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      • 위트와 형이상학파 연애시

        이윤섭 안양대학교 1996 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        Wit once meant the mental faculty of intelligence or inventiveness, and was often applied to the style of the metaphysical poetry. Along with his claim that the metaphysical poets "possessed a mechanism of sensibility which could devour any kind of experience," and manifested "a direct sensuous apprehension of thought," T. S. Eliot restored the forgotten meaning of wit and also suggested that wit involved a recognition of the unfamiliar aspects of the familiar, that is, the operation of Coleridge's imagination. Defining that wit is the alliance of levity and seriousness, he believed that it was the precise and accurate grasp of human experience revealed through the tough poetry. The function of wit, Cleanth Brooks explained, lies in the precision and accuracy of portraying the ambiguous reality of experience through ironic modification and qualification, while didacticism and sentimentalism usually come from an distorted simplification of the experience. High seriousness of Matthew Arnold fails to acquire the totality of vision by keeping out of poetic context all those extraneous and distracting elements. Wit, combining seriousness and levity, refuses to make the poet blind to multiplicity. The poetry of synthesis, I. A. Richard's version of wit, never leaves out what is hostile to dominant tone. It comes to terms with the irrelevant and discordant and so becomes invulnerable to irony. This kind of poetry, like the arch, has the stability of a context in which the internal pressures balance and mutually support each other. And the unity of the stable poetic structure is also a perilous one, wrest by the poet from a world of incongruities. Giving us the dynamic motions of life itself, art not only crystallizes the essence of natural phenomena but also oscillates between opposite poles, between joy and grief, hope and fear, exultation and despair. This tells us that wit is superior to bare morality and sentimentality.

      • KCI등재

        Modified tunneling technique for root coverage of anterior mandible using minimal soft tissue harvesting and volume-stable collagen matrix: a retrospective study

        이윤섭,이다정,김성태,구영,류인철 대한치주과학회 2021 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.51 No.6

        Purpose: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the clinical validity of the modified tunneling technique using minimal soft tissue harvesting and volume-stable collagen matrix in the anterior mandible. Methods: In total, 27 anterior mandibular teeth and palatal donor sites in 17 patients with ≥1 mm of gingival recession (GR) were analyzed before and after root coverage. For the recipient sites, vertical vestibular incisions were made in the interdental area and a subperiosteal tunnel was created with an elevator. After both sides of the marginal gingiva were tied to one another, a prepared connective tissue graft and volume-stable collagen matrix were inserted through the vestibular vertical incision and were fixed with resorbable suture material. The root coverage results of the recipient site were measured at baseline (T0), 3 weeks (T3), 12 weeks (T12), and the latest visit (Tl). For palatal donor sites, a free gingival graft from a pre-decided area avoiding the main trunk of the greater palatine artery was harvested using a prefabricated surgical template at a depth of 2 mm after de-epithelization using a rotating bur. In each patient, the clinical and volumetric changes at the donor sites between T0 and T3 were measured. Results: During an average follow-up of 14.5 months, teeth with denuded root lengths of 1–3 mm (n=12), 3–6 mm (n=11), and >6 mm (n=2) achieved root coverage of 97.01%±7.65%, 86.70%±5.66%, and 82.53%±1.39%, respectively. Miller classification I (n=12), II (n=10), and III (n=3) teeth showed mean coverage rates of 97.01%±7.65%, 86.91%±5.90%, and 83.19%±1.62%, respectively. At the donor sites, an average defect depth of 1.41 mm (70.5%) recovered in 3 weeks, and the wounds were epithelized completely in all cases. Conclusions: The modified tunneling technique in this study is a promising treatment modality for overcoming GR in the anterior mandible.

      • KCI등재

        Regulation of lubricin for functional cartilage tissue regeneration: a review

        이윤섭,Jae-Hoon Choi,Nathaniel Suk-Yeon Hwang 한국생체재료학회 2018 생체재료학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        Background: Lubricin is chondrocyte-secreted glycoprotein that primarily conducts boundary lubrication between joint surfaces. Besides its cytoprotective function and extracellular matrix (ECM) attachment, lubricin is recommended as a novel biotherapeutic protein that restore functional articular cartilage. Likewise, malfunction of lubrication in damaged articular cartilage caused by complex and multifaceted matter is a major concern in the field of cartilage tissue engineering. Main body: Although a noticeable progress has been made toward cartilage tissue regeneration through numerous approaches such as autologous chondrocyte implantation, osteochondral grafts, and microfracture technique, the functionality of engineered cartilage is a challenge for complete reconstruction of cartilage. Thus, delicate modulation of lubricin along with cell/scaffold application will expand the research on cartilage tissue engineering. Conclusion: In this review, we will discuss the empirical analysis of lubricin from fundamental interpretation to the practical design of gene expression regulation.

      • 보행시 발과 족관절의 운동학적 분석

        이윤섭,신형수,Lee, Yun-Seob,Shin, Hyung-Soo 대한고유수용성신경근촉진법학회 2006 PNF and Movement Vol.4 No.1

        발뒤꿈치 닿기 시 족관절은 약간 족저굴곡 위치에 있다가 발바닥 닿기까지 족저굴곡이 진행된다. 몸체가 지지하는 중간입각기동안 빨리 배굴로 변하고 입각기 말기에 발뒤꿈치 떼기 후에는 다시 저굴이 일어난다. 유각기의 시작인 발가락 떼기에서는 저굴이 되다가 유각기 중기에는 배굴로 바뀌고 발뒤꿈치 닿기에서는 약간 저굴로 변한다. 후족부의 운동은 발뒤꿈치 닿기 시에 편안히 서있을 때보다 더 회내되어 있고 발뒤꿈치 닿기 직후는 회내되고 중간입각기동안 다시 회내되는 양상을 보인다. 발끝떼기 시에 최대로 회내가 이루어진다. 발에서 일어나는 중요한 요소는 체중과 지면 반발력과의 충격을 흡수하는 역할이라 할 수 있다. 족관절 저굴은 뒤꿈치에 의한 초기 바닥 닿기의 즉각적인 반응으로 대부분의 최후 $10^{\circ}$는 짧은 발의 떨어짐으로 일어난다. 경골 전면 근육들의 활동은 동작을 유의하게 제한하고 즉각적으로 나타난다기보다는 오히려 보행주기에 8% 지점까지 전족에 의한 바닥접촉을 지연시킨다. 떨어지는 체중은 점차감소되고 두 번째로 충격을 흡수하는 기전은 슬관절에서 흡수한다. 위와 같이 보행 시에 발과 족관절의 운동성은 다양하다. 그러나 아직 임상에서는 발과 족관절에 대한 연구가 미흡하다. 따라서 발의 역학적인 범위의 다양성과 발의 내적인, 외적인 부하 사이의 관련성을 위한 더 많은 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. Purpose : This study shows the movements of the ankle and the foot in walking stages, and helps to diagnose and treat the problems of the ankle and the foot. The foot in human is a mean of the transportation, body support, and shock absorber. However, the slightest changes in the anatomical position can cause a significant increase of the stress and force in the ankle and the foot. The regular compressive force in the ankle of the normal person is generated by the contraction of the gastrocnemius and popliteus muscles, and transmitted to the achilles tendon. The plantar flexion about 10 degrees occurs immediately after the heel strike, getting ready for the weight acceptance. The shear force about 80 % of the body weight is generated immediately after the heel off of the mid stance phase. In those who have a problem in the ankle, the compression force at the ankle decreased to 1/3 of the body weight, and the shear force decreased, and the compressive force was reached at their maximum level earlier than the normal people. Conclusion : Analysis of the movements at the ankle and the foot in walking phase can make the effort to diagnose and treat the ankle and foot with the problems. However, the further study is necessary.

      • 환경칼럼 - 새로운 허가제도의 도입의 필요성

        이윤섭,Lee, Yun-Seop 환경보전협회 2013 환경정보 Vol.408 No.-

        이제 우리나라도 선진국의 강력한 환경 규제와 국제 환경협약에 대응할 수 있는 제도를 갖추어야 한다. 새로운 규제와 협약이 생길 때마다 이에 대한 대응을 해야 하겠지만, 서유럽 국가들이 시행하고 있는 통합 허가 제도를 서둘러 도입한다면 지속적인 기술개발과 기업의 대응력 강화로 국제 환경무대를 선도할 수도 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        유기론적 전통과 엘리엇의 비평: 객관적 상관물을 중심으로

        이윤섭 한국T.S.엘리엇학회 2009 T.S. 엘리엇 연구 Vol.19 No.2

        This article aims to interpret T. S. Eliot’s doctrine of the objective correlative in terms of the European tradition of organicism. A consideration of the organic implications in Eliot’s major critical concepts, such as “a whole of feeling,” “unified sensibility,” and “depersonalization,” reminds us that Aristotle, Longinus, and Horace also highly valued the organic relation between the part and the whole and the organic unity of thought and feeling in great classical poetry. S. T. Coleridge had imported organic ideas from German thinkers and applied them to his Shakespearean criticism. Refuting the neo-classical view that Shakespeare failed to give an adequate verbal form and organized structure to his talent, Coleridge insisted that “no work of genius dares want its appropriate form,” and eulogized Shakespeare’s organic verbal structure equal to his genius. But, contrary to Coleridge, Eliot underestimated Hamlet as an artistic failure on the ground that Shakespeare could not find the objective correlative equivalent to Hamlet’s bafflement. However, it is worth noting that in the course of denouncing Hamlet, Eliot invented his doctrine of the objective correlative, which is an adoption of the organic principle inherited from S. T. Coleridge and Gottfried Leibniz. In his Knowledge and Experience, Eliot noticed that, having essential organic features, Leibniz’s windowless monad was very similar to F. H. Bradley’s concepts of the finite centre and immediate experience. In these concepts of holistic and empirical idealism, the distinctions between the subjective and the objective, spirit and matter, self and the world, feeling and image, and form and content cannot be maintained for their mutual interdependence. So, it should be said that the concept of the objective correlative was a special application of Eliot’s general principle of “the unity of feeling and objectivity,” for feeling and objectivity are only discriminated aspects of the whole experience. He remarked that there was the mutual inclination of mental feeling and verbal image to react upon one another so inexplicably that the relation should be said to be organic. Therefore, the organic features implied in his critical concepts and, in particular, the doctrine of the objective correlative confirms that he achieved a rapprochement between modern poetics and traditional authority.

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