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        지구 온난화 문제점과 생태계 위기에 대한 기독교 윤리적 답변

        황봉환(Hwang, Bong-Hwan) 개혁신학회 2009 개혁논총 Vol.10 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to understand global warming problem and present Christian ethical answer to ecosystem crisis. According to this purpose, this paper will study the earth as the ground of human life and examine the historical perspective and main factors of global warming. On the historical perspective, it would be said that global warming is caused by natural climate change, development of human civilization and industrial revolution. The main factors of global warming are increased by greenhouse gases which come out from CO2, CH4, N2O CFCs. This global warming affects the whole ecosystem including human being and all other lives on the earth, agricultural products, water source environment and human society. Human Existence is also directly related by destroy of ecosystem. Christian ethics needs to give an answer to destroy and crisis of ecosystem and to request the transformation of christian thought way. Many ecologists, natural philosophers and Roman Catholic church leaders say that protestant theology teaches human domination of nature and extortion of nature for his own need. They, thus, insist that theological and ethical teaching of natural neglection must be changed. How, then, does the christian response to their judgement of christian worldview of dominion of nature? Christian responses to their judgement are that christian needs new recognition of domination of nature and practical faith to overcome ecosystem crisis. What, then, is christian answer to corelation between christian doctrine and ecosystem crisis on the reformed theological perspective? What the christian ethics teach is that the absolute domination of nature is on God, human domination of nature is on stewardship and main factor of ecosystem crisis was caused by human fall. In fallen society, christian ethical obligation for ecosystem crisis is to preserve and care for the created nature by God. But perfect restoration of disordered nature by human fall will be restored by redemption of Christ through his death on the cross. He will rule over the new heaven and earth that would be accomplished by His second coming. The ecosystem crisis by global warming increase now more and more with the industrial development and human technology in pragmatic society. Christian must not neglect his obligation on preservation and caring for the nature for which he is called as steward.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        바울의 헌금모금의 의의(意義)와 신학적 원리 그리고 적용에 대한 연구: 고전 16장, 고후 8-9장을 중심으로

        황봉환 ( Bong Hwan Hwang ) 개혁신학회 2011 개혁논총 Vol.19 No.-

        바울이 예루살렘교회를 돕기 위해 고린도교회와 마게도냐 교회로부터 헌금모금을 요청한 동기와 목적이 무엇인가? 그리스도 안에서 형제자매 됨의 사랑을 확인하고 경제적으로 궁핍한 예루살렘교회를 물질로 섬기고자 한 것이다. 바울은 이목적 성취를 위해 헌금모금에 대한 다양한 용어를 사용하면서 고린도와 마게도냐 교회 신자들을 설득시킨다. 바울은 헌금모금을 미리 준비하고 자발적으로 참여하도록 하며, 하나님의 은혜에 보답하는 일로서 성도를 섬기는 일이라고 가르친다. 바울이 고린도서를 통해 가르치려는 신학적 원리는 무엇이며, 오늘날 지속적으로 적용되어야 할 교훈은 무엇인가? 첫째, 바울은 그의 서신을 통해 헌금모금에 있어 자발적 참여의 원리를 제시한다. 명령이 아니라 마음에서 우러나는 자발적인 참여를 요구했다. 둘째, 헌금모금에 있어 은혜의 원리를 제시한다. 신자가 받은 모든 것은 그리스도의 은혜로 주어진 것이다. 바울은 경제적으로 궁핍한 성도를 물질로 섬기는 일에 참여하도록 가르친다. 셋째, 바울은 헌금을 모금하는 일뿐만 아니라 나누어 주는 일에 균등의 원리가 적용되도록 가르친다. 그 균등의 원리는 주는 자나 받는 자가 모두 심적인 균등을 얻게 하고 그리고 물질을 필요에 따라 균등하게 나누도록 하려는 것이다. 넷째, 파종과 추수의 원리이다. "적게 심는 자는 적게 거두고 많이 심는 자는 많이 거둔다"(고후 9:6)는 말은 추수는 파종한 양에 비례한다는 것을 가르치는 것이 아니라 파종한 씨는 반드시 열매를 맺는다는 것을 가르침과 동시에 자발적으로 드려진 헌금은 하나님의 축복을 유발시킨다는 것을 강조하려는 것이다. 그렇다면 지속적으로 교회가 실천해야 할 바울의 가르침이 무엇인가? 교회는 영적 공동체 안에서 경제적으로 궁핍한 신자를 도우는 일을 계속해야 한다. 왜냐하면 헌금은 성도를 섬기는 봉사행위이기 때문이다. 헌금모금과 나눔은 형제 사랑을 실천하는 교제의 관계를 지속적으로 연결시킨다. 교회는 헌금모금으로 하나님과 사람 앞에서 신자의 선행을 드러내게 하고 그리고 다른 사람들에게 본이 되게 하도록 가르쳐야 한다. 바울을 통해 제기된 신학적 원리와 실천적 적용 모델은 재정 관리의 공정성과 투명성이 강하게 요구되는 한국 교회가 받아드려야 할 성경의 가르침이다. What is St. Paul`s motive and purpose in asking for the offering collection, from Corinth Church to help the Jerusalem Church? It is to confirm the brotherly love in Jesus Christ and serve the Jerusalem Church experiencing economic poverty. Paul instructed the saints of the Corinth Church to fulfill this purpose using several terms of offering collection. Paul informed the church of the scope of participation, according to God`s grace of providing excess, and the means of collection. What is the theological principle and teaching of continual application in today`s Church from First and Second Corinthians? First, Paul presents the principle of willing participation for the offering collection in his letters. Second, Paul states the principle of grace for the offering collection. All things Christians possessed are given by the grace of Christ. Paul teaches the Church to serve the needy fellow Christians with the collected offering. Third, Paul teaches the principle of equality not only to collect the offering, but to share it for application to the church. The principle of equality is to get the equality of mind and share the money with the needy. Fourth, it is the principle of sowing and harvesting. The word that "whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously" does not teach that the harvesting is to compare with the quantity of sowing, but the sowed seeds take the fruits and offered money willing is to cause God`s blessing. What is then biblical principle from Paul`s teaching to continually practice by the church? The church as the spiritual community should continue to help needy persons economically; because the offering is an expression of serving and helping others. The collected offering and its sharing make the constant relation between the brothers in Christ and practice of brotherly love. Through the offering collection the church should teach the saints to present their good deed before God and man. It is a biblical teaching that the Korean church must teach and accept as theological principle and practical application of the offering collection - the justice and the transparency of money management (financial stewardship).

      • KCI등재

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