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        ( Kim Y Hiller Connell ),( Joy M Kozar ) 한국마케팅과학회 2012 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.3 No.4

        據調?顯示?使消費者非常了解?關心服飾産品與消費引發的環境與社會問題, 能?執行可持續性服飾購買行爲(SAPBs)的人數比率依然?低。因此, ?到削弱這種態度-行爲代溝的有效方法是?有必要的。規範性社會影響可以鼓勵可持續性環保行爲(Cialdini, Reno,& Kallgren, 1990)。此硏究之前的文獻中顯示社會規範對可持續性環保行爲是有影響力的, 包括家庭能源的節約(Nolan,Schultz, Cialdini, Goldstein, & Griskevicius, 2008)與酒店資源的節約(Goldstein, Cialdini, and Griskevicius, 2008)。也就是說, 硏究表明爲了促進可持續性環保行爲, 重點强調他人的可持續性消費者行爲是有效的。因此, 本硏究旨在分析對規範性社會影響的提倡對促進SAPBs是否有效。本硏究參加人員共分爲四組, 運用預備測試, 後續測試與擬實驗設計的方法, 同時利用三組拉門吊?裝置請消費者參與到SAPBs中來。第壹組拉門吊?裝置的信息條中含有呼?可持續性環保的信息, ?不包括社會規範影響。?外兩組拉門吊?裝置都包括規範性社會影響的信息, 其中壹個主要針對可持續性發展人權方面的信息, ?壹個則注重環境方面的影響。數據來源于美國中西部四年制大學中女子社團的學生們。調?抽樣隨機選取四個女子社團。每個社團與居民的選取都是隨機性的直到50個硏究對象名額報滿爲止。每個社團會被隨機分配到四個試驗小組中:管理組、可持續性環保信息組、人權信息組以及環境信息組。試驗開始後(Time 1), 硏究者首先請硏究對象完成預備測試以便于評?他們參與可持續性服飾購買行爲的程度。本調?包括人口統計學選項, 8項可持續性服飾購買行爲(SAPB)測算(Kozar & Hiller Connell, 2010)以及20項可持續性服飾購買(SAA)測算。SAPB測算範圍從1(非常不同意)至7(非常同意), 測算內容例如他們爲否爲血汗工廠中生産的廉價成衣花費的更多。SAA測算範圍從1(從不)至5(總是), 測算內容爲硏究對象參與到可持續性環保服飾購買行爲的頻率。預備測試數據收集完成後, 拉門吊?裝置會根據已經安排好的試驗小組分配到調?對象的房間中, 管理組不會安排拉門吊?裝置。在接下來的10周中, 對調?對象可持續性服飾購買的參與程度進行重新評?, 隨後完成調?對象的後續測試。硏究運用科隆巴赫標准化alpha系數確保測算的可?性(所有alpha?皆大于或等于.89)。接下來, 對SAPB與SAA進行加和平均爲預備測試與後續測試的數據得出兩個複合變量。本硏究采用項間與項內綜合ANOVA評?拉門吊?裝置對SAPB與SAA測算分數的影響, 四個試驗小組分別作爲相間變量, Time 1 與Time 2 作爲相內變量, SAPB總分數(與SAA分數)在不同時間段分別作爲獨立變量。Wilks`` lambda(組內平方和與總平方和之比)在本硏究中作爲檢驗統計量使用。總體來說, 196名調?對象參與了此項硏究。所有調?對象爲女性, 年齡在18至23歲之間。大多數調?對象(94.9%)爲非西班牙裔白人。SAPB的調?對象中, SAPB分數呈顯著變化, 範圍從Time 1(M=2.90, SD=1.25)至Time 2 [M=2.66, SD=1.30, F(1,192) =.967, p=.012]。但是, SAPB測算中調?對象的分數呈降趨勢-也就是說, 在呼?過社會規範影響力後, 他們參與SAPB的程度仍不高。?外, 拉門吊?信息類型(環境、人權、標准)對SAPB的影響沒有呈現統計顯著性, 四組之間?沒有明顯區別[F(3,316)=2.336, p=.074]。同樣, 分數對SAA測算的主要影響範圍從Time 1 (M=1.87, SD=.75)至Time 1 (M=1.87, SD=.75)沒有呈現統計顯著性。拉門吊?信息類型(環境、人權、標准)對SAA沒有顯著影響[F(3,316)=.728, p=.536]。本硏究闡述了雖然規範性社會影響對消費者的可持續性環保行爲有促進作用, 但服飾購買行爲是複雜的, 來自于社會同代人的壓力對有些消費者可持續性服飾消費的模式促進作用不足。在未來的硏究中, 將以此硏究爲基礎?繼續?掘規範性社會影響力的潛力, 以改變服飾消費者的行爲。同時, 進壹步探尋能?鼓勵可持續性服飾消費的機制. Even when consumers are knowledgeable and concerned about sustainability issues related to apparel production and consumption, their level of engagement in sustainable apparel purchasing behaviors is low. Through a four-group pretest posttest, quasi-experimental design, this exploratory research examined the persuasive appeal of door hangers employing social normative influence and petitioning consumers to engage in sustainable apparel-purchasing behaviors. Data were collected from students living on campus at a university in the Midwestern United States. At the start of the experiment, the participants completed a survey that assessed engagement in sustainable apparel purchasing. Door hangers were then distributed to the participants`` rooms. After 10 weeks, the students`` engagement in sustainable apparel purchasing was reassessed by having the participants complete an identical survey. Results indicate that engagement in sustainable apparel-purchasing behaviors among the participants was low. Furthermore, normative social influence was not an adequate motivator to increase consumption of sustainable apparel.

      • Incorporating Building Information to Globalize and Robustify Grid-Based Indoor SLAM

        Markus Hiller,Florian Particke,Lucila Pati?no-Studencki,Jorn Thielecke 제어로봇시스템학회 2017 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2017 No.10

        Navigation is one of the key topics in the field of mobile robotics. In many areas of application like Industry 4.0 or fully automated parking, additional external sensors are available as well as pre-existing knowledge about the general building structure. This information is of significant advantage, especially in situations where the perceptive field of the mobile platform is occluded. One method to gain the required information is the probabilistic concept of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). However, most existing approaches generally lack the possibility to incorporate preexisting and external information. In this paper, a solution to the SLAM problem based on a Rao-Blackwellized particle filter is adopted to provide efficient means for exploiting such data. We present an approach that directly incorporates environment knowledge using a context-aware environment model, while establishing reference to a global coordinate frame allowing for a straight-forward fusion with external information sources. The evaluation is performed on real-world data obtained by a mobile platform. The qualitative analysis shows significant improvement in map quality and robustness regarding short sensor outages or reduced perception rates. Establishing a uniform reference frame and reusing data, the proposed approach clearly extends the functional range of SLAM, demonstrating substantial advantages over existing methods.

      • KCI등재

        Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation in Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography Using the Bootstrap Method

        Jochen Hiller,Gianfranco Genta,Giulio Barbato,Leonardo De Chiffre,Raffaello Levi 한국정밀공학회 2014 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol. No.

        Industrial applications of computed tomography (CT) for dimensional metrology on various components are fast increasing, owingto a number of favorable properties such as capability of non-destructive internal measurements. Uncertainty evaluation is howevermore complex than in conventional measurement processes, e.g., with tactile systems, also due to factors related to systematic errors,mainly caused by specific CT image characteristics. In this paper we propose a simulation-based framework for measurementuncertainty evaluation in dimensional CT using the bootstrap method. In a case study the problem concerning measurementuncertainties was addressed with bootstrap and successfully applied to ball-bar CT measurements. Results obtained enabled extensionto more complex shapes such as actual industrial components as we show by tests on a hollow cylinder workpiece.

      • High performance switched reluctance drives with wide field weakening range

        Rainer Marquardt,Marc Hiller 전력전자학회 2001 ICPE(ISPE)논문집 Vol.2001 No.10

        For electrical vehicles, switched reluctance drives present a promising alternative - compared to asynchronous and synchronous (permanent magnet) concepts. For these applications, a very wide field weakening range is a key issue. Other requirements include high torque output from a small machine and low current ripple at the DC-side without the use of bulky filters - when powered from fuel cells or advanced Lithium-Ion-batteries. A new converter and control strategy according to these requirements is presented and compared to existing designs. The comparison is done for a drive system with a continuous power rating of 30 to 40 kW.<br/>

      • KCI등재

        Modeling the Temperature and Stress Distributions in Rigid Pavements: Impact of Solar Radiation Absorption and Heat History Development

        Yinghong Qin,Jacob E. Hiller 대한토목학회 2011 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.15 No.8

        This study describes the impact of the absorption of Solar Radiation (SR) on temperatures and subsequent thermal stress development in Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements (JPCP). A one-dimensional heat transfer model is proposed to predict the temperature distribution through the slab depth. In this model, the inputted SR has features with both deterministic and probabilistic features. The deterministic factor is the monthly mean observed SR. The probabilistic component is computed by assuming that the monthly SR’s variation between the maximum and minimum observed radiations follow a random normal distribution, whose standard deviation depends on the uncertainties of the observed monthly SR. Considering that the amount of SR absorption may be inherited from both within and under the slab, we study the impact of the SR history on the temperature and thermal-induced stresses through the slab. The results show that when the local weather shifts from sunny day to cloudy day or vice versa, the maximum temperature and JPCP’s thermal stresses shift by up to 5℃ and 0.3 MPa, respectively. Other than the SR, we also estimate the influences of the sunrise/sunset times and of the pavement surface absorptivity on rigid pavements.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Psychosocial Risk Management in the Teaching Profession: A Systematic Review

        Wischlitzki, Elisabeth,Amler, Nadja,Hiller, Julia,Drexler, Hans Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2020 Safety and health at work Vol.11 No.4

        Teachers are facing various job demands with psychosocial aspects being fundamental due to the nature of the occupation. Although teachers' work is associated with different psychosocial health risks, little is known on how to identify and tackle those. Thus, a systematic literature search as per the PRISMA statement was conducted via MEDLINE (PubMed), PSYNDEX (PubPsych), and ScienceDirect. Two reviewers independently screened 2261 titles and abstracts and 169 full-texts. According to the inclusion criteria established a priori, articles from peer-reviewed journals (English or German) on psychosocial risk management in teachers were incorporated. Despite a comprehensive and sensitive search, only four publications could be identified, outlining a process to implement risk management and different assessment tools. Taken together, data presented in the articles were scarce. Recommendations for process steps and the assessment of psychosocial risks can be derived from the findings. To implement effective psychosocial risk management in the teaching profession, further research is needed, though. Effective and practicable approaches, which are accepted by the target group, should be further developed and investigated. Relevant causes of occupational strain in the teaching profession must be identified and assessed reliably. Low-threshold interventions should be implemented, and the outcome must be evaluated afterward.

      • A Non-Resonant Multi-Output Half-Bridge Inverter for Flexible Cooking Surfaces

        Felix Rehm,Marc Hiller 전력전자학회 2023 ICPE(ISPE)논문집 Vol.2023 No.-

        In domestic induction heating (IH) appliances most commonly the series resonant half-bridge (HB) inverter is used. The number of required components can be further reduced by using non-resonant inverter topologies. Within this contribution, a novel non-resonant multi-output HB inverter for use in flexible cooking surfaces is presented. The proposed inverter topology is described and simulation as well as measurement results are shown. Measurement results are presented for operation with up to two inductors. The hardware prototype is equipped with gallium nitride semiconductors and operates at switching frequencies up to 400 kHz. Measurement results show that an output power of 522W is reached for use of a single inductor. When using two inductors, a maximum output power of 828W is reached. The presented results demonstrate the feasibility of the concept, while the efficiency of the system needs to be investigated in future work.

      • Myogenic Autoregulation of Coronary Vessels and Heterometric Autoregulation of the Myocardium

        Doring, H.J.,Schlicht, I.,Hiller, V.,Jiang, X.R. The Korean Physiological Society 1989 대한생리학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        1) At the isolated perfused guinea-pig and rat heart heterometric autoregulation of the myocardium and myogenic autoregulation of the coronary vessels were induced by means of stepwise increases of perfusion pressure. 2) According to this loading test Frank-Starling function curves of the left ventricle and pressure-flow curves of the coronary vessels can be drawn. This graphic evaluation gives more information about the condition of the heart and the coronary vessels than simple evaluation under hemodynamic equilibrium. 3) There are significant differences in both curves between animal species and between different perfusate Mg concentration. 4) Myogenic autoregulation is not affected by the cyclooxygenase inhibitors indometacin and me- clofenamate. Thus it appears unlikely that prostanoides are involved in myogenic autoregulation. 5) Ca antagonists (Gallopamil, prenylamine) depress myogenic autoregulation dose-dependently. Enhanced myogenic autoregulation, induced by low extracellular magnesium, can be reduced effectively by Gallopamil. 6) Ginsenosides from Panax ginseng as well as the ginsenoside 'Rg' are effective inhibitors of myogenic autoregulation without major negative inotropic effects.

      • KCI등재

        The ‘Hot Cross Bun’ Sign is Not Always Multiple System Atrophy: Etiologies of 11 Cases

        Christopher Young Way,David Pettersson,Amie Hiller 대한파킨슨병및이상운동질환학회 2019 Journal Of Movement Disorders Vol.12 No.1

        Objective To clarify the specificity of the ‘hot cross bun’ sign (HCBS) for multiple system atrophy (MSA) in adult cerebellar ataxia or parkinsonism. Methods The radiologic information systems at an academic center and affiliated veterans’ hospital were queried using the keywords ‘hot cross bun,’ ‘pontocerebellar,’ ‘cruciate,’ ‘cruciform,’ ‘MSA,’ ‘multiple system atrophy,’ and ‘multisystem atrophy.’ Scans were reviewed by a neurologist and neuroradiologist to identify the HCBS. Subjects with the HCBS were reviewed by 2 neurologists to identify the most likely etiology of the patient’s neurologic symptoms. Results Eleven cases were identified. Etiologies included MSA (4 probable, 2 possible), hereditary cerebellar ataxia (3/11), probable dementia with Lewy bodies (1/11), and uncertain despite autopsy (1/11). Conclusion MSA was the most common etiology. However, 5 of the 11 patients did not have MSA. The most common alternate etiology was an undefined hereditary cerebellar ataxia (3/11).

      • Constraints on Proton Structure from Precision Atomic-Physics Measurements

        Brodsky, Stanley J.,Carlson, Carl E.,Hiller, John R.,Hwang, Dae Sung American Physical Society 2005 Physical review letters Vol.94 No.2

        <P>Ground-state hyperfine splittings in hydrogen and muonium are very well measured. Their difference, after correcting for magnetic moment and reduced mass effects, is due solely to proton structure-the large QED contributions for a pointlike nucleus essentially cancel. The rescaled hyperfine difference depends on the Zemach radius, a fundamental measure of the proton, computed as an integral over a product of electric and magnetic proton form factors. The determination of the Zemach radius, (1.019+/-0.016) fm, from atomic physics tightly constrains fits to accelerator measurements of proton form factors. Conversely, we can use muonium data to extract an experimental value for QED corrections to hydrogenic hyperfine data. There is a significant discrepancy between measurement and theory, in the same direction as a corresponding discrepancy in positronium.</P>

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