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      • Are there optimal levels of arousal to memory? Effects of arousal, centrality, and familiarity on brand memory in video games

        Jeong, Eui Jun,Biocca, Frank A. Elsevier 2012 Computers in Human Behavior Vol.28 No.2

        <P><B>Highlights</B></P><P>► The Yerkes–Dodson law was tested in a new technology setting (i.e., interactive games). ► We examined the overall relation between arousal and memory. ► The relation was linear and positive rather than curvilinear. ► The increase was prompted by recognition for central information. ► The law should consider information centrality in its application to new media.</P> <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>Using a modified first-person shooter game, <I>Counter Strike 2</I>, this study tested (1) if the Yerkes–Dodson law could be applied to the relationship between physiological arousal (skin conductance) and brand memory in the new interactive technology setting; (2) if central and familiar ads are better recognized; and (3) if there are any interaction effects among arousal, centrality, and familiarity on brand memory. A pre-test was conducted to estimate the cut-off points of arousal into three levels (low, medium, and high) in the identical setting. Through within-subject analysis, a total of 550 cases were categorized into the three levels of arousal and analyzed. The results showed the highest recognition scores at the medium level of arousal, and no significant difference between the medium and high levels of arousal in brand memory. The participants remembered better centrally located brands than peripheral brands. Familiarity also had a positive relationship with the levels of arousal. Particularly, the recognition scores for centrally located brands increased with the levels of arousal, but no difference was found for peripheral brands. Findings and implications were discussed.</P>

      • 제품홍보를 위한 SNS 어플리케이션 개발 및 사용성 테스트 : 갤러리 도슨트 및 홍보 어플리케이션 개발

        임정택(Jungtaek Lim),이윤경(Yoonkyung Lee),Frank Biocca 한국HCI학회 2012 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2012 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to develop and test a promotion application that provides customers with Social Network Service (SNS). SNS marketing and Smartphone application marketing have been widely used recently. But, most of SNS and application marketing provide one-way information. This application is developed to promote art works in gallery through sharing customers' opinions each other. The aim of this application is to attract customers' interest in art works, induce purchase intention and encourage revisitation. Information about art works in gallery is provided when a customer scan QR-Code located around the works. The QR-codes also are used in order to share customers' opinions. The result of a usability test indicated that customers learned functions of the application easily, even though they have not used smart phone before. Also, the satisfaction was measured through the questionnaire. As a result, the customers showed positive responses in the five areas: the ease of learning and use (LEU), helpfulness and problem solving capabilities (HPSC), affective aspect and multimedia properties (AAMP), commands and minimal memory load (CMML), and control and efficiency (CE). 본 연구는 소셜 미디어인 SNS 를 적용한 제품 홍보용 어플리케이션 개발 및 사용자테스트를 목표로 하였다. 최근 SNS 와 스마트 폰 어플리케이션을 이용한 마케팅 커뮤니케이션이 증가하고 있다. 그러나 대부분 단 방향적인 정보제공에 그치고 있다. 본 어플리케이션은 갤러리에서 작품 홍보에 사용되도록 구성하여 상품에 대한 사용자의 의견을 공유하도록 설계하였다. 사용자의 관심도, 구매율, 재방문을 높이게 하는 것을 개발의 목적으로 하였다. 전시물에 대한 정보를 QR-Code 스캔을 통해 제공하고, 전시물에 대한 의견을 주고 받을 수 있도록 구성하였다. 사용성 테스트를 진행 한 결과 피험자들은 비스마트폰 사용자를 포함해 모두 기능을 쉽게 습득하였다. 설문지를 통해 만족도도 측정하였다. 그 결과 어플리케이션의 학습률 및 사용성(LEU), 유익함 및 문제해결능력(HPSC), 정감적요소와 멀티미디어특성 (AAMP), 제어력 및 단기기억부담의 최소화(CMML), 작동과 효율성(CE)에서 긍정적인 반응을 보였다.

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