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        Manufacturing a German Model of Liberal Capitalism - The Political Economy of the German Cartel Law in the Early Postwar Period

        Chansoo Cho 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2003 Journal of International and Area Studies Vol.10 No.1

          This article examines the West German cartel policy process during the early 1950s. Decartelization was one of the top priority agendas of the United States, which was operating as a new stabilizer of bourgeois Europe during this time. The combined efforts of Americans and their German allies to liberalize Germany"s organized capitalism met with fierce resistance from both milch of the business community and ordinary Germans. It took almost a decade for the Germans to conclude a cartel law. and it was a political process wherein different sectors of industry. Christian Democrats. and U.S. policymakers interacted with each other. A jointed approach that combines two-level games and sectoral analysis is useful to understanding the divergence of decartelization and deconcentration in Germany, which had the effect of watering down the original cartel law. The German experience provides a case of embedding liberalism into an illiberal social purpose that was to maintain cooperation within the markets.

      • KCI등재

        Between Liberalism and Fascism The Political Path of Republican France in the Interwar Years

        Cho, Chansoo 대한정치학회 2007 大韓政治學會報 Vol.14 No.3

        이 논문은 전간기 프랑스 정치체제의 공화주의적 측면들을 검토한다. 정치발전과 비교정치경제 문헌에서 프랑스는 대체로 자유민주주의를 성공적으로 달성한 사례에 속하는 것으로 분류되어 왔다. 그러나 동시에 프랑스 정치체제가 보여주는 구조적 불안정성, 특히 전간기에 나타났던 파시즘적 징후들은 체계적 설명이 필요한 부분으로 남아있었다. 이 논문은 프랑스 정치체제의 특이성을 공화주의의 측면에서 파악하고, 역사적, 사회적 조건들이 이 나라의 만성적인 정치불안을 설명해주는 동시에 파시즘으로의 이행을 피할 수 있게 해주었음을 논증한다. 본문의 분석은 크게 두 부분으로 나뉜다. 먼저 프랑스의 공화주의적 정체가 기존문헌에서 포착되지 못했음을 이론사적으로 정리한다. 그리고 나서 공화주의가 자체의 역사적, 사회적 조건들을 갖고 있는 하나의 체제유형임을 보여주기 위해 근대화 양태와 노동계급 수용 양태의 두 가지 측면에서 영국, 독일과의 비교적 유형론을 구축한다. 공화주의는 부분적 근대화와 노동의 긍정적 통합이 결합된 체제유형이며, 제3공화국의 경험이 간략히 제시된다. 결론에서는 체제분류의 연구전략에 대한 소고로 끝맺는다. This article examines republican aspects of the political regime in France during the interwar years. I try to make clear structural and historical conditions that shaped the French path toward democratic development, more specifically its own version of republicanism, and thereby allowed the nation to avoid a fascist solution to the interwar crisis. This is done by drawing a wide comparison with Britain and Germany. Two criteria for comparative analysis are the scope of modernization and the mode of working-class integration. The main point is that France had a mixture of partial modernization and positive integration of labor, which was both the source of protracted instability and the causes of weak fascism. This French combination is fleshed out by drawing the evidence from the history of the Third Republic. I conclude with a brief thought on research strategy when dealing with the range of regime possibilities.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        American Exceptionalism and the Institutional Foundations of Economic Sanctions : The Case of the Massachusetts Burma Law

        Chansoo Cho(조찬수) 고려대학교 일민국제관계연구원 2009 국제관계연구 Vol.14 No.2

        이 논문은 하나의 신념체계로서 미국예외주의가 미국대외정책의 주된 수단들 가운데 하나인 경제제재가 도덕적 가치의 옹호를 위해 빈번히 사용되는 데 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 매사추세츠 주 버마법의 사례를 통해 검토한다. 미국예외주의가 하나의 문화적 변수로서 특정한 대외정책결과에 직접적으로 영향을 미친다고 주장하기보다는 이 논문은 미국적 가치가 보편적이라고 이해하는 신념체계가 구체적인 정책으로 귀결될 수 있는 특정한 환경이 무엇인지를 제도주의적 관점에서 탐구한다. 미국예외주의가 정책과정에서 작동할 수 있게 해주는 제도적 요인들로서 연방제, 입법부 중심의 정치과정, 그리고 사법부의 역할이 고려된다. 결론에서는 그 실질적 효용에 대한 끊임없는 의문에도 불구하고 하위정부들의 대외정책 관여가 경제개방과 상호의존으로 특징지어지는 세계화시대에 계속될 것이라는 관측을 제시한다. This paper explores possible links between American exceptionalism as a set of institutional characteristics and the frequent use of economic sanctions by the United States, using the case of the Massachusetts Burma Law. From an institutionalist perspective, I argue that America’s recurrent use of moral issues in addressing foreign relations is an outcome of the institutional universe that allows political entrepreneurs to set an agenda and push for it in a strategically efficient way. If one were to explain why Americans keep making domestic laws targeting foreign countries with poor human rights records, the dimension of American exceptionalism cannot be easily omitted in modeling causal relationship. This paper has no intention to deny the causal role of ideas in entirety; rather it seeks to clarify under what circumstances American exceptionalism as a belief system helps shape the policy contours of major political actors. As a fully independent role of ideas is not easy to measure in empirical tests, I here suggest some institutional characteristics that lead career-maximizing politicians to design foreign policy initiatives popular among the local constituency.

      • KCI등재

        Illiberal States and the Politics of International Development

        Chansoo Cho(조찬수) 고려대학교 일민국제관계연구원 2013 국제관계연구 Vol.18 No.2

        이 글은 냉전 종식 이후 비자유주의 국가들이 어떻게 국제개발 쟁점들에 관여하게 되었는가를 이론적으로 설명하기 위한 하나의 분석틀을 제시한다. 신흥원조공여국들의 점증하는 역할에 주목하는 대부분의 기존연구는 두 가지 경향을 보인다. 하나는 비자유주의 국가들과 기존 원조공여국들의 국제개발 프로그램이 보이는 기술적 차이들에 초점을 맞추는 경향이며, 다른 하나는 비자유주의 국가들의 대외원조 공여가 현존하는 자유주의 레짐에 어떤 영향을 주는가에 초점을 맞추는 경향이다. 현재진행 중인 사태와 과정에 대한 집착으로 인하여 기존문헌에는 비자유주의 국가들과 국제개발의 연관을 패러다임에 착근하여 설명하는 시도가 미비하며, 이는 전반적으로 이론적 설명의 약화를 낳았다. 이러한 기존문헌의 결함을 보정하기 위하여 비자유주의 국가들의 국제개발 관여에 관한 유형론이 제시된다. 이 유형론이 어느 정도 현실에 부합하는지를 보기 위해 신고전적 현실주의와 구성주의를 결합하는 하나의 절충적 접근법을 도입한다. 비자유주의 국가들의 국제개발 관여 유형들이 힘의 불균등 배분, 선호의 변화, 제도적 관성, 관념의 변화가 상이하게 영향을 준 결과임을 설명하는 데 이 절충적 접근법이 유용함을 논증한다. This paper sheds light on how illiberal states since the end of the Cold War have made commitments to international development. In order to conduct this task, this essay examines how previous studies deal with the phenomenon of emerging donors and finds it problematic that authors have focused on the heterodox modality of illiberal states’ development assistance programs and quickly moved on to empirically shaky diagnoses of those states’ influence on the current liberal regime. The existing literature’s preoccupation with the ongoing events and processes led to the dearth of paradigmatic research on the links between illiberal states and international development. As a way to redress the relative inattention of major international relations (IR) paradigms to this research area, this paper explores the diversity of illiberal states’ responses to the current system for foreign aid and development initiatives. A typology of illiberal states’ engagement with international development is constructed and illustrated by real-world examples, focusing on how power, preferences, institutions, and ideas are at work. The complex nature of international development issues justifies the use of an eclectic approach combining neoclassical realism and constructivism in explaining the growing role of illiberal states in the politics of international development.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Manufacturing a German Model of Liberal Capitalism : The Political Economy of the German Cartel Law in the Early Postwar Period

        Cho, Chansoo GRADUATE INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL AND AREA STUD 2003 Journal of International and Area Studies Vol.10 No.1

        This article examines the West German cartel policy process during the early 1950s. Decartelization was one of the top priority agendas of the United States, which was operating as a new stabilizer of bourgeois Europe during this time. The combined efforts of Americans and their German allies to liberalize Germany's organized capitalism met with fierce resistance from both much of the business community and ordinary Germans. It took almost a decade for the Germans to conclude a cartel law, and it was a political process wherein different sectors of industry, Christian Democrats, and U.S. policymakers interacted with each other. A jointed approach that combines two-level games and sectoral analysis is usefel to understanding the divergence of decartelization and deconcentration in Germany, which had the effect of watering down the original cartel law. The German experience provides a case of embedding liberalism into an illiberal social purpose that was to maintain cooperation within the markets.

      • KCI등재

        Enduring Logics of U.S. Foreign Aid during the Bush Administration

        CHO, CHANSOO Institute for International Trade and Cooperation 2008 Asian International Studies Review Vol.9 No.1

        Since 9/11 the Bush administration has made larger pledges than ever to the cause of promoting development and fighting HIV/AIDS in various corners of the globe. Foreign aid policy initiatives taken by the Republican president needed some explanations considering the GOP's longstanding dislike for foreign aid. One of the common answers was 9/11; the U.S. had to address the sources of discontent against itself by providing foreign development assistance to countries most vulnerable to terrorist infiltration. This paper argues that U.S. foreign aid during the Bush administration is not just a response to the spread of anti-American sentiments among failed and failing states but an outgrowth of foreign policy ideas that had shaped the liberal hegemon's vision of the new world order since the end of the Cold War. Particularly continuities between the Clinton and Bush administrations are stressed in terms of foreign policy ideas. Three themes of post-Cold War U.S. foreign policy are identified here: globalization, democracy promotion, and good governance. Globalization has been touted as the facilitator of economic prosperity through the liberalization of trade and capital flows. Democracy promotion has been endorsed as a long-term solution to security instability of the post-Cold War world. Good governance has been advanced as a yardstick by which to compare countries in their willingness and capability to be part of global community. Those major tenets of U.S. foreign policy affected the policy outlook of foreign aid in a way that makes less significant the difference between the Clinton and Bush administrations than is assumed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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