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        2000년대 이후 한국시의 도시 표상 연구 - 이기인·조동범·서대경 시를 중심으로

        이혜원(Lee, Hyewon) 문학과환경학회 2021 문학과 환경 Vol.20 No.4

        이 논문에서는 환경인문학의 관점에서 2000년대 한국시에 나타나는 도시 표상을 살펴보았다. 이기인, 조동범, 서대경의 시를 중심으로 이들의 시에 나타나는 공간의식과 이미지의 발현 양상에 주목하여, 1990년대 ‘도시시’와 달라진 새로운 문제의식과 미의식을 규명했다. 이기인의 시에서 도시는 신자유주의로 인해 더욱 불평등해진 사회구조를 반영하는 차별적 공간이다. 그는 도시의 차별적 인간관계를 드러내는 상징적 이미지들을 통해 계급적 격차가 심화되어가는 자본주의적 삶의 위기를 포착한다. 조동범의 시에서 도시는 차갑게 반짝이는 매장과 쾌속으로 질주하는 ‘속도’로 가득한 공간이다. 그의 예리한 시선으로 재현되는 투시적 이미지들은 현대도시에 내재하는 빛과 어둠, 풍요와 고립, 질주와 정지의 불길한 교차점을 포착해낸다. 서대경 시에서 도시는 꿈속에서조차 벗어날 수 없는 절대적인 삶의 공간이다. 서대경은 환상적 투시를 통해 인간 소외가 심화된 현대도시의 속성을 내밀하게 묘파한다. 이들의 시에 나타나는 도시에서는 공통적으로 ‘무장소성’이 두드러진다. 도시는 모두에게 절대적인 공간이 되었지만, 개별 도시의 특성이 사라져 독자적인 정체성을 찾아보기 힘든 장소가 되었다. 세 시인 모두 압도적인 도시 공간에서 소외된 인간 존재에 주목한다는 점에서도 공통점을 보여준다. 2000년대 한국시의 도시 표상은 성장 위주의 개발과정에서 도달한 화려한 도시의 그늘에 도사린 심각한 인간 소외의 양상을 통해 도시의 지속가능성을 위한 중요한 과제를 제시한다. From the perspective of environmental humanities, this paper examines the urban representations in Korean poetry since the 2000s. In this paper, I studied the new problem consciousness and aesthetics that have changed from the previous period through the expression of spatial consciousness and images implied by urban representations in poems of Lee Ki-in, Cho Dong-beom, and Seo Dae-kyung. Lee’s poems describe the social structure that has become more unequal due to neoliberalism as a discriminatory space. Lee captures a capitalist life crisis in which the class gap widens through symbolic images that reveal the discriminatory human relationships of the city. Cho sharply captures the shadow of death, which is implicit in the consumption of urban space. He puts the solitude and danger of a highly civilized and capitalist city in an apocalyptic landscape. In Seo’s poems, the city is an absolute place of life that cannot be escaped even in dreams. Fantasy in his poems strengthens the reality, because he grasps the attributes of modern cities where human alienation has intensified through fantastic speculation. The cities that appear in their poems show generally ‘placelessness.’ Cities have become absolute spaces for everyone, but the characteristics of individual cities have disappeared, making it difficult to find their own identity. All three poets also show something in common in that they pay attention to the existence of humans alienated from the overwhelming urban space. The urban representations in Korean poetry in the 2000s present an important task for the sustainability of the city through serious human alienation lurking in the shadow of a spectacular city reached in the process of growth-oriented development.

      • Clinical Factors Associated with Response or Survival after Chemotherapy in Patients with Waldenström Macroglobulinemia in Korea

        Lee, Ho Sup,Kim, Kihyun,Yoon, Dok Hyun,Kim, Jin Seok,Bang, Soo-Mee,Lee, Jeong-Ok,Eom, Hyeon Seok,Lee, Hyewon,Kim, Inho,Lee, Won Sik,Bae, Sung Hwa,Kim, Se Hyung,Lee, Mark Hong,Do, Young Rok,Lee, Jae Ho Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2014 BioMed research international Vol.2014 No.-

        <P>Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (WM) is a B-cell proliferative malignancy characterized by immunoglobulin M monoclonal gammopathy and bone marrow infiltration by lymphoplasmacytic cells. Clinical features and cytogenetics of WM in Asia including Republic of Korea remain unclear. Moreover, no study has reported treatment outcomes in patients with WM treated with novel agent combined with conventional chemotherapy. This study investigated clinical features and assessed treatment outcomes with novel agent and conventional chemotherapy in Republic of Korea. Data from all (<I>n</I> = 71) patients with newly diagnosed WM at 17 hospitals who received chemotherapy between January 2005 and December 2012 were collected retrospectively. The median age of patients was 66 years (range: 37–92 years) and male to female ratio was 5 : 1. Patients treated with novel agent combined chemotherapy displayed higher overall response rate (ORR) compared to conventional chemotherapy alone (92.9% versus 52.6%, <I>P</I> = 0.006). The 5-year overall survival rate was 62.6% (95% confidence interval: 34.73–111.07). Use of novel agents produced higher ORR but survival benefit was not apparent due to the small number of patients and short follow-up duration. Further studies are needed to confirm the efficacy of novel agents in patients with WM.</P>

      • Adverse Events With Sustained-Release Donepezil in Alzheimer Disease: Relation to Body Mass Index

        Lee, Chunsoo,Lee, Kyungsang,Yu, Hyewon,Ryu, Seung-Ho,Moon, Seok Woo,Han, Changsu,Lee, Jun-Young,Lee, Young Min,Kim, Shin-Gyeom,Kim, Ki Woong,Lee, Dong Woo,Kim, Seong Yoon,Lee, Sang-Yeol,Bae, Jae Nam,J Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 2017 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY Vol.37 No.4

        <P>Implications/Conclusions In Korean patients with moderate to severe AD receiving high-dose donepezil over 24 weeks, TEAEs were significantly more common in those with lower BMI (not clinically overweight), especially nausea. This finding may inform clinical practice for Asian patients.</P>

      • KCI등재

        이문재 시에 나타난 생태의식

        이혜원(Lee, Hyewon) 문학과환경학회 2017 문학과 환경 Vol.16 No.3

        본고는 최근 생태문학의 침체를 극복하기 위해서는 생태환경의 급격한 변화 속에서 공감할 만한 자연과 인간에 대한 이해가 필요하다는 문제의식 하에 이문재의 시를 통해 그 가능성을 살펴본 것이다. 기존 생태시와 변별되는 이문재 시 특유의 생태의식을 전면적으로 검토함으로써 우리 생태시의 새로운 활로를 모색해본다. 이문재의 시에서는 ‘생태적 자아’로서 주체적인 ‘나’가 전면에 등장하여 외부의 욕망에 휘둘리지 않고 자기가 중심이 되어 본래의 몸을 회복하고 생명을 향상시키려 한다. 이처럼 생태적으로 각성된 자아는 생명 회복을 위한 능동적 실천의 기반으로서 생태혁명의 정서적, 문화적 가능성을 열어놓는다. 이문재 시에서는 현실의 자연을 대상으로 삼아, 생태적으로 시급한 문제를 안고 있는 도시의 자연을 비롯하여 전지구적으로 심각한 위기상태의 생태 현실을 직시한다. 지구 생태와 관련된 요나스 식의 ‘공포의 발견’을 통해 현실적 욕망을 넘어서는 생명에 대한 책임의 윤리를 역설한다. 그는 또한 생태문제와 관련하여 몸의 감각이 갖는 중요성에 주목한다. 다양하게 활성화된 몸의 감각을 통해 생태적 감수성을 확장하고 나아가 타자와 교감하며 관계의 회복에 이를 수 있다는 생태적 전망을 보여준다. 이문재는 생태문제에 대한 지속적인 탐구의 연장선상에서 생명 중심의 문명으로의 대전환을 기획하며 근원적인 변화의 가능성을 도모하고 있다. 문제의식과 지속성과 현실성, 그리고 윤리적 가치에 있어 그의 생태의식은 한국 생태시의 중요한 성과에 해당한다. This paper focuses on poetry of Lee, Mun-Jae to find ecological possibilities associated with understanding of nature and man. Because his poems have deepened consistently in ecological consciousness, that includes new and fundamental ideas. In his poems, ‘I’ am at the center than nature. ‘I’ am an ecological ego who realizes the ecological problems as his own affairs so takes an active part in them. As a basis of active practice for recovery of life, ‘I’ am able to open the emotional and cultural possibility for the ecological revolution. Lee, Mun-Jae pays attention to not only the nature of the city in which has the urgent problems but also the global ecological reality in a state of serous crisis. He feels keenly responsibility for the life that is in the crises owing to the desire of Capitalism, through the ‘heuristics of fear’ about earth ecology. Lee, Mun-Jae attentions to the importance of the sense of the body in relation to the ecological problem. He shows the ecological prospect that we can expand the ecological sensitivity by a sense of active body, furthermore recover the relations with others by communication.

      • A novel approach to ultrasensitive diagnosis using supramolecular protein nanoparticles

        Lee, Sung-Hyun,Lee, Hyewon,Park, Jin-Seung,Choi, Hyoung,Han, Kyung-Yeon,Seo, Hyuk-Seong,Ahn, Keum-Young,Han, Sung-Sik,Cho, Yunjung,Lee, Kee-Hyoung,Lee, Jeewon Federation of American Society for Experimental Bi 2007 The FASEB Journal Vol.21 No.7

        <P>We report on the ultrasensitive protein nanoprobe system that specifically captures disease marker (autoantibodies of Type I diabetes in this case) with attomolar sensitivity. The system relies on supramolecular protein nanoparticles that bind a specific antibody [65 kDa glutamate decarboxylase (GAD65)-specific autoantibody, i.e., the early marker of Type I diabetes]. The ultrasensitive detection of early marker of Type I diabetes during the early phase of pancreatic beta-cell destruction is important because individuals at high risk of developing Type I diabetes can be identified several years before the clinical onset of the ailment. The bacterial expression of chimera genes encoding N-[human ferritin heavy chain (hFTN-H)]::[specific antigenic epitope]-C produces supramolecular nanoparticles with uniform diameters (10-15 nm), owing to self-assembly activity of hFTN-H. Each nanoparticle, formed by intermolecular self-assembly between the chimera protein molecules, is subjected to carrying a large number (presumably, 24) of epitopes with a homogeneous and stable conformation per autoantibody binding, thereby allowing substantial enhancement of sensitivity. The sensitivity was finally boosted to 3 attomolar concentration of the autoantibodies, 4-9 orders of magnitude more sensitive than conventional immunoassays. Also, this ultrasensitive protein nanoprobe successfully detected natural autoantibodies in the sera from Type I diabetic patients. The attomolar sensitivity was successfully reproduced on the detection of other antibodies, i.e., monoclonal antibodies against hepatitis B surface antigen. With the two antibody markers above, the feasibility of simultaneous and multiplexing-mode detection was also demonstrated.</P>


        Sex-specific association of sex hormones and gonadotropins, with brain amyloid and hippocampal neurodegeneration

        Lee, Jun Ho,Byun, Min Soo,Yi, Dahyun,Choe, Young Min,Choi, Hyo Jung,Baek, Hyewon,Sohn, Bo Kyung,Lee, Jun-Young,Kim, Hyun Jung,Kim, Jee Wook,Lee, Younghwa,Kim, Yu Kyeong,Sohn, Chul-Ho,Woo, Jong Inn,Lee PERGAMON PRESS LTD 2017 NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING Vol. No.

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>This study aimed to examine the sex-specific association between serum sex hormones and gonadotropins and the cerebral beta-amyloid (Aβ) burden and hippocampal neurodegeneration in subjects with normal cognition and impaired cognition. Two hundred sixty-five older subjects received clinical assessments, serum measurements of sex hormones, gonadotropins, <SUP>11</SUP>C-Pittsburgh compound B-positron emission tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. In females, higher free testosterone and gonadotropin levels were associated with lower cerebral Aβ positivity. In males, free testosterone was positively related to hippocampal volume with significant interaction with cognitive status. Further subgroup analyses showed that the association was significant only in impaired cognition but not in normal cognition. Free estradiol was not associated with Aβ burden or hippocampal neurodegeneration in either sex. These results suggest that testosterone might inhibit the early pathological accumulation of Aβ in females and delay neurodegeneration in males.</P>


        Exposure to ambient fine particles and neuropsychiatric symptoms in cognitive disorder: A repeated measure analysis from the CREDOS (Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea) study

        Lee, Hyewon,Kang, Jae Myeong,Myung, Woojae,Choi, Junbae,Lee, Chunsoo,Na, Duk L.,Kim, Seong Yoon,Lee, Jae-Hong,Han, Seol-Heui,Choi, Seong Hye,Kim, Sang Yun,Cho, Seong-Jin,Yeon, Byeong Kil,Kim, Doh Kwan Elsevier 2019 Science of the Total Environment Vol.668 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>There is a growing concern that air pollution, especially those particles <2.5 μm (PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>), could increase the risk of cognitive impairment and mental disorders. However, the relationship between ambient PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and neuropsychiatric symptoms in people with cognitive impairment is still undetermined. This longitudinal study included 645 pairs of cognitively impaired subjects, who had not changed residence within Seoul, and their caregivers from the Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea study cohort between September 2005 and June 2010 (1763 days). Neuropsychiatric symptoms were measured by the Korean version of the Neuropsychiatry Inventory, and caregiver burden was examined by the Neuropsychiatry Inventory Caregiver Distress Scale at the first and second visits at the outpatient clinic. District-specific PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> concentrations were constructed over 1 month to 1 year prior to each visit. A log-linear regression using generalized estimating equations to account for repeated measures was used to assess the relationship between PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> exposure and neuropsychiatric symptoms or caregiver burden. Aggravated neuropsychiatric symptoms were associated with exposure to high PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> levels (adjusted percent change: 16.7% [95% confidence interval (CI), 5.0–29.7] per 8.3 μg/m<SUP>3</SUP> increase in 1-month moving averages). Increased caregiver burden was associated with high PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> exposures only in caregivers for patients with Alzheimer's disease (adjusted percent change: 29.0% [95% CI, 8.1–53.9] per 8.3 μg/m<SUP>3</SUP> increase in 1-month moving averages). The present results indicate that PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> exposure is associated with aggravated neuropsychiatric symptoms and increased caregiver burden in subjects with cognitive impairment. The findings in this study suggest that the role of air pollution deserves great consideration in the aging population with cognitive impairment.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> The association between PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> exposure and mental disorders is concerning. </LI> <LI> PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> exposure aggravated neuropsychiatric symptoms in cognitively impaired patients. </LI> <LI> Association between PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> exposure and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) was high. </LI> <LI> PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> was associated with increased caregiver burden for Alzheimer's patients. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>


        Nanoparticles modified by encapsulation of ligands with a long alkyl chain to affect multispecific and multimodal imaging.

        Lee, Young Kyoung,Jeong, Jae Min,Hoigebazar, Lathika,Yang, Bo Yeun,Lee, Yun-Sang,Lee, Byung Chul,Youn, Hyewon,Lee, Dong Soo,Chung, June-Key,Lee, Myung Chul Society of Nuclear Medicine 2012 The Journal of nuclear medicine Vol.53 No.9

        <P>The attachment of specific ligands to the surfaces of nanoparticles is important for medical and biologic imaging. However, covalent modification of nanoparticles has inherent problems in reproducibility because of many factors such as temperature, pH, concentration, and reaction time. Thus, we developed a method for modifying nanoparticles by encapsulation with specific ligand-conjugated amphiphiles.</P>

      • C1 Compound Biosensors: Design, Functional Study, and Applications

        Lee, Jin-Young,Sung, Bong Hyun,Oh, So-Hyung,Kwon, Kil Koang,Lee, Hyewon,Kim, Haseong,Lee, Dae-Hee,Yeom, Soo-Jin,Lee, Seung-Goo MDPI AG 2019 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Vol.20 No.9

        <P>The microbial assimilation of one-carbon (C1) gases is a topic of interest, given that products developed using this pathway have the potential to act as promising substrates for the synthesis of valuable chemicals via enzymatic oxidation or C–C bonding. Despite extensive studies on C1 gas assimilation pathways, their key enzymes have yet to be subjected to high-throughput evolution studies on account of the lack of an efficient analytical tool for C1 metabolites. To address this challenging issue, we attempted to establish a fine-tuned single-cell–level biosensor system constituting a combination of transcription factors (TFs) and several C1-converting enzymes that convert target compounds to the ligand of a TF. This enzymatic conversion broadens the detection range of ligands by the genetic biosensor systems. In this study, we presented new genetic enzyme screening systems (GESSs) to detect formate, formaldehyde, and methanol from specific enzyme activities and pathways, named FA-GESS, Frm-GESS, and MeOH-GESS, respectively. All the biosensors displayed linear responses to their respective C1 molecules, namely, formate (1.0–250 mM), formaldehyde (1.0–50 μM), and methanol (5–400 mM), and they did so with high specificity. Consequently, the helper enzymes, including formaldehyde dehydrogenase and methanol dehydrogenase, were successfully combined to constitute new versatile combinations of the C1-biosensors.</P>

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