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        Zhang Fangyuan,이석형 한국중국언어문화연구회 2021 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.59

        2019年的中国电影春节档,中国国产科幻大片《流浪地球》作为一匹黑马,闯入一堆合家欢电影中且杀出重围,据中国票房网统计,上映期间票房累计突破46亿 参考中国总票房排行榜 http://58921.com/alltime ,就这样,它凭借高人气、好口碑,成为中国春节档上映影片榜的票房冠军。《流浪地球》火热的讨论度和话题度引发了中国人对“中国科幻电影元年”到来的欢呼和期待。各大主流媒体纷纷报道、转载,“开启中国科幻电影创作新征程(《新华网》)” 参考新华网新闻 http://www.xinhuanet.com/2019-02/20/c_1210064189.htm 、“中国科幻电影的开始(《搜狐网》)” 参考搜狐网新闻 https://www.sohu.com/a/293901150_99909742 、“高票房体现文化认同(《央广网》)” 参考央广网新闻 https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1628575728987328391&wfr=spider&for=pc 等业内界评价纷纷肯定该电影的艺术价值。显然,《流浪地球》给中国电影界带来的影响或许早已超越电影本身,它俨然成为一种现象级的文化事件,引发了关于科技、人性、伦理、国家意识形态和中国文化特征等学界的相关讨论。 然而这样一部达到相当艺术水准的中国“主旋律”电影,却在海外观众的视线里似乎存在着文化认知的理解障碍问题。特别是电影结局被处理成集体主义的中国式拯救方案也引起了国内外的广泛讨论。本文以《流浪地球》为例,旨在探讨《流浪地球》怎样展现中国元素,中国电影在海外市场推广时,遇到了哪些文化壁垒和理解障碍,今后在跨文化交流时又该如何更好地讲述中国故事、传播中国文化意识。

      • KCI등재

        新世纪华语电影在国际传播中的 “文化折扣” 现象及其减少策略

        Zhang Fangyuan,이석형 한국중국언어문화연구회 2021 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.62

        电影一方面作为经济产品,涉及企划、制作、发行、宣传、放映等多个环节,创下的票房收入可为影视创作者带来丰厚的经济利益。同时另一方面电影也是文化产品,是文化输出的载体。像美国的好莱坞、韩国的K-pop、日本的动画电影,都充分展示了各国的特有文化魅力,且算作是国际传播中的正面典范,我们称之为文化“软实力”(soft power)。但如今中国电影信心满满地进军世界舞台的同时也面临着两难的尴尬处境。2019年中国贺岁档的冠军,充满中国式想象的SF电影《流浪地球》横空出世,然而这样一部号称是“标志着中国SF电影的春天”的电影却在国外市场遭遇滑铁卢。无独有偶,华语电影《战狼2》至今为止仍以56.88亿稳坐中国内地票房排行榜top1的王座,但是全球排行榜却位列第72名。不同于九十年代末到本世纪初曾在国际舞台大受欢迎的古装武侠片、警匪功夫片,现在的华语电影似乎在国际舞台上的热度逐渐降温。 本文以华语电影为研究对象,试图分析电影跨文化传播时的“文化折扣”现象及影响因子,阐述华语电影在国际传播过程中的屏障和要素,并找到传播效果削弱的原因。思考今后华语电影在进军国际市场时,该如何消除和减少跨文化交流所存在的“文化折扣”现象的策略,为中国文化的“走出去”方针提供学术参考。

      • KCI등재

        Modeling of dynamic recrystallization in white layer in dry hard cutting by finite element—cellular automaton method

        Duan Chunzheng,Zhang Fangyuan,Qin Siwei,Sun Wei,Wang Minjie 대한기계학회 2018 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.32 No.9

        White layer formed in hard cutting process has great influence on surface quality of the workpiece, simulation of the white layer has great significance. Dynamic recrystallization critical temperature model is derived to calculate the critical temperature of the dynamic recrystallization in the white layer. A finite element model was developed to simulate the hard cutting process based on the JohnsonCook constitutive equation. The dynamic recrystallization critical temperature was derived based on the true stress-strain curves obtained by the split Hopkinson pressure bar experiments. The cellular automaton model which aims to simulate the white layer grains formed by the dynamic recrystallization process in hard cutting is established. The temperature and strain data extracted from the finite element model are used in the cellular automaton model. The contrast between the simulation and experimental results demonstrates that the cellular automaton model can simulate the dynamic recrystallization process in the white layer accurately. The dynamic recrystallization processes in the white layer under different cutting speed and flank wear are simulated based on the finite element - cellular automaton model. The results show that the dynamic recrystallization grain size of the white layer decreases with the increase in cutting speed and tool wear.

      • KCI등재

        Preparation of new visible-light driven nanocomposite photocatalysts, X/NaTaO3/Er3+:YAlO3 (X = Ag, Au and Pt), for photocatalytic conversion of Cr(VI)

        Bowen Li,Yidi Wang,Fangyuan Tian,Guanshu Li,Zhaohong Zhang,Jun Wang,Youtao Song 한국공업화학회 2017 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.54 No.-

        In order to expand the light response range of wide band-gap semiconductor photocatalyst (NaTaO3) for effective photocatalytic conversion of Cr(VI), an up-conversion luminescence agent (Er3+:YAlO3) is combined with NaTaO3 and a visible-light driven photocatalyst, NaTaO3/Er3+:YAlO3, is prepared. Moreover, several conduction band co-catalysts (Ag, Au and Pt) are deposited the surface of NaTaO3/Er3+: YAlO3, respectively, to facilitate the transfer rate of photo-generated electrons. X-ray diffractometer (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses are employed to confirm the morphology, microstructure and composition of the prepared photocatalysts. In addition, UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectra are determined to explore the visible-light absorption properties of Er3+:YAlO3, NaTaO3, NaTaO3/Er3+:YAlO3 and X/NaTaO3/Er3+:YAlO3 (X = Ag, Au and Pt). Photoluminescence (PL) spectra are used to estimate the recombination rate of electron–hole pairs. The effects of irradiation time, photosource kind, solution acidity and used times on the photocatalytic capabilities of NaTaO3/Er3+:YAlO3 and X/NaTaO3/Er3+:YAlO3 (X = Ag, Au and Pt) are investigated in detail. The results show that the uses of up-conversion luminescence agent (Er3+:YAlO3) and co-catalysts (Ag, Au and Pt) can promote NaTaO3 to utilize visible-light to carry out the photocatalytic conversion of Cr(VI). Particularly, the prepared Au/NaTaO3/Er3+:YAlO3 nanocomposite with 1.0 wt% Au and 0.3:1.0 molar ratio of Er3+:YAlO3 and NaTaO3 shows the highest photocatalytic activity in conversion of Cr(VI).

      • Gate-tunable phase transitions in thin flakes of 1T-TaS2.

        Yu, Yijun,Yang, Fangyuan,Lu, Xiu Fang,Yan, Ya Jun,Cho, Yong-Heum,Ma, Liguo,Niu, Xiaohai,Kim, Sejoong,Son, Young-Woo,Feng, Donglai,Li, Shiyan,Cheong, Sang-Wook,Chen, Xian Hui,Zhang, Yuanbo Nature Pub. Group 2015 Nature nanotechnology Vol.10 No.3

        <P>The ability to tune material properties using gating by electric fields is at the heart of modern electronic technology. It is also a driving force behind recent advances in two-dimensional systems, such as the observation of gate electric-field-induced superconductivity and metal-insulator transitions. Here, we describe an ionic field-effect transistor (termed an iFET), in which gate-controlled Li ion intercalation modulates the material properties of layered crystals of 1T-TaS2. The strong charge doping induced by the tunable ion intercalation alters the energetics of various charge-ordered states in 1T-TaS2 and produces a series of phase transitions in thin-flake samples with reduced dimensionality. We find that the charge-density wave states in 1T-TaS2 collapse in the two-dimensional limit at critical thicknesses. Meanwhile, at low temperatures, the ionic gating induces multiple phase transitions from Mott-insulator to metal in 1T-TaS2 thin flakes, with five orders of magnitude modulation in resistance, and superconductivity emerges in a textured charge-density wave state induced by ionic gating. Our method of gate-controlled intercalation opens up possibilities in searching for novel states of matter in the extreme charge-carrier-concentration limit.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Study on surface physical and chemical mechanism of nanobubble enhanced flotation of fine graphite

        Tang Chongliang,Ma Fangyuan,Wu Tingyu,Zhang Di,Wang Ye,Zhao Tonglin,Fan Zhaolin,Liu Xinyue 한국공업화학회 2023 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.122 No.-

        It has been concluded in a recently published investigation that the nanobubble flotation process significantlyreduces the number of fine flake graphite flotation stages and improves the flotation performance. The present study was conducted to explore the mechanisms of surface nanobubbles enhancing flake graphiteflotation by investigating effects of nanobubbles on surface properties of graphite and interactionsbetween particles and bubbles by use of contact angle analyzer, zeta potential analyzer, FourierTransform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The study resultsshow that nanobubbles can improve the surface properties of graphite and enhance the adsorption effectof collector, which increased the contact angle of the graphite surface by 11.93 compared with conventionalflotation. Infrared spectroscopy and potential analysis showed that the nanobubbles could enhancethe hydrophobic attraction and reduce the electrostatic repulsion between the collector and the graphitesurface, which was beneficial to enhance the hydrophobic surface of the graphite and enhance theagglomeration of fine graphite particles. XPS analysis showed that the nanobubbles covered polar hydrophilicgroups (such as CAO, C@O, COOH) on the graphite surface, which enhanced the adsorption of collectorto improve the hydrophobicity of graphite surface.

      • KCI등재

        The stacked over-expression of FPS, CYP71AV1 and CPR genes leads to the increase of artemisinin level in Artemisia annua L.

        Yunfei Chen,Qian Shen,Yueyue Wang,Tao Wang,Shaoyan Wu,Ling Zhang,Xu Lu,Fangyuan Zhang,Weimin Jiang,Bo Qiu,Erdi Gao,Xiaofen Sun,Kexuan Tang 한국식물생명공학회 2013 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.7 No.3

        Artemisinin is an endoperoxide sesquiterpenelactone isolated from the aerial parts of Artemisia annua L.,and is presently the most potent anti-malarial drug. Owingto the low yield of artemisinin from A. annua as well as thewidespread application of artemisinin-based combinationtherapy recommended by the World Health Organization,the global demand for artemisinin is substantially increasingand is therefore rendering artemisinin in short supply. An economical way to increase artemisinin production is toincrease the content of artemisinin in A. annua. In thisstudy, three key genes in the artemisinin biosynthesispathway, encoding farnesyl diphosphate synthase, amorpha-4, 11-diene C-12 oxidase and its redox partner cytochromeP450 reductase, were over-expressed in A. annuathrough Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Thetransgenic lines were confirmed by Southern blotting andthe over-expressions of the genes were demonstrated byreal-time PCR assays. The HPLC analysis showed that theartemisinin contents in transgenic lines were increasedsignificantly, with the highest one found to be 3.6-foldhigher (2.9 mg/g FW) than that of the control. Theseresults demonstrate that multigene engineering is aneffective way to enhance artemisinin content in A. annua.

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