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      • 韓國彫刻의 近代的 過程

        李慶成 弘益大學校 1970 弘大論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        Sculpture has had a rocky road to travel on its way to becoming established as an independent art in Korea. This can be ascribed to the sculptor himself, as a creator doesn't know what be is and wbat his mission is, and to the shortoge of some ideas within sculpture so that it may become a part of art. We have inherited a highly sophisticated aesthetic sence of sculpture since the age of the three Kingdoms. Moreover, the devout faith of many in Buddhism has produced many sculptures for Buddhist image. Sculpture belongs to mass, the third dimension of space, thus the sense of volume and weight along with the visual outlook of sculpture should be introduced from Western ideas of sculpture so as to make the existing sculpture complete. We have learned the great ideas of Donatello, Michelangelo, Augu se Rodin and Moore in order that we may understand the original character of sculpture. Eesides we must seek and adopt the aesthetic sides from them. Henry Moore once stated in his book "Notes on Sculpture", which provide us with tremendous help for the improvement of our sculpture. "A sculptor should be aware that form occupies space. In other words he should sense the objects with his own hands regardless of size. He visualizes all his surroundings into a complicated form. He is able to sense every side of the form in his mind, identifying the focus of gravity, volum, weight and himself. So the sculptor feels the volume as a space as if he moved the form in the air." Such a fundamental definition of the art of sculpture has been required for us to understand sculpture as part of aesthetics. Therefore sculpture has had to overcome many difficulties to be established as an independent art with creative principles and criteria. The first task confronting sculpture was to be free from religious suppression. Such idea of separation has been impossible without social changes, but human life in modern society contains every thing which has made it possible. Another task is that efforts for imagination and at least mental efforts should be made to complete the art of sculpture for the third dimension of space beyond the primary dimension. Speaking in other words, elements involved in the sense of the space and volume had to be overcome. After these two tasks are overcome another phase the sculptor is confronted with is to create an object in the third dimenstion of space. Painting makes us feel illusions of space through the second dimension, but the aim of the sculptor is to find the space itself with the sensed volume. An object is situated in space and it ocoupies a part of space or moves somewhere. The object is distinguished from othors in the space and is limited by its surroundings. And it appears to us as another object. We have sense of volume in the space occupied by the object. That is the volume. This sense of volume in space becomes perfect with the development of human intelligence. For the sense of space is composed of intelligence. Likewise modern sculpture in Korea is established as a seneed space with the advancement of intelligence and the realization of a sense of volume. But this establishment is not yet accomplished. It is still under way. Our whole culture is still groping for modernization in so-called backwardness, so sculpture 'too, can not avoid being in this category. It can only be pointed out that modernization channeled through Japan. This historical process will be explained concretely. In a way, this is only a display of all the materials which can be called a test case without highly aesthetic definition. They are classified by items as follows: First, Korean sculpture during Japanese ruling, (1910-45) second, Korean sculpture after independance (1946-56), third, Korean contemporary sculpture (1957-60). For a long time in such a sterile country as Korea suffering from Asiatic backwardness, it was regarded as natural what we should undergo modernization since modern sculpture hes Leen es Fablpture Fablished after the imitation and implantation, armed with strong spirit. Despite the long tradition of excellent and beautiful sculptur, since the Three Kingdom, we have dispised our own works. In this particular situation, it is due to the Western influence that Korean sculpture was able to start again as an art. That is to say, our modorn sculpture has ripened in an implanted atmosphere from the West rather than in indigenous one. To be sure, this is a tragedy. That we have made a false attempt to formato our art on the basis of foreign things, ignoring our own traditional one, has brought about confusion and a waste of time, This pitiful aspect, however, is not a characteristic which is unique in sculpture only, in our country where the traditional stage changed abruptly into the modern one with hardly any transitional period. It is seen in every field - economic, politics and culture. But the modern world of ours is pursuing an indentfication. compelling us to have one stream of conciousness. The sphere of sculpture is no exception in following this trend. The fact that Korean sculpture of today keeps in touch with that of the whole world could be a good example. It is in search of selfdiscovery in the realm of the formative arts from the stand point of the most nationalistic peculiarities, beyond the problems of style and raw materials. The march of modern sculpture towards originality under the given conditions may well be called an epic of modern times. This epic should be worked by a few sculpturs with a touch of genius in the background of this society. What we need badly are not hundreds of would be sculptors, but a few geniuses who will suspend the backwardness by their heroic actions. We can easily understand this when we see that the sauep pere during Renaissance is greatly infeuenced by one man. Michelangelo, and the sculpture of the 19th century by Rodin. Modern sculpture of Korea - that has just begun. And all the problems unsolved should be presented, interpreted and overcome from this very moment.

      • 디지탈X선영상에 관한 고찰

        이경성 제주한라대학 1988 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The present trend of digital radiography is reviewed. The advantages of digital radiography are ① improvement of diagnostic accuracy, ② economical efficiency of image storage, ③ progress of quality of medical service. And the methods of digital radiography are utilizing scanning laser stimulated luminecence (area beam digital radiography), and X-ray fan beam and linear diode arrays (scanned projetion radiography). To practical use of digital radiography, the development of educational program for staff of radiological department and the regulation defining duties should be performed.

      • KCI등재
      • ^(99)Mo-^(99m)Tc Generator에 관한 考察

        李京聲 제주한라대학 1985 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        Today, technetium-99m has become firmly established as the radionuclide most widely used in nuclear medicine. It is of prime importance of to maintain an adequate supply of it and to ensure that it is safe to use. The generator most frequently used in the ^(99)Mo-^(99m)Tc generator, Molybdenum-99 may be obtained either as a carrier-free product of U-235 fission in a reactor or by neutron irradiation of Mo-98 in a cyclotron. The most commercial Tc-99m generators are based on column chromatography. Two other methods for sperating Tc-99m fromMo-99 have been developed, althought neither is used as often as the saline elution system. Two other mothods have been proposed; organic solvent extraction and sublimation. The principal index of performance of ^(99m)Tc is its radio nuclidic purity. From the stand point of patient radiation safety, the amount of ^(99)Mo should be kept to a minimum. The maximum amounts, according to the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) XIX (1975), are 1 μCi ^(99)Mo/mCi, ^(99m)Tc not to exceed 5 μCi per administered dose.

      • PET 기술의 현재와 미래의 프로젝트 : Current and Future Project

        이경성 제주한라대학 1995 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        This study is to review the current technology and clinical applications of PET (Positron Emission Tomography) , and to propose it's applicable areas in future and the preparation for it's the advance. PET scanning is a specific method to quantify the functions of all parts in body and the biochemical and physiological responses. PET can provide the informations about basic physiological mechanism and to identify possible makers of disease. And there are many future application, including measurement of biological parameters and the therapeutic monitoring of drugs. Many studies have been carried out to date in numerous centers throughout the world including a number of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Such studies with PET are the beginning of a tremendous expansion in basic science and clinical applications for the human physiological processes. There is no technique currently available that has the sensitivity or potential specificity of chemical mechanism in vivo in various organ as the brain, heart, lung, and elsewhere in the body. But PET scanning will yield rapid advances in new ligand development, providing an understanding of both physiological and pathophysiological prosesses within the next few years that could never be studied by any other method. The studies of second messenger systems in the brain probably will be the next frontier in brain imaging. The use of biological markers with the new genetic markers of neuropsychiatric illness provides a potential for improving our understanding of the etiology, possible diagnosis, and optimal treatment of these diseases. The demonstration of changes in disease such as cancer and the examination of function in common diseases, such as cardiopulmonary diseases, are also likely future areas of PET studies. This together with great improvements in anatomical imaging and the coordination and correlation of these features with PET scanning, promises to be one of the most exciting areas in radiological imaging development. In Korea, only two hospitals have PET facilities today. It need the professional and specific technic and staffs in various areas to the proper use of PET. These staffs include internal medicine and surgeon as the specialists of the organ in body, pharmacologist and chemistrist to synthesize the radiopharmaceutics, medical engineer and physist, and nuclear medical doctor and technologist, and nurse to perform the study in practice. The close cooperation of these areas is necessary to be accomplished accurately and smoothly PET scanning. Therefore, it need the exploitation of manpower and the investment in staff and facility to expand the study and clinical application of PET and to develop it's new technic.

      • 신기능 평가를 위한 동적 신장신티그램의 기술학적 검토

        이경성 제주한라대학 1999 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        This study reviews the technical aspect to take the accurate renal scintigram. Such effort may provide the base to make the standadized procedure of renal scintigram. The renal scintigram is the method to image the renal function unlike X-ray test, ultra-sonogram, CT, MRI. The advantage of renal scintigram is to detect early the pathologic lesion because the abnormal renal functions appear earlier than renal morphological changes. The renal scintigram is used to test selectively each part of kidney, and to analyze the image quantitatively. The other advantages of renal scitigram are that the procedure of test is easy, non-invasive and has little side effect. and that the repeat test allows to observe the progress of disease and the effect of treatment. For last decades many methods of renal function evaluation were developed to measure accurately and simply in nuclear medicine The improvement of radiopharmaceuticals and computer program techniques make to be able to provide more information about the renal function. But according to the purpose of test, we must select the factors including radioactive drugs, pre-procedure treatment for patient, patient position, data collection, scintigram and data analysis to evaluate renal function by renal scintigram. The selection of each factors make different results. So the role of technologist is very important.

      • 核醫學 檢査時 Compton 散亂으로 因한 僞像形成

        李京聲 제주한라대학 1984 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        Ln a radionuclide study, Tc- 99^(m) Photons from the other Position RI may Scatter in the Superficial tissue of the body, resulting in an false image. Ln a scintillation camera Peaked at 14OKeV with a 20% window, any Scattered Photons with a Scatter angle of less than 53.5 ° may be Counted in the Tc- 99^(m) window. This Scatter angle is large enough to allow Counting of many Secondary Photons from Campton Collisions in an area quite distant from the radioactive Source to be Counted, Provided the Scatter area and Source are Separated by air.

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