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      • KCI등재

        A new data of worker polymorphism in the ant genus Dorylus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dorylinae)

        Katsuyuki Eguchi,Viet Tuan Bui,Emiko Oguri,Munetoshi Maruyama,Seiki Yamane 한국응용곤충학회 2014 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.17 No.1

        Recently, in southern and central Vietnam, foraging columns of D. orientalis which contained not only “typical”workers but also a few “atypical” workers were collected. The atypicalworker mentioned above is characterizedby a set of the following features: (1) head narrowed anteriorly, (2)median portion of clypeus strongly projectinganteriad, and (3) antenna 8-segmented. Sequences of the 658-base standard mitochondrial DNA barcoding regionwere completely identical between typical and atypical workers. Therefore, the condition observed was acase of worker polymorphism within a colony. The mode of polymorphismobserved has the following interestingaspects: (1) workers are clearly subdivided into two series by a set of qualitative characters; (2) the “typicalseries” is numerically much more dominant than the “atypical series” (the latter occupied less than 1% of thewhole of the workers collected); (3) a wider size variation was observed in the former (HW, 0.48–1.41 mm;ML, 0.42–1.12 mm) than in the latter (HW, 0.44–1.13 mm; ML, 0.35–0.79 mm); and (4) within the atypical series,smaller workers are numericallymuch dominant. Rareness of theworkers belonging to the atypical series inforaging column as well as morphological differences between the two series suggests a certain possibility thatthe atypical series does not adapt to foraging but to other tasks in the colony's life history.

      • A Taxonomic Study on Asian Pheidole(Hymenoptera, Formicidae): New Synonymy, Rank Changes, Lectotype Designations and Redescriptions

        Eguchi, Katsuyuki Korean Society of Applied Entomology 2001 INSECTA KOREANA Vol.18 No.1

        Nine previously described forms of Asian Pheidole species are synomimized, based on the reexamination of the type materials: Pheidole attila Forel, 1913 is synonymized with P. capellinii Emergy, 1887; Pheidole exasperata var. concordia Santschi, 1916 and P. e. var. fusiformis Viehmeryer, 1914, with P. aglae Forel, 1913; P. multicoma Eguchi, 19999, with P. comata F. Smith, 1858; P. havilandi var. sapuana Foreal, 1911 and P. h. var. selangorensis Forel, 1913, with P. havilandi Forel, 1911; P. huberi var. perakensis Forel, 1911, with P. huberi Forel, 1911; P. nodgii r. maxwellensis Forel, 1913, with P. magrettii Emery, 1887; P. treubi Forel, 1905, with P. noda Fr. Smith, 1874. P. nodgii var. tjibodana Forel, 1905 and P. sauberi subsp. sarawakana Forel, 1911 are considered to the good biological species. Lectotypes are designated for 31 forms of Asian Pheidole. Either rediscription or taxonomic remarks are given for each species.

      • A Taxonomic Study on Asian Pheidole(Hymenoptera, Formicidae): New Synonymy, Rank Changes, Lectotype Designations and Redescriptions

        Eguchi, Katsuyuki 한국응용곤충학회 2001 Insecta Koreana Vol.18 No.1

        Nine previously described forms of Asian Pheidole species are synomimized, based on the reexamination of the type materials: Pheidole attila Forel, 1913 is synonymized with P. capellinii Emergy, 1887; Pheidole exasperata var. concordia Santschi, 1916 and P. e. var. fusiformis Viehmeryer, 1914, with P. aglae Forel, 1913; P. multicoma Eguchi, 19999, with P. comata F. Smith, 1858; P. havilandi var. sapuana Foreal, 1911 and P. h. var. selangorensis Forel, 1913, with P. havilandi Forel, 1911; P. huberi var. perakensis Forel, 1911, with P. huberi Forel, 1911; P. nodgii r. maxwellensis Forel, 1913, with P. magrettii Emery, 1887; P. treubi Forel, 1905, with P. noda Fr. Smith, 1874. P. nodgii var. tjibodana Forel, 1905 and P. sauberi subsp. sarawakana Forel, 1911 are considered to the good biological species. Lectotypes are designated for 31 forms of Asian Pheidole. Either rediscription or taxonomic remarks are given for each species.

      • KCI등재

        A Case Study on Urban Ant Fauna of Southern Kyusyu, Japan, with Notes on a New Monitoring Protocol (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Formicidae)

        Kouki Iwata,Katsuyuki Eguchi,Seiki Yamane 한국응용곤충학회 2005 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.8 No.3

        Ant fauna of a green buffer belt adjacent toan industrial zone in Kagoshima City, southern Kyushu, Japan was elucidated using a standardized protocol. A total of 39 species belonging to 24 genera in five subfamilies were recorded from this park. Mostspeciose genera are Camponotus and Tetramoriumhaving four species. The number of species per genus is 1.56 on average. Pheidole noda F. Smith, Monomo-rium chinense Santschi, Solenopsis japonica Wheeler, Tetramorium bicarinatum (Nylander) and Technomyrmexalbipes (F. Smith) were most frequently encountered. Excepting Pheidole noda they are open-land and/or forest-edge inhabitants. Furthermore, Tetramorium bica-rinatum and Technomyrmex albipes are tramp species. Thus, ant fauna there strongly reflects environmental conditions derived from urbanization/industrialization. Based on the present results, we propose here a new protocol monitoring ants in urban/industrial zonesconsisting of baiting and time unit sampling.


        A Case Study on Urban Ant Fauna of Southern Kyusyu, Japan, with Notes on a New Monitoring Protocol (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Formicidae)

        Iwata, Kouki,Eguchi, Katsuyuki,Yamane, Seiki Korean Society of Applied Entomology 2005 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.8 No.3

        Ant fauna of a green buffer belt adjacent to an industrial zone in Kagoshima City, southern Kyushu, Japan was elucidated using a standardized protocol. A total of 39 species belonging to 24 genera in five subfamilies were recorded from this park. Most speciose genera are Camponotus and Tetramorium having four species. The number of species per genus is 1.56 on average. Pheidole noda F. Smith, Monomorium chinense Santschi, Solenopsis japonica Wheeler, Tetramorium bicarinatum (Nylander) and Technomyrmex albipes (F. Smith) were most frequently encountered. Excepting Pheidole noda they are open-land and/or forest-edge inhabitants. Furthermore, Tetramorium bicarinatum and Technomyrmex albipes are tramp species. Thus, ant fauna there strongly reflects environmental conditions derived from urbanization/industrialization. Based on the present results, we propose here a new protocol monitoring ants in urban/industrial zones consisting of baiting and time unit sampling.

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