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      • KCI등재

        Effect of Pseudocercospora Spot Disease Control and Soil Moisture Management on Citrus Production in Teso Region, Uganda

        Soonsung Hong,Seongsoo Hwang,John Adriko,Onesmus Semalulu,Doreen Nampamya,Joo-Won Lee,Tae-Seon Park 한국국제농업개발학회 2020 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.32 No.3

        오렌지는 우간다에서 식량 및 영양 공급과 농촌 일자리 창출에서 매우 중요한 작목이다. 그러나 최근에 우간다 오렌지 주산지 Teso지역 농업인들은 잎과 과일의 반점병뿐만 아니라, 관개시설의 절대적 부족과 기후변화에 의한 가뭄으로 생산량 감소와 폐농하는 사례들이 발생하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 우간다 오렌지 생산 농가들의 생산량과 소득을 증가시키기 위하여 효과적인 반점병 및 토양수분 관리 기술을 개발하고자 농가를 대상으로 실증을 실시하였다. 1. 오렌지 반점병 방제에 효과적인 약제를 선발하기 위하여 ridomil, carbendazim, 그리고 cooper 살균제들의 단제, 교호 및 혼합 살포한 결과 Carendazim 단제 사용으로 오렌지 반점 병을 방제하였을 때 농가 생산량과 소득은 각각 55.2% 및 74.8% 증가하여 오렌지 나무 대부분 생육단계에서 가장 효과적이었다. 2. 오렌지 과수원 토양수분 관리는 외부에서 과수원으로 연결하는 빗물 유도로(trench)와 오렌지 나무 밑 수반형 빗물 저장시설(basin)을 설치한 다음 가축 배설물(manure)을 함께 처리하였을 때 농가소득이 약 2배나 증가하는 등 가장 효과가 좋았다. 3. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 향후 오렌지 주산지역 농가를 대상으로 시범마을 사업으로 확대 적용할 예정이다. Sweet orange (Citrus srcinensis) contributes to food and nutrition security and is a source of employment for the rural population in Uganda. Production of citrus in Teso region of Uganda has been mainly affected by Pseudocercospora spot disease and long drought conditions. These stresses have reduced citrus production and farm income. This study was focused on the management of Pseudocercospora spot disease cause by P. angolensis and soil water improving citrus production and farmers’ income in Teso, Uganda. Two trial experiments were set up at already established citrus farmers’ fields about Pseudocercospora spot disease management and soil water management. Different chemicals were applied for Pseudocercospora spot disease management as; (1) Carbendazim in alternation with Ridomil, (2) Carbendazim, (3) Copper plus Ridomil, (4) Carbendazim in alternation with Copper, (5) Ridomil, (6) Copper fungicide. Soil and water management (SWM) practices were established on fields of 20 farmers. They included (1) trenches, (2) basins, (3) Basins + cover crop (clover), (4) Trenches + Basins, (5) Trenches + Basin + Cover crop, (6) Trenches + Basins + Manure, and (7) control. Considering disease spread and development on both young and old orange leaves and fruits, Carbendazim was the most effective (>50%) chemical control in all treatments. There was a significant increase of about 734USD/ha in income of farmers following disease control. All SWM practices increased citrus yields. The highest yield of 55t/ha was obtained from treatment combined use of trenches, basins and manure. Increase in farmers’ income was observed across all practices except for the control. These results can be utilized by the government and other support agencies such as KOPIA to plan for more support and up scaling to all sweet orange and citrus farmers in Uganda

      • KCI등재

        The Current Status of Opportunities for Rice Cultivation in Uganda

        Soonsung Hong,Seongsoo Hwang,Jimmy Lamo,Doreen Nampamya,Tae-Seon Park 한국국제농업개발학회 2021 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.33 No.1

        우간다에서 쌀은 식량, 농가소득 및 안보를 위한 전략적 작물로 목화, 커피, 옥수수에 이어 우간다의 농업 전략 계획 (ASSP)에서 우선순위12개 작물 중 4번째로 선정될 정도로 매우 중요한 작물이다. 쌀은 생산 측면에서 옥수수에 이어 두 번째로 중요한 곡물이다. 최근 우간다에서는 쌀 소비가 빠르게 증가함과 동시에 매년 쌀 수입 또한 비례적으로 빠르게 증가하고 있다. 쌀의 소비 증가는 우간다 쌀 생산량의 90%를 차지하는 소규모 재배 농민들에게 엄청난 경제적 기회를 제공하고 있는데 이는 쌀은 다른 곡물에 비해 상대적으로 훨씬 높은 금액으로 판매되고 이익 또한 높기 때문에 현금 작물로서 벼 재배 면적이 빠르게 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 그러나 벼 생산성은 여전히 낮은 수준인데, 이는 주로 수확량이 적은 쌀 품종의 사용, 개선 된 품종의 종자에 대한 농부의 접근 제한, 낙후된 재배 기술, 비료 및 농약 사용이 매우 저조하기 때문이다. 우간다의 쌀 재배 현황과 여건에 대하여 조사한 바는 아래와 같이 정리할 수 있다. 1. 쌀 생산을 위한 기후적 여건: 연평균 강수량은 1,180 mm 정도이고 연평균 기온은18도에서 35도 사이로 벼 재배에 좋은 기후적 여건이다. 2. 주요 재배 지역: 우간다에는 3곳의 주요 벼 재배 중심지역이 있다. 동쪽 지역은 주로 관개시설과 강수에 의존하는 밭 벼를 재배하고 있으며, 북쪽과 중서부 지역은 논벼를 주로 재배하고 있다. 우간다 쌀 생산량의 90%를 차지하는 소규모 재배 농민들은 주로 위의 3지역에서 벼를 생산하고 있다. 3. 벼 생산성에 영향을 미치는 요소들: 제한적 관개시설과 기계화, 그리고 양질의 종자 부족과 낮은 수준의 농업기술 등이 낮은 생산성의 주요 요소들이며, 수확 후 관리 기술과 저 장 시설 부족, 충분하지 못한 재정적 지원 그리고 병해충 등의 요소들이 있다. 4. 주요 벼 품종: 우간다 현지에서 주로 재배되는 벼 품종은 9종으로서 다음과 같다. Namche, Komboka, Kaiso, Wita 9, Basmat 370, IR 64, Supa, Buyu 및 NERICA 품종이다. 5. 농촌진흥청 한-아프리카 농식품 기술협력 협의(KAFACI)를 통해 높은 생산성과 질병 저항성을 목적으로 개발 후 육종 된 두 한국 품종(KAF-172-67과 KAF-304-287)은 우간다에서 등록절차가 진행될 예정이다. The purpose of this article is to explore the current status of opportunities in the Ugandan rice sector in order to form informed decisions for future investment and support for the farmers. The Government of Uganda has prioritised rice as a strategic commodity for the national economy. Uganda produces up to 350,000 metric ton (MT) of rice annually, and has set a target to produce 680,000 MT by 2020. A national rice development strategy and a robust rice stakeholder platform have been put in place in order to guide potential investors. Despite the already-existing economic opportunities for the smallholder farmers who participate in producing more than 90% of the rice output in Uganda, productivity still remains low. This is primarily due to the frequent use of low-yielding rice varieties, limited farmer access to the seed of improved varieties and other yield-enhancing inputs, the limited usage of time and labour-saving technologies, and limited knowledge of good agronomic practices. There are three major high rainfall areas in the Northern, Eastern, and Western parts of the country. The mean annual rainfall is estimated at 1,180 mm, and the mean annual temperature is within the range of 18 to 35oC. Nine major varieties of rice, including Namche, Komboka, Kaiso, Wita 9, Basmat 370, IR 64, Supa, Buyu, and NERICA are being cultivated in Uganda. The two Korean rice varieties, such as KAF- 172-67 and KAF-304-287 strains, which were developed through a Korea-Africa Food & Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI) project, will also be registered. This will help to increase domestic rice production, stabilize domestic prices, and make rice more affordable for consumers.

      • KCI등재

        고독성 농약의 국내 농작업자 위해성 평가

        홍순성(Soonsung Hong),정미혜(Mihye Jeong),박경훈(Kyung Hun-Park),유아선(Are-Sun You),박연기(Yeon-Ki Park),이제봉(Je-Bong Lee),김찬섭(Chan-Sub Kim),신진섭(Jin-Sup Shin),박재읍(Jae-Eup Park) 한국농약과학회 2010 농약과학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        This study was carried out to estimate the risk of pesticide operators who use high toxicological pesticides. The class II (highly hazardous) pesticides registered in korea were 15 products, and 11 products were spray type pesticides at orchard file in 2009. The using information based on the pesticide label and the data searched through survey of actual condition on pesticides were used for calculate the pesticide operator exposure dose. The risk quotients of these pesticides against the pesticides operator were calculated as devide pesticide exposure dose by reference dose which were presented by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), JMPR (Joint FAO Meeting on Pesticide Residues), and US/EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency). Omethoate showed the highest risk quotient and the values were 338 and 75 when the operator spray using speed sprayer and motor sprayer respectively. Risk quotients of all class II pesticide were above 1. This result means that the risk potential of these pesticides are very high.

      • KCI등재

        과수 농작업자 농약노출량 산정법 제안

        홍순성(Soonsung Hong),이제봉(Je Bong Lee),박연기(Yeon-Ki Park),신진섭(Jin Sup Shin),임건재(Geon-Jae Im),류갑희(Gab Hee Ryu) 한국농약과학회 2007 농약과학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        This research was carried out to propose the Korean method for estimating the agricultural occupational pesticide exposure level in orchard. The UK-POEM (UK-Predictive Operator Exposure Model) was proposed as a bench-marking model and analysed its performance properties. To extrapolate the Korean agricultural conditions, application equipment, application method, work rate per day, application volume and spraying time of pesticide was surveyed for Korean 204 orchard farmhouse. This survey indicate that the major application equipments are speed sprayer(64.9%) and motor sprayer(33.9%). When they spayed the pesticide with a speed sprayer, they worked for more than 4 hours on area of 4 ha per day. In case of using motor sprayer, they worked for more than 4 hours on area of 1 ha. Based on the above survey result, Korean method for estimating the pesticide exposure level of agricultural worker was proposed finally.

      • KCI등재

        변형된 UK-POEM을 이용한 한국 과수 농약살포자 위해성 평가

        홍순성(Soonsung Hong),유아선(Are-Sun You),정미혜(Mihye Jeong),박경훈(Kyung-Hun Park),박재읍(Jae-Yup Park),이영자(Young-Ja Lee) 한국농약과학회 2013 농약과학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        This study was performed in order to assess the risk of korean orchard worker due to pesticide exposure. The amount of pesticide exposure was calculated based on the informations of 97 kind of items that are used the form of a spraying in Korean orchard. The risks of these pesticides were assessed to compare the exposure amount with AOEL (acceptable operator exposure level) which was released form developed countries. When the operator sprayed pesticides using speed sprayer, 74.2% of pesticide items showed the risk for operator if the operator have not worn the personal protective equipment (PPE), and 42.3% of pesticide items showed the risk for operator if the operator have worn the PPE. In case of using motor sprayer, 64.1% of pesticide items showed the risk for operator if the operator have not worn the PPE, and 19.4% of pesticide items showed the risk for operator if the operator have worn the PPE. This result was indicated that the risk of pesticide against the operator was very high in korean orchard operator.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Picoxystrobin 살포후 강우를 고려한 지렁이 위해성 평가

        홍순성(Soonsung Hong),유아선(Are-Sun You),정미혜(Mihye Jeong),이제봉(Jae Bong Lee),임양빈(Yangbin Ihm) 한국농약과학회 2013 농약과학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        This study was performed in order to assess the risk of earthworm when the picoxystrobin was sprayed in Korean orchard. The acute toxicity (LC<SUB>50</SUB>) of picoxystrobin active ingredient(99.3%) and soluble concentrate (25%) against earthworm was showed 10.93 mg/kg and 8-16 mg/kg respectively. This earth worm toxicity value means that the picoxystrobin do not show the earthworm risk in present Korean risk assessment system. However, in the test which was simulated the rainfall after spraying, all the earthworm were died in 24 hours. This result indicated that the risk assessment for the earthworm should be considered the weather condition.

      • Wire에 의한 전자파 scattering의 수치적 해석

        홍순성 수원대학교 산업기술연구소 1998 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        The radar cross section and pattern of long wires are theoretically computed and plotted as a function of wavelength. Assuming a spherically random orientation of the wire, the average back scattering cross distributions are presented.

      • KCI등재

        Increase in Egg Production in Households using Low Cost Rations as Feeds for Indigenous Chickens in Kenya

        Innocent Kariuki,Soonsung Hong,Sukwon Kang,Geoffrey Ngae,Kee Jong Kim,Salome Nyaga,Nicholas Mwangi,Alice Kanyotu,Murimi Nyaga 한국국제농업개발학회 2021 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.33 No.3

        케냐에서 토종 닭의 낮은 생산성은 부분적으로 열악한 관리 관행, 특히 적절한 건강 관리, 열악한 사육장 및 영양 부족 때문으로 알려져 있다. 이 연구의 목표는 케냐에서 산란계를 위한 신배합사료 배합 가능성 확인과 신배합사료 식 A와 B의 급이를 통한 계란 생산성을 분석하고자 하였다. 1. 2018년 7월 1일부터 2021년 3월 31일까지 Embu 및 Tharaka Nithi 카운티에서 닭 생산에 관심이 있는 농부 그룹을 선정하였다. 농부 그룹 선정에 사용 된 기준은 닭의 수, 닭 사육 및 장비에 대한 투자 수준, 사료 혼합에 대한 관심, 농가 집단의 응집력, 교육 수준 및 집단 구성원의 연령 등 이었다. 2. 총 3,968명의 농업인이 산란계를 위한 신배합사료 식 A와 B에 따른 사료조제 및 이용에 참여하였으며, 총 136,683 kg의 배합 사료를 조제하였다. Embu 지역에서는 2,774명의 농업인이 53,770 kg을, Tharaka Nithi 지역에서는 1,194명의 농업인이 41,313 kg의 신배합사료를 각각 조제하였다. 3. 신배합사료 식 A와 식 B가 케냐 표준 국 [KEBS] (2014)의 품질 표준을 충족하는지 평가하기 위해 사료 영양 성분을 분석한 결과, 신배합사료 식 A와 식 B, 상업용 사료 모 두 건물중(dry matter) 이 88%이상으로 표준을 충족 하였고, 최대 25% 이하의 회분(ash), 15% 이상의 조단백질(crude protein) 과 7.5% 이하의 조섬유(crude fiber) 기준과 대부분 부합하였다. 4. 신배합사료 식 A와 시판용 사료를 급여한 산란계 10마리의 일일 평균 계란 생산량을 비교한 결과 Embu 지역에서는 7.2개와 5.1개, 그리고 Tharaka Nithi 지역에서는 8.2개와 5.7 개로 유의적으로 높은 생산성 차이가 확인되었다. 5. 신배합사료 식 B와 시판용 사료를 급여한 산란계 10마리의 일일 평균 계란 생산량을 비교한 결과 Embu 지역에서는 7.3개와 4.9개, 그리고 Tharaka Nithi 지역에서는 7.1개와 5.2 개로 유의적으로 높은 생산성 차이가 확인되었다. The low productivity of indigenous chickens in Kenya and other parts of the world is partly attributed to poor management practices, in particular the lack of proper healthcare, poor housing and nutrition. However, studies have shown that poor nutrition is a major factor that contributes to the low growth rate and egg production in chickens. The objective in this study was to demonstrate and promote Ration A and B, for laying hens, to enhance egg production and household incomes. During the period 1 July 2018 to 31 March 2021, farmer groups interested in chicken production were selected in Embu and Tharaka Nithi counties. The criteria used in the selection of the farmer groups was chicken numbers, level of investment in chicken housing and equipment, interest in feed mixing, cohesion of farmer group, level of education and age of group members. Each farmer group was assigned a facilitator/ extension officer who trained its members on various aspects of chicken production with special emphasis on Ration formulation, mixing and feeding of laying hens. After mixing the Rations, samples were collected for chemical composition analysis so as to assess whether the Rations mixed met Kenya Bureau of Standards [KEBS] (2014) quality standards. At least three farmers within a group feeding the mixed Ration A or B to laying hens were selected to assess egg production. Prior to feeding on the Ration A or B, the same batch of birds in a farm was fed on commercial layers feed and egg production assessed. The results showed that (i) 3,968 farmers in Embu and Tharaka Nithi counties mixed and used 136,683 kg of Ration A and B to feed their laying hens, (ii) there was a 44.3% and 45.5% increase in egg production in households using Ration A and B, respectively, to feed their laying hens compared to commercial feeds.

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