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      • KCI등재

        현덕 유년동화의 놀이 모티프에 나타난 현실 인식 -노마 연작을 중심으로-

        방재석 ( Jae Seok Bang ),김하영 ( Ha Young Kim ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소 2015 동화와 번역 Vol.30 No.-

        본 연구는 현덕이 놀이모티프를 활용한 유년동화에서 자신이 인식하고 있는 현실의 문제를 제기하는 방식을 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 현덕의 유년동화39편 가운데 놀이 과정이 형상화 된 16편에 나타난 놀이 모티프를 유형별로 분류하고 그 의미를 분석하였다. 로제 카이와의 놀이 구분에 따르면 현덕 유년동화의 놀이모티프는 아곤, 미미크리, 아곤과 미미크리의 혼재가 나타나는 놀이로 분류할 수 있다. 현덕은 아곤형놀이를 통해 현실의 계급 문제를 제기하고, 미미크리형 놀이를 통해 문제의 해결책을 강구한다. 아곤과 미미크리가 혼재된 현덕의 작품에서 계급적 질서가 투영된 세계는 아이들이 제시하는 다른 놀이를 통해 새로운 질서를 가진 세계로 재구성된다. 현덕이 제기하는 현실의 계급적 문제는 현덕의 소설이나 소년소설에서도 나타난다. 그러나 유년동화에서 제기되는 계급 문제는 타 장르에 비해 간접적으로 드러나고, 놀이 모티프를 장치로 사용함으로서 부유한 환경의 아동마저도 포용하는 대안적 세계를 제시한다는 점에 주목할 필요가 있다. 현덕 유년동화에서 놀이 모티프의 활용은 아동 모두를 포용하는 세계를 재구성하는데 기여하고 있다는 점에서 매우 중요하다. This research aims to study about how they question problems in reality that they recognise reflecting to the play motif of Hyunduk children’s story. It is toassort the play motifs on episode 16, which the play process is exemplified, of the whole 39 series by type in order to analyse the meaning. According to Roger Caillois’s play sort, the play motif of Hyunduk children’s story can be sorted as agon, mimicry, and combination of agon and mimicry. Hyunduk suggests hierarchy problems by agon game, and looks for a solution by a mimicry type game. In Hyunduk’s work of the combination of agon and mimicry,the world reflecting to hierarchical order is re-created as a new world with a new order through another game suggested by the children. The hierarchical problems in reality that Hyunduk suggests appear in Hyunduk’s works and adolescence novels. However, hierarchical problems suggested in children’s stories appear indirectly comparing to that in other genres, and as using a game motif as the tool, it is worth looking at the point that it suggests an alternative world embracing children with wealthy backgrounds. It is very important to notice that the use of a game motif in Hyunduk children’s story contributes to the reconstitution of a new world embracing all children.

      • KCI등재

        이청준 소설에 나타난 종교관 고찰

        방재석(Jae Seok Bang),김민정(Min Jung Kim) 한국현대소설학회 2012 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.50

        Literature and religion have the same aspect of dealing with the fundamental matter concerning human and the world. Literature treats the world with the daily life of human, while religion has the understanding of the world focused on the Providence of God. Lee Cheong-jun studies deep into the matters concerning the existence of God and the salvation of human. To him, a novel is regarded as religion because of art as the process to seek the truth. Although he accepts Christianity, he criticizes its blind obedience and the way of one - sided salvation. He understands Almighty God reigning over people as an incomplete being needing human help, and gives human the responsibilities to lead their lives independently. His ideal religion is not oppressive with a dominant-subordinate relationship between God and human, but ``horizontally open``. The religion in his novels is ``the present progressive form`` to be accomplished by both God and human. Its truth is an object of creation, not faith. God and human make the truth together and share the process. Always the truth is incomplete, and that means it has the possibility of sustainable progress, not deficiency. The core of views of both art and religion of Lee Cheong-jun is to pursue genuine freedom and faith by doubt and question, not blind obedience to the absolute. He disagrees on the literature hindering religion as well as the religion restricting human. His literature is well worth studying in the ways that it is understood the religion pursuing the salvation of human by infinite freedom of literature following uselessness, and the truth is changing into the object of creation.

      • KCI등재

        베트남전쟁과 한

        방재석(Jae Seok Bang),조선영(Sun Young Cho) 한국현대소설학회 2014 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.57

        Although exchange between Korean and Vietnam has been increased dramatically from all areas in society after resuming diplomatic relations in 1992, there are still lack of understanding of each other. To overcome prejudice and hostility between two countries and contribute to development of ethical culture, understanding Vietnam War which led to discontinuities must be a priority. The United States intervened Vietnam War under the domino theory and anti-Communist logic. Korea also participated in the War as an ally of the United States, Park Chung-hee government expanded and reproduced domino theory and anti-Communist logic from the United States in order to stabilize regime and build infrastructure of economic development. Of many literatures regarding Vietnam War, 『White Badge』 by Ahn, Jung-Hyo is a work that specifically embodied domestic and foreign circumstances and operational tactics. In 『White Badge』, metal trauma and destroyed life of the characters were resulted from the war, which allows Korean literature to encounter with Vietnam literature. A Vietnamese writer, Bao Ninh describes the cruelty of war and human devastation in 『Sorrow of War』. Vietnam literature and Korean literature encounters in the course of realizing the fact that people unrelated to the war would eventually become victims by ruling ideology and external force. Since Korea has established diplomatic relations with Vietnam, ``a meeting of young writers for understanding Vietnam`` was started in 1995 and has constantly performed human exchange in the field of literature. There is a paucity of literary works in spite of many efforts in the field of creation and translation. To let the world know about the fact that literature of the two countries endeavors to protect the universal values of human rather than ruling ideology and interests in favor of their countries, more efforts will be required to introduce many works and translate them. Without being limited to bilateral relations, literary exchange between Korea and Vietnam has significant meanings because that the center can not save the periphery; that only human and life stand for values; and that two countries meet together serving as supporters on the ground of historical assets.

      • KCI등재

        바리공주 서사의 수용과 활용

        김민정(Min Jung Kim),방재석(Jae Seok Bang) 한국현대소설학회 2013 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.54

        The aims of this study is to examine the narrative structure and cultural element of Princess Bari folk tale, to analyze its reception, and to search its creation and usage. This folk tale is a typical adventure narrative, and its main features are a heroine, a altruistic and transcendental message, and a diverse meaning in both ‘divine nature and human nature’ and ‘life and death.’ It has the speciality of Korean folk tale as well as the universality of a adventure narrative with a heroine. In this folk tale, there are infanticide(boy preference), revival(death), river(water), round characters and animals as a culture element. Narrative structure has its role to lead stories, and culture element adds meanings to them in various ways. To make more use of Princess Bari as cultural prototype beyond Korea, it is needed to find a modern significance and value from its narrative in a more positively way.

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