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      • KCI등재

        착오에 의한 승낙과 긴급상황 착오에서의 유효성

        황태정(Hwang, Tae-Jeong) 한국형사법학회 2010 刑事法硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        Personal legal interest shall not be principally punished when victim consents to infringement upon his own legal interest. The consent that has been made by either violence and threat or deception and misunderstanding may have problem of legal effect because it has not been made based on truly free will of legal interest entity. The paper has discussed legal effect of the consent made by misunderstanding. Theories are divided into three: theory of serious misunderstanding(theory of subjective real intention), theory of misunderstanding of the motives and theory of legal interest related misunderstanding, depending upon situation that an misunderstanding has been made. The consent based on misunderstanding of ‘legal interest itself’ of legal interest entity shall be null and void, and the consent made by misunderstanding of ‘incidental circumstances such as motives and purposes’ shall be effective according to theory of legal interest related misunderstanding that is thought to be the most appropriate. However, theory of legal interest related misunderstanding may be difficult to consistently explain specific case such as ‘misunderstanding of emergent situation’. Some of scholars admit of an exception that theory of legal interest related misunderstanding cannot solve all of the cases: However, different theory construction of each case that can maintain theoretical structure of theory of legal interest related misunderstanding is thought to be desirable. So called ‘the case of killing of wild beasts’ has shown that objective value of wild beasts can be lowered under emergent situation to decrease needs of legal interest protection. Therefore, a breeder who has consented killing of wild beasts by deceptive behavior may have misunderstanding of legal interest relations to nullify consent. So called ‘the case of corneal transplant’, however, does not deteriorate legal interest values even at existence of emergent situation to let legal interest entity have freedom of disposal of legal interest so that it may be different from the case of killing of wild beasts. The resolution may have many opinions: But the opinion nullifying consent that an error of ‘general value system’ is regarded to be that of legal interest relations is thought to be the most appropriate considering maintenance of theory of legal interest related misunderstanding.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷상 명예훼손·모욕죄와 피해자의 특정

        황태정(Hwang, Tae-Jeong) 한국형사법학회 2009 刑事法硏究 Vol.21 No.3

        The crimes against reputation is an act to lower external valuation on ‘person’ according to statutes, common views and precedents, etc to let the third party meeting with expression act not to know who is an object being given valuation lowering act. As ‘Name in full’ represents a man who is subject of honor in real world. so ‘ID’ performs same function on cyberspace. Being different from natural association of meaning with the ones who have ‘name in full’ in real world, ‘ID’ on cyberspace has only meaning of personal identification symbol that identifies the one who exists behind the scenes so that it cannot be thought to be same with a ‘person’ from point of view of natural meaning: Therefore, normative equality of both can be admitted only limitedly. When ID is classified into four types, that is to say, completely unrecognizable type, semi-unrecognizable type, semi-cognizable type and completely cognizable type, completely cognizable type only admits of normative consistency between ID and the one who exists behind the scenes except for exceptional case that the one discloses his or her identity by himself or herself and either an actor in the use of website or the third party acknowledges such a fact. In other words, the ID cannot be thought to be ‘person’ who is an object of crimes against reputation from point of view of intentional acts of an actor at remaining types, and it cannot be thought to make a specification of the victim from point of view of the third party's recognizable possibility. In such a case, therefore, either defamation or insult on ID is difficult to admit of it. When lowering of valuation on ID in either defamation or insult is punished from point of view of needs of realistic penalties despite such a theoretical fault, such aoreticis al faulbe thought to be proper from point of view of the Principle of “nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege”. If such a punishment is thought to be required, the act shall be carefully reviewed to legislate it based on the principles of appropriateness.

      • KCI등재

        전과기록의 이용,관리와 형실효법의 문제점

        황태정 ( Tae Jeong Hwang ) 한국형사정책학회 2006 刑事政策 Vol.18 No.2

        The Act on the Lapse of Criminal Sentences had no regulation on how to terminate a case when materials of investigation cards were not made out. Even before registering materials of investigation cards in E-CRIS (Electronic Criminal Record Identification System), contents of the materials of investigation cards included important personal information and investigation of a suspect to regulate legal basis management at the stage of preparation, deletion and repeal, etc. The law in force had a basis of the existence of the materials of investigation cards made by special judicial police official by the Act on the Lapse of Criminal Sentences and its Enforcement Decree, and it had no legal basis of concrete contents. Therefore, the laws and regulations on preparation of the materials of investigation cards of special judicial police official should be newly enacted or applications of preparation of existing materials of investigation cards were demanded to specify special judicial police management. Previous criminal records were illegally inquired mainly because the Act on the Lapse of Criminal Sentences and other laws and regulations regulated references and reply of previous criminal records here and there. Therefore, laws and regulations on references and reply of previous criminal records were required to regulate types, scope and limitation of previous criminal records by single law, that is to say, the Act on the Lapse of Criminal Sentences. Considering basic spirit of the Act on the Lapse of Criminal Sentences, the law had better include positive list that regulated references and reply of previous criminal records within laws and regulations. As explained before, regulations of references and reply of previous criminal records were required to specify them by the Act on the Lapse of Criminal Sentences: When enactment was made, the Enforcement Decree of the law was required to specify inquiry and scope of reply, etc clearly. Legislation of inquiry as well as division of the scope of inquiry could prevent illegal references and reply indirectly, while reinforced punishment of the one who did illegal references and reply of previous criminal records could do directly. To protect personal information and privacy effectively, legal punishment and sentence were demanded to reinforce against illegal references and reply. The punishment with a fine that mostly consisted of minor crimes was required to exclude previous criminal records below than a certain money value from the materials of criminal records and to include them in the materials of criminal records that could not be included in previous criminal records. In the case, the judicial police officer was permitted not to make out materials of investigation cards to meet legislative purposes of the Act on the Lapse of Criminal Sentences for the ones who were given summary judgment. When legal period elapsed, the Act on the Lapse of Criminal Sentences could delete materials of investigation records. And, the law limited scope of the deletion so much not to meet legislative purposes. When criminal investigation records could be deleted immediately, scope of legal punishment should be reduced to expand scope of the deletion and to remove criminal investigation records of minor crimes as soon as possible and to alleviate psychological burden of a suspect and meet legislative purposes of the law.

      • KCI등재

        헌법정신과 범죄피해자 보호

        황태정(Hwang, Tae-Jeong) 한국피해자학회 2019 被害者學硏究 Vol.27 No.2

        1987년 개정 헌법이 범죄피해자의 재판절차진술권과 구조청구권에 관한 명문의 규정을 신설하면서 우리나라 범죄피해자 보호·지원 제도는 첫걸음을 내딛게 되었다. 범죄피해자 관련 입법이 전무한 상태에서 내려진 헌법적 결단 이후, 범죄피해자를 보호하기 위한 다양한 입법이 탄생하였고, 범죄피해자 보호·지원 관련 입법은 적어도 양적인 측면에서는 지속적인 성장을 해 온 것으로 평가된다. 그러나 이러한 양적 발전에 의해 형사사법의 패러다임이 피해자 중심으로 선회되었다고 보기는 어려우며, 우리나라 형사절차에서 범죄피해자는 여전히 증인 등 형사절차의 객체 또는 주변인으로서의 지위에 머무르고 있다고 생각된다. 선진 각국의 입법과 비교해볼 때, 사소권, 소송참가권, 변호인조력권 등 형사절차에서의 권리보장이나 적절한 손해전보를 포함한 범죄피해자에 대한 다각적 지원 등 향후 우리나라 범죄피해자 보호·지원 제도가 넘어야 할 산이 아직 많기 때문이다. 이 연구는 이러한 문제의식 아래, 형사사법체계 내에 투영된 피해자의 모습을 통해 우리 헌법과 형사법이 범죄피해자를 어떠한 관점에서 바라보고 있는지를 살펴보고, 국가와 국민, 가해자와 피해자라는 다각적 구도 속에서 범죄피해자에 대한 정당한 대우는 어떠한 모습이어야 하는지를 헌법정신의 관점에서 검토해보고자 한다. In modern criminal procedure, crime victims were perceived only as peripheral ones for a long time, even though they were victims of crime. With the establishment of state power and penal rights of state, the main concern of criminal justice was focused on the relationship between state power maintaining order of the community and criminals who broke the order. The composition of individual infringement of the victim-offender has changed into the composition of public infringement of the state-criminal, and the victims who gave their place to the state are pushed out to the outside of the criminal procedure and turned into peripheral or forgotten ones. In South Korea, various legislations were created to protect crime victims since the constitution stated the rights of crime victims in the late 1980s. Legislation related to crime victims is estimated to have continued to grow, at least in quantitative terms. However, it is hard to say that the paradigm of criminal justice has changed. There are many obstacles to the full protection and support of crime victims, such as strengthening the right of information, expansion of participation rights, and expansion of compensation. In this situation, we need to recall the example of 9th revision of constitution that has made numerous roots and branches by sowing seeds of constitutional determination in the wilderness of relevant legislation. Inductive changes through concrete system improvement are also meaningful, but I think it is time for deductive changes to change the situation in a top-down manner by putting the provisions on victim protection in the Constitution. his is because victim-centered criminal justice is not only a matter of specific institutional improvement but also a paradigm shift involving awareness and will to change.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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