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      • KCI등재

        Disolucion del yo, autoficcion y campo intelectual en Doctor Pasavento, de Enrique Vila-Matas

        ( Carlos Fernandez Gonzalez ) 고려대학교 스페인·라틴아메리카연구소 2013 스페인라틴아메리카연구 Vol.6 No.1

        Disolucion del yo, autoficcion y campo intelectual son tres conceptos asociados a la creacion, la teoria y la critica literarias y al pensamiento de la posmodernidad que contribuyen a la definicion y a la comprension de una poetica, estetica en Doctor Pasavento (2005), de Enrique Vila-Matas. La novella cuestiona el lugar del escritor en un campo intelectual (Bourdieu 2002)generado en torno a un juego de conocimiento, reconocimiento ydesconocimiento de los miembros reales y/o ficticios que lo con-figuran, en paralelo especular a las ambivalentes relaciones que la posmodernidad occidental reserva para el sujeto, difuminado en la estructura social, por un lado, y objeto de culto como individuo, por otro. Los ecos de esta ambivalencia contemporanea ofrecen un marco estetico adecuado a Pasavento, el personaje central de la novela, que se sirve de ella con el objetivo de fragmentar su identidad a partir de una autoficcion convencionalmente compuesta por unsujeto quebrado en tres (autor, narrador y personaje), en un espacio tambiendislocado y por lo menos doble (el de la ficcion y el del sujeto biografico).

      • KCI등재

        Estética y política en la primera poesía de Juan L. Ortiz (1936-1949)

        Carlos Fernandez Gonzalez 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2016 중남미연구 Vol.35 No.1

        This article presents a critical review of Juan L. Ortiz’s poetry, focused on the first period of his production (1936-1949), when the transformation of his poetry starts to manifest: a poetry that had emerged within the Mallarméan symbolism, modernism and the last Spanish romanticism, and which converged with the emergence of the social poetry and the willingness for experimentation and commitment of the European and American avant-garde. Taking into account the poetic evolution of Ortiz and his literary-historical context, with the theoretical support of Valéry, Blanchot, Deleuze, Adorno, María Zambrano and Alicia Genovese’s reflections, among others, and in dialogue with a critical drift still scarce, this analysis pursues to retrieve, make evident and update the relevance -often only partially highlighted-of politics in his poetry, as well as raise again the scope of its particular aesthetic-stylistic consequences.

      • KCI등재

        El Otro Lado como Precursor Oscuro en la Poesía de Olga Orozco

        Carlos Fernandez Gonzalez 한국라틴아메리카학회 2015 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.28 No.4

        This article presents a critical analysis of Olga Orozco’s poetry, which could be characterized in general terms by the poet’s permanent and consistent search for otherness as creative impulse, carried out through the implementation of very specific textual strategies and the reiterated use of recognizable thematic and conceptual constants. More explicitly, taking into account the poetic evolution of Orozco and her literary-historical context that was marked by the influence of surrealism, late romantic symbolism and Borges, this article –theoretically supported by Delueze, Blanchot, Bachelard, Ricoeur and María Zambrano’s reflections on poetic language– analyzes how the poetic mechanism of repetition results in the proliferation of manifold and diverse manifestations of the other side, which we identify as dark precursor (Deleuze) in the poetry of Olga Orozco.

      • How Truth Commissions Promote Accountability: An Assessment of the 1994 Zonal Commissions of Inquiry in Sri Lanka

        ( Carlos Fernandez Torne ) 서울대학교 통일평화연구원 2017 Asian Journal of Peacebuilding Vol.5 No.2

        This article examines how truth commissions (TCs) contribute to promoting accountability, and argues TCs generate two horizontal accountability relationships. First, TCs hold state agencies accountable. Second, recommendations made by TCs can generate a relationship of horizontal accountability between the governing regime and the state agencies towards which the recommendations are directed. Next, I present the case of the 1994 Zonal Commissions in Sri Lanka, and to assess their contribution to accountability, I compare the evidence collected against evaluative criteria. The results show that while the commissions produced answerability, recommendations compiled in the final report were not implemented. The findings show long-term effectiveness of TCs may depend on senior officers within the state apparatus in addition to political leaders.

      • KCI등재

        De Ret Marut a Bruno Traven: la identidad discursiva de un autor latinoamericano

        Carlos Fernandez Gonzalez 부산외국어대학교 중남미지역원 2012 이베로아메리카 Vol.14 No.2

        This paper analyzes the social thinking of Bruno Traven through the reading of his novel La Rosa Blanca(The White Rose). After defending the author`s inclusion into the Latin-American literary canon, we study the evolution from the political militancy of Ret Marut, one of the previous identities of the writer, to the social activism exhibited by Traven in his later Mexican production. In La Rosa Blanca, Traven makes an explicit refutation of his previous anarchist position, without forswearing the class struggle as his ultimate objective, in order to open up to other ideological views always ralated to the political left.

      • KCI등재

        Los pichiciegos, de Fogwill

        Carlos Fernandez Gonzalez 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2018 중남미연구 Vol.37 No.1

        The novel Los pichiciegos, by Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill, stages the testimony of an ex-combatant who, together with a group of comrades, is hiding in an underground cave to survive the Falklands War and his military superiors. Among the circumstances surrounding the writing of the novel, it stands out its simultaneity with the warlike conflict. This article proposes to reconstruct the production conditions of the novel and postulates that the text not only articulates with its present and as an “anticipation” of the future, but also tends networks towards the Argentine literary tradition. On the other hand, the present work intends to reconstruct the debate on Malvinas in the intellectual field to encourage the reading of Los pichiciegos as an intervention in that debate, which is linked to existing positions to which it will give a fictional form. Finally, this article provides a reading of Los pichiciegos as an aesthetic device that, taking the form and the intention of a counter-fiction, postulates a new “distribution of the sensible” (Jacques Rancière), that is, a new distribution in the order of the visible and the sayable in the debate on the Falklands War.

      • KCI등재

        In(ter)venciones esteticas en Ema, la cautiva, de Cesar Aira

        ( Carlos Fernandez Gonzalez ) 고려대학교 스페인·라틴아메리카연구소 2018 스페인라틴아메리카연구 Vol.11 No.2

        This article analyzes the way in which Cesar Aira intervenes in the 19th century Argentine literary metanarrative through the re-elaboration of one of its main themes: the peculiar culture generated by the encounter between the indigenous people and the occupying military outposts of the territory of Pampa. In Ema, la cautiva Aira uses this historical and narrative space to superimpose a writing that deliberately traverses the topics of civilization and barbarism. The narration is an aesthetic in(ter)vention in a border story, characterized by the introduction of a new language that establishes its own references. The anachronisms, the mixture of genres, the stylistic ruptures, the praise of frivolity, indifference, exoticism, and hedonism break with the canon and inscribe the novel in the most innovative contemporaneity of Argentine literature.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Un siglo de humor en La columna periodistica de autores gallegos: hacia una columna Ludica de autor y personaje

        ( Carlos Fernandez Gonzalez ) 한국스페인어문학회(구 한국서어서문학회) 2011 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.61

        El proposito de este articulo es analizar el humor como recurso estilistico, retorico y narrativo (es decir, literario) en la columna periodistica. Para ello, se ha seleccionado a cuatro autores gallegos que cubren un periodo temporal cercano a un siglo, el transcurrido desde principios del siglo XX hasta la actualidad: Julio Camba, Ricardo Outeirino, Wenceslao Fernandez Florez y Manuel Jabois. Mas en concreto, el presente trabajo pretende examinar los resortes empleados por estos autores para presentar a sus lectores informacion, analisis y opinion en clave humoristica, asi como los diferentes grados de protagonismo del autor como personaje. Se procura definir, al mismo tiempo, la evolucion general experimentada por el genero proteico denominado columna (desde un esquema basico facilmente reconocible: informacion-opinion-humor) y su tendencia actual hacia lo que se propone denominar columna ludica, que otorga al humor relevancia definitiva y encuentra especificidad, ademas, en la presentacion indisimulada de su autor como personaje protagonista. Para todo ello, se opta por una aproximacion teorica transversal y eclectica, integradora, articulada en torno a ideas, conceptos y propuestas para el analisis proporcionados por la teoria de los generos literarios y de los generos periodisticos, la narratologia, la retorica y el analisis del discurso.

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