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      • 특집논문 : 『무량수경』 한달번역의 제 문제

        한태식 ( Tae Sik Han ) 동국대학교 전자불전문화콘텐츠연구소 2012 전자불전 Vol.14 No.-

        This article is a critical review on the Korean translation of the Wu liang shou ching. Study on the history of the translation of the Sutra of Limitless Life in several countries and language groups have been done for some comparisons. The review has been focused on the chapter eighteen, Bearing in Ming Ten Times in the Wish of Rebirth in the Next Life. The meanings of the words sin-rak and naeji-simnyeom have been particularly deeply investigated. first, the confusion on the meaning of shin-le(信樂) occurred due to the various meanings contained in the character le. the character leis even read in three ways: ak, rak, yo. In the Sanskrit version of the sutra, the word shin-le corresponds to prasada which means pure belief. prasada means believing with pure mind, wish to believe,or to believe without doubt. The relevant translation might be wish to believe. Second, how to interpret naizhi shinian. The word shinian rneans bearing in mind ten times and there in not so much confusion. However the word zhimeansor or up to, and thus we cannot say that naizhi shinian refers to bearing in mind exactly ten times as ,most translators interpreted. I believe that naizhi shinian should be translated as bearing in mind around ten times. Translation or Buddhist Sutras into Korean requires Keen sense of text reading.

      • KCI등재
      • 람다 엔진의 V6 SULEV System 항목별 효과분석

        정훈(Hoon Jeong),한태식(Tae Sik Han),김영진(Yeong Jin Kim) 한국자동차공학회 2008 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        This paper describes a cold start emission reduction system developed for a V6 Lambda 3.3/3.8 test vehicle in order to meet SULEV emission regulations. The purpose of this research is to evaluate that the system can be used to meet SULEV emission standards without the need for a heavily loaded catalyst. The VCM(Variable Charge Motion) valve has been developed to enable leaner combustion and rapid warm-up of a closed-coupled catalyst in cold condition. The device allows to expand LML and ignition retard limit. For further reduction of exhaust emissions, the Dual CVVT control during cold fast idle period was positively operated to improve combustion stability and reduce NOx emission. In addition, Catalyst Heating control was optimized to shorten the catalyst Light-Off Time. The results show approximately 43%/78% for HC/CO Emission reduction in the first 40s of the engine start-up and catalyst light-off time is less than 20s after engine start.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        애니메이션의 움직임과 근대 기계론 전통의 상관관계 연구

        김탁훈(Kim, Takhoon),한태식(Han, Tae-sik) 한국만화애니메이션학회 2013 만화애니메이션연구 Vol.- No.30

        19세기 말, 영화와 함께 등장한 애니메이션은 모더니즘이라는 예술사적 양식을 자양분으로 삼아 등장한 매체였다. 하지만 애니메이션과 모더니즘의 관계 설정은 주로 애니메이션의 형상들, 즉 그려진 이미지에 집중되어 왔다. 이는 애니메이션과 회화의 관계를 설명하는 것으로부터 기인한 것이었는데, 이 때문에 애니메이션에서의 움직임의 논의는 머이브릿지와 쥘 마레의 연속사진술(chromophotograph)의 전통, 또는 실사영화(live-action film)가 가진 몇 가지의 특질 속에서만 이해하였다. 그러나 애니메이션의 움직임은 기본적으로 영화나 포토그램의 지표기호적 양식(indexical style)과는 거리가 멀었으며, 재현의 대상도 달랐다. 애니메이션이 재현하는 움직임은 일상적인 움직임이 아닌, 추상화 되거나 압축된 움직임의 표현이자, 상당히 체계화된 움직임이다. 때문이 이러한 움직임은 실사영화의 포토그램적 재현과는 거리가 있다. 오히려 애니메이션에서 재현하는 움직임의 논리는 신체를 각 부분을 분할한 후, 그것들의 가동범위와 시간, 거리 등으로 통제하는 것에 가깝다. 이것은 인간 신체를 교환가능한 기계로 구성하고 파악하려 하였던 ― 데카르트와 라메트리로 대표되는 ― 근대 기계론의 입장으로 귀결된다. 근대사회로부터 산업사회, 그리고 모더니즘의 시기에 까지 이르는 근대 기계론의 기획은 자연으로서의 움직임이 아닌, 자연 법칙으로서의 움직임으로 파악하면서 효율적인 움직임의 구성이라는 근대 산업사회의 신체 움직임 분석에 까지 이르게된 것이다. 19세기 말, 테일러(Taylor, F. W.)와 길브레스(Gilbreth, Frank Bunker)의 노동자 작업 시간 연구와 ‘동작연구’(motion study)는 기계-인간의 틀을 구성하는 근대적 방식이었는데, 이는 근대 기계론의 전통이 산업사회를 지나 모더니즘 전반에 영향을 끼쳤음을 알 수 있다. 더 나아가 이들이 진행한 동작연구들은 이후 애니메이션이 ‘타이밍’이라는 이름으로 연구하였던 행동분석(action analysis)과 거의 유사한 특성을 가지고 있음을 알 수 있다. Animation which appeared with films in the late 19th century was a medium which came on obtaining nourishment from art historical style of modernism. However, the relation establishment between animation and modernism has been focused mainly on animation shapes, namely painted images. This sprang from explaining the relationship between animation and paintings, and for this reason, discussions of movements in animation were understood in tradition of chromophotograph of Muybridge and Jules Marey, or some characteristics owned by the live-action film. However, movements of animation were essentially different from the indexical sign of films or photogram, and objects of reproduction were different between them. Movements reproduced by animation are not ordinary movements, but expressions of abstract or compressed movements and considerably systematic movements. As a result, these movements are far from reproduction of live-action film photogram. Rather, the logic of movements reproduced by animation comes near to controlling their motion scopes, time, distance etc. after dividing each part of the body. This is concluded in a standpoint of modern mechanism which is represented by Descartes and La Mettrie who tried to understand human body as a exchangeable machine. Design of modern mechanism ranging from modern society to industrial society and the age of modernism came to lead to analysis of physical motions of modern industrial society called composition of efficient movements understanding them as the law of nature rather than movements as nature. In the late 19th century, Taylor, F. W. and Gilbreth, Frank Bunker"s studies of workers" working hours and ‘motion study" were a way of constituting the frame of machine-human, which indicates that tradition of modern mechanism affected the entire modernism passing through industrial society. Further, we can see that motion studies conducted by them have almost similar characteristics to action analysis to study animation later in the name of ‘timing’.

      • 터보 차져 적용 차량의 발진 가속 해석

        강재훈(Jae Hoon Kang),서현철(Hyun Chul Seo),김광연(Kwang Yun Kim),한태식(Tae Sik Han) 한국자동차공학회 2008 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        (1) TCI 엔진 적용 차량의 경우 터보랙 현상으로 인한 응답 지연으로 발진 가속 검토에 어려움이 있었으나 Simulation Model을 개발함으로써 정확하게 검토할 수 있는 방법을 제시하였다. (2) 모델은 토크의 증분이 터보차저 회전 속도증분에 비례하고 결과적으로 엔진 파워에 비례하고 터보차적 회전관성모멘트에 반비례하는 관계식을 바탕으로 하고 있다. (3) 실제 차량의 발진 가속 시 가속도, 엔진 rpm, IMEP 측정 결과와 모델을 이용한 Simulation 결과를 비교하여 모델의 유효성을 검증하였다. (4) 발진가속 시간 예측, 토크컨버터 사양 검토 등 모델의 실 적용예를 제시하였으며 향후에도 해석을 통하여 T-car, Proto 시험/개발을 최소화하고 각 부품의 사양을 조기에 확정하는데 많은 도움이 될 것이다. There has been being problem related to delayed response of TCI engine while standing start. But it was difficult to predict or analyze standing start performance because there is not reasonable analyzing tool. Turbo-lag simulation model was developed and adopted to CRUISE. This model was verified by comparing to test results and several application examples are presented.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • 頌歌에 나타난 元曉思想

        韓泰植 東國大學校 1994 東國論叢 Vol.33 No.-

        Wonhyo(617-686, C.E.) wrote many books and Ga­tha­s, and left various stories throughout his life. Therefore, we are able to do research on Wonhyo from various perspectives. Wonhyo was not a merely Buddhist scholar but hs was an ideal Bodhisattva of Korea who practiced Maha­ya­na path seriously for saving sentient beings through the popularization of Buddhism. The present study attempts to analyze systematically on the thought of Wonhyo based on his Ga­tha­s which are transmitted in many forms separately. Even there are several modern researches on Wonhyo's Ga­tha­s, these works have emphasized only literary aspect of the Ga­tha­s. They remiss a philosophical dimension of the Gathas. Wonhyo's Ga­tha­s are existing in several forms: (a) as containing in his writings, (b) as containing in other person's writings as quotations, (c) as containing in the popular songs and narrations found in the biography of Wonhyo. The Ga­tha­s of Wonhyo can be classified into three types as follows: (a) the Ga­tha­s which present Wonhyo's main thought. (b) the Ga­tha­s which summarized Wonhyo's specific writings, (c) the Ga­tha­s which are written in order to enlighten people. but this paper will focuses on a philosophical aspect of the Ga­tha­s, not a typical studies. I analyze several portions of the Ga­tha­s, i.e., "Song of Parinama(Merit-transference)". "Song of Enlightenment", and "Song of Realization on Amita-nature" which are supposed to be in Wonhyo's lost writings or existent books. In addition to the above Ga­tha­s. Wonhyo's other poems such as "Song of Realization of Original Nature". "Song of Non obstruction". "Invocation of Memorial Service". and "Dharma-Desana Ga­tha­s". are observed. In the process of the present research, I have encountered difficulty of getting materials and the problem of authorship of the Ga­tha­s. But this paper, I believe, will show the possibility of discovering new dimension of Wonhyo' thought. I argue that the main thought of Wonhyo presented in his Ga­tha­s is to practice the Way of Maha­ya­na Bodhisattva which was Wonhyo's ultimate concern and purpose. wonhyo's specific thoughts in hte Ga­tha­s are seen as follows: (1) In "The song of Enlightenment". I find the Ta­tha­ga­tha­-Ga­rbha thought as Wonhyo's central philosophy. (2) "The song of Merit-transference" presents Buddhist thought of Vow(pranidhana) in general. (3) "The Songs Parinama" in the several writings of Wonhyo such as the 『Kumkangsamaekyungron』, the 『Pabiryangron』, and the 『Posalgyebonchibumyoki』which represent the Tripitaka respectably, i.e., su­tra, vinaya, and sa­stra, show Wonhyo's view of the Tripitaka. And they also present the propose and direction of the Boddhisativa's vows(paranidhana) of Maha­ya­na. (4) "The song of Realization of Amita-nature" shows that Wonhyo's purpose of Bodhisattva path points out the Pure-Land in the West. Wonhyo's Methods of popularzation of Buddhism are based on this Pure Land Faith. (5) "The Song of Non-obstruction" is said the finest Ga­tha­ of Wonhyo. It presents his will to teach and to enlighten people. Before writing this song. Wonhyo wrote the "Song of Broad-ax" in which he declares the practice of Maha­ya­na way of non-obstruction. (6) However, so called the Declaration of Wonhyo Buddhism is found in the "song of Dharma-Desana" which was written after the 『Kunkangsamaekyungron』. At that time, as it is said no Buddhist raised questions about his position. (7) There is a different textual view on the "Song of Realization of Original Nature". It is claimed that "the Song of Realization of Amita-nature" is the same Ga­tha­ as "the Song of Realization of Original nature". But I argue those two Ga­tha­s are formatted from different contexts and backgrounds. However, the two Ga­tha­s are both contained in the "Song of non-obstruction". This issue needs to be reexamined further. In sum, an intention of all the Ga­tha­s of Wonhyo is to enlighten people and to practice Maha­ya­na Bodhisattva ideals. Also the Ga­tha­s show that Wonhyo was a true Bodhisattva who actually practiced Maha­ya­na way.

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