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      • 尿路結石의 臨床的 觀察

        梁太有,鄭容稷,成近濟,張聲九,蔡洙應,金泰珍 慶熙大學校 1979 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        A clinical observation was made on urolithiasis among the in-patients in the Department of Urology, Kyung Hee University Hospital during the period from Oct. 1971 to Aug. 31 1979. The results were summarized as follows. 1) Among 1597 patients hospitalized, 584 patients were urolithiasis, giving a rate of 36.3%. 2) The age was ranged from 6 to 83 years and the most favorable age was in 20 to 40 years (85%). The sex ratio, male to female, was 1.9:1. 3) Distribution of the location of the stones was ureter in 79.5%, kidney in 15.1%, bladder in 5.0% and prostate in 0.4% in order of frequency. 4) Multi-located stones were noted in 25 patients (5.5%) of all cases. 5) Microscopic hematuria was found in 368 cases of all, giving a rate of 77% 6) Pyuria was noted in 40.3% of kidney stones. 7) Surgical intervention was performed in 58.3% of kidney stones, 39.5% of ureter stones and in 66.6% in bladder stones. 8) Ureter stones were associated with ureteral polyp in 4 cases.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 및 한국 자동차 시장의 소비컬러 선호도에 따른 사회심리적 의미 해석

        양태유,황성걸 한국기초조형학회 2020 기초조형학연구 Vol.21 No.3

        Recent product design studies explored ways to satisfy users’ emotional needs, but consumers are reluctant to express their needs. To better understand consumer characteristics, it is necessary to draw implications from consumers’ unconscious reactions. This research unraveled the truths of consumer minds by studying the color consumption of automobile consumers and analyzing the symbolic meaning of colors. In general, consumers consider functionality, convenience and outstanding style when buying a car. In addition, they also take into account social values, such as maintenance cost and colors that play an advantageous role in secondhand sale. Due to these diverse factors, consumers do not always choose the color of their preference. However, most of the consumers tend to take the most careful approach when buying an automobile and think deeply about selecting the color that is suitable to express themselves. This study, therefore, aims to practically and realistically comprehend the undisclosed consumer desire through research on automotive consumers’ color consumption and the symbolism of colors. This research took a qualitative and quantitative method to define words through deconstructive and constructive theory and detailed the meaning of color symbolism through contextual analysis. This paper adopted and analyzed the data of regional color consumption trends across the globe and drew consumer characteristics utilizing a matrix structure. The findings indicated that North American consumers are authoritative, and South American consumers are more ostentatious. European consumers are the most neutral and authoritative. Asian consumers ostentatious and a bit authoritative, while Koreans tend to be neutral. Across all regions, the study found that consumers’ psychological mechanism of ostentation is valued the most. 최근 제품 디자인은 사용자의 감성 만족을 위해 다양한 연구가 이루어지고 있지만 정작 소비자들은자신의 내적 욕구를 사회적으로 드러내기를 꺼려하는 특징이 있다. 이러한 소비자들의 특징을 정확하게 읽기 위해서는 소비자의 무의식적 반응에서 유의미한 결과를 얻을 수 있는 접근이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구는 자동차 소비자들의 컬러 소비량과 컬러의 상징적 의미 고찰을 통해 소비자의 내적 욕구의 진실성을 파악했다. 일반적으로 소비자들은 자동차를 구매할 때 기능성, 편의성, 훌륭한 스타일을고려하며, 또한 관리 비용 및 중고차 매매에 유리한 역할을 하는 컬러 등과 같은 사회적 가치를 고민한다. 이러한 다양한 구매 조건의 작용으로 개인이 가장 선호하는 컬러를 선택할 수 있는 것은 아니지만 대부분 소비자들은 고가인 자동차를 구매할 경우 어떤 제품보다도 신중하게 접근하는 성향을 가지며 제품을 통해 자신을 표현할 수 있는 최상의 컬러를 선택하기 위해 사려 깊게 생각한다. 따라서 본연구에서는 자동차를 구매하는 소비자들의 컬러 소비량과 다양한 컬러의 상징적 의미 연구를 통해 소비자의 드려내지 않은 욕구를 실질적이고 현실성 있게 파악하려고 한다. 연구 범위는 용어의 의미 고찰과 글로벌 자동차 외장 컬러의 소비 트렌드와 소비자의 특성을 분석하였다. 연구 방법은 전체적으로정성적, 정량적 기법을 사용하였으며, 용어의 의미를 맥락적으로 고찰하고, 내용 분석법을 통해 컬러의 상징성의 의미를 구체화하였다. 그리고 컬러 소비 트렌드를 차용하여 비교 분석하고, 소비자의 특성 도출은 매트릭스 기법을 활용하였다. 연구 결과에 의하면 북미시장 소비자들은 권위적이며, 남미시장 소비자들은 과시성이 매우 강하다. 유럽시장 소비자들은 글로벌 시장에서 가장 중립적이고 가정 권위적인 성질을 가진다. 아시아 시장 소비자들은 과시적이면서도 약간의 권위적인 면을 가진다. 그리고한국 시장 소비자들은 중간적 자세를 취하려는 것이 특징이다. 하지만 전 지역에서 가장 높은 가치로여기는 것은 자신을 드러내는 과시적 심리 작용이 있다.

      • KCI등재

        럭셔리의 어의론적 고찰과 속성에 대한 소비 인식

        양태유 ( Taeyou Yang ),황성걸 ( Sung Gul Hwang ) 한국산업디자이너협회 2020 산업디자인학연구 Vol.14 No.1

        Background With the increased income level in Korea, along with stiffer competition in the global budget market and the rising income levels in emerging countries, it became necessary for Korean companies to look for an alternative market: luxury products. Research on luxury is in its primitive level. The academy had yet to reach a consensus on defining the construct of luxury. Therefore, this study aimed to specify the properties of value perception of luxury, considering its importance in the product development phase of the luxury goods. Method The study reviewed the semantics of luxury and conducts an analysis of the data through contextual and relative frequency comparison. The data was collected through literature studies: the values of luxury in the sociological convention-level and the consumption value perception of luxury. Results The study found a guideline for a strategic approach in product developing with personal value perception, social value perception, and functional value perception being the three higher rank standards and 16 lower rank standards within the three higher rank standards. Conclusion The study has found out that among various luxury values, social value is the most important value for luxury consumers and that scarcity, quality, and salience are the most prioritized factors. Additionally, consumers prioritize personal values the most in social conventional value perception.

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