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      • Fusion of multispectral and panchromatic Satellite images using the curvelet transform

        Choi, Myungjin,Kim, Rae Young,Nam, Myeong-Ryong,Kim, Hong Oh IEEE 2005 IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters Vol.2 No.2

        A useful technique in various applications of remote sensing involves the fusion of different types of satellite images, namely multispectral (MS) satellite images with a high spectral and low spatial resolution and panchromatic (Pan) satellite image with a low spectral and high spatial resolution. Recent studies show that wavelet-based image fusion provides high-quality spectral content in fused images. However, the results of most wavelet-based methods of image fusion have a spatial resolution that is less than that obtained via the Brovey, intensity-hue-saturation, and principal components analysis methods of image fusion. We introduce an improved method of image fusion which is based on the amelioration de la resolution spatiale par injection de structures (ARSIS) concept using the curvelet transform, because the curvelet transform represents edges better than wavelets. Because edges are fundamental in image representation, enhancing the edges is an effective means of enhancing spatial resolution. Curvelet-based image fusion has been used to merge a Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus Pan and MS image. The proposed method simultaneously provides richer information in the spatial and spectral domains.


        Myungjin CHOI 한국산업응용수학회 2005 한국산업응용수학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        A useful technique in various applications of remote sensing involves the fusion of panchromatic and multispectral satellite images. Recently, some studies showed that a wavelet-based image fusion method provides high quality spectral content in fused images. However, most decimated wavelet-based methods yield fused results with spatial resolution that is less than that obtained via the intensity-hue-saturation (IHS) fusion technique. In this paper, we introduce three types of the expansive wavelet-based image fusion - the undecimated wavelet-based image fusion, the dual-tree complex wavelet-based image fusion, and the framelet-based image fusion - to increase the spatial resolution of fused result. These methods provide a fused result with both high spatial and spectral resolution. I have been used to merge IKONOS and Landsat ETM+ panchromatic and multispectral images.

      • Rapid drug susceptibility test of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using microscopic time-lapse imaging in an agarose matrix

        Choi, Jungil,Yoo, Jungheon,Kim, Ki-jung,Kim, Eun-Geun,Park, Kyung Ock,Kim, Hyejin,Kim, Haeun,Jung, Hyunju,Kim, Taeyoung,Choi, Myungjin,Kim, Hee Chan,Ryoo, Sungweon,Jung, Yong-Gyun,Kwon, Sunghoon Springer-Verlag 2016 Applied microbiology and biotechnology Vol.100 No.5

        <P>Tuberculosis (TB) is a major global health problem, and multi-drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) are spreading throughout the world. However, conventional drug susceptibility test (DST) methods, which rely on the detection of the colony formation on a solid medium, require 1-2 months to the result. A rapid and accurate DST is necessary to identify patients with drug-resistant TB and treat them with appropriate drugs. Here, we used microscopic imaging of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) immobilized in an agarose matrix for a rapid DST. The agarose matrix, which was molded in a microfluidic chip, was inoculated with MTB, and TB drugs in liquid culture medium diffused throughout the agarose to reach the MTB immobilized in the agarose matrix. After the responses of MTB to drugs were tracked with an automated microscopic system, an image-processing program automatically determined the susceptibility and resistance of MTB to specific doses of TB drugs. The automatic DST system was able to assess the drug susceptibility of various drug-resistant clinical TB strains within 9 days with an accuracy comparable to that of conventional method. Our rapid DST method based on microscopic time-lapse imaging greatly reduces the time required for a DST and can be used to rapidly and accurately treat TB patients.</P>


        Myungjin CHOI,Hong Oh KIM 한국산업응용수학회 2006 한국산업응용수학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        Orthogonal wavelets and their various generalizations have been extensively studied in the literature and they have been successfully applied to many applications. Without introducing other types of wavelets in this work, we are particularly focused on symmetric tight wavelet frames (STWFs), which are derived from a refinable function. The notion of tight wavelet frames could be considered as a natural generalization of orthonormal wavelets if redundancy is introduced into the wavelet system. By allowing redundancy, we gain the necessary flexibility to achieve such properties as symmetry and, more importantly, the short support and high vanishing moments of compactly supported wavelets. In addition, redundancy allows for the approximate shift invariance behavior caused by the dense time-scale plane. In this work, we present the construction of STWFs with the desired properties and then consider some examples of how we can apply STWFs to the area of image processing, particularly image denoising, image enhancement, and image fusion.


        Myungjin CHOI,Hong Oh KIM 한국산업응용수학회 2006 한국산업응용수학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1 No.2

        A tight wavelet frame is a natural generation of an orthonormal wavelet if redundancy is introduced into the wavelet system. By allowing redundancy, we gain the necessary flexibility to achieve such properties as symmetry and, more importantly, the short support and high vanishing moments of compactly supported wavelets. In addition, redundancy allows for the approximate shift invariance behavior caused by the dense time-scale plane. We show some applications of symmetric tight wavelet frames (STWFs) for image processing, particularly image fusion, image denoising and image inpainting, and we demonstrate the possibility of using an STWF-based approach for such applications.

      • KCI등재


        Choi, Eunmi,Choi, MyungJin The Youngnam Mathematical Society 2020 East Asian mathematical journal Vol.36 No.3

        We explore the Pauli table C<sup>(-1)</sup> and nonzero Pauli table W. Recurrence rules and interrelationships of any k slope diagonal sums over C<sup>(-1)</sup> and W are studied in connection with diagonal sums of the Pascal table C<sup>(1)</sup>. Since diagonal sums of C<sup>(1)</sup> are Fibonacci numbers, any k slope diagonal sums over C<sup>(-1)</sup> and W are explained by Fibonacci numbers.

      • KCI등재

        거주지역별 노인의 신뢰 유형이 행복에 미치는 영향

        최명진(Myungjin Choi),김기연(Giyeon Kim) 한국노년학회 2020 한국노년학 Vol.40 No.2

        본 연구는 노인의 신뢰 유형을 분석하고, 신뢰가 행복을 예측하는지를 대도시와 지방에 거주하는 노인으로 나누어서 살펴보고자 하였다. 2014년 정부역할과 삶의 질에 대한 국민인식조사 자료를 이용하여 5년 이상 한 지역에 거주하고 있는 60세 이상 노인 1,599명을 최종 분석에 사용하였다. 분석 방법으로는 상호작용항을 포함한 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 분석 결과 일반신뢰와 사회신뢰가 행복에 정적으로 유의한 영향을 미쳤고, 특수신뢰와 일반신뢰에서 지역과의 상호작용이 나타났다. 특히 대도시에 거주하는 노인에게는 일반신뢰가, 지방에 거주하는 노인에게는 특수신뢰가 행복의 영향요인임을 밝혔다. 이는 노인의 신뢰가 환경적 맥락에 의해 해석되어 행복을 예측할 수 있는 변인임을 보여준다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 노년기 신뢰를 증진시키기 위해서 고려해야 할 점을 논의하였으며 후속 연구를 위한 제언을 제시하였다. The present study examined whether the relation between different types of trust and happiness varied by place of residence (i.e., major cities vs. provinces) among Korean older adults. We used a total of 1,599 Korean adults aged 60 or older who had lived in the same residence at least for 5 years before. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to test an interaction between types of trust and place of residence. Results show that generalized trust and social trust have positive association with happiness. A significant interaction effect between generalized trust, particularized trust, and place of residence were found. In particular, particularized trust was found to have positive effects on happiness within residences who had lived in provinces and generalized trust was found to have positive effects on happiness within residences who had lived in major cities. Findings suggest that different types of trust on happiness, especially interpersonal trust should be interpreted in an environmental context. Future practical implications for increasing older adult’s trust are discussed in a cultural context as a way to promote happiness and research directions are discussed.

      • 점토 재료의 예술적 삶과 도구적 삶

        최명진(Myungjin Choi) 한국교방문화학회 2022 교방문화연구 Vol.2 No.1

        조형 예술의 역할은 재료 중심에서 사용자 중심으로 그리고 새로운 문화를 창출할 수 있는 주체로 바뀌고 있고, 우리는 현재 그 변화의 중심에 서 있다. 과거 점토(Clay)의 쓰임은 강도가 높고 쓰임새가 용이한 그릇이라는 실용적인 도구로써의 삶이었다. 그리고 1950년대 포스트모더니즘 시기부터 점토 고유의 특성과 작가의 즉흥적인 표현력을 강조하여 제작된 점토 조형물들을 제작하면서부터 예술적 삶이 시작되었다. 1980년대 이후 점토 재료를 소재로 하여 실험적이고 다양한 형태의 설치작업과 타 예술분야와의 콜라보레이션 작업 그리고 오늘날 공공예술의 한 분야로 대중이 직접 예술작품제작에 참여하는 커뮤니티 아트까지 확대·전개하였다. 제작자(작가=본인)는 본문에서 오늘날 융복합 시대에 점토 재료가 쓰임을 목적으로 하는 도구적인 삶 이외에 재료의 표현력과 소통능력을 확장하여 현재 인스톨레이션 작업과 콜라보레이션 작업, 커뮤니티 아트 작업 등의 예술적 삶을 재현한 작품들을 중심으로 살펴보았다. The role of plastic arts is changing from material-centered to user-centered and to a subject capable of creating a new culture, and we are currently at the center of that change. The use of clay in the past was a life as a practical tool, a vessel with high strength and easy use. And from the post-modernism period of the 1950s, artistic life began with the production of clay sculptures made by emphasizing the unique characteristics of clay and the artist's spontaneous expressive power. Since the 1980s, it has expanded and expanded to experimental and various forms of installation work using clay materials, collaboration work with other art fields, and community art in which the public directly participates in art production as a field of public art today. In the main text, the creator (the author = himself) expands the expressive power and communication ability of the material in addition to the instrumental life aimed at using clay materials in today’s convergence era, to lead an artistic life such as current installation work, collaboration work, and community art work. We focused on the reproduced works.

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