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        Salvador Corrales C. Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Pusan Universit 2012 International Journal of Latin American Studies Vol.2 No.-

        Abstract. International competition has reached a downturn in the regional economy indicators. This hard competitiveness has maintained the largest companies at the edge of bankruptcy; due to this regional economic scenario, large enterprises need to rebuild strategies in order to gain competitive advantages in the economic production process. Steel company owners have sold their companies because they cannot be competitive at the global level; cement and glass manufacturers have remained in the global market with important debts. They had been acquiring branches and firms with huge loans, when, unfortunately the global economic crises hit their financial capacities for competing worldwide. It is due to these reasons that Monterrey is experiencing a new industrial pattern. Resumen. La competencia internacional ha propiciado una caída en los indicadores de la economía regional. Esta fuerte competencia ha mantenido a las grandes empresas al borde de la quiebra; como resultado de ese escenario, estas grandes empresas necesitan desarrollar nuevas estrategias para ganar ventajas competitivas. Los propietarios de las compañías acereras regionales vendieron sus empresas al no poder competir en una economía global; los productores de cemento y vidrio se han podido mantener en el mercado global con sumas cuantiosas de deuda. Estos compraron empresas y filiales con grandes préstamos; desafortunadamente, la crisis financiera global golpeó su capacidad financiera para competir en los mercados mundiales. Debido a todos estos procesos, Monterrey experimenta un nuevo patrón de desarrollo industrial

      • KCI등재

        The gut bacteria symbionts from the monophagous insect Acrobasis nuxvorellaproduce tannase for the digestion of Carya illinoinensis tannins

        Consuelo G. Corrales-Maldonado,Vargas-Arispuro Irasema,Luis Martínez-Carrillo José,Pérez-Morales Rosalva,Ángel Martínez-Téllez Miguel,Aispuro-Hernández Emmanuel,Arellano-Gil Maritza,Castro-Espinoza Lu 한국응용곤충학회 2022 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.25 No.4

        Acrobasis nuxvorella Neuzing (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), or the Pecan Nut Casebearer (PNC), is a monophagous pecan nut [Carya illinoinensis (Wang) K. Koch] herbivore. This insect has caused major crop losses, despite pecan nut trees producing a high concentration of tannins, which are deterrent compounds for insects. The PNC consumes and processes tannin-rich tissues without any negative effects on its nutrition. Certain bacterial species of the herbivore gut microbiota have been proven to produce tannase, therefore, we hypothesize that the PNC has symbiotic bacteria that produce tannase for the digestion of tannin contained in their food. In this work, live PNC larvae were extracted from pecan nutlets. The larval guts were dissected and their contents were cultured to obtain the cultivable bacteria. A total of 224 bacterial isolates were recovered, 19 of which tested positive for tannase activity. Isolates LB66, LB24, TT29, and TP8 displayed comparable activity to the control strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Further enzyme semi-purification steps showed specific tannase ac tivity values in the range of 39.5–3.7 U/mg of protein. The isolates were identified as Bacillus pumilus strain TT29, Bacillus pumilus strain LB66, Bacillus pumilus strain LB24 and Sthaphylococcus warneri (TP8) by 16S ribo somal RNA gene sequencing. Our findings indicate that PNC larvae contain gut bacteria able to produce tannase that hydrolyze the galloyl ester bonds in tannins.

      • Mapping of SSR markers closely linked to a bean rust resistant gene in common bean following bulked segregant analysis with whole genome SNP genotyping

        Seonghyu Shin,Marcial Pastor-Corrales,Qijiang Song,Gaofeng Jia,Miok Woo,Perry Cregan 한국육종학회 2013 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2013 No.07

        Recently whole genome SNP genotyping has been used to do association analysis and to map a gene of interest. Here we report application of bulked segregant analysis(BSA) using Infinium HD assay with ‘BARC Bean6K_3’, a SNP genotyping beadchip containing 5,399 SNPs for common bean to locate a target gene. We used BSA using Infinium HD assay was performed to find the candidate region of a single dominant rust resistant gene in PI310762, a common bean cultivar. And SSR markers were identified and mapped on the candidate region using F2 population derived from the cross of susceptible Pinto114 x resistant PI310762. BSA revealed the candidate region of the resistant gene is on chromosome 4 where we developed nine SSR markers. Three SSR markers (beanssr1170, beanssr1168, and beanssr1167) of them appeared closely linked to the resistant gene which is located between beanssr1167 at 0.1cM and beanssr1170 at 0.5cM on chromosome 4. This study showed BSA using high-throughput whole genome SNP genotyping is a very fast and efficient method to locate a gene of interest on chromosome.

      • KCI등재후보

        Pig meat production in the European Union-27: current status, challenges, and future trends

        Mateos G. G.,Corrales N. L.,Talegón G.,Aguirre L. 아세아·태평양축산학회 2024 Animal Bioscience Vol.37 No.4

        The main objective of this study was to present data on the current situation and future trends of pig meat production in the European Union-27 (EU). Pig production has played an important social and economic role for centuries in many states of the EU. In 2022, pig meat production in the EU reached 23 M tons, which represented 21% of total production worldwide. The two key reasons that justify such amount of pork produced, are the acceptance and high consumption of the meat by the local population and the high quality of the meat produced which facilitated pork export. However, current data show a reduction in pork production for the last three years, as a consequence of a series of events that include i) problems with the chain of ingredients supply, ii) uncontrolled increase in African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreaks, iii) fast recovery of pig production in China, iv) increasing concerns by the rural population on the high cost to meet future requirements of the EU legislation on farm management, environmental sustainability and animal welfare, v) increased cost of all inputs involved in pig production and vi) limited interest of the new farmer generation to work on the pig sector. Consequently, pork production is expected to decrease in the EU for the next years, although sales will be maintained at a relative high level because pork is the meat preferred by local consumers in most EU countries. In order to maintain the favourable position of the pork industry in the near future, strategies to implement include: i) maintain the quality of the meat destinated to export markets, ii) improve the control of outbreaks of ASF and other swine diseases, iii) implementation of technological innovations to improve working conditions making more attractive to work in the pork sector of the food chain to the new generation of farmers and workers.

      • KCI등재

        Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in Polymedicated Patient Treated With Radiotherapy

        Remedios Pérez-Calderón,M. Angeles Gonzalo-Garijo,Silvia Corrales-Vargas,Gloria Jiménez-Ferrera,Isabel Rodríguez-Nevado,Mario Díaz-Delgado 대한천식알레르기학회 2015 Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research Vol.7 No.2

        Temozolomide is an oral alkylating agent indicated for the treatment of patients with glioblastoma multiforme concomitantly with radiotherapy andsubsequently as monotherapy treatment. We report the case of a patient who developed toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) while she was beingtreated with chemoradiotherapy and several drugs. Cutaneous tests were performed with the drugs involved with negative result. Although the occurrenceof TEN contraindicates suspected drug readministration, we based the decision to perform the controlled administration of temozolomideon the following reasons: (1) the poor prognosis of the underlying disease, (2) the lack of therapeutic alternatives, (3) the suspicion that other drugstaken by the patient simultaneously may be responsible (as anticonvulsants and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole [TMP-SMX]), and (4) temozolomidewas the first choice for treating the patient’s disease. The administration of a cumulative dose of 60 mg of temozolomide caused a slight skin reaction. Given this result, we conducted controlled administration of other drugs involved. Dexamethasone, codeine, omeprazole and levetiracetamwere well tolerated. However, TMP-SMX produced a similar reaction to that caused by temozolomide. In conclusion, we present the first case ofTEN induced by temozolomide and TMP-SMX associated with cranial radiotherapy confirmed by controlled administration. Radiotherapy in combinationwith these drugs could have favored TEN, as some authors have postulated, but we cannot prove this.

      • Progress on Identifying and Characterizing the Human Proteome: 2018 Metrics from the HUPO Human Proteome Project

        Omenn, Gilbert S.,Lane, Lydie,Overall, Christopher M.,Corrales, Fernando J.,Schwenk, Jochen M.,Paik, Young-Ki,Van Eyk, Jennifer E.,Liu, Siqi,Snyder, Michael,Baker, Mark S.,Deutsch, Eric W. American Chemical Society 2018 Journal of proteome research Vol.17 No.12

        <P>The Human Proteome Project (HPP) annually reports on progress throughout the field in credibly identifying and characterizing the human protein parts list and making proteomics an integral part of multiomics studies in medicine and the life sciences. NeXtProt release 2018-01-17, the baseline for this sixth annual HPP special issue of the <I>Journal of Proteome Research</I>, contains 17 470 PE1 proteins, 89% of all neXtProt predicted PE1-4 proteins, up from 17 008 in release 2017-01-23 and 13 975 in release 2012-02-24. Conversely, the number of neXtProt PE2,3,4 missing proteins has been reduced from 2949 to 2579 to 2186 over the past two years. Of the PE1 proteins, 16 092 are based on mass spectrometry results, and 1378 on other kinds of protein studies, notably protein-protein interaction findings. PeptideAtlas has 15 798 canonical proteins, up 625 over the past year, including 269 from SUMOylation studies. The largest reason for missing proteins is low abundance. Meanwhile, the Human Protein Atlas has released its Cell Atlas, Pathology Atlas, and updated Tissue Atlas, and is applying recommendations from the International Working Group on Antibody Validation. Finally, there is progress using the quantitative multiplex organ-specific popular proteins targeted proteomics approach in various disease categories.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>

      • KCI등재

        Green Synthesis and Radial Breathing Modes in Ti Nanoparticles

        R. Britto-Hurtado,M. CORTEZ-VALADEZ,Ramón A. B. Alvarez,P. Horta-Fraijo,J.-G. BOCARANDO-CHACON,R. Gamez-Corrales,A. Perez-Rodríguez,F. Martínez-Suarez,F. Rodríguez-Melgarejo,H. Arizpe-Chavez,M. FLORES 성균관대학교(자연과학캠퍼스) 성균나노과학기술원 2015 NANO Vol.10 No.5

        This work presents the synthesis of metallic nanoparticles of titanium. The extract from the nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica) plant was used as the redactor agent. The results of transmission electronic microscopy (TEM) show that nanoparticles have a sphere-like shape with an approximate diameter of 1 – 4 nm. The presence of Ti in these particles was corroborated by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Optical properties were detected with the presence of absorption bands centered in 295 nm and 355 nm, similar to those reported in the literature. Two Raman bands centered at 359 cm-1 and 404 cm-1 were observed after the synthesis of titanium nanoparticles. Afterwards, structural and vibrational parameters of small clusters of Ti (Tin, n=3 – 13) were analyzed by the density functional theory (DFT) at the B3LYP level of approximation combined with the basis set LANL2DZ. Radial breathing modes (RBMs) were detected in the vibrational spectrum of each cluster, placed around 298 – 387 cm-1.

      • Human Proteome Project Mass Spectrometry Data Interpretation Guidelines 3.0

        Deutsch, Eric W.,Lane, Lydie,Overall, Christopher M.,Bandeira, Nuno,Baker, Mark S.,Pineau, Charles,Moritz, Robert L.,Corrales, Fernando,Orchard, Sandra,Van Eyk, Jennifer E.,Paik, Young-Ki,Weintraub, S American Chemical Society 2019 JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH Vol.18 No.12

        <P>The Human Proteome Organization’s (HUPO) Human Proteome Project (HPP) developed Mass Spectrometry (MS) Data Interpretation Guidelines that have been applied since 2016. These guidelines have helped ensure that the emerging draft of the complete human proteome is highly accurate and with low numbers of false-positive protein identifications. Here, we describe an update to these guidelines based on consensus-reaching discussions with the wider HPP community over the past year. The revised 3.0 guidelines address several major and minor identified gaps. We have added guidelines for emerging data independent acquisition (DIA) MS workflows and for use of the new Universal Spectrum Identifier (USI) system being developed by the HUPO Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI). In addition, we discuss updates to the standard HPP pipeline for collecting MS evidence for all proteins in the HPP, including refinements to minimum evidence. We present a new plan for incorporating MassIVE-KB into the HPP pipeline for the next (HPP 2020) cycle in order to obtain more comprehensive coverage of public MS data sets. The main checklist has been reorganized under headings and subitems, and related guidelines have been grouped. In sum, Version 2.1 of the HPP MS Data Interpretation Guidelines has served well, and this timely update to version 3.0 will aid the HPP as it approaches its goal of collecting and curating MS evidence of translation and expression for all predicted ∼20 000 human proteins encoded by the human genome.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>

      • KCI등재

        Self-assembly study of type I collagen extracted from male Wistar Hannover rat tail tendons

        Jeimmy González-Masís,Jorge M. Cubero-Sesin,Simón Guerrero,Sara González-Camacho,Yendry Regina Corrales-Ureña,Carlos Redondo-Gómez,José Roberto Vega-Baudrit,Rodolfo J. Gonzalez-Paz 한국생체재료학회 2020 생체재료학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        Background: Collagen, the most abundant protein in the animal kingdom, represents a promising biomaterial for regenerative medicine applications due to its structural diversity and self-assembling complexity. Despite collagen’s widely known structural and functional features, the thermodynamics behind its fibrillogenic self-assembling process is still to be fully understood. In this work we report on a series of spectroscopic, mechanical, morphological and thermodynamic characterizations of high purity type I collagen (with a D-pattern of 65 nm) extracted from Wistar Hannover rat tail. Our herein reported results can be of help to elucidate differences in selfassembly states of proteins using ITC to improve the design of energy responsive and dynamic materials for applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Methods: Herein we report the systematic study on the self-assembling fibrillogenesis mechanism of type I collagen, we provide morphological and thermodynamic evidence associated to different self-assembly events using ITC titrations. We provide thorough characterization of the effect of pH, effect of salts and protein conformation on self-assembled collagen samples via several complementary biophysical techniques, including circular dichroism (CD), Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Results: Emphasis was made on the use of isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) for the thermodynamic monitoring of fibrillogenesis stages of the protein. An overall self-assembly enthalpy value of 3.27 ± 0.85 J/mol was found. Different stages of the self-assembly mechanism were identified, initial stages take place at pH values lower than the protein isoelectric point (pI), however, higher energy release events were recorded at collagen’s pI. Denatured collagen employed as a control exhibited higher energy absorption at its pI, suggesting different energy exchange mechanisms as a consequence of different aggregation routes.

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