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      • KCI등재후보

        양배추 Coleslaw 제조 중 HACCP 설정을 위한 식초를 이용한 E. coli 제어

        류동걸(Dongkul Ryu),고재민(Jaemin Ko),박수형(Suhyoung Park),안길환(Gilhwan An) 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2010 농업과학연구 Vol.37 No.3

        Cabbage, the main material of coleslaw was not safely washed because it is uneven and tightly layered. In this study, vinegar was used to control the number of E. colin cabbage for coleslaw production. When cabbage was soaked in 10% acetic acid, The number of bacteria was reduced by 10?³ was survived after 5min and 10?? after 30min. After soaking, 15-20% (w/w of cabbage) of 10% acetic acid was remained in chopped cabbage. Spraying 10% acetic acid up to 3% of cabbage weight decreased the number of bacteria by 1/1000 after 60min. Spraying 3% (v/w of cabbage) of vinegar containing 10% acidity decreased the bacteria by 2/3 after 20min but no further decrease was observed. This result indicated that vinegar can be used only in the case that contamination is low.

      • KCI등재후보

        인삼의 적변을 유발하는 세균에 대하여 항균활성을 가지는 방선균 선발 및 동정

        한성희(Sung-Hee Han),류동걸(Dongkul Ryu),최승현(Seung-Hyun Choi),최재을(Jae Eul Choi),안길환(Gilhwan An) 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2010 농업과학연구 Vol.37 No.2

        Rusty root, the browning disease on ginseng, decreases quality and value. Recent studies indicated that endophytic bacteria could be a possible cause of rusty root. Actinomycetes antagonistic to the rusty-root-causing bacteria were isolated from soil. Twenty nine out of 932-isolates of Actinomycetes from soil showed antibacterial activity against Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Pseudomonas veronii an endophytic isolate in ginseng. The strongest antibacterial strain(ATO4O104) was classified based on 16S rDNA sequence. The Actinomycetes strain, ATO4O104, isolated in soil of USA volcano national park was identified as Streptomyces adephospholyticus. To test plant toxicity, radish seeds were sprouted with the culture of S. adephospholyticus and it did not show any harmful effect. The butanol partition out of n-hexane, ethyl acetate, butanol, and water partions showed the highest antibacterial activity.

      • KCI등재

        낮고 반복된 저장 온도의 밥솥에서 밥의 색 및 미생물 성장에 미치는 효과

        나혜정(Hye-Jung Na),류동걸(Dong-Kul Ryu),이윤기(Yun-Gi Lee),오용택(Yong-Taek Oh),안길환(Gilhwan An) 한국식품영양과학회 2009 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.38 No.7

        보온 밥솥에서 보관 중인 밥의 품질을 개선하기 위하여 기존의 밥솥보온 온도인 75℃에 비하여 45~65℃로 반복 순환시켜 낮게 유지시켰다. 이렇게 낮게 유지시켰을 때 미생물의 오염, 밥의 변색, 환원당의 생성에 관하여 연구를 진행하였다. B. cereus와 B. subtilis는 45~65℃와 75℃에서 모두 사멸되었다. E. coli는 75℃에서는 약간의 colony forming unit의 증가가 있었으나 45~65℃ 반복 순환 온도에서는 증식이 거의 없었다. CIE 변수인 황변도( Δb) 값의 변화는 3일 간의 저장에서 45~65℃에서는 2.18이 75℃에서는 9.12 증가되었다. 환원당의 경우 미생물의 증식이 없었던 45~65℃와 75℃에서 모두 생성되지 않았다. 결론적으로 밥의 45~65℃에서 저장은 기존의 75℃에 비하여 미생물의 증식을 막고, 3일간의 저장에서 4.2배의 갈변을 감소시켜 품질의 저하를 방지하는데 우수하였다. To improve the quality of boiled rice after storage in rice cookers, temperature was controlled at a lowered condition (45~65℃ repeated temperature cycling), compared to the present commercial rice cookers (75℃). The effect of lowered temperature cycling on the microbial growth, color of rice, and reducing sugar production was measured. The bacteria Bacillus cereus and B. subtilis were killed at 75℃ and 45~65℃ cycling. The temperature cycling at 45~65℃ prevented an increase in colony forming unit of E. coli more than the steady temperature at 75℃. Browning during storage was significantly decreased at 45~65℃ cycling, compared to 75℃. The yellowness increase ( Δb value of CIE parameters of the colorimeter) after the 3-day storage was 2.18 at 45~65℃ cycling whereas 9.12 at 75℃. Reducing sugar was not produced at 75℃ and 45~65℃ cycling but produced at 30℃ because of the microbial growth. In conclusion, the temperature cycling at 45~65℃ can improve the quality of stored boiled rice by decreasing the browning and inhibiting the microbial growth.


        Composition Analysis between Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes) and Radish (Raphanus sativus)

        Seung-Hyun Choi(최승현),Dong-Kul Ryu(류동걸),Suhyoung Park(박수형),Kyoung-Gu Ahn(안경구),Yong-Pyo Lim(임용표),Gilhwan An(안길환) 한국원예학회 2010 원예과학기술지 Vol.28 No.3

        The major deterring factor of radish consumption is bitter and pungent tastes caused by glucosinolates. Recently kohlrabi was introduced in Korea and mainly cultivated in Jeju Island during winter. Since the texture and taste of kohlrabi are similar to radish, the kohlrabi is expected to substitute radish. This study was done to compare compositional quality between kohlrabi and radish. The kohlrabi contained less reducing sugars, cellulose and pectin than the radish. The kohlrabi had harder texture than the radish. The total amino acid content in the kohlrabi was 2.7-fold higher than that in the radish. Especially hydrophilic amino acids including aspartate, glutamate and arginine, were about 3-fold higher in the kohlrabi, suggesting that the kohlrabi was more palatable than the radish. The total contents of glucosinolates in the radish in inner and outer section were higher than those in the kohlrabi by 12.4- and 28.5-fold, respectively. In a sensory test, the kohlrabi was evaluated less bitter and pungent than the radish. The kohlrabi contained more glucoraphanin, an anticancer compound, than the radish. Furthermore, the sweetness of the kohlrabi was evaluated higher than that of the radish, though kohlrabi contained less reducing sugars, probably due to high contents of hydrophilic amino acids. In conclusion, the kohlrabi was evaluated as more favorable in taste and contained more functional compounds than the radish, and thus it can be a good replacement vegetable for radish.

      • KCI등재

        국내 배추와 중국 유래 청경채의 영양성분 비교

        간치맥(Ganchimeg Gantumar),조만현(Man Hyun Jo),다바잘갈(Davaajargal Igori),함인기(In Ki Ham),이은모(Eun Mo Lee),이왕희(Wang-Hee Lee),임용표(Yongpyo Lim),안길환(Gilhwan An),박종태(Jong-Tae Park) 한국식품영양과학회 2013 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.42 No.9

        본 연구는 중국유래 14 품종 청경채의 영양적 특성을 평가하고자 수행되었다. 14종의 신규 청경채(Brassica rapa L.ssp. chinensis)를 대표적인 국산 배추(Brassica rapa L.ssp. pekinensis) 4 품종과 함께 2008년 충남 예산에서 재배하여 수확한 후 녹색 부위와 백색 부위로 나누어 부위 별 각종 영양 성분 분석을 수행하였다. 청경채의 수분 및 회분함량은 배추에 비교하여 유의적 차이가 없었으나 수분은 백색 부위에서, 회분은 녹색 부위에서 높게 나타났다. 전체적인 무기염류 함량은 배추에 비하여 청경채가 높은 것으로 측정되었는데 특히 녹색 부위의 함유량이 유의적으로 높은 것으로 드러났다. 특히 현대인의 건강에 매우 중요한 Ca과 Mg의 함유량은 청경채(Ca녹색: 2.57, Ca백색: 2.04; Mg녹색: 0.422, Mg백색: 0.301 mg/g 신선물 기준)가 배추(Ca녹색:0.805, Ca백색: 0.477; Mg녹색: 0.244, Mg백색: 0.101 mg/g신선물 기준)에 비하여 매우 높았다. 환원당의 함량은 청경채와 배추가 유사한 값을 나타내었고 색에 따른 유의적 차이도 없었다. 펙틴은 부위에 따른 차이는 있으나 청경채에서 그 함량이 높게 나타났고, 식물 조직의 경도에 영향이 큰 셀룰로오스의 함량은 청경채가 약 4배 이상 배추보다 높았다. 비타민 C와 E 함량은 청경채와 배추가 유사한 것으로 측정되었다. 위와 같이 청경채는 영양적으로 매우 우수하여 소비자들에게 권장할 만한 매일 섭취해야 할 주요 채소작물의 하나로 손색이 없음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 청경채는 국내배추의 품질 향상을 위한 육종 소재로서도 활용가치가 높을 것으로 사료된다. The nutritional components of 14 new cultivars of pak choi (Brassica rapa L. ssp. chinensis) from China were analyzed and compared with 4 cultivars of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) popular in Korea. Leaves were separated into green parts (GP) and white parts (WP) for the analyses. The moisture and ash content in the 14 new cultivars of pak choi were not significantly different from the currently popular cultivars of Chinese cabbage. In addition, the levels of vitamin C and E were very similar between the two kinds of Brassica rapa. In contrast, the overall mineral content was higher in the new pak choi cultivars. Specifically, minerals important for human health, calcium and magnesium, were significantly greater in pak choi cultivars (calcium GP 2.57, WP 2.04; magnesium GP 0.422, WP 0.301 mg/g fresh weight) compared to currently popular cultivars (calcium GP 0.805, WP 0.477; magnesium GP 0.244, WP 0.101 mg/g fresh weight). Although the content of reducing sugars was similar, cellulose content (which correlates with the hardness of plant tissue) was four times higher in the new pak choi cultivars compared to currently popular cultivars. These results demonstrate that the new pak choi cultivars have superb nutritional benefits for human health and could be a good food source as a daily staple vegetable.

      • KCI등재

        Components in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. campestris) as Affected by Soil pH: 6.9 vs. 7.6

        Man Hyun Jo(조만현),In Ki Ham(함인기),Eun Mo Lee(이은모),Jo-Eun Lee(이조은),Nan Jiang(강남),Yong Pyo Lim(임용표),Gilhwan An(안길환) 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2010 농업과학연구 Vol.37 No.1

        Functional and nutritional components of 7 cultivars of Chinese cabbage (CC; Brassica rapa subspecies campestris) from China were analyzed to compare the effects of soil pH (6.9 vs. 7.6). The CC grew on the soil of pH6.9 (CC-6.9) contained significantly increased amounts (2.3~4-fold) of pectin, crude protein, vitamin C and vitamin E compared to the control. The contents of ash and minerals (Ca, Fe, Na, Zn, K and Mn) were also significantly increased in CC-6.9. However, CC-6.9 contained 16-75% lower contents of reducing sugars, cellulose and crude fat than CC-7.6. CC-7.6 contained more glucosinolates than CC-6.9; gluconasturtiin (20.68 vs. 0.84 nmolㆍg?¹ wet wt) and gluconapin (202.55 vs. 0.15 nmolㆍg?¹ wet wt). In conclusion, CC-6.9 had an improved texture (high pectin and low cellulose) and nutritional value (high in protein, Ca, Fe, Zn, vitamin C, and E), whereas CC-7.6 had better taste (high in reducing sugars) and anticancer functionality (high in glucosinolates).


        Effects of Soil pH on Nutritional and Functional Components of Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. campestris)

        Jo-Eun Lee(이조은),Pingjuan Wang(왕평연),Gyungyun Kim(김경연),Sunghan Kim(김성한),Suhyoung Park(박수형),Yong-Soo Hwang(황용수),Yong-Pyo Lim(임용표),Eun Mo Lee(이은모),InKi Ham(함인기),Man Hyun Jo(조만현),Gilhwan An(안길환) 한국원예학회 2010 원예과학기술지 Vol.28 No.3

        The contents of functional and nutritional components of 13 cultivars of Chinese cabbage (CC, Brassica rapa subspecies campestris) were analyzed to compare the effects of soil pH of the greenhouse (pH 6.2) and outdoor (pH 7.6). The CC cultivated on pH 6.2 (CC-6.2) soil contained significantly increased amounts (2-9 fold) of pectin, crude protein, vitamin C and vitamin E compared to the counterpart (CC-7.6). The contents of ash and the minerals (Ca, Fe, Na, and Mn) were also significantly increased in CC-6.2. However, CC-6.2 contained 40-50% lower contents of reducing sugars, cellulose and crude fat than CC-7.6. CC-7.6 contained more glucosinolates, gluconasturtiin (18.33 vs. 1.16 nmolㆍg?¹ wet weight) and gluconapin (145 vs. 2 nmolㆍg?¹ wet wt), than CC-6.2. In conclusion, CC-6.2 had an improved texture (high pectin and low cellulose) and nutritional value (high in protein, Ca, Fe, vitamin C, and E), whereas the CC-7.6 had better taste (high in reducing sugars) and anticancer functionality (high in glucosinolates).

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