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        `자이니치(在日)`의 만박(万博) ― 1970년 일본만국박람회 당시 재일한국인만박후원회의 활동

        정호석 ( Jeong Hoseok ) 한국사회사학회 2017 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.113

        이 논문은 민단계 재일 한인의 `모국공헌`이 갖는 역사적 현상으로서의 복합성과 역동성을 탐구하기 위한 하나의 시도로서 1970년 오사카에서 열린 일본만국박람회(이하 `만박`) 후원 사업의 사례를 검토한다. 1969년 8월 민단 산하에 조직된 재일한국인만박후원회는 50만 달러의 한국관 건설 비용을 모금하고 한국관의 운영을 지원하며 `내셔널 데이` 행사를 개최하는 한편 약 1만 명에 달하는 본국 친지를 초청하는 등 대규모의 조직적인 후원 활동을 전개했다. 후원 사업의 핵심적인 주체는 총련과 대항 구도를 형성하며 급속하게 성장하던 오사카 지역 상공인들로서, 그들은 적극적인 참여를 통해 지역 내 협력과 결속의 수준을 높이는 동시에 한국 정부와의 협력적 의존 관계를 발전시켰다. 그들은 한국의 산업화를 선전하는 장으로 여겨졌던 만박 한국관에 일본이나 세계의 시선을 의식한 국위선양뿐만 아니라 총련에 대한 민단 조직력의 과시, 한인사회 및 민단 내부에서 상공인들이 갖는 존재감의 부각, 도쿄에 대한 오사카의 상대적 위상 제고 등 복수의 층위에서 `바람직한 미래상`을 투사하고 있었다. 협정영주권 체제 하에서의 미래의 비전에 대한 고민 속에서 나타난 정체성 프로젝트로서의 만박 후원은 재일 한인들의 애향심을 대한민국에 대한 애국주의에 접합시킴으로써 일본에 영주하면서 고향과 조국에 공헌할 수 있는 새로운 `본국지향`의 가능성을 증명한 첫 대규모 사업으로서, 이 시기 한인 1세들의 `자이니치(在日)`로서의 자기인식을 새로이 하였다는 점에서 역사적 중요성을 갖는다. During the past 70 years, ethnic Korean residents in Japan have supported South Korea repeatedly in various ways including pecuniary aids, in-kind contributions and non-monetary support. This paper discusses the case of the Japan World Exposition (EXPO`70; Osaka Banpaku). By reviewing how an aspiration to help homeland took on organized form through mass campaign, and how the meaning of the mega-event was appropriated, this paper explores the dynamics of “homeland contribution” as a multi-layered cultural project. In preparation of hosting Asia`s first world`s fair, Koreans launched a grand-scale project to invigorate South Korea`s participation to the EXPO. Association for the Support of EXPO`70, officially set up by Mindan, deployed a variety of activities: fund-raising campaign to meet the construction expense for a national pavilion; the invitation project of the family members from Korea; the reception and the entertaining treatment to guests; and the operational backup during the six-month-lasting event. The strong initiative of local businessmen in the support project, which can partly be understood as the accumulation of social capital aimed at boosting cooperation and solidarity, escalated a reciprocal communication between pro-Midan businessmen and the South Korean government. At one level, the EXPO, as a powerful media event of mass imagination, worked as a window to the desirable future wherein ethnic Koreans` multiple intentions and identity strategies were intertwined. At another level, it was regarded as a tool to expand Mindan in the ideological competition with the pro-North Korean organization. With the bundling up of local patriotism for hometown and state nationalism for home government together throughout the project, the first generation of ethnic Koreans embraced a newly-emerging agency as Zainichi (staying in Japan), which is pioneered the new era of economic development of contributing to the industrialization of homeland through the status of Treaty Permanent Residency [kyotei-eiju]. The EXPO`70 serves as a model case of their organized support since then.

      • KCI등재

        ‘오모니’를 만나는 여행 ― 모리사키 가즈에의 여행기 읽기

        정호석 ( Jeong Hoseok ) 서울대학교 인문학연구원 2021 人文論叢 Vol.78 No.3

        모리사키 가즈에(森崎和江)는 조선에서 나고 자란 식민2세로서 여행을 통해 탈식민적 사유를 전개해 왔다. 본고에서는 그의 여행기 작품에서 어릴 적 자신을 키워준 ‘오모니’ 및 한인 여성들과의 만남이 어떠한 글쓰기-사유를 낳았는지를 살펴본다. 모리사키는 여행의 단상과 회상을 느슨하게 엮으며 그가 만난 여성들의 모습으로부터 다양한 역사사회적 의미를 읽어내지만 그러한 해석은 잠정적일 뿐 이미지들은 다시 복수의 상이한 의미들과 얽히면서 나열적으로 집적되며 풍부한 심상의 구도를 이룬다. 그는 정형화된 상징이나 확정적인 의미연관에 맞서, 알레고리를 활용함으로써 이미지의 새로운 의미를 발굴하며 ‘오모니’라는 한인 여성에 대한 식민주의적 표상을 효과적으로 중층화, 탈중심화하였는데, 그러한 이미지-의미의 조합들은 반복, 변주되면서 작품간 참조관계(상호텍스트성)를 이루고, 그 잠재적 재조합의 여지는 역동적인 읽기를 촉발한다. 이렇게 모리사키의 ‘원죄’를 승화하기 위한 변증법적 기획은 타자와의 만남으로 열리는 가운데 ‘독자들과 함께 걷는 끝없는 여정’이라는 면모를 드러낸다. This paper explores the representation of Korean women in the images that appear in Morisaki Kazue’s travelogues. Morisaki, a second-generation Japanese settler in colonial Korea, had visited Korea after the war. The features of her travel essays are as follows: first, the narratives have a non-linear structure that “loosely” intertwines recollections, impressions, and contemplations. Second, while the images of Korean women were interpreted as the scars of war, the potential of labor, and the tradition of local communication; such provisional interpretations were varied by connecting different images. Third, when repetitions with differences create hypertextuality between works, the “constellation” of images that is presented on the travelogues does not converge to a definite meaning. Fourth, as allegory promotes active readings against any teleology or symbols, Morisaki’s initial dialectical project (which is aimed to sublate the “original sin” as a colonizer) makes an endless journey with readers.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Skin Irritation Toxicity Test of Processed Sulfur in New Zealand White Rabbit

        Hoseok Jung,서욱철,Taeseong Jeong,Hyung Won Kang,Sung Chul Kim 대한약침학회 2022 Journal of pharmacopuncture Vol.25 No.1

        Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate the skin irritation toxicity of processed sulfur. Methods: All experiments were conducted at Medvill (Korea), an institution authorized to perform non-clinical studies, under the Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) regulations. In order to investigate skin irritation toxicity of processed sulfur, we divided the back of six rabbits into two control sites and two test sites. One of each of the two control and test sites was then designated abraded sites and intact sites. In test sites, 0.5 g of processed sulfur was applied to the back of the rabbit for 24 hours, and in control sites, 0.5 g of sterile distilled water was applied in the same way. We observed and evaluated mortality, weight, general symptoms, and skin irritation toxicity. This study was conducted with the approval of the Animal Ethics Committee (Approval number: IAC2020-1549). Results: In all experiments, no dead animals were observed. In all cases, skin coloration was observed at 24 hours after processed sulfur administration. This coloration lasted up to 48 hours and is believed to be the effect of the administration of test substances. Weight measurement indicated that weight was lost 72 hours after administration in three cases, but this is considered an accidental weight change. Normal weight gain was observed in the remaining subjects. In all animals, no skin irritation toxicity was observed, and the primary irritation index (P.I.I) was calculated as 0.0 according to Draize’s evaluation method. Conclusion: The above findings suggest that it is relatively safe to apply a processed sulfur to the skin. Further research on this topic is needed to provide more specific evidence.

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