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        Petrogenesis of Late Cenozoic basaltic rocks from southern Vietnam

        An, A.R.,Choi, S.H.,Yu, Y.,Lee, D.C. Universitetsforlaget ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2017 Lithos Vol.272 No.-

        <P>Major and trace element concentrations, and Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopic compositions of Late Cenozoic (4.1 to 13.8 Ma) basaltic rocks from southern Vietnam have been determined to understand the nature of their mantle source. The volcanic rocks are composed of tholeiite basalt, alkaline basanite, trachybasalt, basaltic trachyandesite, and trachyandesite. The alkaline rocks show light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, with (La/Yb)(N) = 10.3-29.8. The tholeiite basalts are distinguished by much lower values (8.8-9.5) of (La/Yb)(N). On a primitive mantle-normalized trace element distribution diagram, they show oceanic island basalt (OIB)-like large-ion iithophile element enrichment without high field strength element depletion. However, some samples exhibit positive anomalies in K and Pb and negative anomalies in Sm, suggesting K-rich residual amphibole in the source. The samples contain Sr (Sr-87/Sr-86 = 0.703794-0.704672), Nd (epsilon(Nd) = + 1.7-5.7), Hf (epsilon(Hf) = + 4.0-10.9), and Pb ((206)pb/(204)pb, = 18.23-18.75;Pb-207/Pb-204 = 15.53-15.59; (208)pb/Pb-204 = 38.32-38.88) isotopes, plotting among OIBs, with depleted mid-ocean ridge basalt mantle-enriched mantle type 2 (DMM-EM2) characteristics. There are no discernible isotopic differences between tholeiite and the alkaline series, reflecting the same source. The Nd and Hf isotopic compositions are coupled, and plot along the mantle-crust array, ruling out the possibility of lithospheric mantle in the source. Plots of NiO against the Fo numbers of olivines from the basaltic rocks are within the range of Hainan and Hawaiian basalt olivines, implying that hybrid pyroxenite is present in the source. Also note that the estimated primary melt compositions fall within the experimental field defined by partial melting of silica-poor eclogite and peridotite. The effective melting pressure (P-f) and melting temperature (T) of the primary melts are P-f = 29.6-32.8 kbar and T = 1470-1480 degrees C. We suggest that Vietnamese basaltic rocks may be produced by the Hainan plume from recycled eclogitic oceanic crust. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Azerbaijani youth in transition: Is the state youth policy effective enough?

        Anar Valiyev,Abbas Babayev 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2021 Journal of Eurasian Studies Vol.12 No.2

        This article analyzes the role of the state youth policy of Azerbaijan in supporting young people through their transition from school to work, which is one of the stages when young people can be in particularly fragile situation if not provided with necessary opportunities. The reason for studying the case of Azerbaijan is a considerable share of youth Not in Employment, Education, or Training (NEET youth) among the country’s youth community. The NEET indicator is considered as a comprehensive indicator within the post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda to measure youth exclusion and marginalization. The findings of this research demonstrate that while the government assumes a broad responsibility to provide youth with education and employment opportunities to support their transition, these intentions have not been translated into real actions. An alarming situation of the country’s youth population is at risk of further exacerbation due to poor understanding of local realities by such global advocates for youth development as United Nations. We discuss this considering the flaws in the operationalization and localization of the concept of the “youth participation” promoted by the United Nations to advance youth interests.

      • KCI등재후보

        Is the Mongolian Health Sector Ready for a Sector-Wide Approach?

        Anar Ulikpan,Tolib N. Mirzoev,Indermohan S. Narula 한국사회복지학회 2008 Asian Social Work and Policy Review Vol.2 No.2

        Mongolia has experienced major social and economic changes since the early 1990s. Large-scalereforms have been introduced in all sectors over the last 10 years. Implementing health reformsrequires a more coordinated approach and the Mongolian health sector has been exploring anoption of implementing a Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) to the health sector. This article aims todevelop and apply an analytical framework for assessing the feasibility of implementing SWAp inthe Mongolian health sector. Review of published and unpublished evidence at the national andinternational levels is undertaken and complemented by semi-structured interviews with keyrespondents from Mongolian Ministry of Health. A framework for assessing the feasibility ofSWAp in Mongolia has been developed which comprises the key elements and stages of developmentof SWAp in a particular context. This framework has been then applied to assess the feasibilityof implementing SWAp in the Mongolian health sector. The main SWAp elements are in place. Emerging central level capacity, increasing donor confidence and willingness to move towards sector-wide management is now becoming more evident in Mongolia. It looks like Mongolia is readyfor a national level government-led SWAp with the potential to implement a fully-fledged SWAp inthe health sector. The essential ground-work for starting a SWAp is in place, but further capacitystrengthening is needed. A framework for implementing health SWAp in Mongolia is suggested. It is important to consider the improvement of existing government systems in future SWAparrangements to ensure local ownership.

      • KCI등재후보

        Can a Sector-Wide Approach Underpin and Advance Universal Health Coverage?

        Anar Ulikpan,Peter Hill,Asmat Ullah Malik,George Shakarishvili,Indermohan Narula 한국사회복지학회 2012 Asian Social Work and Policy Review Vol.6 No.1

        Fragmented management approach makes the provision of comprehensive health care for achievinguniversal health coverage very unlikely. This article aims to explore the potential contributionof a systemic approach—the sector-wide approach (SWAp)—to achieving universal health coverage(UHC), using the Mongolian context as an example. The paper describes UHC and factors thathinder its achievement in developing countries, based on the Mongolian experience. The analysisfocuses on the root factors hindering the achievement of UHC and examines how these affect systemand local capacity critical for achieving UHC. Two principally different approaches, a sectorwide(holistic) approach and a standalone project (fragmented) approach are compared in terms oftheir contribution to the main indicators of achieving UHC. The current stage of the Mongolianhealth SWAp is identified and early rewards of a SWAp are presented. The paper proposes aSWAp as a potential approach to tackle these root factors to help in achieving UHC, because it isa promising instrument that promotes a systems-strengthening and capacity-building approachto enable effective coordination of standalone projects in alignment with the national priorities.

      • KCI등재

        History of Formation and Development of Entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan

        Anar Tanirbergenkyzy Mami,Zadash Orazgalievna Dukenbayev,Junainah Mahdee 한국로고스경영학회 2021 로고스경영연구 Vol.19 No.3

        The development of entrepreneurship took place in the history of Kazakhstan since the day of independence. Establishment of small businesses in the Republic from early days of economic reform was one of the priorities in the state"s economic policy. The entrepreneurial class was an integral attribute of the market economy, an independent subject of economic relations. Most of entrepreneurs belong to the so-called middle class, whom ensures the stability of not only the state economy based on a market economic system, but also influences political processes in society, preventing a departure from liberal and market values. The purpose of this research is to study directions of the state policy in transforming society and its implementation in Kazakhstan mainly in the process of forming entrepreneurship in 1991-2020; from the view of historical knowledge. This study conducted using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Different types of common reviews on entrepreneurship research of Kazakhstan examined. This paper is a summary of the entrepreneurship development in Kazakhstan.



        Anar, I.Ethem Korean Mathematical Society 1997 대한수학회보 Vol.34 No.3

        In this article, a scattering problem in a nonhomogeneous medium is formulated as an integral equation which contains boundary and volume integrals. The integral equation is solved for sufficiently small $$\mid$$\mid$1-p$\mid$$\mid$,$\mid$$\mid${k_i}^2-k^2$\mid$$\mid$\;and\;$\mid$$\mid${\nabla}p$\mid$$\mid$$ where $k,\;k_i$ and p the wave numbers and the density respectively.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        Forecasting the Growth of Smartphone Market in Mongolia Using Bass Diffusion Model

        Anar Bataa,신광섭 사)한국빅데이터학회 2022 한국빅데이터학회 학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        The Bass Diffusion Model is one of the most successful models in marketing research, and management science in general. Since its publication in 1969, it has guided marketing research on diffusion. This paper illustrates the usage of the Bass diffusion model, using mobile cellular subscription diffusion as a context. We fit the bass diffusion model to three large developed markets, South Korea, Japan, and China, and the emerging markets of Vietnam, Thailand, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia. We estimate the parameters of the bass diffusion model using the nonlinear least square method. The diffusion of mobile cellular subscriptions does follow an S-curve in every case. After acquiring m, p, and q parameters we use k-Means Cluster Analysis for grouping countries into three groups. By clustering countries, we suggest that diffusion rates and patterns are similar, where countries with emerging markets can follow in the footsteps of countries with developed markets. The purpose was to predict the timing and the magnitude of the market maturity and to determine whether the data follow the typical diffusion curve of innovations from the Bass model.

      • KCI등재

        호모그래피와 추적 알고리즘을 이용한 구면 파노라마 영상 생성 방법

        아나르(Anar Munkhjargal),최형일(Hyung-Il Choi) 한국콘텐츠학회 2017 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.17 No.3

        파노라마 영상은 여러 시점에서 촬영한 영상들을 대응점들의 정합을 통해 합성하여 얻은 단일 영상을 말한다. 기존의 파노라마 영상 생성 방법들은 대응점들을 구할 때 각 영상에서 지역적 불변 특징점을 추출하여 서술자를 생성하고 매칭 알고리즘을 사용한다. 동영상의 경우, 프레임 수가 많아 기존의 방법으로 파노라마 영상을 생성하는 것이 상당한 시간을 소비하고 불필요한 계산을 한다. 본 논문에서는 동영상을 입력 받아 구면 파노라마 영상을 효과적으로 생성하는 기법을 제안한다. 동영상의 프레임 간의 변화가 지역적으로 크지 않으며 연속적이라는 전제 조건으로 반복성 및 계산속도가 높은 FAST 알고리즘을 사용하여 특징점들을 추출하고, Lucas-Kanade 알고리즘을 통해 각 특징점들을 추적하여 그 주변에서 대응점을 찾는다. 모든 영상에 대해서 호모그래피를 계산하면 가운데 영상을 중심으로 호모그래피를 변경하고 영상을 와핑하여 평면 파노라마 영상을 얻는다. 마지막으로 구면 좌표계 역변환식을 통해 구면 파노라마 영상을 변환하여 얻는다. 실험을 통하여 제안하는 방법이 기존의 방법들보다 파노라마 영상을 빠르고 효과적으로 생성하는 것을 확인하였다. Panorama image is a single image obtained by combining images taken at several viewpoints through matching of corresponding points. Existing panoramic image generation methods that find the corresponding points are extracting local invariant feature points in each image to create descriptors and using descriptor matching algorithm. In the case of video sequence, frames may be a lot, so therefore it may costs significant amount of time to generate a panoramic image by the existing method and it may has done unnecessary calculations. In this paper, we propose a method to quickly create a single panoramic image from a video sequence. By assuming that there is no significant changes between frames of the video such as in locally, we use the FAST algorithm that has good repeatability and high-speed calculation to extract feature points and the Lucas-Kanade algorithm as each feature point to track for find the corresponding points in surrounding neighborhood instead of existing descriptor matching algorithms. When homographies are calculated for all images, homography is changed around the center image of video sequence to warp images and obtain a planar panoramic image. Finally, the spherical panoramic image is obtained by performing inverse transformation of the spherical coordinate system. The proposed method was confirmed through the experiments generating panorama image efficiently and more faster than the existing methods.


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