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      • Temperature dependence of the radiative recombination time in ZnO nanorods under an external magnetic field of 6 T.

        Lee, W,Kiba, T,Murayama, A,Sartel, C,Sallet, V,Kim, I,Taylor, R A,Jho, Y D,Kyhm, K Optical Society of America 2014 Optics express Vol.22 No.15

        <P>The Temperature dependence of the exciton radiative decay time in ZnO nanorods has been investigated, which is associated with the density of states for the intra-relaxation of thermally excited excitons. The photoluminescence decay time was calibrated by using the photoluminescence intensity in order to obtain the radiative decay time. In the absence of an external magnetic field, we have confirmed that the radiative decay time increased with temperature in a similar manner to that seen in bulk material (similar to T-1.5). Under an external magnetic field of 6T parallel to the c-axis, we found that the power coefficient of the radiative decay time with temperature decreased (similar to T-1.3) when compared to that in the absence of a magnetic field. This result can be attributed to an enhancement of the effective mass perpendicular to the magnetic field and a redshift of the center-of-mass exciton as a consequence of perturbation effects in the weak-field regime. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America</P>

      • Axonal mRNA in uninjured and regenerating cortical mammalian axons.

        Taylor, Anne M,Berchtold, Nicole C,Perreau, Victoria M,Tu, Christina H,Li Jeon, Noo,Cotman, Carl W The Society 2009 The Journal of neuroscience Vol.29 No.15

        <P>Using a novel microfluidic chamber that allows the isolation of axons without contamination by nonaxonal material, we have for the first time purified mRNA from naive, matured CNS axons, and identified the presence of >300 mRNA transcripts. We demonstrate that the transcripts are axonal in nature, and that many of the transcripts present in uninjured CNS axons overlap with those previously identified in PNS injury-conditioned DRG axons. The axonal transcripts detected in matured cortical axons are enriched for protein translational machinery, transport, cytoskeletal components, and mitochondrial maintenance. We next investigated how the axonal mRNA pool changes after axotomy, revealing that numerous gene transcripts related to intracellular transport, mitochondria and the cytoskeleton show decreased localization 2 d after injury. In contrast, gene transcripts related to axonal targeting and synaptic function show increased localization in regenerating cortical axons, suggesting that there is an increased capacity for axonal outgrowth and targeting, and increased support for synapse formation and presynaptic function in regenerating CNS axons after injury. Our data demonstrate that CNS axons contain many mRNA species of diverse functions, and suggest that, like invertebrate and PNS axons, CNS axons synthesize proteins locally, maintaining a degree of autonomy from the cell body.</P>

      • Molecular Recognition of Methionine-Terminated Peptides by Cucurbit[8]uril

        Hirani, Zoheb,Taylor, Hailey F.,Babcock, Emily F.,Bockus, Andrew T.,Varnado, C. Daniel,Bielawski, Christopher W.,Urbach, Adam R. American Chemical Society 2018 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY - Vol.140 No.38

        <P>This Article describes the molecular recognition of peptides containing an N-terminal methionine (Met) by the synthetic receptor cucurbit[8]uril (Q8) in aqueous solution and with submicromolar affinity. Prior work established that Q8 binds with high affinity to peptides containing aromatic amino acids, either by simultaneous binding of two aromatic residues, one from each of two different peptides, or by simultaneous binding of an aromatic residue and its immediate neighbor on the same peptide. The additional binding interface of two neighboring residues suggested the possibility of targeting nonaromatic peptides, which have thus far bound only weakly to synthetic receptors. A peptide library designed to test this hypothesis was synthesized and screened qualitatively for Q8 binding using a fluorescent indicator displacement assay. The large fluorescence response observed for several Met-terminated peptides suggested strong binding, which was confirmed quantitatively by the determination of submicromolar equilibrium dissociation constant values for Q8 binding to MLA, MYA, and MFA using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). This discovery of high affinity binding to Met-terminated peptides and, more generally, to nonaromatic peptides prompted a detailed investigation of the determinants of binding in this system using ITC, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, and <SUP>1</SUP>H NMR spectroscopy for 25 purified peptides. The studies establish the sequence determinants required for high-affinity binding of Met-terminated peptides and demonstrate that cucurbit[<I>n</I>]uril-mediated peptide recognition does not require an aromatic residue for high affinity. These results, combined with the known ability of cucurbit[<I>n</I>]urils to target N-termini and disordered loops in folded proteins, suggest that Q8 could be used to target unmodified, Met-terminated proteins.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>


        Carrier confinement effects of In<sub> <i>x</i> </sub>Ga<sub>1-<i>x</i> </sub>N/GaN multi quantum disks with GaN surface barriers grown in GaN nanorods

        Park, Youngsin,Chan, Christopher C.S.,Taylor, Robert A.,Kim, Nammee,Jo, Yongcheol,Lee, Seung W.,Yang, Woochul,Im, Hyunsik Elsevier 2018 Optical materials Vol.78 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Structural and optical properties of In<SUB> <I>x</I> </SUB>Ga<SUB>1-<I>x</I> </SUB>N/GaN multi quantum disks (QDisks) grown on GaN nanorods by molecular beam epitaxy have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy and micro-photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Two types of InGaN QDisks were grown: a pseudo-3D confined InGaN pillar-type QDisks embedded in GaN nanorods; and QDisks in flanged cone type GaN nanorods. The PL emission peak and excitation dependent PL behavior of the pillar-type Qdisks differ greatly from those of the flanged cone type QDisks. Time resolved PL was carried out to probe the differences in charge carrier dynamics. The results suggest that by constraining the formation of InGaN QDisks within the centre of the nanorod, carriers are restricted from migrating to the surface, decreasing the surface recombination at high carrier densities.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Two types of InGaN/GaN quantum disks (QDisks) are grown on GaN nanorods by MBE. </LI> <LI> Time resolved PL is performed to probe the charge carrier dynamics in QDisks. </LI> <LI> GaN barriers around the sidewalls of QDisks effectively reduce surfaces effects. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Sustainability likelihood of remediation options for metal-contaminated soil/sediment

        Chen, Season S.,Taylor, Jessica S.,Baek, Kitae,Khan, Eakalak,Tsang, Daniel C.W.,Ok, Yong Sik Elsevier 2017 CHEMOSPHERE - Vol.174 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Multi-criteria analysis and detailed impact analysis were carried out to assess the sustainability of four remedial alternatives for metal-contaminated soil/sediment at former timber treatment sites and harbour sediment with different scales. The sustainability was evaluated in the aspects of human health and safety, environment, stakeholder concern, and land use, under four different scenarios with varying weighting factors. The Monte Carlo simulation was performed to reveal the likelihood of accomplishing sustainable remediation with different treatment options at different sites. The results showed that <I>in-situ</I> remedial technologies were more sustainable than <I>ex-situ</I> ones, where <I>in-situ</I> containment demonstrated both the most sustainable result and the highest probability to achieve sustainability amongst the four remedial alternatives in this study, reflecting the lesser extent of off-site and on-site impacts. Concerns associated with <I>ex-situ</I> options were adverse impacts tied to all four aspects and caused by excavation, extraction, and off-site disposal. The results of this study suggested the importance of considering the uncertainties resulting from the remedial options (i.e., stochastic analysis) in addition to the overall sustainability scores (i.e., deterministic analysis). The developed framework and model simulation could serve as an assessment for the sustainability likelihood of remedial options to ensure sustainable remediation of contaminated sites.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Remediation sustainability depends on site conditions and stakeholder preferences. </LI> <LI> Monte Carlo simulation reveals the uncertainty in sustainability scores. </LI> <LI> <I>In-situ</I> remediation generates the highest sustainability probability. </LI> <LI> Both deterministic and stochastic assessments assist decision-making process. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • The recombination mechanism of Mg-doped GaN nanorods grown by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy

        Park, Y S,Na, J H,Taylor, R A,Park, C M,Lee, K H,Kang, T W IOP Pub 2006 Nanotechnology Vol.17 No.3

        <P>Magnesium-doped GaN nanorods were grown on Si(111) substrates by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy. Time-integrated and time-resolved photoluminescence measurements were carried out to study the optical transitions. Two emission lines corresponding to blue emission at about 3.26 and 3.18?eV, with their corresponding phonon replicas, were observed. These peaks are attributed to conduction band to shallow acceptor transitions and to defects associated with column/substrate interface–shallow Mg acceptor complexes, respectively.</P>


        Surface-Effect-Induced Optical Bandgap Shrinkage in GaN Nanotubes

        Park, Young S.,Lee, Geunsik,Holmes, Mark J.,Chan, Christopher C. S.,Reid, Benjamin P. L.,Alexander-Webber, Jack A.,Nicholas, Robin J.,Taylor, Robert A.,Kim, Kwang S.,Han, Sang W.,Yang, Woochul,Jo, Y. American Chemical Society 2015 NANO LETTERS Vol.15 No.7

        <P>We investigate nontrivial surface effects on the optical properties of self-assembled crystalline GaN nanotubes grown on Si substrates. The excitonic emission is observed to redshift by ∼100 meV with respect to that of bulk GaN. We find that the conduction band edge is mainly dominated by surface atoms, and that a larger number of surface atoms for the tube is likely to increase the bandwidth, thus reducing the optical bandgap. The experimental findings can have important impacts in the understanding of the role of surfaces in nanostructured semiconductors with an enhanced surface/volume ratio.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/nalefd/2015/nalefd.2015.15.issue-7/acs.nanolett.5b00924/production/images/medium/nl-2015-00924p_0006.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/nl5b00924'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

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