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      • KCI등재

        『素問·脈要精微論』의 寸口 六部定位에 대한 고찰

        張祐彰(Woochang Jang),南杰(Nan Jie) 대한한의학원전학회 2021 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        Objectives : To examine the six positions correlation[六部定位] principle that is the basis of the wrist pulse diagnosis in the Neijing. Methods : The basis for argument was established by correcting an interpretation error of the theory of chi(尺) skin diagnosis. In order to accomplish this, the annotations of Yang Shangshan and Wangbing were investigated first, after which the specific meaning and methodology of the chi diagnostic method as written in many chapters of the Neijing were examined. The evidence and reasoning for the six positions correlation[六部定位] was looked into, in relation to Wangbing’s annotation of the chapter, Maiyaojingweilun. The theoretical basis of the six positions correlation was searched throughout the entire Neijing, based on the correlation between Liuhe and the six positions, the five elements inter-supporting theory embedded in the six positions correlation as a diagnosis model that integrates zhangfu and meridians/channels, and the meaning of the spacial concepts used when describing the tactile technique within the chapter. Lastly, contents related to the five zhang channels within the Neijing were reviewed, to determine whether the six positions correlation was applied in wrist pulse taking. Results & conclusion : Some interpretations of the verse on matching the positions in the Maiyaojingweilun chapter of the Neijing are erroneous, while the argument that the three positions[cun-guan-chi] cannot be found in the Neijing is false as well. The wrist pulse taking in the Neijing is precisely based on the three positions correlation that divides the cun-guan-chi positions into three, and the correlation verse in the Maiyaojingweilun chapter clearly suggests the principle of matching the zhangfu and meridian/channels to the six positions of the cun-guan-chi of both left and right.

      • KCI등재

        『難經』의 診脈 大法에 관한 고찰

        장우창(Woochang Jang),김윤아(Yuna Kim) 대한한의학원전학회 2020 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.33 No.4

        Objectives : 『難經』 診脈의 大法이 무엇인지 그 체계와 원리, 원칙에 대해 탐구한다. Methods : 『內經』 의학과의 관련에 비추어 『난경』이 지니는 診法이 체계와 원리, 원칙을 그 자체의 기술체계와 논리구조 안에서 탐구한다. 『난경』과 『王叔和脈訣』의 진법을 계승한 선행연구자들의 연구결과를 참고한다. Results & conclusion : 『난경』의 진법은 三部九候法을 大法으로 陰陽脈法과 五臟脈法을 포괄하는 구조로 체계적으로 구성되어 있다. 三部九候大法은 大法과 其法의 診法체계 안에 陰陽과 五行의 논리가 종횡으로 교차하면서 중층적이고 복합적인 해석을 가능케하는 체계로 구성되어 있다. 그 논리는 運氣篇의 三陰三陽 氣機이론을 모델로 삼으며, 그 원칙은 三部九候, 脈證合參으로 표명된다. Objectives : This paper aims to examine the system, principle, and fundamentals of the great principle of pulse diagnosis in the 『Nanjing』. Methods : The system, principle, and fundamentals of pulse diagnosis in the 『Nanjing』 were examined within the book s description framework and logical structure in light of its relationship to the 『Huangdineijing』. Previous studies that follow pulse diagnosis of 『Nanjing』 and 『Wangshuhe Maijue』 were referenced. Results & Conclusions : The structure of pulse diagnosis in the 『Nanjing』 is systematically organized under the principle of the three positions and nine indicators as the great principle to which the yinyang and five viscera pulse theories are included. The great principle of the three positions and nine indicators is consisted of a system that allows for a multiple and comprehensive interpretation wherein the theories of yinyang and five elements are interweaved within the pulse diagnosis system, which is comprised of a great principle and particular principles. The theory follows that of the three yin three yang theory of the five circuits and six qi, its principles manifesting as the three positions and nine indicators and integration of pulse and symptoms.

      • KCI등재

        침자 보사에서 자침 자극 강도의 특성

        윤다은,장우창,류연희,이인선,채윤병,Yoon, Da-Eun,Jang, Woochang,Ryu, Yeonhee,Lee, In-Seon,Chae, Younbyoung 경락경혈학회 2022 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.39 No.3

        Objectives : The purpose of this study was to characterize the stimulation intensity in acupuncture manipulation techniques for tonification and sedation therapy. Methods : To describe the level of stimulation used in acupuncture manipulation techniques for tonification and sedation therapy, we reviewed the acupuncture manipulation techniques described in classical medical textbooks. Results : Based on the patients' conditions and pattern identification, acupuncture manipulation strategies for tonification and sedation therapy were chosen. For example, the excess condition was treated with sedative therapy, and the deficiency condition was treated with tonification therapy. For tonification therapy, weak to modest stimulation was applied in acupuncture manipulation techniques, whereas intense stimulation was applied for sedative therapy. Even though the intensity of acupuncture stimulation was chosen based on the clinical examination, deqi sensation is a crucial component of acupuncture treatment, and during acupuncture practice, the practitioner should choose the right intensity of acupuncture stimulation based on deqi response in each patient. Conclusions : We concluded that the tonifying and sedative effects of acupuncture treatment are related to the stimulation intensity of acupuncture manipulation techniques. For individualized medicine, the right amount of acupuncture stimulation should be administered based on the patients' conditions and responses, such as deqi responses.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        論文(논문) : 조선통신사(朝鮮通信使) 의학필담록(醫學筆談錄) 내용 분석 -의서(醫書) 관련 내용을 중심으로-

        김혜일 ( Hyeil Kim ),정창현 ( Changhyun Jeong ),장우창 ( Woochang Jang ),백유상 ( Yousang Baik ) 대한한의학원전학회(구 대한원전의사학회) 2015 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        Objectives : The purpose of this study is to find the differences of the viewpoints about medicine between Korean and Japanese doctors through analysing the contents of the medical conversation records from the visits of Joseontongshinsa. Methods : The conversations were classified according to the topics and analysed with emphasis on the subject of medical classics. Results : Japanese doctors were skeptical about the application of Huangdineijing(黃帝內經) and the theory of Five Circulation and Six Qi(五運六氣) to clinical treatment while they respected Shanghanlun(傷寒論). They were interested in the bibliography of medical classics, and considered it was important to study the original texts rather than the new editions. The doctors of Joseon valued Huangdineijing highly and accepted the theory of Five Circulation and Six Qi. They mainly used the treatments in Yixuezhengzhuan(醫學正傳), Yixuerumen(醫學入門), Shoushibaoyuan(壽世保元) as therapeutic methods. Conclusions : The conversation records reflect the trend of Korean Medicine in the Joseon Dynasty that Huangdineijing had been mainly studied and the Jin-Yuan(金元) Medicine had been accepted, and the trend of Japanese Medicine in the mid-Edo period that Koho school(古方派) had predominated.

      • KCI등재

        『金匱玉函經』의 成書 배경과 학술 체계

        김상현 ( Kim Sanghyun ),윤기령 ( Yun Kiryoung ),김혜일 ( Kim Hyeil ),윤은경 ( Yoon Eunkyung ),장우창 ( Jang Woochang ) 대한한의학원전학회 2016 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        Objectives : This study aims to investigate the background of, and theoretical system behind the Jinkuiyuhanjing that was edited and published at the same time as the Shanghanlun by the Jiaozhengyishuju (governmental publishing sector) of Northern Song. Methods : To determine the background against which Jinkuiyuhanjing was published, its position and meaning within the Medical Texts Editing Project of the Jiaozhengyishuju was firstly examined. For its theoretical background, the contents of Zhengzhizongli, which is considered to be an introduction to the Jinkuiyuhanjing was thoroughly analyzed. Moreover, to understand the unique philosophy of the Jinkuiyuhanjing, referneces were made to relevant contents in the `Shinhyeong` chapter of the Donguibogam. Results : The findings of the study call for a re-evluation of the Jinkuiyuhanjing as holding a unique philosophical perspective and having an independent lineage instead of being a supplementary material to the Shanghanlun as it was once understood. Conclusions : The research of Zhangzhongjing`s Classical Formulas(經方) revealed that the theoretical thinking and contents of Jinkuiyuhanjing hold much value and should be actively studied and applied. Furthermore, it lends important meaning in understanding the tradition of Korean Classical Formulas as represented in the Donguibogam.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『東醫寶鑑』을 중심으로 한 耳鳴, 耳聾에 대한 고찰

        박채연(Park Chae yeon),안진희(Ahn Jinhee),백유상(Baik You-sang),정창현(Jeong Chang-hyun),장우창(Woochang Jang) 대한한의학원전학회 2022 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        Objectives : 이 논문의 목적은 耳鳴耳聾의 病理와 治法을 考察하는 것이다. Methods : 『東醫寶鑑』을 중심으로 耳의 의미를 살피고 耳鳴耳聾의 病理와 治法을 考察하였다. Results and Conclusions : 耳鳴耳聾의 病理 根本에 腎精不足과 腎의 氣化 문제가 동반되므로 標를 다스린 후에는 반드시 本인 腎虛를 개선하고, 생활 관리도 해야 한다. 心腎不交에는 收心養精하고, 陰虛火動에는 相火를 다스리며 補精血을 겸하고, 肺腎에 원인이 있을 때는 補肺腎하며, 水液代謝 장애나 痰火나 外感으로 야기된 耳鳴耳聾은 해당 원인을 치료한 뒤에도 腎을 다스려야 한다. Objectives : The objective of this paper is to examine the pathology and treatment methods of tinnitus and deafness. Methods : Contents on the ears, pathology and treatment methods of tinnitus and deafness in the Donguibogam were examined. Results & Conclusions : Findings indicate that Kidney jing deficiency and problems of qi metabolism of the Kidney are at the root of tinnitus and deafness pathology. In treatment, once the primary symptoms are managed, the root, which is Kidney deficiency, needs to be improved, together with life style management. In the case of Heart-Kidney disconnection, the Heart must be collected while nurturing jing; in the case of yin deficiency and flaring, ministerial fire must be managed while tonifying jing and blood. If the cause lies in the Lungs and Kidney, they must be tonified, while in cases due to problematic water fluid metabolism, phlegm-fire or exterior pathogens, the Kidney needs to be dealt with even after treating the aforementioned causes.

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