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        Rice Insects : The Role of Host Plant Resistance in Integrated Management Systems

        Heinrichs, E.A. Korean Society of Applied Entomology 1992 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        Insects are among the most important abiotic and biotic constraints to rice production. National rice research programs are in various stages in the development and implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) stratagies for rice insect control. Among the various control tactics, insect resistant cultivars are sought as the major tactic in rice IPM. Through the activities of interdisciplinary teams of scientists significant progress has been made in the development and release of insect resistant cultivars to farmers. Because of its compatibility with other control tactics insect resistance has proven to fit well into the IPM approach to rice insect control agents and minimize the need for insecticide applications. The development of biotypes which overcome the resistance in rice plants has been a significant constraint in the breeding of rice for resistance to insects. Most notable examples in Asia are the green leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens, brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lygens and the Asian rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae. The current breeding stratege is to develop rice cultivars with durable resistance on which virulent biotypes cannot adapt. In spite of the significant progress made in the breeding of insect resistant cultivars there are still numerous important rice insect species for which host plant resistance as a control tactic has not been fully utilized. Advances in biotechnology provide promise of solving some of the problems that have limited the use of host plant resistance as a major tactic in the integrated management of rice insect pests.

      • KCI등재

        Who gets the key first? Car allocation in activity-based modelling

        Sigrun Beige,Matthias Heinrichs,Daniel Krajzewicz,Rita Cyganski 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2018 도시과학국제저널 Vol.22 No.2

        Decisions concerning household car ownership and the corresponding usage by the household members have significant implications on vehicle usage, fuel consumption and vehicle emissions. In this context, long-term and short-term choices which are strongly interrelated with one another play an important role. The long-term aspects involve the number of vehicles and their different types owned by a household as well as the assignment of a main driver, acting as the primary user, to each vehicle. The short-term dimension is represented by the vehicle allocation within a household at a daily level. In order to better understand the vehicle allocation process in the household context, the paper at hand investigates the importance of the short-term and long-term aspects in this process and explores several approaches to model them. For this purpose, four different methods for car allocation within a household, which strongly differ in their complexity, are implemented into a microscopic agent-based travel demand model and subsequently evaluated. The respective approaches are the following: (1) random car allocation, (2) car allocation by age, (3) car allocation by main driver assignment, and (4) car allocation by household optimization. Given a population of a bigger region that is described by a set of attributes, these various models determine which person of a household uses one of the available cars within the household for his/her daily trips. The simulations show that all four implementations of car allocation result in good representations (with deviations of less than 10%) of observed travel behaviour, their results being closer to each other than initially expected. Model (4), which optimizes car allocation for the entire household, shows the best results when compared to real-world data, while model (3) allows for the adaptation of changes in car ownership and/or socio-demographic and socio-economic attributes of the population.

      • KCI등재

        國際米作硏究所圃場에 있어서 寄生蜂에 의한 Scirpophaga incertulas의 卵寄生率에 대하여

        H.S. KIM,E.A. HEINRICHS,P. MYLVAGANAM 한국응용곤충학회 1986 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        필리핀에 있는 국제미작연구소(國際米作硏究所) 논 포장(圃場)에서 이앙(移秧)후 일(日) 된 묘(苗)에서 Scirpophaga incertulas의 난(卵)을 1984년(年) 7월 부터 10월 까지 채집(採集)하여 난기생봉(卵寄生蜂)의 기생율(寄生率) 및 생태(生態)를 조사한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. ScirpoPhaga incertulas 의 난(卵)에서 나온 벌목 천적(天敵)으로 Tetrasticus schoenobii, Telenomus rowani, Trichogramma japonicum 3종(三種)이 발견(發見)되었고 기생봉(寄生蜂)의 생물적(生物的)인 습성(習性)에 기초(基礎)를 둔 기생율(寄生率) 계산(計算)방법을 소개하였다. 난기생봉(卵寄生蜂) 3종(三種)의 공기생(共寄生) 조합(組合)은 T. rowani+T. japonicum 조합(組合)이 가장 많았고 T. rowani 는 단기생성(單寄生性) 천적(天敵)으로 우화성충(羽化成蟲) 수(數)가 가장 많았지만 3종(三種)의 기생봉중(寄生蜂中) T. schoenobii 는 유충기간(幼蟲期間) 중 Scirpophaga incertulas 의 난(卵)을 개(個) 소모(消耗)시키므로 가장 유용(有用)한 천적(天敵)이었으며 이 천적(天敵)의 1세대기간(世代期間)은 일(日) 이었다. We surveyed the IRRI farm to determine the extent of parasitization of yellow stemborer egg masses. The egg masses were randomly collected at weekly intervals from July to October 1984 from rice fields, 15-20 days after transplanting, and brought to the laboratory for collection of emerging parasites. Three species of hymenopterous parasitoids-Tetrasticus schoenobii, Telenomus rowani, and Trichogramma japonicum-were found from 700 egg masses. We introduced a method to calculate percent parasitism as based on parasite biology and behaviour. Among the three species, the combination of T. rowani and T. japonicum was the highest multiparasitization of yellow stem borer egg masses, and T. rowani, a solitary parasite had the highest number based on immature and adult stages counted. However, T. schoenobii may be the most efficient parasite because two to four host eggs are needed to complete the larval period, and it took days for one generation.

      • KCI등재

        病害虫과 變色米 發生과의 關係에 관한 硏究

        LEE S.C.,M.E. ALVENDA,J.M. BONMAN,E.A. HEINRICHS 한국응용곤충학회 1986 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        변색미(變色米) 발생(發生)에 관여(關與)하는 병원균(病原菌)과 해충을 분류동정(分類同定)한 결과(結果) 해충으로는 허리노린재과(科)에 속하는 Leptocorisa oratorius가 우점종(優占種)이었고 노린재과(科)인 Menida varipennis. Stollia ventralis 및 Nezara viridula 등이 관여(關與)하였으며 병원균(病原菌)으로는 Drechslera oryzae. Curvularia lunata, Trichoniella padwickii, Sarocladium oryzae, Alternaria tenuis 및 Fusarium solani 등이 관여(關與)하였다. 병원균(病原菌)과 해충의 복합발생시(複合發生時)에 변색미발생(變色米發生)이 더 심하였고 병원균(病原菌)만의 발생시(發生時)는 변색미(變色米) 발생(發生)에 주로 영향(影響)을 미쳤으며 노린재류만의 발생시(發生時)는 수량감수(收量減收)에 더 큰 영향(影響)을 주었다. 그리고 노린재류에 의한 벼 유숙기간(乳熟期間)의 흡즙(吸汁)은 병원균침입(病原菌侵入)을 조장(助長)하여 벼의 질적(質的) 변화(變化)와 양적(量的) 감소(滅少)에 크게 영향(影響)하였다. Species of pathogens and insects associated with grain discoloration in the Philippines were indentified. Leptocorisa oratorios was the most dominant insect species causing discoloration. Pathogenicity tests of fungal organisms isolated from discolored grains showed that Drechslera oryzae, Curvularia lunata, Trichoconiella padwickii, Sarocladium oryzae, Alternaria tenuis, and Fusarium solani were the common pathogens responsible for 'dirty panicle' disease of rice. Discoloration incidence was higher on treatment when both pests were present than when they occurred singly. The discoloration severity was attributed to the pathogens whereas rice bug caused a high decrease in grain weight and unfilled grains. Rice bug feeding on grains enhances the infection caused by the pathogen. Due to this, the quantity and quality of grains produced were affected, resulting in yield reduction.

      • KCI등재

        멸구類(벼멸구 및 흰등멸구)와 水稻病害의 複合發生 被害에 關한 硏究

        S.C. LEE,D.M. MATIAS,T.W. MEW,J.S. SORINO,E.A. HEINRICHS 한국응용곤충학회 1985 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        수도(水稻) 병해충(病害蟲)의 동시발생(同時發生) 피해(被害)에 관한 연구(硏究)를 위한 기초시험(基礎試驗)으로 벼멸구와 흰등멸구의 복합발생(複合發生)에 따른 서식처선호성(棲息處選好性)을 확인(確認)코저 감수성(感受性) 품종(品種)인 IR22와 저항성(抵抗性)인 IR36(분벽최성기(分蘗最盛期)부터 흰등멸구에도 저항성(抵抗性)임)을 공시(供試)하여 조사(調査)한 결과(結果) 벼품종별(品種別), 생육시기별(生育時期別) 및 발생밀도(發生密度)에 따라 다소(多少) 차이(差異)는 있으나 일반적(一般的)으로 흰등멸구는 대부분(大部分) 벼 윗부분(部分)에 서식(棲息)하였고 벼멸구는 아래부분(部分)에 서식(棲息)함을 알 수 있었다. 두 종(種)의 복합발생시(複合發生時)의 서식선호성(棲息選好性)은 상대종(相對種)의 발생(發生)에 영향(影響)을 받지 않았고 각각 일정(一定)한 서식처(棲息處)를 선호(選好)하는 경향(傾向)이었다. 벼멸구의 생태형(生態型) 2에 대(對)하여 반응(反應)이 다른 다섯가지 품종(品種)(IR22 및 TN1: 감수성(感受性), Triveni 및 ASD7: 중정도저항성(中程度抵抗性), IR42: 抵抗性)을 공시(供試)하여 문고병(紋枯病)과 벼멸구의 동시발생(同時發生)에 의한 피해(被害)를 조사(調査)한 결과(結果) 병해충(病害蟲)의 동시발생(同時發生) 피해(被害)는 병원균(病原菌)이 단독발생(單獨發生)했을 때 보다 문고병(紋枯病)의 발병(發病)을 현저(顯著)히 조장(助長)시켰으며 병증(病症)의 발현속도(發現速度)도 빨랐고 균계생장(菌系生長)도 왕성(旺盛)하여 감염기(感染器)(infection structure)의 형성(形成)도 풍부(豊富)하였다. 벼멸구의 생태형(生態型) 2에 대(對)한 품종(品種) 반응(反應)과는 상관없이 벼멸구와 문고병(紋枯病)과의 동시발생(同時發生)은 벼멸구 단독발생(單獨發生)에 비(比)하여 더 심한 고사현상(枯死現象)(hopperburn)을 일으켰다. 즉 문고병(紋枯病) 병원균(病原菌)과 벼멸구의 동시발생(同時發生)은 상승적(相乘的) 피해(被害)가 나타남을 확인(確認)하였다. The locational preference of the brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens () and the whitebacked plant hopper (WBPH) Sogatella furcifera(Horvath) was studied on rice cultivars IR22 and IR36 as an integral part of subsequent research on insect-fungal pathogen relationships. The BPH was observed to stay consistently on the basal portion while the WBPH showed a general preference for the upper portion regardless of varieties, rice growth stages and insect population density levels. The habitat preference of both species (BPH and WBPH) was found not to be affected by the presence of the other species when both species are present on the same host plant Five rice cultivars with different reactions to BPH biotype 2 were used in the study on BPH-Rhizoctonia solani relationship: IR22 and TN1 (susceptible), Triveni and ASD7 (moderately resistant), and IR42 (resistant). Test plants were inoculated with R. solani (Kuhn) days after insect infestation. Sheath blight disease severity/incidence was significantly higher in the treatment where BPH+R. solani were together than in the treatment with only the pathogen. Symptom expression of the disease in the BPH-pathogen combination was faster and mycelial growth was more profuse inducing the formation of more infection structures. Regardless of varietal reaction to BPH biotype 2, the degree of hopperburn was significantly higher in the combination of the two pests as compared with that of BPH alone. There could be a synergistic relationship between the insect pest and the pathogen indicated by a positive interaction between the two species.

      • KCI등재

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