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      • KCI등재

        Research on Multi-Port Power Electronic Transformer for Intelligent Home Electric Distribution System

        Qiming Fan,Youmin Hu,Xiangbin Zhao 대한전기학회 2023 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.18 No.6

        Power electronics converter (PEC) with four ports, including three DC ports and one AC port is proposed for intelligent home power system. The AC port has bidirectional working ability, in rectifier mode, the home power system absorbs the power from the grid and to the home load, in grid-connect inverter mode, the converter transfers the power generated by the photovoltaic cell to the grid. The directional DC port is used to connect the photovoltaic cell. Two bidirectional DC ports are used for the electric vehicle (EV) and storage battery. The EV absorbs the power by the bidirectional DC port in charging mode when the State-of-Charge (SoC) is relatively low and the power supply from the grid is enough or the power generated by the photovoltaic is enough, and the EV also supplies power to the home power system in discharging mode when the EV` SoC is relatively high and the power supply of home power system from the grid is not enough. The storage battery supplies the power to the home power system when the SoC is relatively high and the power from the grid and photovoltaic cell is not enough, and absorbs the power from the home power system when the SoC is relatively low and the power from the grid and photovoltaic cell is enough. A 3.3 kW PEC prototype with 4 ports are developed, and the effectiveness of the proposed intelligent scheme for home electric distribution system is verified by the experimental result.

      • KCI등재

        Characterization of Cell Viability in Phaeocystis globosa Cultures Exposed to Marine Algicidal Bacteria

        Xiaoli Hu,Pinghe Yin,Ling Zhao,Qiming Yu 한국생물공학회 2015 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.20 No.1

        The bloom of Phaeocystis globosa has occurredfrequently in the southern coastal areas of China in recentyears, which has led to substantial economic losses. Thisstudy investigated the effects of culture broth of strains Y1and Y4 isolated from algal blooms in Zhuhai, China onphysiological characteristics and cell viability of P. globosa. The increase in the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS)in P. globosa cells exposed to strains Y1 and Y4 culturebroth were detected, indicating that the algal cells sufferedfrom oxidative damage. The surplus ROS induced theincrease of malondialdehyde (MDA) contents and theactivities of antioxidant enzymes, including superoxidedismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT). The decrease inprotein content indicated that strains Y1 and Y4 culturebroth inhibited cell growth. The contents of pigmentsdecreased after 96 h treatment, indicated that oxidative stressdestroyed pigment synthesis. Furthermore, flow cytometrycoupled with the propidium iodide stain and chlorophyllauto-fluorescence was used to investigate cell viability. Results showed that chlorophyll fluorescence intensitiesand cell integrity decreased with time of exposure, whichdemonstrated that strains Y1 and Y4 culture broth couldchange membrane permeability and resulted in the loss ofthese photosynthetic pigments. The isolated strains wereidentified as Bacillus sp. by culture morphology, biochemicalreactions, and homology research based on 16S rDNA. Overall, these findings suggested that oxidative stress causedfrom Bacillus sp. potentially destroyed pigment synthesisand cell membrane integrity, and ultimately led to the lysisof the algal cells.

      • KCI등재

        Transgenic Rice Plants Overexpressing BBTI4 Confer Partial but Broad-spectrum Bacterial Blight Resistance

        Zhiqian Pang,Zhuangzhi Zhou,Dedong Yin,Qiming Lv,Lixiang Wang,Xiao Xu,Jing Wang,Xiaobing Li,Xianfeng Zhao,Guanghuai Jiang,Jinping Lan,Lihuang Zhu,Songnian Hu,Guozhen Liu 한국식물학회 2013 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.56 No.6

        Plant Bowman-Birk type bran trypsin inhibitors(BBTI) belong to a family of serine protease inhibitors thatinhibit trypsin activity and play roles in plant developmentand defense responses to both biotic and abiotic stresses. Inthis study, transgenic rice plants overexpressing BBTI4 (OXBBTI4)were generated. Reverse-transcription polymerasechain reaction and western blot (WB) analysis demonstratedthat the BBTI4 mRNA and protein levels were significantlyincreased in OX-BBTI4. Notably, two BBTI4 protein formswith different molecular weight (18 kD and 28 kD) wererevealed by WB analysis. In non-transgenic plants, BBTI4-28kD and BBTI4-18kD were mainly expressed in roots andleaves, respectively, while in transgenic OX-BBTI4 plants,both protein forms were expressed constitutively. Subcellularanalysis revealed that BBTI4 is localized in the cytosol. Moreover, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) inoculationexperiments demonstrated that transgenic OX-BBTI4 riceplants conferred partial but broad-spectrum Xoo resistance. InOX-BBTI4 transgenic rice plants, the expression of OsPR3 andOsPR10a proteins was induced and gradually increased afterXoo infection, while the expression of OsPR1a, OsPR1b andOsPR-pha remained unchanged. Taken together, these resultssuggest that BBTI4 may play a role in rice resistance to Xoo,and OsPR3 and OsPR10a may be involved in the OX-BBTI4-dependent partial Xoo resistance response.

      • KCI등재

        Overview of recent progress in 3D field physics in KSTAR

        Park Gunyoung,In Yongkyoon,Park Jong-Kyu,Ko Won-Ha,Lee Jaehyun,Kim Minwoo,Shin Giwook,Hahn Sang-Hee,Kim SangKyeun,Yang Seong Moo,Hu Qiming,Rhee Tongnyeol,Choi Minjun J.,Kim Kimin,Lee Hyung-Ho,Jeon You 한국물리학회 2022 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.80 No.8

        Various 3D field physics challenges of magnetically confined plasmas arise when the driving source comes from either externally applied non-axisymmetric 3D magnetic perturbations or plasma instabilities inside the plasma. Recently, several key outstanding topics of 3D field physics have been extensively studied in the Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR), such as edge-localized-mode (ELM) control by resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP), error field (EF) control, 3D field effects on rotation and transport, and RMP-induced alteration of divertor heat flux and detachment. KSTAR has a few physically unique features (i.e., high rotation and long-pulse plasmas with a low intrinsic EF) and machine/diagnostic capabilities (i.e., 3-row in-vessel control coil and state-of-the-art 2D/3D imaging diagnostics), which have been taken advantage of until now to address critical 3D field physics issues relevant to ITER and K-DEMO. Among many remarkable achievements are the robust access to and control of n = 1 RMP ELM suppression, along with a development of its physics basis tools, parameter expansion, optimization, and long-pulse control techniques. Nonetheless, a series of unresolved 3D physics themes, as well as limited coverage of 3D field operating regimes, have also been identified as future works for the 3D field research in KSTAR. In this paper, we provide an overview about the recent progress of KSTAR 3D field physics and present future plans of KSTAR 3D research toward a future fusion reactor.

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