMOS process and occupies an active area of 0.047 mm<SUP>2</SUP>. The measured capture range is 6.7–11.2 Gb/s, and the frequency acquisition time is less than 2.19 <TEX>$\mu \text{s}$</TEX>. The proposed CDR achieves error-free operation (BER < 10<SUP>−12</SUP>) for PRBS31 pattern and consumes 22.5 mW at 10 Gb/s.</P>


        Protective effect of ultrasonication-processed ginseng berry extract on the D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury model in rats

        Nam, Yoonjin,Bae, Jinhyung,Jeong, Ji Hoon,Ko, Sung Kwon,Sohn, Uy Dong The Korean Society of Ginseng 2018 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.42 No.4

        Background: Acute hepatic failure is a life-threatening critical condition associated with rapid deterioration of liver function and liver transplantation. Several studies have shown that Panax ginseng Mayer has antidiabetic and hepatoprotective effects. However, the hepatoprotective effect of ginseng berry is still unveiled. In this study, we evaluated the hepatoprotective effects of ultrasonication-processed ginseng berry extract (UGBE) on acute hepatic failure model in rats. Methods: Ginseng berry extract (GBE) was ultrasonically processed. The GBE, silymarin, and UGBE were orally administered to male Sprague-Dawley rats for 4 wk. Twenty-four h after the last administration, rats were challenged with D-galactosamine (D-GalN)/lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Results: After ultrasonication, the component ratio of ginsenosides Rg2, Rg3, Rh1, Rh4, Rk1, Rk3, and F4 in GBE had been elevated. Administration of UGBE significantly increased the survival rate of D-GalN/LPS-challenged rats. Pretreatment with UGBE significantly decreased serum alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and total bilirubin levels in D-GalN/LPS-challenged rats in a dose-dependent manner. The levels of enzymatic markers for oxidative stress (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and glutathione) were increased by UGBE treatment in a dose-dependent manner. Tumor necrosis factor alphalevel, inducible nitric oxide synthase activities, and nitric oxide productions were reduced by UGBE treatment. In addition, hemeoxygenase-1 levels in liver were also significantly increased in the UGBE-treated group. The protein expression of toll-like receptor 4 was decreased by UGBE administration. Hematoxylin and eosin staining results also supported the results of this study showing normal appearance of liver histopathology in the UGBE-treated group. Conclusion: UGBE showed a great hepatoprotective effect on D-GalN/LPS-challenged rats via the toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway.


        Neuronal Responses in the Globus Pallidus during Subthalamic Nucleus Electrical Stimulation in Normal and Parkinson's Disease Model Rats

        Ryu, Sang Baek,Bae, Eun Kyung,Kim, Jinhyung,Hwang, Yong Sup,Im, Changkyun,Chang, Jin Woo,Shin, Hyung-Cheul,Kim, Kyung Hwan The Korean Society of Pharmacology 2013 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.17 No.4

        Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) has been widely used as a treatment for the movement disturbances caused by Parkinson's disease (PD). Despite successful application of DBS, its mechanism of therapeutic effect is not clearly understood. Because PD results from the degeneration of dopamine neurons that affect the basal ganglia (BG) network, investigation of neuronal responses of BG neurons during STN DBS can provide informative insights for the understanding of the mechanism of therapeutic effect. However, it is difficult to observe neuronal activity during DBS because of large stimulation artifacts. Here, we report the observation of neuronal activities of the globus pallidus (GP) in normal and PD model rats during electrical stimulation of the STN. A custom artifact removal technique was devised to enable monitoring of neural activity during stimulation. We investigated how GP neurons responded to STN stimulation at various stimulation frequencies (10, 50, 90 and 130 Hz). It was observed that activities of GP neurons were modulated by stimulation frequency of the STN and significantly inhibited by high frequency stimulation above 50 Hz. These findings suggest that GP neuronal activity is effectively modulated by STN stimulation and strongly dependent on the frequency of stimulation.


        The Inhibitory Mechanism of Gentamicin on Electrical Field Stimulation Response in Rat Bladder Smooth Muscle

        Min, Chang Ho,Wang, YiYi,Bae, Jinhyung,Han, Jung Hoon,Sohn, Uy Dong The Korean Society of Pharmacology 2015 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.19 No.5

        To see the inhibitory mechanism of gentamicin in response to electrical field stimulation (EFS) using the rat bladder smooth muscle, atropine or guanethidine was treated but had no effect. Methylsergide, a non-selective 5-$HT_1$, 5-$HT_2$ receptor antagonist was also treated but had on effect. Kinase inhibitors, such as chelerythrine (PKC inhibitor), ML-9 (MLCK inhibitor), or Y27632 (rho kinase inhibitor) were pretreated before gentamicin treatment, but did not have effect. For U73122, a phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor however, the inhibitory effect to gentamicin was significantly attenuated in all frequencies given by the EFS. Therefore gentamicin induced inhibitory effect on EFS response in rat bladder smooth muscle was not mediated by the activation of adrenergic, cholinergic, or serotonergic receptor. The inhibition of gentamicin might be mediated through the PLC dependent pathway, but not through the PKC, MLCK or rho kinase dependent pathway.


        Neuronal Responses in the Globus Pallidus during Subthalamic Nucleus Electrical Stimulation in Normal and Parkinson s Disease Model Rats

        Sang Baek Ryu,Eun Kyung Bae,Jinhyung Kim,Yong Sup Hwang,Changkyun Im,Jin Woo Chang,Hyung-Cheul Shin,Kyung Hwan Kim 대한생리학회-대한약리학회 2013 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.17 No.4

        Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) has been widely used as a treatment for the movement disturbances caused by Parkinson s disease (PD). Despite successful application of DBS, its mechanism of therapeutic effect is not clearly understood. Because PD results from the degeneration of dopamine neurons that affect the basal ganglia (BG) network, investigation of neuronal responses of BG neurons during STN DBS can provide informative insights for the understanding of the mechanism of therapeutic effect. However, it is difficult to observe neuronal activity during DBS because of large stimulation artifacts. Here, we report the observation of neuronal activities of the globus pallidus (GP) in normal and PD model rats during electrical stimulation of the STN. A custom artifact removal technique was devised to enable monitoring of neural activity during stimulation. We investigated how GP neurons responded to STN stimulation at various stimulation frequencies (10, 50, 90 and 130 Hz). It was observed that activities of GP neurons were modulated by stimulation frequency of the STN and significantly inhibited by high frequency stimulation above 50 Hz. These findings suggest that GP neuronal activity is effectively modulated by STN stimulation and strongly dependent on the frequency of stimulation.

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