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        미래지향적 식품산업 R&D 추진전략

        홍석인(Seok-In Hong) 한국식품과학회 2020 식품과학과 산업 Vol.53 No.3

        식품산업과 국내외 환경변화 등에 따라 식품 R&D 추진체계에 대한 변화가 필요한 시점에서 유망 식품산업 육성을 위한 미래지향적 식품 R&D 추진 및 식품산업정책과 연계한 R&D 추진전략을 제안하였다. 국내외 식품산업 동향 및 글로벌 트렌드 분석에 기초하여 미래지향적인 식품산업 성장을 위한 연구개발 분야의 전략적 대응방안을 정리하고, 식품산업 R&D 현황과 개선점을 검토하여 향후 식품산업 R&D 추진방향을 설정하였다. 식품산업 R&D 추진체계를 고도화하기 위해 구체적으로 효율적인 R&D 사업추진을 위한 연구기획체계 강화, 연구수행 주체간의 역할 분담 및 협업 강화, 미래 기술기반 확보, 현안문제 해결 및 산업현장 맞춤형 지원체계 강화, 정책사업 연계 및 식품 R&D 관리시스템 효율화 방안을 제시하였다. The food R&D operating system needs to be changed according to the changes in the food industry as well as the domestic and overseas environments. In this aspect, a future-oriented food R&D operating strategy linked with the governmental policy are proposed to foster the promising food industry. The strategic R&D approaches are summarized on the basis of global mega-trends and food industry trend analysis, and current R&D status and issues are also reviewed to set the R&D operating direction for future food industry. To advance the R&D operating system of the food industry, some practical suggestions are given as follows: strengthening the research planning system for efficient R&D program operation, enhancing the role assignment and collaboration among the R&D organizations, reinforcing the support system tailored to industrial sites and securing the future technology bases as well as resolving present issues, and linking R&D programs with policies and improving the food R&D management system.

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        국민기초생활 보장법상 수급요건으로서 부양의무자기준에 대한 고찰

        홍석한(Hong Seok Han) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2018 法學硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        This paper examines the problems of the eligibility requirements of the current National Basic Living Security Act and looks for desirable improvement measures, focusing on the Obligatory Provider Criteria which refers to the family member s obligation of support before the payment of benefits. the National Basic Living Security Act aims to ensure the minimum level of living for the deprived and help them support themselves by furnishing them with the required benefits. Whereas, according to the Principles for Benefits, the benefits under the Act shall be provided on the premise that the recipients of benefits exert their upmost efforts to maintain and improve their life by making the most of their income, property and their ability to work, etc., and that the benefits serve only as a supplement to such efforts. Moreover, the support by obligatory providers shall prevail over the benefits provided under the Act. However, current Obligatory Provider Criteria easily recognizes the ability of support of the support obligator. Also, The Criteria not only determines whether a person can be a qualified recipient based on the possibility of dependency, rather than an evaluation of whether the person is actually receiving support, but also make it difficult to be acknowledged that the support obligator is either avoiding or refusing support. As a result, the Obligatory Provider Criteria is becoming a major factor preventing many people from being protected by the Act. In other words, due to the Obligatory Provider Criteria, the basic principles of the public assistance has not been realized. Citizens are not guaranteed the minimum level of living in accordance with their specific situations so that the National Basic Living Security Act does not fulfill the principle of universality and individuality. Furthermore, it is difficult to evaluate positively from the point of view of subsidiarity principle, since the Obligatory Provider Criteria does not make reference to whether person in charge of support is indeed supporting. In order to solve the problems, it is necessary to abolish the Obligatory Provider Criteria. However, in view of the financial issues caused by the sudden abolition, gradual easing and exclusion of the Criteria should be preceded. In addition, the efforts should be made to provide an environment in which individuals can take responsibility for their own lives and to prevent the escape of property or early donations or inheritance for fraud.

      • KCI등재

        삼부탕(蔘附湯) 및 구성약물(構成藥物)이 백서(白鼠)의 국소뇌혈류량(局所腦血流量)과 혈압(血壓)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        홍석,강화정,김경선,김경수,전홍열,Hong Seok,Kang Hwa-Jung,Kim Kyung-Seon,Kim Kyung-Su,Jeon Hong-Yeol 대한한의학방제학회 2002 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.10 No.1

        This experimental studies were done to investigate the effects of Sambutang(SBT) and consitituent herbs on the regional cerebral blood flow(rCBF) and mean arterial blood pressure(BP) in rats. The results are as follows: SBT and consitituent herbs(SBT omitting Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens, Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens. Ginseng Radix and Aconiti iateralis preparata Radix) was increased rCBF significantly in a dose-dependent manner. SBT omitting Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens and Ginseng Radix were decreased significantly BP in rats. But, SBT, Aconiti iateralis preparata Radix and Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens were not affected BP in rats. According to the above findings. it is suggested that SBT causes a diverse response of rCBF, and specially the rCBF by increasing SBT is mediated action of Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens.

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        선거운동의 자유와 규제에 관한 헌법적 고찰

        홍석한(Hong, Seok Han) 한국헌법학회 2013 憲法學硏究 Vol.19 No.4

        선거운동의 자유는 헌법상 기본권으로서 민주주의의 실현에서 선거가 갖는 중요성과 선거의 핵심적 목표를 실현하는데 선거운동의 자유가 차지하는 비중 및 기능을 고려할 때 다른 기본권에 비해서도 보다 중요한 기본권으로 보호되어야 한다. 그러나 공직선거법은 선거운동의 주체와 기간을 제한하고, 선거운동의 방법을 매우 포괄적으로 제한 또는 금지함으로써 원칙적 자유와 예외적 제한의 관계마저도 사실상 전도시키고 있다. 이처럼 선거운동의 자유를 과도하게 제한하고 있는 공직선거법 규정들은 오랜 기간에 걸쳐 헌법재판소의 심판을 받아왔지만, 헌법재판소는 매우 소극적인 태도를 유지하면서 선거운동의 자유를 제한하는 입법에 대해 그 합헌성을 확인해주는 결정을 반복하고 있으며, 위헌으로 결정한 예는 극히 드물다. 선거운동의 자유에 관한 입법은 국가기관과 국가기관이 행사하는 권력의 정당성을 근거지우기 위한 선거제도의 중요한 영역이다. 또한 선거운동 규제입법은 선거권, 표현의 자유 등 민주주의의 핵심이 되는 기본권을 제한하는 것이며, 특히 입법자 스스로의 이해관계가 직접 매개된 영역의 입법이다. 이에 입법형성의 자유는 극도로 축소된다고 보아야 하고, 그에 상응하여 헌법재판소가 규범통제에 적극적으로 나서야 할 필요성과 그 정당성이 강조된다. 이에 비하여 헌법재판소는 지나치게 입법자의 판단 내지 국회의 입법형성의 자유에 의존하는 경향을 보이면서 선거운동의 자유를 보장하기 위한 자신의 역할을 충분히 수행하지 못하는 것으로 평가할 수 있고, 이러한 문제는 기본적으로 헌법재판소가 과잉금지원칙과 평등권 침해 및 명확성원칙 위배 여부에 관한 심사기준을 일관적으로 적용하지 않는데서 기인한다고 할 수 있다. 헌법재판소는 선거운동 규제입법에 대한 심사기준을 분명히 정립해야 할 것이며, 최근 중앙선거관리위원회에 의해 선거운동에 대한 규제를 완화하는 내용의 공직선거법 개정의견이 국회에 제출되기도 하였는바, 국회가 선거운동의 자유를 위해 지속적으로 표출되고 있는 국민적 열망에 부응하지 않는다면 헌법재판소는 보다 적극적인 태도를 보임으로써 자신의 소임을 다해야 할 것이다. The freedom of election campaign is one of the constitutional rights. On top of this, considering the importance of the election and the great function of the election campaign to realize democracy, the freedom of election campaign should be guaranteed more than other constitutional rights. However, the Public Officials Election Act excessively limits the subject who can campaign, the runup to an election, and the means of campaign to make the freedom of election campaign to be nominal. Although the Constitutional Court has been conducting the evaluation on the constitutionality of many clauses in the Act, it's been maintaining a very conservative attitude and repeatedly rules that the most regulations limiting the freedom of election campaign are constitutional. The legislation on the freedom of election not only forms a nucleus of the electoral system that is legitimizing the power of the state, but limits the most important constitutional rights for democracy such as the right to vote and the freedom of political expression. Especially, the legislators have a direct stake in the election system. Thus, the freedom of legislative formation of the legislators is very much reduced and correspondingly the Constitutional Court's power to control of norms is relatively expanded. Furthermore, it should be regarded as a responsibility for the Constitutional Court to apply a rule strictly. On the contrary to this, the Constitutional Court tends to emphasize the legislators' freedom of legislative formation on the grounds of the fair election and political reality. so clearly shows a passive attitude in the deciding on the unconstitutionality of the election campaign regulations. This attitude that is much to be deprecated is also caused by wrong and inconsistent standards to apply for the clauses restricting the freedom of election campaign such as the principle of proportion, principle of equality, and principle of clarity. Lately, the National Election Commission submitted to the National Assembly an amendment opinion on the Public Officials Election Act to ease restrictions on election campaign. Despite this, if the National Assembly pay no attention to meet the consitutional spirit of the freedom of election campaign, the Constitutional Court must establish appropriate review standards and also perform it's responsibilities with strict constitutional review.

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