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        HYDE, GEORGIE D.M. 이화여자대학교 동서교육연구소 1981 East west education Vol.2 No.1

        That education has a dual function: to serve the individual and the community is generally recognized, although the balance of these functions is a matter of perennial debate among educationists, while politicians are the final arbiters when in their view educational, psychological and, indeed, their opponents' political philosophies favour individual development to the detriment of community needs. he harsh realities of the need to modernize industry in order to survive in an Increasingly competitive world necessitates a new look at national systems : their aims, standards of efficiency, and, above all, their role in industrial development. This trend has a special significance in the developing countries of the ‘Third World' which, traditionally, have relied, sometimes at a subsistence level, on their agricultural produce, but which now depend, on social economic and sometimes political survival on the creation of industries to supply expanding needs that cannot be met by expensive imports. This is an oversimplification of a very complex group of problems relating to the degree of acceptance or rejection by these countries of technical advice, manpower and financial help from more industrially advanced countries. The African continent affords many examples of formerly occupied territories who are endeavouring to produce an educational system which is relevant to contemporary living. At a time when liberated countries are trying to salvage what is left of their traditional cultures after colonial and missionary invasions, they are, paradoxically, forced by the need to modernize in order to survive the new technological revolution that is making the rich countries richer and the poor poorer, to welcome a new and powerful educational invasion in the form of technical assistance. Will this destroy the last vestiges of their traditional cultures? In this context must be seen, for example, Nyerere's attempt to use traditional moral values as a guide for Tanzanian society by making them the basic Principles of education. Mazrui (1979) sums Lip the problem: to close the techno-cultural lag in African societies but to create 'a healthy balance between education as a process of socialization and education as a process of releasing the individual, which can only be achieved through technical education." African countries faced with educational problems tend to seek help from Egypt, who, in spite of her Present difficulties, was nominated as leader and spokesman by even Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco at the meeting of UNCTAD in 1979 to represent the 'developing' countries. Egypt is currently engaged in an industrial revolution involving in-depth studies of the country's natural resources and possibilities of their exploitation, the creation of new, modern industries in all parts of her territory, including those formerly occupied by Israel and the creation of a political network of governorates sufficiently independent to ensure that projects are relevant to the needs of the areas involved and that suitable educated man-power is available to carry them out. In this highly ambitious scheme for Egypt's industrial and economic future, the role of education concerns not only the Ministry of Education but every ministry in the government. It also covers a wide range of academic disciplines and technical skills each of which have an historic place in the development of Egyptian education. Educational provision related directly or indirectly to industrial development can roughly be termed 'formal' or 'informal: with the Ministry of Education taking responsibility for the former and other ministries for the latter. In the past this has proved to be wasteful, too inflexible and socially divisive, so, although details must be left in the hands of different types of experts within and outside the Ministry of Education, plans are afoot to develop a comprehensive framework which would embrace all productive work and technological culture with maximum co-ordination between the institutions providing 'formal' and 'informal' training.


        Fungal diversity notes 367–490: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa

        Hyde, K. D.,Hongsanan, S.,Jeewon, R.,Bhat, D. J.,McKenzie, E. H.,Jones, E. B.,Phookamsak, R.,Ariyawansa, H. A.,Boonmee, S.,Zhao, Q. Springer Science and Business Media 2016 FUNGAL DIVERSITY Vol.80 No.1

        <P>This is a continuity of a series of taxonomic papers where materials are examined, described and novel combinations are proposed where necessary to improve our traditional species concepts and provide updates on their classification. In addition to extensive morphological descriptions and appropriate asexual and sexual connections, DNA sequence data are also analysed from concatenated datasets (rDNA, TEF-alpha, RBP2 and beta-Tubulin) to infer phylogenetic relationships and substantiate systematic position of taxa within appropriate ranks. Wherever new species or combinations are being proposed, we apply an integrative approach (morphological and molecular data as well as ecological features wherever applicable). Notes on 125 fungal taxa are compiled in this paper, including eight new genera, 101 new species, two new combinations, one neotype, four reference specimens, new host or distribution records for eight species and one alternative morphs. The new genera introduced in this paper are Alloarthopyrenia, Arundellina, Camarosporioides, Neomassaria, Neomassarina, Neotruncatella, Paracapsulospora and Pseudophaeosphaeria. The new species are Alfaria spartii, Alloarthopyrenia italica, Anthostomella ravenna, An. thailandica, Arthrinium paraphaeospermum, Arundellina typhae, Aspergillus koreanus, Asterina cynometrae, Bertiella ellipsoidea, Blastophorum aquaticum, Cainia globosa, Camarosporioides phragmitis, Ceramothyrium menglunense, Chaetosphaeronema achilleae, Chlamydotubeufia helicospora, Ciliochorella phanericola, Clavulinopsis aurantiaca, Colletotrichum insertae, Comoclathris italica, Coronophora myricoides, Cortinarius fulvescentoideus, Co. nymphatus, Co. pseudobulliardioides, Co. tenuifulvescens, Cunninghamella gigacellularis, Cyathus pyristriatus, Cytospora cotini, Dematiopleospora alliariae, De. cirsii, Diaporthe aseana, Di. garethjonesii, Distoseptispora multiseptata, Dis. tectonae, Dis. tectonigena, Dothiora buxi, Emericellopsis persica, Gloniopsis calami, Helicoma guttulatum, Helvella floriforma, H. oblongispora, Hermatomyces subiculosa, Juncaceicola italica, Lactarius dirkii, Lentithecium unicellulare, Le. voraginesporum, Leptosphaeria cirsii, Leptosphaeria irregularis, Leptospora galii, Le. thailandica, Lindgomyces pseudomadisonensis, Lophiotrema bambusae, Lo. fallopiae, Meliola citri-maximae, Minimelanolocus submersus, Montagnula cirsii, Mortierella fluviae, Muriphaeosphaeria ambrosiae, Neodidymelliopsis ranunculi, Neomassaria fabacearum, Neomassarina thailandica, Neomicrosphaeropsis cytisi, Neo. cytisinus, Neo. minima, Neopestalotiopsis cocoA << s, Neopestalotiopsis musae, Neoroussoella lenispora, Neotorula submersa, Neotruncatella endophytica, Nodulosphaeria italica, Occultibambusa aquatica, Oc. chiangraiensis, Ophiocordyceps hemisphaerica, Op. lacrimoidis, Paracapsulospora metroxyli, Pestalotiopsis sequoiae, Peziza fruticosa, Pleurotrema thailandica, Poaceicola arundinis, Polyporus mangshanensis, Pseudocoleophoma typhicola, Pseudodictyosporium thailandica, Pseudophaeosphaeria rubi, Purpureocillium sodanum, Ramariopsis atlantica, Rhodocybe griseoaurantia, Rh. indica, Rh. luteobrunnea, Russula indoalba, Ru. pseudoamoenicolor, Sporidesmium aquaticivaginatum, Sp. olivaceoconidium, Sp. pyriformatum, Stagonospora forlicesenensis, Stagonosporopsis centaureae, Terriera thailandica, Tremateia arundicola, Tr. guiyangensis, Trichomerium bambusae, Tubeufia hyalospora, Tu. roseohelicospora and Wojnowicia italica. New combinations are given for Hermatomyces mirum and Pallidocercospora thailandica. A neotype is proposed for Cortinarius fulvescens. Reference specimens are given for Aquaphila albicans, Leptospora rubella, Platychora ulmi and Meliola pseudosasae, while new host or distribution records are provided for Diaporthe eres, Di. siamensis, Di. foeniculina, Dothiorella iranica, Do. sarmentorum, Do. vidmadera, Helvella tinta and Vaginatispora fuckelii, with full taxonomic details. An asexual state is also reported for the

      • Atomic layer deposition and biocompatibility of titanium nitride nano-coatings on cellulose fiber substrates

        Hyde, G K,McCullen, S D,Jeon, S,Stewart, S M,Jeon, H,Loboa, E G,Parsons, G N Institute of Physics Pub 2009 Biomedical materials Vol.4 No.2

        <P>Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is investigated as a process to produce inorganic metallic bio-adhesive coatings on cellulosic fiber substrates. The atomic layer deposition technique is known to be capable of forming highly conformal and uniform inorganic thin film coatings on a variety of complex surfaces, and this work presents an initial investigation of ALD on porous substrate materials to produce high-precision biocompatible titanium oxynitride coatings. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirmed TiNO<I><SUB>x</SUB></I> composition, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis showed the coatings to be uniform and conformal on the fiber surfaces. Biocompatibility of the modified structures was determined as a function of coating layer thickness by fluorescent live/dead staining of human adipose-derived adult stem cells (hADSC) at 6, 12 and 24 h. Cell adhesion showed that thin TiNO<I><SUB>x</SUB></I> coatings yielded the highest number of cells after 24 h with a sample coated with a 20 Å coating having approximately 28.4 ± 3.50 ng DNA. By altering the thickness of the deposited film, it was possible to control the amount of cells adhered to the samples. This work demonstrates the potential of low temperature ALD as a surface modification technique to produce biocompatible cellulose and other implant materials.</P>


        Fungal diversity notes 603-708: taxonomic and phylogenetic notes on genera and species

        Hyde, Kevin D.,Norphanphoun, Chada,Abreu, Vanessa P.,Bazzicalupo, Anna,Thilini Chethana, K. W.,Clericuzio, Marco,Dayarathne, Monika C.,Dissanayake, Asha J.,Ekanayaka, Anusha H.,He, Mao-Qiang,Hongsanan Springer Netherlands 2017 FUNGAL DIVERSITY Vol. No.

        <P>We introduce the new basidiomycete species Agaricus purpurlesquameus, Agaricus rufusfibrillosus, Lactifluus holophyllus, Lactifluus luteolamellatus, Lactifluus pseudohygrophoroides, Russula benwooii, Russula hypofragilis, Russula obscurozelleri, Russula parapallens, Russula phoenicea, Russula pseudopelargonia, Russula pseudotsugarum, Russula rhodocephala, Russula salishensis, Steccherinum amapaense, Tephrocybella constrictospora, Tyromyces amazonicus and Tyromyces angulatus and provide updated trees to the genera. We also introduce Mortierella formicae in Mortierellales, Mucoromycota and provide an updated phylogenetic tree.</P>

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