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      • Dysregulation of <i>mprF</i> and <i>dltABCD</i> expression among daptomycin-non-susceptible MRSA clinical isolates

        Bayer, Arnold S.,Mishra, Nagendra N.,Cheung, Ambrose L.,Rubio, Aileen,Yang, Soo-Jin Oxford University Press 2016 The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy Vol.71 No.8

        <P>In small series or individual reports, SNPs within the mprF ORF and dysregulation of its expression in Staphylococcus aureus have been linked to daptomycin resistance (DAP-R) via a proposed gain-in-function mechanism. Similarly, dysregulation of dltABCD has also been associated with DAP-R. Using 22 well-characterized, isogenic daptomycin-susceptible (DAP-S)/DAP-R clinical MRSA strain pairs, we assessed potential relationships of the DAP-R phenotype with: (i) regulation of mprF transcription; (ii) regulation of dltABCD transcription; (iii) expression of the two-component regulatory system, graRS (upstream regulator for both mprF and dltABCD transcription); (iv) SNPs within the graRS promoter or its ORF; and (v) altered mprF transcription and lysyl-phosphatidylglycerol (L-PG) synthesis. Enhanced expression of mprF occurred with SNPs in highly distinct and well-chronicled MprF domain 'hot spots' and rarely occurred without such mutations. Increased expression and/or dysregulation of mprF and dltABCD were not uncommon in DAP-R strains, occurring in 27% of strains for each gene. In these latter strains, neither graRS expression profiles nor polymorphic sequences within the graRS promoter or ORF could be significantly linked to altered transcription of mprF or dlt. Although graRS can co-regulate mprF and dltABCD expression, loci outside of this regulon appear to be involved in dysregulation of these latter two genes and the DAP-R phenotype. Finally, DAP-R strains exhibiting significantly altered mprF transcription profiles produced significantly increased levels of L-PG.</P>


        North Korea`s Nuclear Option: Observations and Reflections on the Recent NPT Crisis

        ( James Bayer ),( Robert E Bedeski ) 한국국방연구원 1993 The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Vol.5 No.2

        In March 1993 the North Korean government announced its intention to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Pyongyang`s motives have been the subject of much speculation, but could be explained by one of four possible interpretations. The "conspiracy thesis" argues that the North Koreans decided to withdraw from the NPT when International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections threatened to expose their clandestine program of nuclear weapons development. The "frustration" theory says that the decision was in direct retaliation for international community`s failure to give the economic and political rewards promised North Korea when it agreed to give up its nuclear weapons option and accept IAEA inspec- tions of its nuclear facilities. The "Israeli approach" is predicated on the assumption that North`s withdrawal from the NPT is intended to prevent the international community from discovering that Pyongyang was not developing nuclear weapons, or alternatively, that they had encountered technical setbacks in their nuclear research and development program. Finally is the "embarrassment" interpretation, speculating that Pyongyang inadvertently provided the IAEA with incorrect data on its plutonium holdings and now wishes to avoid the dishonor and humili- ation of being publicly found out. If Pyongyang is absolutely intent on building nuclear weapons, the issue is unlikely to be resolved satisfactorily irrespective of what the international community offers in return. If, as seems more likely, the North Koreans are using the nuclear weapons issue in a last ditch attempt to achieve nonnuclear objectives, the issue will likely be resolved to everyone`s mutual satisfaction but only after long and difficult negotiations. The objective of the international community during these objectives ``must be: to ensure that North Korea remains a member of the NPT, to convince North Korea to open suspect nuclear waste sites to IAEA inspections, and to have North Korea satisfactorily explain the apparent inconsistencies between its declared plutonium holdings to the IAEA and the IAEA findings on the matter. In return the international community will have to satisfy legitimate concerns and expectations raised in Pyongyang. There is much to be gained and little to be lost from such a conciliatory approach at this time.

      • KCI등재

        Microstructural characterization of mullite and anorthitebased Porcelain tile using regional clay

        Zahide Bayer Ozturk 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2016 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.17 No.6

        The study focused on using of regional clay (Nevsehir/Turkey) instead of different clay and kaolin to prepare porcelain tilesalong with dolomite and albite. Considering the variation of regional clay with other clay and kaolin the physical properties,phase-microstructure analysis and the determination of sintering temperatures by means of optical dilatometer of sampleswere studied. Uni-axially pressed samples were exposed to firing regime at 1205 oC for 42 min and tested to comply with ISO10545 tile standards. The crystal phases were detected as quartz, anorthite and mullite. The mechanical strength was foundto increase as the mullite content. When the Nevsehir’s clay content in the starting composition added, glassy matrix becamericher in kaolinite glass and earth-alkaline oxide favorably affected the sintering temperatures. Almost all technologicalproperties and sintering behavior of new compositions demonstrated the suitability of Nevsehir clay as a potential raw materialfor ceramic tile industry. This regional clay is affect to microstructure and crystalline phases of tile bodies.

      • KCI등재

        Investigation of porosity of ceramic tiles by means of image analysis method

        Zahide Bayer Ozturk 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2014 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.15 No.6

        Amount, size and distribution of porosity are among the important factors which affect physical and mechanical properties of ceramic tiles. In this study, the effect of flux variation in porcelain tile recipes and different firing conditions were investigated. X-ray diffraction and Rietveld analyses were used to determine how fluxes affect the phases of samples. In the consequence of these analyses it was found that changing the variation of fluxes and different firing conditions increased liquid phase amount and densification hence the amount and size distribution of porosity decreased. Image analysis method was used to determine the amount and morphology of porosity of porcelain tiles and the results were compared with Archimedes method, Helium pycnometer. Parallel between the amount of porosity determined through image analysis and the amount determined through Archimedes test and helium pycnometer and the possibility of determining the size distribution and morphology of porosity showed that this new method is advantageous.

      • KCI등재

        School Affiliation of the Abhidharmasamuccaya in the Light of Tibetan Scholasticism

        Achim Bayer(아킴 바이어) 보조사상연구원 2011 보조사상 Vol.36 No.-

        불교사를 다루는 티벳 문헌들은 아상가가 살았던 시기에 불교가 여러 분파로 나뉘었고, 아울러 Mah?y?na의 세력은 약했다고 전하고 있다. 아상가는 불교를 재결합시켰고 또 Mah?y?na를 강화시켰다. Abhidharmasamuccaya는 “공승(共乘, common vehicle)”의 강요서 분류된다. 왜냐하면 이 문헌은 삼승을 모두 취급하고 있기 때문이다. 또한 AS는 Abhidharma의 난해한 논제들에 대한 언급을 자제하고 있으며 Mah?y?na 경전군들을 인용하지 않고 있다. 따라서 논자는 이 문헌이 대 승원의 강의에서, 서로 다른 전통을 가진 수행승들이 함께 모여 연구할 수 있도록 하기 위해서 저술된 것이라고 생각한다. Traditional Tibetan historiography views Asa?ga as an integrative figure who reunites Buddhism at a point when it is split into rivalling sects and who resuscitates the Mah?y?na in a time of weakness. In this paper, I point to some passages of his Abhidharmasamuccaya in which he treats controversial topics in a non-controversial manner, avoiding peculiar Abhidharma doctrines or quotations from Mah?y?na s?tras. Even though Asa?ga propounds the highly innovative ?layavij??na, its mention is strictly limited to the first section of the Abhidharmasamuccaya, a section which seems to be specifically addressed to a target group ready to accept this doctrine. Tibetan doxography classifies the Abhidharmasamuccaya as a work of the “common vehicle” (theg pa thun mong) covering not exclusively the Mah?y?na but all three Vehicles. I suggest that the sections of the Abhidharmasamuccaya were probably written for classes in larger monasteries where monks from different regions and lineages came together, often without a clear “y?na” affiliation. The designation “common vehicle” probably reflects this situation remotely.

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