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        The multiple merger assembly of a hyperluminous obscured quasar at redshift 4.6

        Dí,az-Santos, T.,Assef, R. J.,Blain, A. W.,Aravena, M.,Stern, D.,Tsai, C.-W.,Eisenhardt, P.,Wu, J.,Jun, H. D.,Dibert, K.,Inami, H.,Lansbury, G.,Leclercq, F. American Association for the Advancement of Scienc 2018 Science Vol.362 No.6418

        <P><B>Mergers drive a powerful dusty quasar</B></P><P>Massive galaxies in the early Universe host supermassive black holes at their centers. When material falls toward the black hole, it releases energy and is observed as a quasar. Astronomers found a population of powerful distant quasars that are obscured by dust, but it has been unclear how they are formed. Díaz-Santos <I>et al.</I> observed the dust-obscured quasar WISE J224607.56-052634.9 at submillimeter wavelengths, finding three small companion galaxies connected to the quasar by bridges of gas and dust. They inferred that galaxy mergers can provide both the raw material to power a quasar and large quantities of dust to obscure it.</P><P><I>Science</I>, this issue p. 1034</P><P>Galaxy mergers and gas accretion from the cosmic web drove the growth of galaxies and their central black holes at early epochs. We report spectroscopic imaging of a multiple merger event in the most luminous known galaxy, WISE J224607.56−052634.9 (W2246−0526), a dust-obscured quasar at redshift 4.6, 1.3 billion years after the Big Bang. Far-infrared dust continuum observations show three galaxy companions around W2246−0526 with disturbed morphologies, connected by streams of dust likely produced by the dynamical interaction. The detection of tidal dusty bridges shows that W2246−0526 is accreting its neighbors, suggesting that merger activity may be a dominant mechanism through which the most luminous galaxies simultaneously obscure and feed their central supermassive black holes.</P>

      • KCI등재

        AI 기술을 이용한 관객 상호작용 노화현상 생성 미디어아트 - 연구자의 미디어아트 작품 〈Chemistry〉를 중심으로 -

        마적 ( Ma¸ Di ),김형기 ( Kim¸ Hyunggi ) 한국영상미디어협회 2020 예술과 미디어 Vol.19 No.1

        본 논문은 상호주관성의 철학적 사유에 입각하여 인간과 인공지능의 의식과 감정 사이의 관계를 탐구한다. 제2장에서는 국내외 미디어아트와 생성적 대립 신경망(Generative Adversarial Network)의 기술 개발 현황, 그리고 작품 〈Chemistry〉의 예술성과 기술성에 대해 자세히 설명했다. 제3장에서는 작품 〈Chemistry〉가 주는 영감과 사고를 바탕으로 한 상호주관성 사유의 관점에서 인공지능이 ‘인간 의식과 감정의 확장’이라는 점을 철학적으로 증명하고자 시도했다. 인공지능이란, 인간의 지능을 기술적으로 모방하여 ‘사물화’시킨 것이다. 본 작품에서는 이러한 인공지능을 활용하여 감상하는 관객이 공감하도록 유도했다. 대략적으로 설명하자면, 우선 인공지능으로 사람의 얼굴을 인식하여 안면 노화를 진행시킨다. 그리고 사계절의 변화와 꽃이 시드는 과정을 함께 보여줌으로써 관객은 마음 깊은 곳에서 작품과 상호작용 할 수 있도록 했다. 이러한 과정을 통해 ‘인간의 의식’에서는 확장이 일어난다. 제3장에서는 인공지능의 단점을 보완하기 위한 해법을 제시했다. 왜냐하면 오늘날 아무리 빠르게 발전하고 있는 인공지능이라고 해도 인간의 깊은 감정적 욕구까지 충족하지 못하기 때문이다. 이때 예술이 인간과 기계 사이에서 일어나는 상호작용의 매개체로 매우 중요한 역할을 한다. 인공지능은 인간의 심층적인 감정과 그 울림을 정확하게 식별하지 못한다. 이에 반해 예술은 가장 인간적인 요소이다. 인간이 창조한 예술은 무형의 형태로 모든 사람들에게 지속적인 영향을 미치고 있다. 예술은 매우 간단해 보이는 방식으로도 사람의 마음을 감동시킬 수 있다. 필자의 작품에서는 예술을 인간과 인공지능 간의 소통을 가능케 하는 ‘다리’ 역할을 한다. 과학 연구에 대한 사회적 관심이 날로 높아지는 가운데, 우리는 철학적 관점에서 인간과 인공지능 사이의 관계를 깊이 고찰해야 하며 매개체 역할을 하는 인공지능의 능동성에 주목해야 한다. This article uses the philosophy of intersubjectivity to examine the connection between artificial intelligence and human emotional awareness. It first analyzes Korea and overseas new media art along with technological development based on generative adversarial networks, and then provides a detailed explanation of the artistry and techniques used in the new media artwork Chemistry. while the third chapter, on the foundation of our grouped artwork as inspirational thinking and based on intersubjective thinking, elaborates on artificial intelligence as a philosophical viewpoint of the extension of human emotional awareness. Artificial intelligence is a simulated technological phase of awareness and the ‘objectification’ of intelligence. People create a sense of empathy when they view artwork. In addition, artificial intelligence can distinguish between human faces, and can detect signs of aging, seasonal changes, as well as when flowers wilt. Artwork causes people to react with profound emotional responses that expand their human awareness. The third chapter finally proposes, in today’s era of rapidly developing artificial intelligence, how artificial intelligence can fulfill humanity’s defects displayed through their deep emotions. The following chapter proposes a solution for this problem, which is to turn art into an emotion- based medium that can enable communication between human beings and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is incapable of precisely and effectively differentiating between humans’ deep emotional fluctuations. In contrast, art is one of the most humanized things. Humanity creates art, but at the same time, art’s intangible thinking constantly influences each person. It can even use what seems like the simplest methods to touch people’s soul. Therefore, our artwork will view art as an ‘intermediary’ to enable people to communicate with artificial intelligence, and in today’s era in which all of society focuses more on scientific research, this article tries to emphasize the importance of art’s development in artificial intelligence.

      • KCI등재

        샤오홍(蕭紅) 소설 관용구의 中-韓 번역전략

        蔣迪 ( Jiang¸ Di ),봉인영 ( Bong¸ Inyoung ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2021 中國硏究 Vol.88 No.-

        Studies of strategies for phraseme translation have heretofore primarily focused on the analyses of translating English into Korean or vice versa, either from a correspondence or formal equivalence perspective; it entails matching Source Text’s (ST’s) phraseme with Target Text’s (TT’s) similar or dissimilar phraseme, or by using a technique of explanation. Deviating from the established phraseme-phraseme approaches, this study employs skopos theory and functionalist approaches to interpret the Chinese phraseme within TT’s cultural and cognitive contexts. Drawing on Reiss and Vermeer’s approaches to culture-bound elements, the paper addresses ways in which ST’s culture and values are transmitted through those of in TT. Using a case study that translates Chinese phrasemes (e.g., chengyu, idioms, and proverbs) presented in Xiao Hong’s short stories into Korean, this paper argues that Chinese phrasemes could be translated into the general Korean lexicon while preserving its figurative implications, multi-layered meaning, and informativity. Moreover, this study suggests that translation of Chinese phrasemes into Korean general terms invokes the rhetoric of simile by appending adverbs and adnominal phrases in Korean. Lastly, this paper concludes that the addition of adverbs in the translation of chengyu can be optional as the main function resides in emphasizing translated sentences, while the addition of adverbs and adnominal phrases in the translation of idioms and proverbs is essential to delivering the correct meaning of translated sentences.


        Use of Dried Stoned Olive Pomace in the Feeding of Lactating Buffaloes: Effect on the Quantity and Quality of the Milk Produced

        Terramoccia, S.,Bartocci, S.,Taticchi, A.,Di Giovanni, S.,Pauselli, M.,Mourvaki, E.,Urbani, S.,Servili, M. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2013 Animal Bioscience Vol.26 No.7

        Dried stoned olive pomace (DSOP) was administered to dairy water buffaloes, and their productive performance and milk composition were analysed. Sixteen pluriparous lactating buffaloes were divided into two uniform groups (control and experimental), taking into consideration the following parameters: milk production (2,192 and 2,102 kg) and duration of lactation (254 and 252 d) of the previous year, distance from calving (51 and 43 d), milk production (9.71 and 10.18 kg/d), body condition score (BCS) (6.44 and 6.31) and weight (617 and 653 kg) at the beginning of the trial. Both diets had the same formulation: second cut alfalfa hay 20%, corn silage 42%, concentrate 38% but the two concentrates differed in their formulation, the experimental one contained 15.50% of DSOP as fed. The employed DSOP showed high amounts of secoiridoids, such as 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol (3,4-DHPEA) (1.2 g/kg DM), 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol-elenolic acid di-aldehyde (3,4-DHPEA-EDA) (12.6 g/kg DM), p-hydroxyphenylethanol-elenolic acid di-aldehyde (p-HPEA-EDA) (5.6 g/kg DM) and lignans, which are known to be powerful bioactive compounds. The control diet had an energy-protein content of 0.86 Milk FU/kg DM and 143.3 g/kg DM of crude protein, whereas the experimental diet of 0.87 Milk FU/kg DM and 146.6 g/kg DM of crude protein. Each animal of the two groups received 17 kg DM/d and each buffalo of the experimental group, by way of the concentrate, ingested 1.05 kg DM/d of DSOP. The trial lasted 40 days. No significant difference was found between the BCS (6.41 and 6.53), live weight (625.93 and 662.50 kg) and milk production (9.69 and 10.08 kg/d) of the two groups, as was the case for fat, protein, lactose, pH and coagulating parameters of the two milks. The milk fat of the experimental group had a significantly higher content of total tocopherols (10.45 vs $8.60{\mu}g/g$, p<0.01) and retinol (3.17 vs $2.54{\mu}g/g$, p<0.01). The content of the reactive substances with tiobarbituric acid (TBARs) was significantly lower in the milk fat of the experimental group (12.09 vs $15.05{\mu}g$ MDA/g, p<0.01). The acid content of the milk fat of the experimental group had a significantly higher content (p<0.05) of C18:0 and of $C18:3{\omega}6$. LC-MS/MS analysis showed the presence of 3,4-DHPEA ($36.0{\mu}g/L$) in the milk of the DSOP-fed buffaloes, while other phenols were not found. DSOP, in the quantity utilized, can be used in the feeding of the lactating buffalo; the dietetic-nutritional characteristics of the milk are improved due to a greater contribution of tocopherols, retinol and the presence of hydroxytyrosol.

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