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      • KCI등재

        韓國古代國家 起源論

        金貞培(Kim Jung-bae) 백산학회 1973 白山學報 Vol.- No.14

        According to present histories of ancient Korea, beginning of ancient states in Korea are given as follows: Kokuryo during King Tae-jo(太祖王), Paek-je during King Ko-i(古尔王) and Silla during King Na¬mul(奈勿王). In other words, ancient states in Korea were formed during the period of Three Kingdoms(三國時代). However, the ancient histories of Korea were not written with de-finite concept of state and, therefore, the writer cannot agree to the period of formation of ancient states in Korea as generally used in the present academic circle. If so, where should we look for the origins of ancient states in Korea? When we analyze the materials on ancient Chosun(古朝鮮), Puyo(扶餘), Kokuryo(高句麗), Ye(濊), East Okjo(東沃沮) and Samhan(三韓) etc. as appeared in the Tung I Ch’uan(東夷傳) of San Kuo Chih(三國志), we cannot believe that the social stages. of above ancient states were in the stage of tribal state or tribal league 1:S we have’ thought in the past. If we call it tribal society its economic basis had to be in the neolithic stage. Therefore, the term “tribal state”(部族國家) is not believed to be appropriate in the history of ancient Korea. According to writer’s opinion, it is believed that the formation of states had already completed by the end of ancient Chosun(古朝鮮). Not only there was differenciation of class according to historical materials, but also the bronze era had passed into metal era according to archaeological remains. Therefore, we must recognize that at latest 85 by the time of Wiman Chosun(衛滿朝鮮) ancient states did clearly appear in the peninsular of Korea. Especially, archaeological evidences of bronze remains of Korea are completely different from those of neighboring nations and, therefore, from this time on severeal cultures were fomed in the Korean peninsular. Furthermore, since specialization of occupation is possible with the coming of metal age, the origins of states should not be southt in the period of Three Kingdoms as in the past. The Samhan(三韓) is also believed to be not in the stage of tribal league but already in the semi-state stage.

      • KCI등재

        古朝鮮의 民族構成과 文化的 複合

        金貞培(Jung-bae Kim) 백산학회 1972 白山學報 Vol.- No.12

        To deal with the problem of the composition of the people of old Chôsun is to take on the task of explaining the origins of the Korean nation. Scholars until now have taken Tangun, Kija, and Wiman Chôsun together and regarded them as Old Chôsun and have also be unanimous in their opinion that these three formed the Korean nation. However, the author, believing that we must make up for the deficiencies of the written records concerning this era with archaeological research, has a different point of view. We believe that even though Tangun, Kija and Wiman Chôsun have been treated from a historical viewpoint the application of archaeology to the remains of each period in order to establish its: character can also be a valid method. An examination of historical documents with this in mind shows Tangun Chôsun to belong to the Neolithic Age, and also shows that the people of the time were not what we commonly think, but instead were Paleo-Asiatics. Evidence of a bear cult appears in records concerning Tangun, a thing very typical of the Paleo-Asiatics. One of the remains . from Korea’s Neolithic Age is the decorated pottery which is connected with the Siberian area. In consideration of this territorial and cultural background, it can be said that Tangun Chôsun was a Neolithic Paleo―Asiatic Society. Next a new group, the possesors of the plain coarse pottery appeared in the Korean peninsula, absorbing the Paleo-Asiarics. The Kija Chôsun of historical records supposedly began around the 12th Century B. C., .but today the existence of Kija Chôsun is no longer recognized as fact .and the archaeological remains which generalIy belong to the period once designated Kija Chôsun include the dolmen and stone-cist, These relics are very different from those of traditional China. The southern .style dolmens have been fixed at 7th Century B. C. by C14 and the fact that relics, including a bronze dagger discovered at Hwasoon, Cholla Province, date from the 7th Century ~ B. C. indicates that dolmens and .stone-cists made their appearance in Korea at least as early as the middle .of second milIenium B. C. Therefore we can say that the Kija Chôsun period was actually the period of the dolmen and stone-cist, and that it was a society which had bronze implements. The people were known as Ye-Maek(Weimo) and used an Altaic language. These are the very ’people who absorbed the Paleo-Asiatics of Tangun Chôsun and formed the Korean nation of today. Around the 7th Century B.C. Korea entered the Iron Age. Outstanding characteristic of Wiman Chôsun is the pit tomb. However pit tombs are not necessarily the result of Chinese influence, but could have also come from southern Siberia. Even more important is the fact -that those relics unearthed along with the pit tombs are Korean relics. It has been believed that the beginning of Korea’s Iron Culture was in -China but the fact that the iron implements of the primorye area date frorn the 10th Century B. C. is of much importance.

      • KCI등재후보

        內蒙古 克什克騰旗 閣老營子 岩刻畵

        金貞培(Kim Jung-Bae) 한국고대학회 2007 先史와 古代 Vol.26 No.-

        내몽골 閣老營子의 사슴암각화는 스키타이 양식을 보여 주는 전형적인 암각화이다. 특히 이 암각화처럼 등에 볼록한 혹이 있는 사슴암각화는 알타이 지역을 중심으로 하카시아-미누신스크, 카자크스탄, 튜바, 몽골, 내몽골 등지에서 공통적으로 발견된다. 이것은 초원의 스키타이 문화가 이 일대까지 영향을 끼쳤다는 것을 말해 준다. 아울러 南山根 102호 石槨墓에서 출토된 刻紋骨板 또한, 북방 초원문화에서 나오는 암각화 속의 마차 그림과 마찬가지로, 이 지역까지 상호 교류 내지 영향이 있었다는 사실을 보여 준다. 사슴암각화를 비롯한 이러한 자료들은 북방 유목민들의 문화를 연구하고 이해하는 데 있어서 귀한 자료를 제공하면서 중원문화와의 교섭 시말을 알려주고 있다. Gelaoyingzi(閣老營子) deer drawing on rock is a typical Scythian styled drawing on rock. This deer drawing on rock, characterized by arcing antlers of a deer stretching out above its back and a bulging bump on its back, is discovered along the Altaic region of Khakassia-Minusinsk, Kazakhstan, Tuba, Mongolia, and Inner Mongolia. The discovery of this deer drawing at Yinshan (陰山) Rock Drawing of Innger Mongolia and Baichahe(白?河) Gelaoyingzi reflects that the Scythian culture stretched out its influence to this region. In relations to this, the engraved words on bone board discovered at Nanshangen(南山根) No. 102 rock coffin tomb also shows that there was mutual exchange or influence between this region and the Northern Prairie culture. The contents of a rock drawing are crucial data in understanding the culture of northern nomadic culture. Also, it reflects the particulars of exchange with the Chinese culture


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