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        Faith and the Resolution of the Four Doubts in Wonhyo`s Doctrinal Essentials of the Sutra of Immeasurable Life (Muryangsu-gyeong-jong-yo)

        Charles Muller 국제불교문화사상사학회 2007 International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Cultur Vol.8 No.-

        Among the numerous distinctive aspects of the work of the noted Korean scholar-monk Wonhyo is the broad range of traditions and texts that he accorded treatment-along with the unusual level of fairness and seriousness he brought to such works-an indication of his lack of sectarian bias. Another distinctive aspect of his work as an exegete is the extent to which his "religious" attitude-his concern for the nurturance of the faith in the minds of his readers inevitably rises to the forefront of his works. Thus, what he has to say about the idea of "faith" 信 in the context of a Pure Land work is a matter of considerable interest. On the other hand, given the way that the Pure Land tradition is currently perceived by its modern adherents, one might be given to assume that the notion of "faith in other-power" constitutes the backbone of the arguments made in seminal Pure Land scriptures such as the Sutra of Immeasurable Life (Larger Sukhavati-vyuha; K. Muryangsu-gyeong, C. Wu-liang-shou-jing). This paper shows, based on Wonhyo`s analysis, how in fact the main form of faith expounded by the sutra is something much more like that seen articulated in mainstream Yogacara and Tathagatagarbha texts. The paper also shows how Wonhyo uses Yogacara-based hermeneutics to unravel the conundrum of the four kinds of cognition dropped, without explanation in the final lines of the sutra.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        W. B. Yeats as Translator: Form, Function, and Fidelity in The Two Sophoclean Plays (for the late Professor Daniel Albright)

        Charles I. Armstrong 한국예이츠학회 2015 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.46 No.-

        본 논문은 W. B. 예이츠의 두 소포클레스 번역극, 『오이디푸스 왕』과 『콜로누스의 오이디푸스』에 포함된 선택과 방법을 분석한다. 예이츠가 그리스 원전을 얼마나 자유롭고 자의적으로 활용하는가와 얼마나 충실하게 번역하는 가를 설명하게 위해서, 로렌스 베누티, 피터 로빈슨, 그리고 매듀 레이놀즈와 같은 학자들의 당대 번역이론과 독일의 해석학을 활용한다. 애비극장이 고전과 외국 극을 레버토리로 사용한 것도 이 극의 기능을 이해하기 위해서 중요한 문맥으로 다루어진다. 특히, 『오이디푸스 왕』에 대한 예이츠의 작업이 더 적절해 보인다. 그가 보다 자유롭게 번역한 『콜로누스의 오이디푸스』는 그의 친구이며 협력자인 에즈라 파운드의 번역에 영향을 받은 것이 보인다. 이 두 번째 번역을 자세히 검토하면, 보통 러처드 젭의 번역에서 출발하는 예이츠의 번역문구가 얼마나 크게 차이가 나는지를 보여준다. 이 논문의 마지막 부분은 기형과 지하에 관한 은유법을 검토하는데, 이 번역극들에서 무엇을 다루는가와 어떻게 다루는 가(형식) 사이의 미묘한 관계를 보여준다. This essay analyses the strategies and choices underlying William Butler Yeats’s versions of Sophocles’s two classic tragedies, King Oedipus and Oedipus at Colonus. Reference is made to German hermeneutics and the contemporary translation theories of scholars such as Lawrence Venuti, Peter Robinson and Matthew Reynolds, in order to elucidate how Yeats negotiated between fidelity and more free and self-conscious appropriation of the Greek originals. The Abbey theatre’s use of classic, foreign plays as part of its repertoire is also addressed as a significant context for understanding the function of these versions. It is especially relevant for Yeats’s work on King Oedipus — his more independent rendering of Oedipus at Colonus is shown to be affected by the example of his friend and collaborator, Ezra Pound. Detailed inspection of the latter text demonstrates how there are major departures from the wording of Richard Jebb’s translations, which typically provide the point of departure for Yeats’s versions. The final part of the essay looks at how the use of metaphors concerning monstrosity and the underworld demonstrate a subtle link between what Yeats wrote in these versions and how he wrote them (i.e., their form).

      • KCI등재후보

        Spectator Service Quality Expectations: Free vs. Paid Collegiate Football Events

        Charles W. Jones,Todd Hall,Lucas A. Christiansen 아시아스포츠융합과학회 2024 Asia Pacific Journal of Applied Sport Sciences Vol.5 No.2

        PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to examine spectator expectations of service quality comparing free/non-ticketed events (collegiate spring football game) to paid/ticketed sporting events (in-season collegiate football game), to identify timely information as to important characteristics of service, in order to satisfy and retain spectators in the changing landscape of college football in the United States. METHOD Data were collected from spectators attending two collegiate football games – one a free/non-ticketed spring game and the other a paid/ticketed regular season game at the same Division I university located in the Southeast United States. Respondents at both events were asked to rate expectations of service quality on 27 items using a 5-point Likert scale (Parasuraman et al., 1991). Respondents were consequently asked to rate the importance of each of the five dimensions of service quality (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) by allocating percentage points (totalling 100), respectively. The mean scores for spectator expectations of service quality were calculated and a set of five t-tests were then conducted to determine if the means calculated for each construct were significant between the spring and fall games. RESULTS The results revealed that spectator expectations of service do not decrease simply because they do not pay to watch an event. On the contrary, spectators maintain high expectations whether they pay to attend a sporting event or not. Additionally, while spectators of both types of events rated tangibles (physical facilities, equipment, and appearance) as the most important dimension of service quality, those attending the free/non-ticketed event deemed assurance (knowledge and courtesy of employees) to be second in importance. Those attending the paid/ticketed event responded that reliability (perform promised service) to be the second most important dimension of service quality. CONCLUSION The current study brings attention to an important aspect of the spectator experience that has previously received very little attention. Practitioners may want to develop strategies to exceed consumer expectations based on the type of sporting event they are organizing.

      • KCI등재

        Photoshopping of models in advertising: A review of the literature and future research agenda

        Charles R, Taylor,조윤나,Carissa M. Anthony,Danielle B. Smith 한국마케팅과학회 2018 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.9 No.4

        The extant literature suggests that idealized imagery of female models in advertising has negative impacts on the body satisfaction of those exposed. Women can feel pressure to live up to “perfect” images depicted in advertising, sometimes resulting in negative consequences. As a result, the practice of digital retouching or “photoshopping” of ads has come under scrutiny, with some countries implementing restrictions on the practice. The purpose of this paper is to critically review the literature on photoshopping of ads in terms of both its societal and managerial impacts. We also examine literature investigating whether the inclusion of disclaimers on photoshopped images has effects on consumers’ reaction to the ad both psychologically and in terms of ad effectiveness. Findings suggest that, in some settings, idealized imagery as an output of digital retouching does have a negative impact on women’s body satisfaction. The limited research on disclaimers suggest that they do not have much effect either on body image or ad effectiveness, but more research is needed. Directions for future research aimed at better understanding the impact of photoshopping are provided.

      • KCI등재후보

        Provocative mesenteric angiography for diagnosis and treatment of occult gastrointestinal hemorrhage

        Charles Y. Kim 소화기인터벤션의학회 2018 Gastrointestinal Intervention Vol.7 No.3

        Occult gastrointestinal (GI) hemorrhage can be a great challenge to both patients and physicians, exerting a great toll on patients and the healthcare system. While diagnostic capabilities for diagnosing GI bleeding are improving, particularly with the establishment of computed tomography angiography and capsule endoscopy as routine modalities, patients with intermittent massive GI bleeding continue to pose a diagnostic and management dilemma. In this review, the concept, efficacy, and safety of provocative mesenteric angiography is described. The body of literature suggests that this procedure is safe and effective in this patient population with little to no alternative options.

      • KCI등재

        Live Events and the Sport Customer: A Sport Spectator Quality-Value-Behavior Model

        Charles W. Jones,Kevin K. Byon,Antonio S. Williams,Paul M. Pedersen 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2023 Journal of Global Sport Management Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to propose and empirically test a sport spectator behavioral model. The model presented here is a micro-level perspective of value creation in the context of live sporting events. This study used directional hypotheses to com- pare the influence of different value dimensions on specific cus- tomer behaviors in the setting of North American professional sport. Structural equation modeling was performed to examine path coefficients for the hypothesized relationships in the model. Organization-related value propositions were found to be stron- ger predictors of perceived economic, hedonic, and social value. One exception to this was customer density, which negatively impacted certain value perceptions. The hedonic value was found to have the strongest influence on customer in-role and extra-role behavior. The behavioral model tested here can be used in future studies to examine how sport organizations and their customers can create value in the live event setting and how the roles per- formed by each stakeholder influence future behavior. Findings suggest there are several actions marketers and managers can take to increase customer perceived value and prompt spectators to attend future events or act as advocates for the organization.

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