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        Wild waterfowl migration and domestic duck density shape the epidemiology of highly pathogenic H5N8 influenza in the Republic of Korea

        Hill, Sarah C.,Lee, Youn-Jeong,Song, Byung-Min,Kang, Hyun-Mi,Lee, Eun-Kyoung,Hanna, Amanda,Gilbert, Marius,Brown, Ian H.,Pybus, Oliver G. Elsevier Science 2015 INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION Vol.34 No.-

        <▼1><P><B>Highlights</B></P><P>•<P>Phylogeographic analyses of H5N8, including 49 new sequences from South Korea.</P>•<P>H5N8 movement was mostly among areas dense in wild and domestic ducks.</P>•<P>New viral introductions to South Korea occurred at time of wild bird migration.</P>•<P>H5N8 epidemiology is shaped by wild waterfowl migration and domestic duck density.</P>•<P>H5N8 may have entered Europe at least twice, and Asia at least three times.</P></P></▼1><▼2><P>Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses threaten human and animal health yet their emergence is poorly understood, partly because sampling of the HPAI Asian-origin H5N1 lineage immediately after its identification in 1996 was comparatively sparse. The discovery of a novel H5N8 virus in 2013 provides a new opportunity to investigate HPAI emergence in greater detail. Here we investigate the origin and transmission of H5N8 in the Republic of Korea, the second country to report the new strain. We reconstruct viral spread using phylogeographic methods and interpret the results in the context of ecological data on poultry density, overwintering wild bird numbers, and bird migration patterns. Our results indicate that wild waterfowl migration and domestic duck density were important to H5N8 epidemiology. Specifically, we infer that H5N8 entered the Republic of Korea via Jeonbuk province, then spread rapidly among western provinces where densities of overwintering waterfowl and domestic ducks are higher, yet rarely persisted in eastern regions. The common ancestor of H5N8 in the Republic of Korea was estimated to have arrived during the peak of inward migration of overwintering birds. Recent virus isolations likely represent re-introductions via bird migration from an as-yet unsampled reservoir. Based on the limited data from outside the Republic of Korea, our data suggest that H5N8 may have entered Europe at least twice, and Asia at least three times from this reservoir, most likely carried by wild migrating birds.</P></▼2>

      • KCI등재

        Environmentally friendly preparation of exfoliated graphite

        H.M.A. Asghar,S.N. Hussain,H. Sattar,N.W. Brown,E.P.L. Roberts 한국공업화학회 2014 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.20 No.4

        Graphite intercalation compounds (GIC) have received global attention in the last decade because of the growing number of applications of these materials. Conventionally, bisulfate intercalated graphite is synthesized by chemical intercalation; which requires concentrated sulfuric acid (98%) and an oxidizing agent such as H2O2 and HNO3. In this study, bisulfate intercalated graphite was prepared by electrochemical intercalation using dilute sulfuric acid with the aim to reduce the sulfur content in the final product. The electrochemical intercalation method required sulfuric acid with half of the concentration of that required for chemical intercalation, and without the need for an oxidizing agent. Chinese natural large flake graphite was used as the raw material for the electrochemical process. The GIC was characterized by the exfoliation volume obtained by thermal shock at a temperature of 850℃. The effect of sulfuric acid concentration, electrochemical treatment time, particle size and temperature on the exfoliation volume was investigated. It was found that the exfoliation volume of the GIC-bisulfate, which is a function of degree of intercalation, can be controlled using the sulfuric acid concentration and treatment time. A sulfuric acid concentration of 50% and an electrochemical treatment time of 60 min were found to produce a GIC with the maximum exfoliation volume for the range of conditions studied.


        Interaction of Beef Growth Type${\times}$Production System for Carcass Traits of Steers

        Brown , A.H. Jr.,Camfield, P.K.,Johnson, Z.B.,Rakes, L.Y.,Pohlman, F.W.,Brown, C.J.,Sandelin, B.A.,Baublits, R.T. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2005 Animal Bioscience Vol.18 No.2

        Steers (n=335) of known genetic backgrounds from four fundamentally different growth types were subjected to two production systems to study differences in carcass traits. Growth types were animals with genetic potential for large mature weight-late maturing, intermediate mature weight-late maturing, intermediate mature weight-early maturing and small mature weight-early maturing. Each year, in a nine-year study, calves of each growth type were weaned and five steers of each growth type were developed on pasture or feedlot and slaughtered at approximately 20 and 14 months of age, respectively. Data collected were pre-slaughter shrunk body weight (SBW); hot carcass weight (HCW); dressing percentage (DRESS); fat thickness at the $12^{th}$ and $13^{th}$ rib interface (FAT); percentage kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (KPH); longissimus muscle area (LMA); marbling score (MARB); quality grade (QG); and yield grade (YG). Year and growth type were significant for all carcass traits. The growth type${\times}$production system interaction was an important source of variation in SBW, HCW; FAT, YG and MARB. The same interaction was non-significant for DRESS, KPH, LMA and QG. Carcass differences in measures of fatness were greater in the feedlot system than in the pasture system. These data could aid producers in matching beef growth type to the production system most suitable for efficient use of resources.

      • The mechanism of Torsin ATPase activation

        Brown, Rebecca S. H.,Zhao, Chenguang,Chase, Anna R.,Wang, Jimin,Schlieker, Christian National Academy of Sciences 2014 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF Vol.111 No.45

        <P><B>Significance</B></P><P>Torsin activity critically depends on accessory cofactors that activate their ATPase activity by a poorly understood mechanism. This study establishes the mechanistic framework for Torsin activation, which relies on a complementation of the fragmentary Torsin active site. Given these unusual properties and the fact that Torsin activation is dysregulated in the congenital movement disorder primary dystonia, our results suggest that pharmacological manipulation of Torsin activation may present a novel therapeutic opportunity.</P><P>Torsins are membrane-associated ATPases whose activity is dependent on two activating cofactors, lamina-associated polypeptide 1 (LAP1) and luminal domain-like LAP1 (LULL1). The mechanism by which these cofactors regulate Torsin activity has so far remained elusive. In this study, we identify a conserved domain in these activators that is predicted to adopt a fold resembling an AAA+ (ATPase associated with a variety of cellular activities) domain. Within these domains, a strictly conserved Arg residue present in both activating cofactors, but notably missing in Torsins, aligns with a key catalytic Arg found in AAA+ proteins. We demonstrate that cofactors and Torsins associate to form heterooligomeric assemblies with a defined Torsin–activator interface. In this arrangement, the highly conserved Arg residue present in either cofactor comes into close proximity with the nucleotide bound in the neighboring Torsin subunit. Because this invariant Arg is strictly required to stimulate Torsin ATPase activity but is dispensable for Torsin binding, we propose that LAP1 and LULL1 regulate Torsin ATPase activity through an active site complementation mechanism.</P>


        Effect of Beef Growth Type on Cooking Loss, Tenderness, and Chemical Composition of Pasture- or Feedlot-developed Steers

        Brown, A.H.,Camfield, P.K.,Rowe, C.W.,Rakes, L.Y.,Pohlman, F.W.,Johnson, Z.B.,Tabler, G.T.,Sandelin, B.A. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2007 Animal Bioscience Vol.20 No.11

        Steers (n = 335) of known genetic background from four fundamentally different growth types were subjected to two production systems to study differences in cooking loss (CL), tenderness, and chemical composition. Growth types were animals with genetic potential for large mature weight-late maturing (LL), intermediate mature weight-late maturing (IL), intermediate mature weight -early maturing (IE), and small mature weight-early maturing (SE). Each year, in a nine-year study, calves of each growth type were weaned and five steers of each growth type were developed on pasture or feedlot and harvested at approximately 20 and 14 mo of age, respectively. Data collected were CL and Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS) for the Longissimus dorsi (LM), Psoas major (PS), and Quadriceps femoris (QF) muscles. Chemical composition was also determined from the right fore- and hindquarter. Data were analyzed using least squares analysis of variance for unequal subclass numbers. The beef growth $type{\times}production$ system interaction was significant for CL and WBS of the LM and ash in the lean trim of the forequarter. Growth types of LL and IL had greater (p<0.05) mean percentage CL in the PS and QF muscles than did IE and SE steers. Growth type LL had the highest (p<0.05) mean for both moisture and protein in the fore- and hindquarters; while SE had the lowest numerical mean value for moisture and protein in the fore- and hindquarters. Shear force of the PS did not differ (p>0.05) among steers of the four growth types. Increasing challenges to the cattle feeding industry may dictate that pasture development play a larger role in future production regimes. Producers should strive to match genetic growth type with available resources in order to remain viable and continue producing a quality product.


        Results of availability imposed configuration details developed for K-DEMO

        Brown, T.,Titus, P.,Brooks, A.,Zhang, H.,Neilson, H.,Im, K.,Kim, K. North-Holland ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2016 Fusion engineering and design Vol.109 No.2

        The Korean fusion demonstration reactor (K-DEMO) has completed a two year study looking at key Tokamak components and configuration options in preparation of a conceptual design phase. A key part of a device configuration centers on defining an arrangement that enhances the ability to reach high availability values by defining design solutions that foster simplified maintenance operations. To maximize the size and minimize the number of in-vessel components enlarged TF coils were defined that incorporate a pair of windings within each coil to mitigate pressure drop issues and to reduce the cost of the coils. A semi-permanent shield structure was defined to develop labyrinth interfaces between double-null plasma contoured shield modules, provide an entity to align blanket components and provide support against disruption loads-with a load path that equilibrates blanket, TF and PF loads through a base structure. Blanket piping services and auxiliary systems that interface with in-vessel components have played a major role in defining the overall device arrangement-concept details will be presented along with general arrangement features and preliminary results obtained from disruption analysis.

      • Characterising and reducing the blank response from mercury vapour sorbent tubes

        Brown, R. C.,Braysher, E.,McGhee, E.,Goddard, S.,Ent, H.,Kim, K. H.,Nielsen, J. Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 Analytical methods Vol.9 No.18

        <P>An investigation into the factors contributing to the blank response of sorbent tubes used for sampling and measuring mercury vapour is presented. These contributing factors are quantified and strategies to mitigate or remove their effects have been proposed - the most effective of which on a routine operational basis is the cleaning of the sorbent tubes in air to remove surface adsorbed mercury and any organic contaminants that can be oxidised. Contributions of up to 175 pg of mercury, or mercury equivalent mass, were identified and removed. The largest contributors were deeply absorbed mercury and hydrocarbons and other organic compounds oxidised and removed by heating in air. Decreasing the blank response resulted in an improvement in detection limit of a factor of two. This estimate was corroborated by a novel technique for assessing the detection limit of analytical methods employing multiple desorptions that relies on determining when the ratio of the third desorption response was equivalent to the first desorption response.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Electrochemically synthesized GIC-based adsorbents for water treatment through adsorption and electrochemical regeneration

        H.M.A. Asghar,S.N. Hussain,H. Sattar,N.W. Brown,E.P.L. Roberts 한국공업화학회 2014 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.20 No.4

        The flake GIC material delivered a small adsorptive capacity for a number of organic pollutants, however, underwent quick adsorption and electrochemical regeneration in minutes. In this study, binary and ternary GIC-based adsorbents were prepared using electrochemical intercalation of Chinese large flake graphite (CLFG) and Madagascan medium flake graphite (MMFG) materials. In this context GICbisulphate, GIC-nitrate, GIC-bisulphate-acetate, GIC nitrate-bisulphate, and GIC-nitrate-acetate were developed and characterized in order to evaluate their adsorptive and electrical properties. The adsorption behaviour was studied using an organic dye, acid violet 17, as a model dissolved organic pollutant. The treatment time and acid concentration for electrochemical intercalation were optimized in order to maximize the adsorptive capacity of the GIC based adsorbents. GIC-bisulphate delivered double adsorptive capacity after electrochemical intercalation, whereas, GIC nitrate diminished the adsorptive capacity to one half that of GIC bisulphate. However, no significant effect of ternary intercalated compounds was observed in terms of improved adsorption capacity or electrical conductivity.

      • KCI등재

        A comparison of predictive irritation tests with surfactants on human and animal skin

        Brown, Y.K.H. Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea 1972 대한화장품학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        Nine DETERGENT base materials have been examined in a series of in vivo and in vitro TESTS involving the use of HUMAn SKIN and various ANIMAL SKINS. Lack of agreement between the results from different tests was apparent and cautious approach to predictive SKIN-IRRITANCY testing with detergents is advocated.

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