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      • KCI등재

        Carbon nanofibers supported Ru catalyst for sorbitol hydrogenolysis to glycols: Effect of calcination

        Jinghong Zhou,Long Zhao,Hong Chen,Mingguang Zhang,Zhijun Sui,Xinggui Zhou 한국화학공학회 2010 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.27 No.5

        Carbon nanofiber (CNFs) supported Ru catalysts for sorbitol hydrogenolysis to ethylene glycol and propylene glycol were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation, calcination and reduction. The effect of calcination on catalyst properties was investigated using thermal gravimetry analysis, temperature-programmed reduction, X-ray diffraction,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and N2 physisorption. The results indicated that calcination introduced a great amount of surface oxygen-containing groups (SOCGs) onto CNF surface and induced the phase transformation of Ru species, but slightly changed the texture of Ru/CNFs. The catalytic performance in sorbitol hydrogenolysis showed that Ru/CNFs catalyst calcined at 240 oC presented the highest glycol selectivities and reasonable glycol yields. It was believed that the inhibition and confinement effect of SOCGs around Ru particles as well as the high dispersion of Ru particles was the key factor for the catalytic activity.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국의 화교, 화인정책 및 특징

        정신철,주경홍 在外韓人學會 2003 在外韓人硏究 Vol.13 No.2

        중국은 13억 인구를 가진 방대한 나라일 뿐만 아니라 재외 화교, 화인도 많은 나라로 현재 재외 화교, 화인의 숫자가 3000만 이상에 달한다. 근현대 이래 화교, 화인사회는 중국본토 민주혁명과 경제건설에 많은 영향을 주었다. 개혁개방이후 화교, 화인들의 중국대륙에 대한 투자, 경제적 교류 등은 더욱 활발하게 진행되었고 그들의 고향 공익사업에 대한 지원 또한 적지 않았다. 재외 화교, 화인사회의 이러한 역할을 감안하여 중화인민공화국건립 이래 중국정부는 계속 화교, 화인정책을 중요시하여 왔다. 물론 "문화대혁명" 을비롯한 역차 정치운동가운데서 화교, 화인정책이 충격을 받았지만 전체적으로 보면 중국정부의 화교, 화인정책은 성공적이라고 볼 수 있다. 중국정부의 정확하고 실용적인 화교, 화인정책은 재외화교, 화인사회와의 연계성을 더욱 밀접히 하였으며 그들의 중국대륙에 대한 인식개변과 적극적인 경제지원으로 이어졌다. 본 논문은 중화인민공화국 건립이래 중국의 화교, 화인정책의 흐름을 정리하고 그 득과 실을 지적하면서 명확하고 정확한 중국의 해외동포정책은 재외 화교, 화인들의 모국에 대한 애정을 더욱 돈독하게 다지게 되었고 모국건설에 더욱 힘을 기울이게 되었다는 것을 실증하였다. 그리고 중국과 재외 화교, 화인사회와의 밀접한 연계는 더욱 큰 힘이 되어 아세아 태평양지구, 더 나아가서 세계의 경제와 정치구조를 변환시킬 수 있는 힘으로 될 수 있다고 예측하면서 정확한 해외동포 정책의 중요성을 다시 한번 강조하였다. The People's Republic of China is a vast country with population of 1.3 billion. The number of ethnic Chinese abroad reaches 30 millions. The society of overseas Chinese have played a great role in democratic revolution and economic development of the mainland China. After Chinese adoption of the open door and reform policies, overseas Chinese have actively progressed investment, economic exchanges and financial support for public utilities. Considering the important role of overseas Chinese society, the PRC's government has attached great importance to the policy towards them. Chinese policy was fluctuated during the periods of political movements such as that of the Cultural Revolution. As a whole, it could be regarded as quite successful. The proper and practical policy made close the relationship between China and the overseas Chinese society. Ethnic Chinese abroad themselves had changed their view on their motherland and contributed the positive economic assistance. This article is designed to summarize the development of Chinese policy towards overseas Chinese and to figure out its merits and demerits. It proves the policy have a great impact on the positive attitude of overseas Chinese towards their motherland and their contribution to the country's reconstruction. The close connection between the country and oversea Chinese society becomes a great power to change the Asia-Pacific Region and the structure of world economy and politics. The article put stress on the significance of the proper policy towards ethnic Chinese abroad.

      • A Chemometric Aided UV/Vis Spectroscopic Method for Kinetic Study of Additive Adsorption in Cellulose Fibers

        XIN-SHENG CHAI,JINGHONG ZHOU,HONGXIANG ZHU,XIANNAN HUANG 한국펄프·종이공학회 2006 한국펄프종이학회 기타 간행물 Vol.- No.-

        This paper describes a technique combining chemometrics with UV spectroscopy for the determination of the concentrations of two tissue additives (i.e., wet strength and softening agents) in a cellulose fiber containing solution. In single agent solutions, the concentration of the additive can be measured by UV spectroscopy at the wavelength where the species having absorption. For a binary (i.e., containing two additives) solution system, the spectral characterization is very complicated. However, if aided by a chemometrical calibration technique, each additive in the binary solution can be qua ntified simultaneously. The present method is very rapid and simple, it can easily perform a continuous measurement in the changes in the additives’ concentration after fiber addition, and therefore this becomes a valuable tool for the adsorption kinetics study of chemical additives onto the cellulose fibers. The time-dependent adsorption behaviors of the wet-strength, softening agent, and their both on fiber were also presented.

      • KCI등재

        Preeclampsia serum-induced collagen I expression and intracellular calcium levels in arterial smooth muscle cells are mediated by the PLC-γ1 pathway

        Rongzhen Jiang,Yincheng Teng,Yajuan Huang,Jinghong Gu,Li Ma,Minglin Shi,Yuedi Zhou 생화학분자생물학회 2014 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.46 No.-

        In women with preeclampsia (PE), endothelial cell (EC) dysfunction can lead to altered secretion of paracrine factors that induce peripheral vasoconstriction and proteinuria. This study examined the hypothesis that PE sera may directly or indirectly, through human umbilical vein ECs (HUVECs), stimulate phospholipase C-γ1-1,4,5-trisphosphate (PLC-γ1-IP3) signaling, thereby increasing protein kinase C-α (PKC-α) activity, collagen I expression and intracellular Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]i) in human umbilical artery smooth muscle cells (HUASMCs). HUASMCs and HUVECs were cocultured with normal or PE sera before PLC-γ1 silencing. Increased PLC-γ1 and IP3 receptor (IP3R) phosphorylation was observed in cocultured HUASMCs stimulatedwith PE sera (Po0.05). In addition, PE serum significantly increased HUASMC viability and reduced their apoptosis (Po0.05); these effects were abrogated with PLC-γ1 silencing. Compared with normal sera, PE sera increased [Ca2+]i in cocultured HUASMCs (Po0.05), which was inhibited by PLC-γ1 and IP3R silencing. Finally, PE sera-induced PKC-α activity and collagen I expression was inhibited by PLC-γ1 small interfering RNA (siRNA) (Po0.05). These results suggest that vasoactive substances in the PE serum may induce deposition in the extracellular matrix through the activation of PLC-γ1, which may in turn result in thickening and hardening of the placental vascular wall, placental blood supply shortage, fetal hypoxia–ischemia and intrauterine growth retardation or intrauterine fetal death. PE sera increased [Ca2+]i and induced PKC-α activation and collagen I expression in cocultured HUASMCs via the PLC-γ1 pathway.

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