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      • 인문사회학편 : 공군 전자전 발전을 위한 제언

        황성인(중령) ( Seong-in Hwang ) 공군사관학교 2015 空士論文集 Vol.66 No.2

        Modern weapons systems are experiencing rapid development and change beyond ourimagination. In the history of mankind, a century``s development of modern weapons systems`` probability to kill and precision has been enough to shi ft the dynamics of modem and future warfare. Many military scholars explain Network Centric Operation Environment(NCOE) and Effect-Based Operations(EBO) as a basic concept whenever they mention the dynamic of future warfare. Weapons systems based on NCOE and EBO will have electromagnetic spectrum as their basis of operation. thus. elect ronic warfare will become a fundamental operating factor in future battlefields. According to a recent analysis based on the history of war, the importance of electronic warfare is ever increasing and there is a worldwide effon to develop electronic warfare capabilities that conform to new warfare dynamics. Unfortunately. it is very di fficult to acquire EW data because EW lechnologies are classified and protected by lheir governments. It is relativelY easy 10 comprehend technological developments and forecast future changes for other weapons systems. however. there are many limitations for that of electronic warfare. Founded on changes in electronic warfare paradigm evidence from the history of war and forecasts of future battlefields. this thesis attempts to propose electronic warfare developments for the Republic of Korea Air Force.Modern weapons systems are experiencing rapid development and change beyond ourimagination. In the history of mankind, a century``s development of modern weapons systems`` probability to kill and precision has been enough to shi ft the dynamics of modem and future warfare. Many military scholars explain Network Centric Operation Environment(NCOE) and Effect-Based Operations(EBO) as a basic concept whenever they mention the dynamic of future warfare. Weapons systems based on NCOE and EBO will have electromagnetic spectrum as their basis of operation. thus. elect ronic warfare will become a fundamental operating factor in future battlefields. According to a recent analysis based on the history of war, the importance of electronic warfare is ever increasing and there is a worldwide effon to develop electronic warfare capabilities that conform to new warfare dynamics. Unfortunately. it is very di fficult to acquire EW data because EW lechnologies are classified and protected by lheir governments. It is relativelY easy 10 comprehend technological developments and forecast future changes for other weapons systems. however. there are many limitations for that of electronic warfare. Founded on changes in electronic warfare paradigm evidence from the history of war and forecasts of future battlefields. this thesis attempts to propose electronic warfare developments for the Republic of Korea Air Force.

      • KCI등재
      • 인문사회학편 : 공군 전자전 발전을 위한 제언

        황성인(중령) ( Seong-in Hwang ) 공군사관학교 2015 군사과학논집 Vol.66 No.2

        현대의 무기체계는 상상을 초월할 정도로 급격하게 발전하고 있다. 전 인류의 역사를 뒤돌아보면 근·현대의 무기체계가 가장 급격한 속도로 발전하였으며, 경이로울 정도의 살상력과 정확도는 현대전과 미래전의 양상을 바꾸어 놓기에 충분하였다. 많은 군사학자들은 미래전의 양상을 예측할 때 네트 워크중신 작전환경(NCOE : Network Centric Operation Environment)과 효과중심 작전(EBO : Effect-Based Operations)을 가장 많이 이야기한다. 이런 네트워크중심 작전환경, 효과중심, 작전을 수행하는 무기체계의 운용 근간은 전자기 스펙트럼이 될 것이며, 따라서 전자기 스팩트럼 운용으로 정의되는 전자전은 미래 전장의 가장 근본이 되는 요소가 될 것이다. 최근 戰史 분석 자료를 보면 전자전의 중요성은 날로 증가하고 있으며 각국은 새로운 전쟁 양상에 부합하는 전자전을 발전시키려 노력하고 있다. 그러나 他 무기체계에 비하여 전자전 관련 기술은 국가 비밀로 보호되고 있어 관련자료 획득에 제한사항이 많은것이 사실이다. 본 논문에서는 戰史에 나타난 전자전과 전자전 패러다임 변화, 미래전장 예측을 통하여 한국 공군의 전자전 발전에 대한 몇 가지 의견을 제시하고자 한다. Modern weapons systems are experiencing rapid development and change beyond ourimagination. In the history of mankind, a century``s development of modern weapons systems`` probability to kill and precision has been enough to shi ft the dynamics of modem and future warfare. Many military scholars explain Network Centric Operation Environment(NCOE) and Effect-Based Operations(EBO) as a basic concept whenever they mention the dynamic of future warfare. Weapons systems based on NCOE and EBO will have electromagnetic spectrum as their basis of operation. thus. elect ronic warfare will become a fundamental operating factor in future battlefields. According to a recent analysis based on the history of war, the importance of electronic warfare is ever increasing and there is a worldwide effon to develop electronic warfare capabilities that conform to new warfare dynamics. Unfortunately. it is very di fficult to acquire EW data because EW lechnologies are classified and protected by lheir governments. It is relativelY easy 10 comprehend technological developments and forecast future changes for other weapons systems. however. there are many limitations for that of electronic warfare. Founded on changes in electronic warfare paradigm evidence from the history of war and forecasts of future battlefields. this thesis attempts to propose electronic warfare developments for the Republic of Korea Air Force.Modern weapons systems are experiencing rapid development and change beyond ourimagination. In the history of mankind, a century``s development of modern weapons systems`` probability to kill and precision has been enough to shi ft the dynamics of modem and future warfare. Many military scholars explain Network Centric Operation Environment(NCOE) and Effect-Based Operations(EBO) as a basic concept whenever they mention the dynamic of future warfare. Weapons systems based on NCOE and EBO will have electromagnetic spectrum as their basis of operation. thus. elect ronic warfare will become a fundamental operating factor in future battlefields. According to a recent analysis based on the history of war, the importance of electronic warfare is ever increasing and there is a worldwide effon to develop electronic warfare capabilities that conform to new warfare dynamics. Unfortunately. it is very di fficult to acquire EW data because EW lechnologies are classified and protected by lheir governments. It is relativelY easy 10 comprehend technological developments and forecast future changes for other weapons systems. however. there are many limitations for that of electronic warfare. Founded on changes in electronic warfare paradigm evidence from the history of war and forecasts of future battlefields. this thesis attempts to propose electronic warfare developments for the Republic of Korea Air Force.

      • KCI등재

        공대공 교전을 위한 유무인항공기 협업 전술 개발

        황성인(Seong-In Hwang),양광진(Kwang-Jin Yang),오지현(Jihyun Oh),설현주(Hyeonju Seol) 한국항공우주학회 2022 韓國航空宇宙學會誌 Vol.50 No.1

        전장에서의 무인기 활용이 시작된 이후 무인기는 기만, 정찰, 공격 등 다양한 임무에 투입되어 인간을 대신하여 성공적인 임무를 수행하여 왔다. 과거, 기술의 제한으로 자율적 임무수행이나 유인기와의 협업을 통한 임무는 불가하였으나 데이터 통신, 인공지능 등의 기술 발전으로 인하여 자율임무 수행은 물론 유무인 협업을 통한 시너지 효과를 창출하는 수준까지 발전하였다. 본 연구에서는 공군의 항공우주작전 중 공대공 임무를 중심으로 유무인 협업이 가능한 임무를 식별하였으며, 많은 공대공 임무 중 가장 핵심이면서 기본 작전으로 판단된 전투기소탕에 관한 유무인 협업전술 개발을 연구하였다. 전투기소탕 작전 중에서도 유무인 협업을 통한 비스텔스기 대응과 스텔스기 대응 전술로 구분하여 연구를 진행하였으며, 이후 간단한 공학시뮬레이션을 통하여 제시한 전술의 실효성(임무 성공과 유무인기 생존 가능성)을 증명하였다. UAVs have been deployed various missions such as deception, reconnaissance and attack since they have been applied in battlefield and achieved missions successfully instead of man. In the past, it is impossible for UAVs to conduct autonomous missions or cooperative mission between manned aircraft due to the limitation of the technology. However, theses missions are possible owing to the advance in communication and AI Technology. In this research, we identified the possible cooperative missions between manned and unmanned team based on air-to-air mission. We studied cooperative manned and unmanned tactics about fighter sweep mission which is the core and basic operation among various air-to-air missions. We also developed cooperative tactics of manned and unmanned team by classifying nonstealth and stealth confrontational tactics. Hereafter, we verified the validity of the suggested tactics using computer simulations.

      • KCI등재

        AHP 기법을 이용한 무인기 자율기능 우선순위 도출 : 유무인 협업 공대공 교전을 중심으로

        정병호(Byungho Jung),오지현(Jihyun Oh),설현주(Hyeonju Seol)황성인(Seong In Hwang) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2022 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.45 No.1

        Recently, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA) in the United States is studying a new concept of war called Mosaic Warfare, and MUM-T(Manned-Unmanned Teaming) through the division of missions between expensive manned and inexpensive unmanned aircraft is at the center. This study began with the aim of deriving the priority of autonomous functions according to the role of unmanned aerial vehicles in the present and present collaboration that is emerging along with the concept of mosaic warfare. The autonomous function of unmanned aerial vehicles between the presence and absence collaboration may vary in priority depending on the tactical operation of unmanned aerial vehicles, such as air-to-air, air-to-ground, and surveillance and reconnaissance. In this paper, ACE (Air Combat Evaluation), Skyborg, and Longshot, which are recently studied by DARPA, derive the priority of autonomous functions according to air-to-air collaboration, and use AHP analysis. The results of this study are meaningful in that it is possible to recognize the priorities of autonomous functions necessary for unmanned aircraft in order to develop unmanned aerial vehicles according to the priority of autonomous functions and to construct a roadmap for technology implementation. Furthermore, it is believed that the mass production and utilization of unmanned air vehicles will increase if one unmanned air vehicle platform with only essential functions necessary for air-to-air, air-to-air, and surveillance is developed and autonomous functions are expanded in the form of modules according to the tactical operation concept.

      • KCI등재

        델파이 기법을 이용한 무인기 자율기능 분류에 관한 연구

        정병호(Byungho Jung),오지현(Jihyun Oh),설현주(Hyeonju Seol),황성인(Seong In Hwang) 한국SCM학회 2021 한국SCM학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        The United States defines the autonomous control level of unmanned aircraft in 10 stages depending on their operational needs or technical maturity, and the level of interoperability in terms of integrated operation of manned and unmanned aircraft in 5 stages. However, it was difficult to find a case in which the autonomous functions of unmanned aircraft were systematically organized from the perspective of perception, planning, and control, which are the mechanisms of activities of autonomous systems. This study aims to systematically classify the autonomous functions of unmanned aircraft according to the mechanisms of autonomous systems in conjunction with aircraft activities. We establish a corresponding layer for each activity by dividing the mechanisms of autonomous systems leading to perception-planning-control into large, medium and small categories in conjunction with the activities of unmanned aircraft. The methodology uses Delphi Method to reflect experts knowledge in the development and operation of unmanned aircraft.

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