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      • KCI등재

        양수과다증 85 례의 임상적고찰

        김현주(HJ Kim),홍경화(KW Hong),홍희선(HS Hong),전정희(JH Jeun) 대한산부인과학회 1988 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.31 No.11

        1981년 1월부터 1986년 12월까지 일신기독병원에서 진단된 양수과다임신 85예, 97태아의 임 상적 고찰의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 발생빈도는 1000분만당 2례(0.2%)였다. 2. 초임부에서 적게 발생하며 20-24세에 많고 25-29세에 적게 발생했다. 3. 85례중 93.8%에서 질식 분만ㅇ르 하였고, 6.2%에서 제왕절개수술을 했다. 둔위 분만이 병 원 비에 비해 10배이상 높았다. 4. 모체 및 분만에 따른 합병증으로 조기 진통이 가장 흔한 합병증이었고, 다태 임신, 임신 성 고혈압 동반이 현저히 높았으며, 태반 조기 박리와 산후 출혈의 빈도도 높았다. 5. 태아 합병증으로는 27.8%의 사산률과 54.6%의 신생아 사망률을 보였으며, 75.2%의 조산 아와 51.5%에서의 태아 기형을 보였다. 주산기 사망율이 1000분만당 824.7명이엇고, 교정 주산기 사망률도 1000분만당 505명이었다. A review of 85 cases of hydramnios which occured among 42280 delivery, an incindence 0.2% at Il sin Christian hospital between January 1st. 1981 and December 31st 1986 is presented. Hydramnios was defined as those cases in which the volume of liquor was measured as 2000 mls or more. Associated maternal and fetal conditions were evaluated and compared to the clinical course and outcome of each pregnancy. Among the 85 cases of hydramnios the associated factors was multiple gestation 12 cases (14.1%) pre-eclampsia 10 cases (11.8%) and 50 caese with congenital malformation but in 25 cases (29.1%) no cases could be found . 32 (38.9%) cases were associated with spontaneous onset of premature labour and 19 (22.4%) were associated with abnormal presentation. There were 97 infants delivery and these 73 (75.2%) were premature. The total perinatal morthality rate was 824.7 per 1000 delivery and even when it was corrected to exclude to babies with malformations incompatible with life and those under 1000gm the perinatal mortality rate was still 505 per 1000 delivery. Appropriate mangagement is essential in order to reduce maternal complications and where possible perinatal mortality and early diagnosis of fetal abnormalities by ultrasonogram is an essential part of the management.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        고령초산모의 임신예후에 관한 고찰사

        김성금(SG Kim),박치희(CH Park),이미영(MY Lee),이경희(KH Lee),장미경(MK Chang),홍희선(HS Hong) 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.10

        This is a retrospective study of the outcome in pregnancy of more than 20 weeks maturity in a group of 225 primiparas aged 35 years or above who were matched with a control group of 450 primiparas aged less than 35 years old. Seventeen variables of clinical significance were analyzed in order to compare those of 35 years of age and more with those under 35. There were significantly increased rates of cesarean section (51.2%) and gestational diabetes(4.0%) in the older group. The older group also had significantly poorer neonatal outcomes. However, the incidence of elderly primiparas is increasing. Therefore we recommend it is wiser to manage all elderly primiparas as at high risk dealing with each case individually within this framework.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Dandy Walker Syndrome과 동반된 Trisomy 9의 산전진단 1 례

        송진희(JH Song),김성희(SH Kim),신지원(JW Shin),문정주(JJ Moon),박숙자(SJ Park),강경화(KH Kang),홍희선(HS Hong) 대한산부인과학회 1997 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.40 No.8

        Complete trisomy 9 is a rare chromosomal aneuploidy in live born infants. The majority of cases of trisomy 9 end in spontaneous abortion in the first trimester. Clinical finding of co-mplete trisomy 9 demonstrate multiple organ abnormalities in the craniofacial, cardiovascular, skeletal, genitouronary systems. We report a fetus with Dandy Walker syndrome which was diagnosed prenatally and was subsequently found to have a complete trisomy 9.

      • KCI등재

        습관성유산 환자에서의 차후 임신예후에 관한 임상고찰

        전정희,홍희선,이은희,홍옥련 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.1

        1982년 11월에서 1987년 12월까지 일신기독병원 산과를 내원, 입원, 분만한 습관성유산의 기왕력을 가진 유산군 100명중 자궁외임신 2례와 쌍태임신 1례를 제외시킨 97명을 연구군으로, 같은 기간에 본원을 내원, 입원, 분만한 초임부 100명을 임의 추출해서 자궁외임신 1례, 쌍태임신 2례를 제외시킨 97명을 대조군으로 각각의 임신결과를 분석하였다. 1. 모성합병증으로 태반용수박리의 빈도가 10%로 대조군 1%에 비해 현저하게 높았다. 2. 성공적 만삭임신율은 72%, 초임부 대조군 89%였다. 3. 유산율 10%, 조산율 18%로 대조군 3%, 8% 보다 의미있게 높았다. 4. 저 체중아의 빈도는 5.7%로 대조군 15.9%보다 낮았다. 5. 선천기형의 빈도가 6.9%로 대조군 1.1%보다 높았다. 6. 신생아사망율 81%, 주산기 91%로 현저히 높았다. 7. 모성연령, 신장, 교육정도, 분만 과거력, 태아성별, 자연유산횟수 등은 임신결과에 영향을 미치지 않았다. A retrospective clinical evaluation of ninety-seven women with a prior history of habutual abortion (three or more consequtive spontaneoud abortions) was done to determine the effect of prior abortions on subsequent pregnancy outcome. The incidence of abortion was 10 %, prematurity rate 18 %, neonatal death rate 81/1000 live births, congenital anomaly 6.9 % and perinatal mortality rate 91/1000 deliveries. The incidence of all of these being higher than that in the control group of singleton primigravida pregnancy. However, the incidence of small for gestational age 5.7 % was lower than in the control group 15.9 %. The successful term pregnancy rate was 72 %. A history of previous successful delivery, the number of recurrent abortions, maternal age, height, education and sex of infant did not influence the pregnancy outcome of the study group. This data on pregnancy outcome should be useful in reproductive counseling among women with recurrent pregnancy losses.

      • KCI등재

        ABO 혈액형과 융모성질환

        민보은,박은주,홍희선,이은희,박영미 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.6

        본 연구는 G.T.D. 환자의 혈액형 분포에 현저한 차이가 없는 다른 보고와 비슷한 결과를 보여주었으나, G.T.T. 환자의 다른 보고와는 달리 O형으로 shift되는 양상을 보여주었다. 남편 혈액형 분포는 정상과 의미 있는 차이가 없었으나 AB형으로 약간 shift를 보여주었다. 환자와 남편의 혈액형이 같은 like mating은 uncomplicated mole로 되는 빈도가 높고 포상기태임신후에 G.T.T.가 되는 빈도는 낮음을 보여준다. Unlike mating 중에서 가장 중요한 차이는 O X A와 A X O mating중에서 molar G.T.T.의 비도가 높다는 것이다. 그러나 이러한 mating의 환자에서 사망율은 높지않다. AB형인 포상기태임신 환자 중에서 G.T.T.의 빈도는 낮으나 모든 G.T.T.환자 중에서 사망율은 가장 높았다. 포상기태임신 환자에서 만약 남편이 O형이면 G.T.T.빈도가 약간 더 높고, AB형이면 더 낮은 빈도를 보였다. O형의 남자와 결혼한 환자 중에서 사망율 또한 높았고, 이것은 G.T.T.의 사망율이, fully compatible mating일 때 더 높다는 사실을 반영한다. Studies from different parts of the world have reported differences in the ABO blood group distribution among patients with trophoblastic disease and husbands of these patients and some studies have shown definite influences of the ABO blood group on the outcome. The present study is a report on blood group and mating pattern distribution among 641 patients with hydatidiform mole and husbands of 493 of these patients. The influence of blood group and mating pattern on the prognosis of hydatidiform mole outcome was known in 474 of these patients including 385 in whom the husbands blood group was known . The same study was done on 58 patients with non molar gestational trophoblastic tumor and 25 husbands of these patients. The results were as follows: 1. In patients with G.T.D. there was no marked difference in the distribution of blood groups but in patients with G.T.T. there was a shift towards group O. 2. The distribution of blood groups among the husbands showed some shift towards group AB. 3. There was a decreased incidence of G.T.T. following hydatidiform mole in patients mated with men of the same blood group. 4. Among the unlike matings there was an increased incidence of molar G.T.T. among O x A and A x O matings. However the mortality rate in these patients was not raised. 5. There was no difference in the incidence of G.T.T. between fully compatible and possible incompatible matings but there was a higher mortality rate when the mating was fully incompatible.

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