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        혈액중 Ascorbic acid 의 Gas - Liquid Chromatography 에 의한 미량정량(微量定量)

        이중희 한국농화학회 1975 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.18 No.1

        A microdetermination of Ascorbic acid (AsA) in blood by Gas-Liquid Chromatography (GLC) was studied. AsA was applied on GLC after the conversion into trimethylsilyl derivative (TMS) and the GLC was available for the only reduced form of AsA. A calibration curve is made by GLC of TMS-AsA as the internal standard of n-docosane. The minimum amount of AsA required for the determination was 0.5㎖ of 1 ㎎% pyridine solution. Prior to the conversion of AsA in serum into TMS derivative, serum was lyophilized and then it was allowed to stand at room temperature with TMS reagents for 48 hr. On injection of the supernates of TMS derivative to GLC the peak corresponding to AsA was not detected. Its reason why the concentration of AsA in serum is 0.5㎎∼0.8㎎% in general, and it is less than minimum concentration of GLC. In case cf L-AsA 1 ㎎ was added to 1㎖ of serum, which was followed by lyophilization, silylation and GLC. The recorvery of AsA added was 98 percentage.

      • KCI등재

        반과거(IMP)와 단순과거(PS)의 대립적 용법과 소설에서의 이해

        이중희 慶南大學校 人文科學硏究所 2002 人文論叢 Vol.15 No.-

        Nous avons tente´ de mieux comprendre les phrases e´crites en imparfait et en passe´ simple dans le roman en e´tudiant l'emploi oppositionnel entre l'imparfait et le passe´ simple. Selon le concept de l'aspect de R. Martin, l'imparfait comprend l'aspect de l'inaccompli et l'aspect imperfectif, tandis que le passe´ simple comprend l'aspect perfectif. De me^me, G. Guillaume a remarque´: "L'imparfait comprend l'image verbale de l'imperfectivite´, dont le proce`s du verbe est saisi se´pare´ment en une partie de´ja` accompli et une autre, virtuelle vers le futur, alors que le passe´ simple comprend l'image verbale de perfectivite´, dont le proe`s du verbe n'est saisie que par la totalite´ du commencement et de la fin." Donc, l'imparfait et le passe´ simple pourrai marquer ainsi: Imparfait = Temps passe´ + Aspect imperfectif (Action-ligne`avec durativite´, continuite´ ou inachevete´) Passe´ simple = Temps passe´ + Aspect perfectif(Action-point sans continuite´ ou simultane´ite´) L'imparfait est l'aspect extensif ou non-marque´, dont l'emploi peut s'e´largir aux de´pens du passe´ simple, et dont le sens est vague et flou, tandis que le passe´ simple est l'aspect intensif ou marque´, dont l'emploi et le sens sont pre´cise´ment circonscrits. Par rapport a`la the´orie d'e´nonciation de E. Benvenste, l'imparfait est commun a` l'e´nonciation historique(=re´cit) et a`l'e´nonciation discours(=discours), et le passe´ simple ne s'installe qu'au re´cit. C'est-a`-dire que l'imparfait s'emploi aussi bien dans la langue de la conversation que dans le style litte´raire, tandis que le passe´ simple n'appartient qu'a`la langue litte´raire. Dans le re´cit, l'imparfait a le ro^le d'arrie`re-plan et le passe´ simple, celui de premier-plan. Cet arrie`re-plan sert a` repre´senter les circonstances caracte´risant, justifant ou entourant un e´ve´nement pre´sente´par le passe´ simple. Cependant nous voyons que dans un certain nombre de contextes, peut e^tre employe´ aux de´pens du passe´ simple. Ce sont l'imparfait perfectif de rupture et l'imparfait pittoresque de´crivant vivement, etc. Dans le discours, l'imparfait exprime un mouvement qui est ante´rieur au pre´sent et dure jusqu'un moment dans le passe´. En outre, l'imparfait peut exprimer plusieurs valeurs modaux: l'e´ventualite´, l'irre´alite´ dans le pre´sent, la valeur d'un conditionnel passe´, la discre´tion, la politesse et la gentillesse, etc. Si l'imparfait peut avoir ainsi la signification large, c'est qu'il est un structure compose´: une partie´ re´alise´e et l'aure non-re´alise´e. La signification de l'imparfait est faite diffe´rement en proportion de la partie souligne´e. Ici, nous conside´rons le travail suivant a`rechercher: pour mieux comprendre la nuance du temps spe´cialement dans l'oeuvre litte´raire, il faudra e´tudier profonde´ment la valeur se´mantique et contextuelle du temps verbal, non seulement au niveau de l'aspect et de l'e´nociation mais aussi au domaine des lexe`mes de modalite´ d'acre`tion tenant du lexique.

      • 회계기준 규제기관에 의한 분식회계 조장

        이중희 啓明大學校 産業經營硏究所 2003 經營經濟 Vol.36 No.1

        This paper investigates whether regulatory institutions facilitated companies' embellished reporting in Korea. In this investigation we can note the following facts. Regulatory institutions arbitrarily revised the regulations on the evaluation of marketable securities, on the appropriation of the allowance for employees' severance benefits, on the deferral of gain(loss) on foreign currency translation, and on classification of leases which helped justify companies embellished reporting. In addition, there was quite a long period when official documents of Ministry of Finance took precedence over the rational application of accounting standards in regulating corporate accounting practices. This situation caused accounting standards to lose their credibility and lowered the transparency of business management since the revision of accounting standards was based on the political or policy considerations of the time rather than the developed accounting thoughts or theories. In order to solve the above problems officials in regulatory institutions have to recognize and keep in their minds the thesis that the neutrality and credibility of accounting standards should take precedence over government policy objectives for the long-run wellbeing of our market-based economy.

      • 效率的 資本市場假設에 관한 分析的 考察

        李重熙 啓明大學校 産業經營硏究所 1984 經營經濟 Vol.17 No.1

        The main purpose of this paper is twofold. First is to discuss some important ambiguities asscciated with the concept of market efficiency and to review a precise definition of the concept. Second is to examine the empirical findings on the negative aspects of efficient market hypothesis(EMH). And the implications of these studies for our country will also be shown, Efficient market research arose in response to allegations from the professional investment community and critics of financial accounting and it preceded a formal, conceptual development of market efficiency. Market efficiency is defined here in terms of the equality prices under two information configuration (i.e., with and without universal access to the information system of interest). Casually, a securities market is efficient with respect to an information system if and only if security prices act as if everyone-knows that information system. Several attributes of this definition are advantageous relative to those of earlier definitions. Although most of empirical research suggested an unusal degree of support for the efficient market hypothesis, there is also a set of studies whose results are inconsistent with it. These studies do not necessarily lead to the rejection of the EMH. Rather, a decision as to the extent of one's confidence in the hypothesis requires that all results be acknowledged and their combined impact considered. Such studies may be discredited or overwhelmed and they do have their problems. But they could not simply be ignored. Actually, most of these studies on New York Stock Exchange can be criticied for a failure to adjust for the market (that is, work with residuals or, in other words, control for the systematic risk). Some of the studies also fail to adjust for transactions and search costs. Additionally, in Japan, the model used to the empirical research is suspect to interpret the Japanese Stock Market. In our country, in addition to the problems mentioned above, there is limitations of available data and the problems inherent to stock market. In order to develop an empirical research model that could well interpret the stock market of our country, it needs to accept the advanced theories in critical manner and to analyse the inherent characteristics of Korean Stock Market.

      • 病院給食에 있어서의 食品 및 營養素 섭취 實態에 關한 硏究 : 一般食을 中心으로

        李中姬 카톨릭대학교 생활과학연구소 1981 생활과학연구논집 Vol.2 No.1

        This survey was conducted to investigate the dietary intake and means of daily food. During July 1979-1980, the nutrient intake level was investigated for six days at 7 general Hospital in Seoul. The results are as follow; 1) The average nutritional supply of the Energy Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin A, B₁, B₂, Niacin and C of each person per day were 2557.6Kcal, 447.8g, 107.4g, 36g, 820.6mg, 25.7mg, 2157.4IU, 0.93mg, 3.0mg, 31.9mg, 65.6mg. 2) Consequently over 83.5% of the total food intake was made up with the plant food. 3) The quantity of the total food intake was greater than the RDA. In other words, sufficient intake of calorie was observed. 4) No milk or the milk products were consumed by the general diets. 5) Average Calcium and Iron intake was adequate but the most of the Calcium and Iron intake was from plant food. 6) Mean daily intake of Vitamin A, B₁, B₂, Niacin and C exceeded the RDA.

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