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        전후 이승만 정권의 기간산업 육성론

        정진아 ( Chung Jin A ) 역사문제연구소 2009 역사문제연구 Vol.13 No.2

        After the Korean war, the Syngman Rhee government intended to foster a basis that would sustain a free economy and then establish a system to accept foreign aid, and also to nurture both light & key basic industries at the same time, for a speedy capitalist development of the economy. In order to do so, the Syngman Rhee government heeded to the U.S. suggestion, and established a legal basis for a free economy by making amendments to the economic section of the Constitution, while also dissolving the government`s running of industries to facilitate private managements of the industry. The government also boosted key basic industries that manufactured fertilizers, plate glass, cement and steel. Yet promotion of key basic industries could have caused some controversies for expanding national running of the industry, so regulations that would dictate the transfer of those industries` control to the private sector had to be put in place. It was to let the government abide by the principle of the industries` free operation, a concept that was already agreed upon by both Korea and the U.S. And such move was also taken to make it possible for the Korean government to accept U.S. demands regarding free economy and at the same time enable rapid development of the economy, while also remedying Korean economy`s problems, such as imbalance in the industrial structure, insufficient capital, and the underdeveloped nature of the capitalists. The post-war efforts of the Syngman Rhee government for nurturing key basic industries displayed a layer of meanings. First, it shows us the Rhee government`s perception of the task of developing the heavy chemical industry. Rhee government considered heavy chemical industry as a key industrial area that would ensure the long-term prosperity of the entire industry, and an area which could proceed without interruption even after the foreign aid was ceased. So Rhee government wished that the development of key basic industries which had huge interactive potentials would lead to a full scale development in the heavy chemical industry. Second, Rhee government`s efforts show us that such efforts also included a fostering program for major capitalists directly aided and funded by the government. Rhee government planned to first develop key basic industries with funding from the Korean Industrial bank, and then transfer the operation of such industries to the private sector. The key basic industries were usually huge, and played a vital and instrumental role in the development of the economy and industries in general, so any private company chosen to oversee such industry would become a major capitalist in an instant. Third, Rhee government`s efforts show us the historical flow of the entire industrialization process, which was led by the State and later culminated in the Economic development plans of the Park Chung Hee government. The Koreans allowed the state to intervene in the economic operations of the country in order to break free from the colonial industry structure that had been established during the occupation period, and also in order to make possible a rapid capitalist development, after the Korean war. The State-led industrialization policies resulted in hatching the Industry Recovery plan, and construction of key basic industries.

      • KCI등재
      • 2011 개정 교육과정에 의한 음악 교과서 분석: D 출판사를 중심으로

        정진원 ( Chung Jin-won ),오지향 ( Oh Jihyang ) 미래음악교육학회 2016 미래음악교육연구 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 음악 교과서 분석을 통해서 우리나라 음악교과서의 체계 및 내용 구성상의 특성 및 구체화 양상을 탐색하고 향후 음악교과서 개발에 있어서의 시사점을 논의하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 동아출판(주) 초등 3-4, 초등 5-6 및 중학교 음악 교과서를 단원구성체제, 제재단원구성체제, 내용구성특징(악곡 및 제재구성, 영역별 학습활동, 음악개념 및 요소의 제시방식, 평가방법의 제시, 학습목표 및 학습활동 진술방식)영역으로 나누어 분석 하였다. 교과서 분석 결과 동아출판(주) 교과서는 2011 개정 음악과 교육과정을 잘 반영하며 위계성과 연계성을 고려하여 학습자의 흥미와 자발적 활동을 포함한 다양한 악곡과 활동이 수록되어있음을 볼 수 있었다. 또한 기본적으로 모든 교과서는 검인정을 통과하기 위해 공통적으로 준수해야 하는 기준과 내용을 포함하는 것을 감안한다면, 본 연구를 통해 교과서 집필진의 음악교육철학과 개발방향이 교과서에 어떻게 개성 있게 구체화되었는지 볼 수 있었다. 따라서 교과서를 직접 사용할 교사들의 교과서 분석 및 선택과정이 중요하며 이를 위해 음악교과서 선택을 위한 기준이나 체크리스트 개발에 대한 연구와 논의가 필요할 것이다. The objective of this study is to analyze the characteristics of music textbooks in terms of their organization and contents and to draw implications for the development of such textbooks. To this end, music textbooks published by Donga Publishing for third- and fourth-graders in elementary school, for fifth- and sixth-graders in elementary school, and for students in middle school were examined in terms of their organization of units, unit topics, and contents(e.g., songs and topics, learning activities by different areas, how musical concepts and elements are introduced, the method of evaluation, and the description of learning goals and activities). The analysis results showed that Donga Publishing textbooks well reflected the national music curricula revised in 2011 and introduced a broad range of songs and musical activities in consideration of hierarchy and connections among various learning elements to stimulate students` interests and voluntary activities. Given that all textbooks must follow set rules and include common contents to obtain official approval to be used as textbooks, the analysis of particular textbooks in this study showed how they mirror the authors` philosophy of music education and the direction taken in developing a textbook. For music teachers, the process of examining and selecting a music textbook is quite important, and further research and discussion is needed to develop criteria and a checklist to select suitable music textbooks.

      • KCI등재

        실천적 지식으로서의 음악과 수업전문성 형성에 대한 질적 탐구

        정진원 ( Chung Jin-won ) 한국피아노교수법학회 2016 음악교수법연구 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구는 교육 경험의 구성자이자 매개자로서 수업의 과정에서 교사가 내포하고 있는 역할의 중요성을 탐색하고 연속적인 맥락에서 음악 교과적 특수성에 입각한 음악수업전문성의 실천적 의미와 구성요인을 이론적, 경험적으로 고찰하였다. 이론적 측면에서 교사의 수업전문성은 지식을 학생에게 전달하는 교사의 심화된 능력을 의미하며 교수학습전략지식, 학생이해지식, 교과 내용지식, 교육환경지식 등과 같은 다양한 유형의 지식들을 포함한다. 음악과 수업전문성도 교육학 일반에서의 수업전문성요인들을 동일하게 공유함과 동시에 음악적 지식, 음악적 표현 기능, 음악적 교수실행능력과 같은 교과 특성적인 요인들이 관여된다. 초등교사 8인을 대상으로 실시한 음악 수업 실행과정에 대한 근거이론적 연구에서는 이론적 탐구에서 제시된 수업전문성 요인들이 동일하게 나타났으며 ‘음악에 대한 가치화’, ‘음악수업에 대한 동기화’ ‘음악수업에 대한 성찰’이 주목할 만한 요인으로 나타났다. 교사의 내재적 지식이 ‘수업’을 통하여 ‘좋은 음악수업’ 나아가 ‘음악수업의 전문성’으로까지 발전하기 위해서는 교사의 내면에 축적된 음악에 대한 ‘가치관’이 전제되어야 하며 지속적으로 좋은 수업을 실천하고자 하는 내적 의지가 주요하게 작동한다고 해석된다. 향후 논의에서는 수업전문성을 발전시키는 교사 내면의 정향적 요인들이 탐색되어야 할 것이다. The study contemplated importance of the role of teacher as a constructor of music instruction and also investigated concept of professional knowledge of music teaching as practical knowledge and its formation within the music teaching process. On theoretical perspective teaching professionality means intensified ability of delivering knowledge to students which includes knowledge of teaching strategies, knowledge about students, content knowledge of subject, and knowledge of teaching environment. Professional knowledge of music teaching surely requires same kind of knowledges for education in general, also demands specific knowledge for music teaching like musical knowledge, skills for musical expression, executing music teaching strategies. 8 of elementary school teachers participated in qualitative investigation applying grounded theory. From the results, this study found most of knowledge factors that main theories suggested, and it can be possibly interpreted that teacher’s valuation of music and willness for ‘good teaching’ are also critical factors for self-development of teaching professionality. For future discussion, this study suggests teachers’ inner orientation toward value of music for education.

      • KCI등재

        사회주의가 북한 어민의 풍습과 노동관행에 미친 영향

        정진아(Chung Jin-A) 한국사학회 2015 史學硏究 Vol.- No.118

        북한의 인민민주주의 개혁과 사회주의 협동화의 중요한 대상이었던 농업과 수산업 분야는 1945~60년 획기적인 변화과정을 거쳤고, 농민과 어민들의 생활방식도 크게 변모하였다. 인민민주주의 개혁과 사회주의 협동화는 단지 북한을 인민민주주의체제 및 사회주의체제로 바꾸는 과정일 뿐 아니라 사회주의적인 인간형을 창출하는 과정이기도 하였기 때문이다. 6.25전쟁 전 북한은 중요산업의 국유화 조치를 취하면서도 개인상공업의 존재를 인정하면서 생산력 발전을 추진하였고, 어업분야는 중소어업을 중심으로 발전하고 있었다. 당시 반제반봉건 인민민주주의 개혁의 일환으로 북한정권이 추진하였던 수산업 정책은 미신을 타파함으로써 어민들의 과학적 인식의 토대 아래 수산업이 발전할 수 있는 기반을 닦고, 국영기업소와 수산합작사를 활성화하여 어민들이 국영 및 협동조합 조직의 우월성을 이해하고 자발적으로 사회주의 협동화의 길로 들어설 수 있도록 간접적으로 유도하는 것이었다. 전쟁 이후 사회주의화를 추진하면서 북한은 일천한 생산력 수준에서 사회주의를 건설해야 하는 문제에 봉착했다. 북한은 생산력에 기반한 생산관계의 변화라는 사회주의의 일반적인 경로를 따르지 않고, 생산관계의 변화를 통해 생산력을 추동한다는 ‘우리식 사회주의’의 길을 창안하고 사회주의 협동화를 급속히 추진하였다. 이러한 방법은 주체의 각성과 요구를 바탕으로 했을 때는 효과적일 수 있지만, 주체의 준비정도가 미약한 곳에서는 효과를 발휘할 수가 없었다. 특히 공동노동과 적색조합운동의 경험이 없었던 수산업 분야에서는 주체의 각성을 통한 생산력 증진이라는 방안이 크게 효과를 거두지 못한 채 지체 양상을 보이고 있었다. 김일성은 1957년 제1차 5개년계획을 추진하면서 지체양상을 보이고 있는 대표적인 분야로 수산업 분야를 지적하고, 국가의 직접적인 개입과 지도를 강화하였다. 그 방향은 ‘새세대공산주의자’인 청년층의 전진배치를 통한 세대교체, 여성들의 투입을 통해 신어업문화를 조성하는 급속한 전환의 방식이었다. 이는 국가의 직접적인 개입과 강력한 지도를 통하지 않고서는 수산업 분야의 사회주의 협동화와 사회주의 인간형의 창출이 쉽게 달성될 수 없었다는 점을 말해주는 동시에, 사회경제적인 조건보다 정치적 지도와 사상개조를 우선시하는 ‘우리식 사회주의’가 어업분야에 관철되는 방식을 보여준다. Agriculture and Fisheries, important objects in People’s democratic reformand socialist cooperation, underwent ground-breaking changes in 1946~1960, and the lifestyles of North Korean farmers and fishermen were also greatly changed. This was because the People’s democratic reform and socialist cooperation were processes in which North Korea was not only changed into a People’s democratic and socialist regime, but also engaged in the creation of anti-feudal and socialist humans. Before the Korean War, North Korea took on the nationalization of important industries but recognized the existence of private commerce and industry to drive productivity, and fisheries were developed on the basis of small-size fishing industries. The North Korean regime’s policies for fisheries at that time were to make grounds for developing fishing industries under the fishermen’s scientific recognition by eliminating superstitions in a way of anti-imperialist/ anti-feudal People’s democratic reform, and to indirectly lead the fishermen to understand the superiority of national and cooperative organizations and be willing to enter the road to cooperative efforts with activation of national enterprises and fishing companies. In the course of her post-war regime competition with South Korea, North Korea was faced with the task of building socialism based on her poor productivity. North Korea did not follow the general path to socialism, that is, changes in production relations based on productivity, but came up with the way of ‘Our Way of Socialism,’ which would enhance productivity in terms of changes in production relations, and rapidly drove socialist cooperative efforts. This way might be effective when it was based on the subject’s awakening and requirement, but could never work well where the subject’s readiness was poor. Especially, in the field of fisheries, where experiences in group work and red cooperation movement were totally absent, the plan for productivity improvement in terms of the subject’s awakening was not fruitful but only showed retardation. Thus, Kim Il-seong, driving the first 5-year plan in 1957, referred to fisheries as a representative field of retardation, and strengthened the nation’s direct intervention and guidance. This was oriented toward a shift in generations in terms of aggressive allocation of new-generation communists and a rapid transition for the creation of new fishing culture with women’s engagement. This paradoxically tells us that the socialist cooperation and the creation of socialist humans could not be reached without the nation’s direct intervention and powerful guidance, and at the same time shows the way in which ‘Our Way of Socialism,’ which prioritized political leadership and ideological reform rather than socio-economic conditions, was accomplished in fisheries.

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재

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