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        15~18세기 베트남의 무역항과 해상교역

        Dinh Thi Le Huyen 국립해양문화재연구소 2021 해양문화재 Vol.14 No.-

        베트남은 동남아시아 지역의 거의 중앙에 위치하여 약 3,260km의 긴 해안선을 가지고 있으며 여러 만(灣), 석호(潟湖), 강, 운하 그리고 3,000개가 넘는 크고 작은 섬들을 소유하고 있다. 나아가 베트남과 대부분의 동아시아 국가 및 동남아 국가들은 해양 잠재력을 적극 개발하여 바다를 통해 상호 교류를 촉진하며, 해상 무역로를 구축하는 해양환경 여건에 적응하고 있다. 베트남은 인도양과 태평양 사이의 동해(동남아시아 해역) 상에 위치하고 있기 때문에 교역항체계를 발달시키고 국제 해상 무역로에 참여하는 것이 매우 용이하다. 풍부한 수량을 지닌 하천, 하구, 만 그리고 석호 등지에는 폭풍을 피하여 정박하거나, 시기적절한 장마를 기다리거나, 음식과 신선한 물을 구매하거나, 인접 지역들 사이에서 상품의 연결, 유통 그리고 환적(換積)에 있어서 중요한 역할을 하는 상선들을 위한 일련의 항구들과 항만이 형성되었다. 따라서 베트남은 다른 나라들과의 경제, 상업, 문화 관계에 있어서 중요한 역할을 해왔으며 베트남의 봉건 왕조는 국제 교역 활동에 적극적으로 참여하여 국내외 교역을 발달시켰을 뿐만 아니라 수공예품, 농업 생산 그리고 임산물 및 해산물 채취에도 관심을 기울였고 특히 시장과 교역항의 거래를 위하여 주조된 동전을 확대 유통시켰다. 지리적으로 유리한 입지 덕분에 베트남은 칼람바크, 침향나무, 향나무, 카더몬, 계피, 셸락, 율무, 후추, 사향, 진주, 소금, 설탕, 식용 새 둥지, 밀랍 등 가치 있고 귀중한 임산물, 해산물, 농산물, 향신료 등을 포함하여 잠재적인 자연자원을 보유하고 있다. 베트남은 아시아의 상품 소비의 중심지였을 뿐만 아니라 광범위한 상품을 국제 시장으로 수출했던 국가이기도 하다. 베트남은 자연 자원을 상품으로 개발하였으며 국제 시장에서 수요가 높은 물건과 제품들을 충분히 생산하기 위하여 생산을 적극 촉진했다. 베트남은 비단과 직물을 직조하는 오랜 전통을 발달시켜왔으며 도자기 제조뿐만 아니라 숙련된 수공예품을 생산하고 있다. 이러한 풍족한 상품은 해상 무역로 상에서 매우 중요한 품목들로서 베트남 시장에서 큰 수익을 얻고자 하던 외국 상인들의 이목을 집중시켰다. 베트남의 해상 무역사 중에서 15~18세기 봉건 다이비엣(Đại Việt, 大越, 베트남의 고유명칭) 의 경제는 눈부시게 성장하였고 국제 무역 활동은 확대되었으며 해상 무역 잠재력이 발휘되었다. 15세기에 레(Lê, 黎)왕조는 경제의 발전뿐만 아니라 국가를 보호하는 정책을 시행하였고, 도로와 수로를 확장하였으며 상품들이 주로 현지에서 편리하게 교환되는 것을 허용하였고 외국인들이 외교적 교류 및 교역 활동을 할 수 있도록 다수의 항구를 개방하였다. 막(Mac, 莫)왕조의 통치 하에서, 대외 교역 정책은 보다 개방적이었다. 막 왕조의 목표는 산업과 상업 경제의 역할을 뒷받침하는 새로운 경제를 개발하는 것으로 수도인 탕롱(Thăng Long, 昇龍, 현재의 하노이)은 가장 활발하게 개발이 이루어지던 중심부였으며, 이밖에도 해상 무역의잠재성을 활용하기 위하여 제2의 수도인 즈엉낑(Dương Kinh)이 바다와 연하여 건설되었고, 특히 도자기 제품을 개발하였는데 암청색 및 백색의 청화백자(Hoa Lam, 화람, 華藍) 도자기는 베트남의 도자기 역사에서 중요한 성과였다. 17세기부터 18세기는 다이비엣(Đại Việt, 大越)이 가장 번창했던 발전기로 받아들여지고 있다. 16세기 말(15... Vietnam is located almost in the centre of Southeast Asian region. It has a long coastline about 3.260km with a lot of bays, lagoons, rivers, canals and over 3.000 large and small islands. Vietnam in particular and the Southeast Asian countries as well as the East Asian countries in general have been actively promoting, exploiting maritime potential, exchange with each other by oversea, adapting to the marine environment condition that establishing the maritime trading routes. Due to Vietnam's position on the East Sea (the Southeast Asia sea) maritime route link between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, it's very convenient for developing trade ports system and joining in the international maritime trade routes. The abundant rivers, estuaries, bays and lagoons have formed a series of ports and harbors for merchant ships anchoring to avoid storms, waiting for favorable monsoons, purchasing food and fresh water, and playing an important role in connecting, distributing and transshipping goods among areas. Thus Vietnam has played an important role in economic, commercial and cultural relations with other countries. Vietnam’s feudal dynasties actively participated in international trade exchange activities, developed both domestic and foreign trade, paid attention to developing handicrafts, agricultural production, exploitation of forest products and seafood,... as well as expanded markets and trade ports, and especially minted coins for trade circulation. Thanks to the favorable geographical location, Vietnam has the potential natural resources, including valuable and precious products of forest, seafood, agricultural products, and aromatic spices variety, such as kalambak, agarwood, cardamon, cinnamon, shellac, job’s tears, pepper, musks, pearls, salt, sugar, edible bird nest, beewax,... Vietnam was not only a centre of Asian goods consumption, but also a country that exported a wide range of products to the international market. Vietnam exploited natural resources as commercial products, and actively promoted production to create plentiful goods and products that were favored by the international market. Vietnam have developed a long-term tradition of weaving silk and fabric, making ceramics as well as skillful handicraft production. Such plentiful commodities were very important items on the maritime trade routes that attracted attentions of foreign merchants looking for great profits in Vietnam’s market. In the history of Vietnam's maritime trade, the period of the 15th - 18th centuries marked remarkable development in the feudal Đại Việt's economy, expanded international trade activities, and exploited the maritime trade potential. In the 15th century, the Lê dynasty carried out the policies of protecting the country as well as developing its economy, expanded the road and waterways, allowed products to be mainly exchanged among local areas conveniently, and had a policy to open a lot of ports for foreigners to make diplomacy relationship and trade exchange. Under the Mạc dynasty (1527-1592)’s ruling, the foreign trade policy was more openness. The Mạc dynasty aimed to develop a new economy, upholding the role of industry and commerce economy, the Thăng Long capital was the most developing centre, besides established the second capital (Dương Kinh) by the sea in order to exploit the maritime trade potential, increasingly expanded riverside markets, handicraft villages and production centres, especially developed ceramics products, in which cobalt blue and white (Hoa Lam) ceramic became an important achievement in the history of Vietnamese ceramic. The 17th - 18th centuries was considered as the most prosperous development stage of the Đại Việt. From the end of the 16th century (1593), the Later Lê dynasty restored. However, the Lê emperors held no real power, actual power in the hands of the Trịnh lords (1545 - 1787) in Đàng Ngoài (Tonkin) and the Nguyễn lords (1558 - 1777)...

      • KCI등재

        An overview bioactive compounds on the skin of frogs (Anura)

        Tran Thi Huyen,Phan Thi Hoang Anh,Nguyen Thi Anh Hong,Nguyen Ngoc Duyen,Le Pham Tan Quoc,Tran Dinh Thang 한국수산과학회 2023 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.26 No.4

        The robust development of frog farming offered high economic benefits but created a large waste residue of frog bones and skin that received little attention. Over the years, inedible by-products have often been processed into biomolecules of potential value and environmental benefits, such as collagen, gelatin, and bioactive peptides. An overview of bioactive compounds on frog skins from various countries indicated that brevinin was the most abundant biological peptide found in frog skin. Other remaining compounds also possessed their highlighted activities, including antibacterial, stimulating insulin release and gastric hormone release, anti-cancer, and neuroregulatory. Notably, various components have been analyzed in the structure and sequence to give meaningful insight into clustering components related to their biological activity. This review may create a source of raw materials for the developmental research of by-products from frog skin and concomitantly reduce environmental pollution.

      • KCI등재

        Do luxury brands have to trade off for sustainability?

        Dinh Tien Minh,Le Hoang Que Chi,Vu Hoang Hai Dang,Lao Thi Khanh Linh,Pham Thi Huyen Trang 한국마케팅과학회 2024 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.15 No.4

        In today’s global landscape, sustainability emerges as a paramount concern for both individuals and businesses worldwide, including Vietnam. Vietdata reports that luxury distribution and trading enterprises in Vietnam saw a 67% revenue gain to about 25,000 billion copper from 2021. Twelve companies selling 34 luxury brands including Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Dior generated this data. Thus, luxury sector stakeholders may be interested in Vietnamese consumers’ tastes and purchase behavior, which local research rarely examines. This study explores how sustainability and high- end fashion intersect to meet consumer tastes that increasingly prioritize sustainability in purchase decisions. Despite this trend, the research scrutinizes nuanced reactions when juxtaposing sustainability with luxury. Investigating the influence of factors like exclusivity, conformity, hedonic value, and attitude on the purchase intentions of Vietnamese luxury consumers toward sustainable fashion brands, the study surveyed around 300 luxury consumers in HoChiMinh City. Utilizing PLS-SEM for analysis, findings underscore the pivotal role of attitude in driving intention towards sustainable high-end fashion, followed by hedonic value, exclusivity, and conformity. This exploration aims to guide luxury brands in navigating the sustainability-traditional luxury dichotomy, offering theoretical and practical insights and profiling potential influential customers in sustainable high-end fashion.

      • KCI등재

        The responsibility of C-terminal domain in the thermolabile haemolysin activity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and inhibition treatments by Phellinus sp. extracts

        Tran Thi Huyen,Ha Phuong Trang,Nguyen Thi-Ngan,Bui Dinh-Thanh,Le Pham Tan Quoc,Trinh Ngoc Nam 한국수산과학회 2023 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.26 No.3

        The thermolabile haemolysin (tlh) of Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vptlh) from V. parahaemolyticus is a multiple-function enzyme, initially describes as a haemolytic factor activated by lecithin and phospholipase A2 enzymatic activity (Shinoda, 1991; Vazquez-Morado, 2021; Yanagase et al., 1970). Until now, the tlh structure has hypothesized including N-terminal and C-terminal domain, but what domain of the Vptlh structure does the haemolytic activity has not been refined yet. In this study, a 450-bp VpTLH nucleotide sequence of the entire Vptlh gene encoded the C-terminal domain cloned firstly to examine its responsibility in the activity of the Vptlh. The C-terminal domain fused with a 6-His-tag named the His-tag-VpC-terminal domain was expressed successfully in soluble form in the BL21 (DE3) PlysS cell. Remarkably, both expression and purification results confirmed a high agreement in the molecular weight of the His-tag-VpC-terminal domain was 47 kDa. This work showed the His-tag-VpC-terminal domain lysed the erythrocyte membranes in the blood agar and the phosphate buffered saline (0.9%) media without adding the lecithin substrate of the phospholipase enzyme. Haemolysis occurred at all tested diluted concentrations of His-tag-VpC-terminal domain (p < 0.05), providing evidence for the independent haemolytic activity of the His-tag-VpC-terminal domain. The content of 100 μg of the His-tag-VpC-terminal domain brought the highest haemolytic activity of 80% compared to that in the three remaining contents. Significantly, the His-tag-VpC-terminal domain demonstrated not to involve the phospholipase activity in Luria-Bertani agar supplemented with 1% (vol/vol) egg yolk emulsion. All results proved the vital responsibility of the His-tag-VpC-terminal domain in causing the haemolytic activity without the required activation by the phospholipase enzyme. Raw extracts of Phellinus igniarus and Phellinus pipi at 10–1 mg/mL inhibited the haemolytic activity of the His-tag-VpC-terminal domain from 67.7% to 87.42%, respectively. Hence applying the His-tag-VpC-terminal domain as a simple biological material to evaluate quickly potential derivatives against the Vptlh in vivo conditions will accessible and more advantageous than using the whole of the Vptlh.

      • KCI등재

        A Multidisciplinary approach to treat massive recurrent hematochezia from a jejunal Dieulafoy lesion: A case report

        Tien Manh Huynh,Quang Dinh Le,Mai Ngoc Luu,Tram Thi Huyen Nguyen,Quy Nhuan Bui,Anh Phan Tuong Mai,Thang Hiep Duc Tran,Hien Minh Tran,Cong Hong Minh Vo,Duc Trong Quach 소화기인터벤션의학회 2022 International journal of gastrointestinal interven Vol.11 No.3

        Jejunal Dieulafoy lesion (DL) is an exceedingly rare, life-threatening cause of gastrointestinal bleeding. Due to its rarity, intermittent bleeding symptoms that often necessitate prompt clinical intervention, variability in detection and treatment methods, and the risk of rebleeding, this condition frequently presents a diagnostic and therapeutic conundrum. We report a case of severe, intermittent, recurrent hematochezia due to a jejunal DL that was difficult to localize. In this case, the metallic coils used as a radiopaque marker allowed surgeons to accurately identify the bleeding site during intraoperative enteroscopy and successfully manage the lesion with minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery.

      • KCI등재

        A Multidisciplinary approach to treat massive recurrent hematochezia from a jejunal Dieulafoy lesion: A case report

        Tien Manh Huynh,Quang Dinh Le,Mai Ngoc Luu,Tram Thi Huyen Nguyen,Quy Nhuan Bui,Anh Phan Tuong Mai,Thang Hiep Duc Tran,Hien Minh Tran,Cong Hong Minh Vo,Duc Trong Quach 소화기인터벤션의학회 2022 Gastrointestinal Intervention Vol.11 No.3

        Jejunal Dieulafoy lesion (DL) is an exceedingly rare, life-threatening cause of gastrointestinal bleeding. Due to its rarity, intermittent bleeding symptoms that often necessitate prompt clinical intervention, variability in detection and treatment methods, and the risk of rebleeding, this condition frequently presents a diagnostic and therapeutic conundrum. We report a case of severe, intermittent, recurrent hematochezia due to a jejunal DL that was difficult to localize. In this case, the metallic coils used as a radiopaque marker allowed surgeons to accurately identify the bleeding site during intraoperative enteroscopy and successfully manage the lesion with minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery.

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