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      • KCI등재

        Automatic Summarization of French Scientific Articles by a Discourse Annotation Method using the EXCOM System

        Antoine, Blais Korean Society for Language and Information 2009 언어와 정보 Vol.13 No.1

        Summarization is a complex cognitive task and its simulation is very difficult for machines. This paper presents an automatic summarization strategy that is based on a discourse categorization of the textual information. This categorization is carried out by the automatic identification of discourse markers in texts. We defend here the use of discourse methods in automatic summarization. Two evaluations of the summarization strategy are presented. The summaries produced by our strategy are evaluated with summaries produced by humans and other applications. These two evaluations display well the capacity of our application, based on EXCOM, to produce summaries comparable to the summaries of other applications.

      • KCI등재

        논리학과 가능 세계: 언어학적 적용

        ( Antoine Blais ) 한국프랑스어문교육학회 2020 프랑스어문교육 Vol.69 No.-

        논리 의미론에서 언어 발화체는 발화체의 진리조건을 파악하지 않고는 이해될 수 없다고 여긴다. 발화체를 이해하는 것은 즉 발화체를 참으로 만들어 주는 조건을 파악하는 것이다. 논리학의 핵심인 진리의 개념에 근거하여 의미를 분석하는 것은 많은 수의 발화체를 다루기에 용이한 방법이다. 실상 해석 의미론이나 지향적 의미론과 같은 많은 의미 연구 분야에서 논리를 표상과 분석 도구로 사용한다. 그럼에도 논리 의미론은 어느 정도 제약을 받으며 발화체를 적절하게 다루지 못한다. 발화체의 진리조건을 모르거나 발화체의 진리가 현실(actuel) 세계에 타당한 것이 아니어서 그러하다. 본고에서는 야코 힌티카(Jaakko Hintikka)와 솔 크립키(Saul Kripke)의 가능(possible) 세계에 대한 생각을 소개하고 논리 의미론이 좀처럼 잘 다루지 않는 발화체의 몇몇 부류들에서 이들의 기여를 알아보고자 한다. 우리는 실현되지 않은 몇몇 발화체를 가능 세계의 의미론 틀에서 설명되는 발화체를 형식 언어로 표상하여 분석할 것이다. 마지막으로 본 연구는 간략하게 가능세계와 진리의 상관성이나 다른 가능 세계를 통해 동일한 개인이 지속됨과 같이 의미론에서 마주할 수 있는 몇몇 난제들을 논해보고자 한다. La sémantique logique considère que la compréhension d'un énoncé linguistique ne peut se produire sans la saisie des conditions de vérité de l'énoncé. Comprendre un énoncé, c'est donc connaître les conditions rendant l'énoncé vrai. Toutefois et comme nous le montrerons dans cet article, la sémantique logique dispose de certaines limites et elle ne peut traiter convenablement les énoncés dont la vérité n'est pas valable dans le monde actuel. Pour cela, nous présenterons dans ce travail l'intérêt et l'apport de la sémantique des mondes possibles dans l'étude de certaines catégories d'énoncés que la sémantique logique traite difficilement. Nous proposerons une analyse de certains énoncés contrefactuels à l'aide d'un formalisme permettant de représenter formellement les énoncés interprétés dans les cadres d'une sémantique des mondes possibles. Enfin, notre étude permettra aussi d'aborder brièvement certaines difficultés sémantiques comme la relativité de la vérité à un monde possible, ou la persistance d'un même individu à travers différents mondes possibles.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Can Nutrition Help in the Treatment of Infertility?

        Antoine Aoun,Veronique El Khoury,Roubina Malakieh 한국식품영양과학회 2021 Preventive Nutrition and Food Science Vol.26 No.2

        Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse or six months for women aged 35 years or older. The physical, emotional, psychological, and financial statuses of infertile couples are tremendously affected especially after undergoing diagnostic and/or curative treatments. Human fertility is influenced by multiple factors including female or male, and modifiable or non-modifiable factors. There is growing evidence that nutrition may play an important role in adjusting fertility-related outcomes in both men and women. The objective of our study was to summarize the latest data on nutritional factors (specific food groups, nutrients, and nutritional supplements) that have an impact on female or male sexual and reproductive function. PubMed and Google Scholar platforms were used to collect appropriate articles for the review using several combinations of keywords (infertility, diet, dietary supplements, antioxidants, and beverages). Adherence to a healthy dietary pattern favoring fish, poultry, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, was related to better fertility in both genders. Despite the multifactorial etiology of sexual infertility, nutrition may affect the sexual/reproductive function in both women and men.

      • KCI등재


        Antoine Coppola(앙또완느 코폴라) 프랑스문화예술학회 2008 프랑스문화예술연구 Vol.26 No.-

        쟝 폴 사르트르는 일생동안 자유스런 형식의 영화이론을 정립했다. 시몬 드 보부와르와 함께 영화감독이자 협력자로서 그는 브레히트에 버금가는 진정한 시나리오 작가이기도 했다. 들뢰즈처럼 사르트르는 영화가 철학적 사고의 현대적인 도구가 될수 있다고 보았다. 사실 그는 영화를 “상상화 하기”라고 단정 지었음에도 불구하고, 그는 영화를 행위의 철학이라고 보았다. 시나리오들의 분석은 미학적 관점에서의 사르트르식 철학적 개념의 변형을 보여주는 것이다. 예를 들자면, 시선의 교차(교차편집) 는, 자유로운 의식은 보는 시선으로, 자주성을 잃은 의식은 보여지는 시점으로 처리된다는 생각(“존재와 부재”안에서처럼)에 부합될 수 있다는 것이다. “플래시 백”의 형상과 “동시 편집”의 동시성은 사르트르식 사고의 활성화의 범주로 이해될 수 있다. 쟈끄 데리다의 영화는 유령 같은 무의지적 기억에 의한 꿈으로 쓰여진다. 유령과 귀신은 그의 영화에 대한 정신분석학적, 지적 이해만큼이나 데리다의 영화 분석의 중심을 이룬다. 데리다의 비평 도구인 근대주의적 해체는 영화의 내러티브 구조를 도려내어 그것을 탄력적이고 예측 불가능한 것으로 만든다. 특히 표현의 경직이나 상황의 표본화를 겨냥하는 모든 내부 요소들을 해체시키면서 말이다. 데리다에게 있어서 영화 상영은 정신분석학의 그것이나 같은 것이다. 장소나 시간의 모든 스펙트럼이 화면에 보여 지고 그것은 영화를 “화려한 애도”와 같은 것으로 만들게 하는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Measuring Trade Integration in Africa

        Antoine Bouët,Lionel Cosnard,David Laborde 세종대학교 경제통합연구소 2017 Journal of Economic Integration Vol.32 No.4

        This paper reviews the literature on the measurement and characterization of trade integration in Africa. We offer the complete evaluation of available indicators and methodologies. The indicators include those that have recently emerged from network analysis including indicators of trade in value-added commodities. It is concluded that Africa is characterized by weak trade integration, particularly with the rest of the world. This is naturally explained by high trading costs that are evaluated by tariffs, non-tariff measures, and other trade costs, such as those related to border and documentary compliance. The region’s small number of trading partners and low product diversification are also noticeable. However, the use of more refined indicators shows that intra-African trade is relatively high when compared with trade with other continents, contrary to what can be concluded from some simple trade share indicators.

      • KCI등재

        Remembering Disasters : the Resilience Approach

        Antoine le Blanc 한국미술이론학회 2012 미술이론과 현장 Vol.14 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to show how the paradigm of disaster resilience may help reorienting urban planning policies in order to mitigate various types of risks, thanks to carefully thought action on heritage and conservation practices. Resilience is defined as the “capacity of a social system to proactively adapt to and recover from disturbances that are perceived within the system to fall outside the range of normal and expected disturbances.”1 It relies greatly on risk perception2 and the memory of catastrophes. States, regions, municipalities, have been giving territorial materiality to collective memory for centuries,3 but this trend has considerably increased in the second half of the 20th century.4 This is particularly true regarding the memory of disasters: for example, important traces of catastrophes such as urban ruins have been preserved, because they were supposed to maintain some awareness and hence foster urban resilience – Berlin’s Gedächtniskirche is a well-known example of this policy.5 Yet, in spite of preserved traces of catastrophes and various warnings and heritage policies, there are countless examples of risk mismanagement and urban tragedies. Using resilience as a guiding concept might change the results of these failed risk mitigation policies and irrelevant disaster memory processes. Indeed, the concept of resilience deals with the complexity of temporal and spatial scales, and with partly emotional and qualitative processes, so that this approach fits the issues of urban memory management. Resilience might help underlining the complexity and the subtlety of remembrance messages, and lead to alternative paths better adapted to the diversity of risks, places and actors. However, when it is given territorial materiality, memory is almost always symbolically and politically framed and interpreted; Vale and Campanella had already outlined this political aspect of remembrance and resilience as a discourse.6 Resilience and the territorialization of memory are not ideologically neutral, but urban risk mitigation may come at that price.

      • KCI등재

        The Fluoride Debate: The Pros and Cons of Fluoridation

        Antoine Aoun,Farah Darwiche,Sibelle Al Hayek,Jacqueline Doumit 한국식품영양과학회 2018 Preventive Nutrition and Food Science Vol.23 No.3

        Fluoride is one of the most abundant elements found in nature. Water is the major dietary source of fluoride. The only known association with low fluoride intake is the risk of dental caries. Initially, fluoride was considered beneficial when given systemically during tooth development, but later research has shown the importance and the advantages of its topical effects in the prevention or treatment of dental caries and tooth decay. Water fluoridation was once heralded as one of the best public health achievements in the twentieth century. Since this practice is not feasible or cost effective in many regions, especially rural areas, researchers and policy makers have explored other methods of introducing fluoride to the general population such as adding fluoride to milk and table salt. Lately, major concerns about excessive fluoride intake and related toxicity were raised worldwide, leading several countries to ban fluoridation. Health-care professionals and the public need guidance regarding the debate around fluoridation. This paper reviews the different aspects of fluoridation, their effectiveness in dental caries prevention and their risks. It was performed in the PubMed and the Google Scholar databases in January 2018 without limitation as to the publication period.

      • KCI등재

        The Influence of the Gut Microbiome on Obesity in Adults and the Role of Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics for Weight Loss

        Antoine Aoun,Fatima Darwish,Natacha Hamod 한국식품영양과학회 2020 Preventive Nutrition and Food Science Vol.25 No.2

        The link between the gut microbiome and obesity is not well defined. Understanding of the role of the gut microbiome in weight and health management may lead to future revolutionary changes for treating obesity. This review examined the relationship between obesity and the gut microbiome, and the role of probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics for preventing and treating obesity. We used PubMed and Google Scholar to collect appropriate articles for the review. We showed that the gut microbiome has an impact on nutrient metabolism and energy expenditure. Moreover, different modalities of obesity treatment have been shown to change the diversity and composition of the gut microbiome; this raises questions about the role these changes may play in weight loss. In addition, studies have shown that supplementation with probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics may alter the secretion of hormones, neurotransmitters, and inflammatory factors, thus preventing food intake triggers that lead to weight gain. Further clinical studies are needed to better understand how different species of bacteria in the gut microbiome may affect weight gain, and to determine the most appropriate doses, compositions, and regimens of probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics supplementation for long-term weight control.

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