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      • KCI등재

        자호천에 서식하는 멸종위기어류 얼룩새코미꾸리 Koreocobitis naktongensis (Cobitidae)의 서식환경과 번식, 섭식생태

        홍양기 ( Yang Ki Hong ),양현 ( Hyun Yang ),방인철 ( In Chul Bang ) 한국어류학회 2011 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.23 No.3

        멸종위기에 처한 우리나라 고유 담수어류인 얼룩새코미꾸리 Koreocobitis naktongensis의 서식환경과 번식, 섭식생태를 연구하기 위해 2010년 3월부터 2011년 6월까지 자호천에서 조사하였다. 본 종은 하천 중?상류에 하상구조가 돌과 자갈이 넓게 깔린 유속 5~10 cm/sec, 수심 50~110 cm인 곳에 주로 서식하였다. 채집한 개체의 성비(♂/♀)는 0.92로 나타났고, 산란시기는 수온이 17~20℃인 5~6월로 추정되었다. 포란수는 평균 22,643 (15,909~30,323)개였으며, 난경은 평균 0.87±0.05mm였다. 주요 먹이생물은 파리 목이었으며, 이 중 72.0%의 상대 중요성 지수값을 나타낸 깔따구류였고 그 다음은 26.9%인 물가파리류였다. Habitat, reproduction and feeding habit of endangered fish Koreocobitis naktongensis from Jaho stream, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea were investigated from March 2010 to June 2011. This species inhabits at the upper and middle parts of stream, which were composed of cobbles and pebbles bottom. The current velocities in these microhabitat were 5~10 cm/sec and depth were 50~ 110 cm. The sex ratio of female to male was 1: 0.92. It is presumed that the spawning season is from May to June when water temperatures were 17~20℃. The average number of mature eggs in ovary were about 22,643 (15,909~30,323), mean egg diameter was 0.87±0.05 mm. K. naktongensis fed mainly on Chironomidae (IRI, 72.0%) and Ephydridae (26.9%) of Diptera.

      • KCI등재

        괴산호 어류상 및 군집구조

        홍양기 ( Yang Ki Hong ),김경환 ( Kyeong Hwan Kim ),송미영 ( Mi Young Song ),이완옥 ( Wan Ok Lee ) 한국환경생태학회 2015 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        The characteristics of ichthyofauna and fish community in Lake Goesan were examined from April 2010 to October 2012. During the survey period thirty six species belonging to 11 families were collected. Dominant species by number were Hemibarbus labeo (29.9%) and Zacco platypus (20.0%). In biomass, the dominant species were H. labeo (37.2%) and Carassius auratus (17.9%). Also, fourteen Korean endemic fish species (38.9%) and one endangered species (Acheilognathus signifer) were collected. Further, one catadromous species was observed for stock enhancement (Anguilla japonica), in addition to two land-locked anadromous species (Hypomesus nipponensis, Plecoglossus altivelis) and three exotic species (Cyprinus carpio (Israeli type), C. cuvieri, Micropterus salmoides). According to the length-weight relation of C. auratus and M. salmoides, the b values were 3.13∼2.99, 3.11∼2.99, showing a declining tendency annually. However, for H. labeo and Z. platypus, the b values were 2.98∼3.07, 3.06∼3.23 respectively, showing an increasing trend. The slope values for C. auratus and M. salmoides population conditions were controlled by K factor showing a tendency to decrease, but H. labeo and Z. platypus were showing a tendency to gradually increase.

      • KCI등재

        왕피천 어류상 및 어류군집의 특성

        홍양기 ( Yang-ki Hong ),김경환 ( Kyeong-hwan Kim ),김경무 ( Kyeong-moo Kim ),임광호 ( Gwang-ho Lim ),송미영 ( Mi-young Song ),이완옥 ( Wan-ok Lee ) 한국환경생태학회 2016 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.30 No.5

        왕피천에 출현하는 어류상 및 어류군집의 특성을 파악하고자 2015년 4월부터 10월까지 조사하였다. 본 조사에서 확인된 종은 모두 15과 40종이었으며, 개체수 우점종은 Zacco koreanus(31.3%) 이었고, 아우점종은 Rhynchocypris oxycephalus(14.7%) 이었다. 생체량 우점종은 Z. koreanus(29.2%) 이었고, 아우점종은 Coreoperca herzi(8.6%) 이었다. 한국고유종은 Squalidus multimaculatus 등 9종(22.5%) 이었고, 멸종위기종은 Lethenteron reissneri와 Cottus koreanus 이었다. 양식용으로 국외에서 도입된 Oncorhynchus mykiss 1종이 확인되었다. 이전 연구보고 이후 본 조사에서 처음 출현이 확인된 종은 L. reissneri, S. gracilis majimae, Pseudobagrus fulvidraco, O. mykiss, Chelon haematocheilus, Siniperca scherzeri, Acanthogobius lactipes, Luciogobius guttatus 및 Channa argus 등 9종이었다. 서식이 확인된 Rhodeus ocellatus, S. gracilis majimae, Hemibarbus longirostris, Pseudogobio esocinus, Microphysogobio yaluensis, Hemiculter eigenmanni 및 Cobitis hankugensis 등 7종은 국내 다른 수계에서 이입된것으로 추정된다. 주요 회유종인 Tribolodon hakonensis, O. keta 및 Plecoglossus altivelis을 대상으로 서식특성을 분석한 결과, O. keta는 St. 11, T. hakonensis는 St. 7, 10 및 11 등 주로 하류에서 확인되었으나 P. altivelis은 St. 3∼St. 11까지 넓게 분포하였다. 한편 조사 지점에 따라 동일한 시기에 P. altivelis의 평균체장 차이를 비교한 결과, 중ㆍ상류(St. 3과 St. 5)에서 채집한 개체들의 체장은 125.8±34.2㎜로 중ㆍ하류(St. 8과 St. 11)에서 채집된 개체의 80.2±16.6㎜보다 성장이 양호하였다. 이는 보와 같은 인공구조물에 의한 결과로, P. altivelis의 자유로운 이동 및 자원관리를 위하여 적절한 형태의 어도가 필요하였다. We surveyed bimonthly from April to October 2015 to understand the fish fauna and community structure in Wangpicheon. The collected species during the survey period were 40 species belonging to 15 families. Dominant species by number were Zacco koreanus (31.3%) and Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (14.7%). In biomass, the dominant species were Z. koreanus (29.2%) and Coreoperca herzi (8.6%). Also, nine endemic species (22.5%) including Squalidus multimaculatus and two endangered species (Lethenteron reissneri, Cottus koreanus) were identified. It was identified one introduced species (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from foreign countries for aquaculture. Compared with previous data, nine species were newly identified including L. reissneri, S. gracilis majimae, Pseudobagrus fulvidraco, O. mykiss, Chelon haematocheilus, Siniperca scherzeri, Acanthogobius lactipes, Luciogobius guttatus and Channa argus. Seven species (Rhodeus ocellatus, S. gracilis majimae, Hemibarbus longirostris, Pseudogobio esocinus, Microphysogobio yaluensis, Hemiculter eigenmanni and Cobitis hankugensis) introduced from other native waters in Korea were estimated. According to the analysis of the habitat characteristics of major migratory species (Tribolodon hakonensis, O. keta and Plecoglossus altivelis), O. keta was observed at station 11 and T. hakonensis at station 7, 10 and 11. These fishes have been mainly identified in the downstream. However P. altivelis was widely distributed from station 3 to 11. In the comparison of average standard length of P. altivelis at each station during the same period, populations collected from station 3 and 5 which are mid-upper area of the stream were 125.8±34.2 ㎜. Their growth was good compared with those collected from station 8 and 11 (mid-lower area): 80.2±16.6 ㎜. This difference in length comes from the artificial structures including weir, thus it is necessary to create a fishway that enables P. altivelis to pass around barriers for free movement and resource management.

      • KCI등재

        멸종위기어류 여울마자 Microphysogobio rapidus (Cyprinidae)의난 발생 및 초기생활사

        홍양기 ( Yang Ki Hong ),고명훈 ( Myeong Hun Ko ),박상용 ( Sang Yong Park ),방인철 ( In Chul Bang ) 한국어류학회 2015 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.27 No.2

        멸종위기어류 여울마자의 생물학적 특성 및 복원을 위한 기초자료를 확보하기 위해 2013년 남강에서 채집하여 난 발생과정과 초기생활사를 연구하였다. 성숙란은 암컷에 Ovaprim 을 주사 (0.5 mL/kg)하여 얻었으며 건식법으로 인공 수정시켰다. 성숙란은 약한 점착성을 가지며 밝은 청록색을 띤 분리침성란이었으며, 난경은 0.63±0.02 mm (n=20), 포란수 (n=5)는평균 3,827±1,225 (2,850~ 5,916)개였다. 수온은 21±1°C에서 72시간 뒤에 부화하였으며, 부화 직후 전기 자어 크기는 전장 2.79±0.04 mm (n=10)였다. 부화 후 5일에는 전장 4.10± 0.07 mm (n=10)로 난황을 모두 흡수하여 후기자어로 이행하였고 부화 30일째에는 전장 9.74±0.24 mm (n=10)로 모든 지느러미의 기조가 정수가 되어 치어기로 이행하였다. 부화 후100일 후에는 전장 27.00±1.94 mm (n=10)로 체측반문과 외부형태가 성어와 유사한 모습을 보였다. Egg development and early life history of the endangered species, Microphysogobio rapidus was investigated to get a basic information for biological characteristics and recovery strategy. Eggs were obtained from females by injecting Ovaprim (0.5 mL/kg) and artificially fertilized by dry method in the laboratory. The mature eggs were slightly adhesive and separated with light bluish green and 0.63±0.02 mm (n=20) in diameter. Number of eggs in the ovaries were 3,827±1,225 (2,850 ~ 5,916). The hatching occurred at 72 hours after fertilization under water temperature of 21±1°C. The newly-hatched larvae were 2.79±0.04 mm (n=10) in total length. At 5 days after hatching, they were average 4.10±0.07 mm (n=10) in TL and their yolk sacs were completely absorbed. 30 days after hatching, they became to juvenile stage and reached 9.74±0.24 mm (n=10) in TL. At 100 days after hatching, the band patterns and external form were similar to those of adults, average 27.00±1.94 mm (n=10) in TL.

      • KCI등재

        국내에서 채집된 뱀장어 Anguilla japonica (Anguillidae)의 Silvering index와 생식소 발달 단계가 서로 다른 Pseudo-silver eels의 출현

        홍양기 ( Yang-ki Hong ),송미영 ( Mi-young Song ),박희원 ( Hee-won Park ),강정하 ( Jung-ha Kang ),이완옥 ( Wan-ok Lee ) 한국어류학회 2017 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.29 No.2

        2014년 9월부터 2015년 8월까지 국내 9개 지점에서 채집된 Anguilla japonica 454개체의 생물학적 특성을 조사한 결과, silvering index (SI) 구분과 GSI의 차이가 큰 pseudo-silver eel 이 소양호에서 2개체 (PS1~PS2)와 금강하구에서 1개체 (PS3)가 확인되었다. Pseudo-silver eel은 외부형태 기준으로는 S2 단계였으나, GSI, 소화관지수 (Gut index) 및 안경지수 (Eye index)에서는 모두 yellow eel 단계인 Y1 및 Y2였고, 생식소 발달단계와 난경에서도 Y2 단계였다. Three pseudo-silver eels (PS1~PS3) were found by analysis of silvering index and biological characteristics of 454 eels, Anguilla japonica, collected from the 9 sites of Korean fresh and brackish waters from September 2014 to August 2015. Two specimens (PS1~PS2) from Lake Soyang and one (PS3) from Geum river estuary were identified as pseudo-silver eel showing a large difference between silvering index and GSI. The external morphology of the pseudo-silver eels were in S2 (late silver eel) stage, but they were classified into Y1 (yellow eel) and Y2 (late yellow eel) stage in GSI, Gut index, Eye index and Y2 stage in gonadal development and mean egg diameter.

      • KCI등재

        멸종위기어류 얼룩새코미꾸리 Koreocobitis naktongensis (Cobitidae)의 수조 내 산란행동

        홍양기 ( Yang-ki Hong ),양현 ( Hyun Yang ),방인철 ( In-chul Bang ) 한국어류학회 2021 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.33 No.1

        멸종위기에 처한 우리나라 고유 담수어류인 얼룩새코미꾸리 Koreocobitis naktongensis의 호르몬 처리에 의한 산란행동을 관찰하기 위하여 2010년 4월 20~27일까지 산란시기에 성 성숙호르몬 (Ovaprim)을 주사하여 산란행동을 관찰하였다. 산란행동을 분석한 결과 산란 전 행동, 산란행동, 산란 후 행동으로 구분되었다. 산란 전에는 주로 휴식과 유영을 반복하였다. 호르몬 주사 후 평균적으로 11~12시간 경과하면 산란행동을 시작하여 암·수 1 : 1로 1~18회 산란하였고, 수중에서 수컷이 골질반을 이용하여 암컷의 등지느러미 뒷부분의 몸을 원의 형태로 감싸안고 산란이 이루어졌다. 산란 후 행동에서는 특별한 난 보호행동은 보이지 않았으며 산란에 참여하지 않은 개체들이 수정란 일부를 섭식하는 것이 관찰되었다. The Nakdong nose loach, Koreocobitis naktongensis is an endangered freshwater fish endemic to Korea. The spawning behaviour of the K. naktongensis was observed after treating Ovaprim in laboratory aquarium from 20~27 April 2010. The behavioral patterns were categorized into three stages of pre-spawning, spawning and post-spawning behaviors. Before spawning K. naktongensis usually repeated taking a rest and swimming. On average, initial spawning activity started 11 to 12 hours later after injection with Ovaprim. During the spawning period, the number of spawning acts ranged from 1 to 18. The spawning ratio of female to male was 1 : 1. The male embraced the back of the female’s dorsal fin with his lamina circularis. It looked like a complete circle at that time. After spawning, parental care was not observed. Individuals not participating in spawning have been observed to feed on some of the fertilized eggs.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        금강 지류 백곡천의 어류군집 및 천연기념물 미호종개Cobitis choii의 서식양상

        고명훈 ( Myeong Hun Ko ),홍양기 ( Yang Ki Hong ),김해림 ( Hae Lim Kim ),방인철 ( In Chui Bang ) 한국어류학회 2014 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.26 No.2

        금강 지류인 충북 진천군 백곡천의 어류군집 및 멸종위기종 미호종개의 서식양상을 밝히기 위하여 2012년 조사를실시하였다. 상류 (St. 1~3)는 하천형이 계곡형인 Aa 또는Aa-Bb형이고 하상은 주로 큰돌과 돌로 이루어져 있었으며10~14종의 어류가 서식하고 있었고, 중류 (St. 4~5)는 중류형인 Bb형 또는 Bb-Bc형으로 하상은 돌과 큰돌, 자갈로이루어져 있었으며 15~21종의 어류가 서식하고 있었다. St. 6은 백곡저수지로 하상은 대부분 펄이었고 9종이 서식하고 있었으며, St. 7은 백곡저수지 유출지점으로 하천형이Aa-Bb형이고 하상은 주로 큰돌과 돌로 이루어져 있었으며7종이 채집되었다. 하류(St. 8~9)는 중류형인 Bb형으로 하상은 주로 돌과 모래로 이루어져 있었으며 20~23종의 어류가 서식하고 있었다. 백곡천에 출현한 종수는 모두 10과35종이었으며, 우점종은 피라미(34.7%)였고, 아우점종은 돌고기(9.4%)와 돌마자(9.0%)였으며, 그 다음으로 민물검정망둑(8.2%), 모래무지(5.9%), 붕어(4.6%), 참몰개(3.7%), 밀어(3.0%) 순으로 우세하게 출현하였다. 출현종 중 고유종은 10종 (28.6%)이었으며, 외래어종은 떡붕어와 배스 2종이었다. 천연기념물이며 멸종위기종인 미호종개는 St. 5의 유속이 느리고 수심 0.3~1.0 m이며 하상이 모래인 곳에 주로 서식하고 있었다. 이들의 생태적 특징을 조사한 결과 서식개체수는 7,838±6,290개체가, 연령은 당년생 전장 38~45 mm, 1년생 46~60 mm, 2년생 61~80 mm, 3년생 이상은 81~93mm로 추정되었고, 비만도지수 (×105)는 암컷 0.36~0.39, 수컷 0.35~0.38이었으며, 기생충의 일종인 이생충(digenea)이 13.5%가 감염되어 있었다. 그 밖에 백곡천 미호종개의 건강성과 위협요인, 보전에 대해 논의하였다. Community structure of fish and inhabiting status of natural monument and endangeredspecies, Cobitis choii were investigated in the Baekgok Stream, a tributary of the Geum River drainagesystem of Korea from May to November 2012. Ten-15 fish species inhabited upper stream (St. 1~St. 3) with a Aa or Aa-Bb river type composed of mostly pebble and cobble bottoms. 15~21 species didmiddle stream (St. 4~St. 5) with Aa or Aa-Bb type composed of mostly cobble, boulder and pebblebottoms. Nine species did Reservoir Baekgok (St. 6) with composed of mostly mud bottoms, and Sevenspecies did Reservoir Baekgok outflow (St. 7) with Aa-Bb type composed of mostly boulder and cobblebottoms. And 20~23 species did lower stream (St. 8~St. 9) with a Bb-Bc type composed of mostlycobble and sand bottoms. A total of 35 species belonging to ten families were found in the streamduring the survey. The dominant species were in the order of Zacco platypus (34.7%), Pungtungiaherzi (9.4%) and Microphysogobio yaluensis (9.0%). Other abundant species included Tridentigerbifasciatus (8.2%), Pseudogobio esocinus (5.9%), Carassius auratus (4.6%), Squalidus chankaensistsuchigae (3.7%), Rhinogobius brunneus (3.0%). Among residing species, ten (28.6%) species wereendemic to Korea, one (Cobits choii) was endangered, and two (Micropterus salmoides and C. cuvieri)were non-indigenous. Natural monument and endangered species, C. choii were only inhabited St. 5,and they are inhabited 30~100 cm in water depth, sand bottom and slowly velocity. Using the markrecapturemethod, populations were estimated at 7,838±6,290 individuals. Age group in Mayestimated from total length indicated that the 38~45 mm group is 0 year old, the 46~60 mm group is1 years old, the 61~80 mm group is 2 years old, and the 81~93 mm group is more than 3 years old. Condition factor (×105) was 0.36~0.39 and 0.35~0.38 for female and male, respectively, and they are13.5% were infected with parasites (digenea). We are discussed the health status, threats and conservation strategies of C. choii in the Baekgok Stream.

      • KCI등재

        CoCrMo 자성박막의 부식에 관한 연구

        남인탁(In-Tak Nam),홍양기(Yang Ki Hong) 한국자기학회 1993 韓國磁氣學會誌 Vol.3 No.3

        The general requirements of recording media include recording performance, environmental stability, runnability on the drive or deck, and manufacturability. CoCrMo thin films were prepared using RF sputtering system for a study on chemical stability. Surface degradation of the CoCrMo thin film was studied by SEM, XPS and AES. Surface degradation was found to be dependent of sputtering condition and Mo content. Addition of Mo to CoCr thin film improved dramatically its surface degradation resistance in dilute sulfuric acid, as indicated by active-passive transition appeared in electrochemical polarization curve. Futhermore, the passive current density was decreased with increasing Mo content. The reduction in a number density of corrosion sites by Mo addition was observed, after accelerated corrosion test. AES survey indicated that corrosion occured on the site with Cr depletion and highly concentrated chloride ions.

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