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        체면문화와 기독교상담

        황규명 ( Kyu Myeong Whang ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2005 복음과 상담 Vol.5 No.-

        Culture is “man-made part of the environment”and is like the air we breathe. Thus, in counseling, we can not ignore the culture by which counselee or counselor is influenced. One of the Korean culture we should be aware is the ‘chemyun’culture. ‘Chemyun’means honor, dignity or reputation. If you lose face, you can say you have lost your chemyun .In Korean culture, you must have and show dignity because no one wants to lose face or be ashamed, and everyone desires self-respect. The emphasis is more on other people`s opinion about you rather than virtue or value in yourself. Because of chemyun, sometimes you have to refrain from eating when you are starving, and you have to eat even when your stomach is full. Sometimes, you cannot put on more clothes even when you are freezing, and you cannot take off your clothes when you are sweating. Besides, you cannot cry or laugh in response to those things happening. In chemyun culture, it is a virtue to refrain from boasting about oneself, but people, deep inside, want to be admired and envied. So, they try to have what others recognize and to do what others approve. Such behaviors reflect their subconscious or even conscious desire to be recognized as superior by others. For example, some people spend so much money that they get into financial difficulties because they are caught up in what others might think of them. That is the fear of man. Fear of man is inversely related to the fear of God. As the fear of God is eroded, the fear of man is intensified in the heart of the human being. A question must be raised, “What is your biggest concern, what people think about you, or what God thinks about you?”If you are pursuing chemyun more than just trying to be courteous, you probably are seeking approval of man and your own glory. Behind the chemyun culture, there can be a self-worship.

      • KCI등재

        학교폭력에 나타나는 마음의 문제: 성경적 상담의 관점

        황규명 ( Kyu Myeong Whang ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2011 복음과 상담 Vol.16 No.-

        Violence is a serious issue in the society. School is not safe from the violence. School violence became a serious issue also. It is organized and brutal. Many studies have been made to identify the causes of school violence. Many possible causes were found but none of them were certain. To understand this kind of situation, it is important to understand the human hearts of people involved in school violence. The human being is created according to God’s image, but the human heart is sinful by nature. This fact must be considered in counseling people involved, especially the offenders. Offenders as well as victims have their own psychological hurts and wounds. They must be helped to realize the love of God and the hope in Christ. Their hurts must be taken care of, but more importantly their sinfulness must be brought to God. What keeps them from needing God? Something in them doesn``t want to face the Someone who has the first and last say about their lives. In their hearts, there are anger, selfishness, greed, arrogance, fear of man, etc. They must be helped to gain a new life and identity in Christ. If the people involved in school violence, especially the offenders, by grace of Christ, realize their sinfulness and rebellion against God, and gain a new sight and heart, their behavior will be changed.

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